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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • dbcooper
    Free Member

    I’m a landlady, we make the tenants sign an incoming form with meter readings and take pics. You can only be held liabel for the bills due from your tenancy so you have nothing to worry about.
    I would add that the previous bills company will almost definitly eff this up royally, so be prepared for getting crap incorrct bills until they work it out. I would also advise do everything in writing. What you say or they say on the phone is much harder to back up..

    Free Member

    If Jordan hung 2 people this morning, that is equally as reprehensible as what IS just did.

    This ^^

    They could have taken them to the gallows and then relented and made a statement about not sinking to ISIS level. Bad mistake I think.

    Free Member

    I know someone who got caught flytipping because they left their mail in with the rubbish. Good.
    You should have called the council, it’s still illegal even if it’s on private land.

    Free Member

    My car rolled downhill one morning into my neighbours car. Insurance co said its common accident, and normally happens in the morning. I keep the kar in gear on hills now as I am terrified that someone could have been hurt.

    Free Member

    Might not be boiler leaking, might be pipework?

    Free Member

    We have just stayed in the Bloomsbury Mercure, 10 mins walk from Aldwych where all the theatres are. It was pretty good, not amazing but not dissapointing.

    Free Member

    We found that its most effective to bleed them all twice and then it doesn’t matter which way round. Anyway there will always be one or two that have some wierd kinks in the pipe run to confound the whole thing..

    Free Member

    We have a low grade asbestos roof, about to get it replaced, the roofers will all be dressed in PPE, but what about us in the house?

    Free Member

    trail rat, I’m not used to this, thanks.

    Free Member

    This ^^ is all poorly informed bollocks.

    When ‘investments’ like BTL become fashionable amongst the general public and gain an aura of ‘you can’t lose’, it’s usually the time the wise get out…

    The general public became fully aware of BTL in about 2004 (or earlier). So it’s been too late by that mantra for a long time. In actual fact there are lots of niches where BTL still works well. As has always been the case.
    It pays to study and understand your local market.

    All those people who have used a BTL as a pension will be selling at some point in order to realise the cash they’re going to live off:
    a) they’re assuming house prices will continue to rise until that point
    b) they’re assuming they won’t be selling in the middle of a bust
    c) they’re assuming government can continue to boost the market – if governments were that in control of the market, why did they let the 2008 bust happen?

    Or not, as in reality keeping the BTL to live off the income is the reason you have it as a pension, only a few idiots buy BTLs expecting a value increase over a rental income. If you sell the BTL you need a good stable returning investment vehicle to create an income, errr that would be the BTL you just sold. I know lots of V old pensioner landlords whose kids are helping mum and dad manage their props to provide them with a decent retirement income.
    So not many btl’s will get put on the market, not many btl owners will be affected by any nebulous price drop, and the last statement about the govt controlling the market, but not controlling the market is as ludicrous as it is self contradictory.

    BTL will be interesting when the eventual house price crash comes which it will at some point (if it’s not already started in London – yields are on the floor and even vested interest estate agents are forecasting a stagnant market/price drops).
    If prices drop and yields are so low that there’s no ‘business’ model then it’s highly likely you’ll see a load of BTLs being sold in a panic – which will change the balance of supply and demand and you’ll see more drops and away we go…

    Aside from not knowing what makes you think you can predict the market, the effect of any price drop in purchase values may not have the effect you think.
    For starters if BTLers get out then its likely lots of residential buyers will step in, which could drive a price boom. Secondly most BTLers are in it for the long term and actual house value is irrelevant if they bought before any price fluctuation they will not sell just because of declining asset value.
    Rents tend to be much more stable than house prices, they lag behind house price increases, and generally hold when there are falls.

    Free Member

    I reckon if youa re smart enough to know what the bike needs so that you can tell the guy to do it, you ought to be smart enough to do it yerself.

    Free Member

    Dash 8 turboprops taxi on one engine.

    Free Member

    MrSmith, see that article you linked to there. As I landlord I applaud this approach by HMRC. Landlords who don’t pay the correct taxes are also the landlords who don’t adhere to the licensing laws and numerous other crimes which give the rest of us a bad name. Hopefully this will shake some of the bad ones out and make things better for tenants and landlords alike. Having to pay the correct taxes is nothing to be scared of in terms of making your choice to become a landlord or not.

    Free Member

    I don’t mind what they say, as long they stay in the classifieds…

    Free Member

    Well sometimes it’s better to be nice than right

    Free Member

    [arsehole]Who cares its flat and swampy there anyway..[/arsehole]

    Free Member

    I would also have said sunday evening, 6-7pm, but I have not sold anything for ages so it may have changed.
    I was very wedded to the idea of sun evenings, and have kind of proved it by having lots of the same thing to sell and running a fair few auctions at different times just to find out. Put it this way – finishing at midnight on wednesday is not a good idea..

    Free Member

    To be honest it does not look like njee is the one getting his knickers in atwist. His posts read as honest not vitriolic.

    I think we all get fed up with covert bumping of sales, it is hard to discern whats chat and whats bumping. This looks like bumping to be honest.

    Free Member

    Get on eBay with a 99p start price, it’ll find its value.

    This ^. Ebay is the great leveller.
    If it was worth £300 it would have sold.

    Free Member

    I think, unfortunatly at £300 its too much. Maybe 150-200?
    But with pics you will get a better response.
    EBC have a very similar bike on sale for £290 and the 2015 model when it comes out will be £399.

    Free Member

    I give money to beggars when I can.
    I wouldn’t give money to shelter, they have a self serving agenda to make things look they way they want them to, so that they can perpetuate giving to their charity which pays the salaries of a good percentage of the workforce.
    I can’t think of a solution, but I don’t think I am in a position to moralise to people on the street about how I want to give money to them but know better than them, so will give it to a charity.
    I’m a confirmed atheist but I do believe in love they neighbour, and do unto others etc.

    Free Member

    Its not a bad idea, in summer after my car was sat for a while the screen wash went stinky, smelt of eggs every time I washed the screen until I’d been through a whole wash bottle.

    Free Member

    mikey74 is correct, but that wont stop him from being left on his own in a car park, muttering to himself whilst everyone else cycles off into the distance having a great waste of time.

    Free Member

    MY OH is a bit of a wiz in this[/url], but he reckons you could get a reasonable estimate with hand calcs.
    If you can’t estimate it with hand calcs any simulation you do will just be pissing in the wind. :lol:

    Free Member

    Um this is Madeira, it looks a bit shit.
    Wild horses wouldn’t drag me to what appears to be a flat uninspiring dump..

    Free Member

    Gah it’s done it again. Left the page open, then 20 mins later got an email saying “complete your order”. So for the sake of science I clicked on it, and guess what, logged out, with empty basket.
    I have long hated the new crc format and always thought it was down to one over zealous web-coding type, it seems this person has surpassed themself now by creating features to activley piss me off.

    Free Member

    I’m with Tanya too, the invoicer deserves a national point and giggle, what a total idiot.

    Free Member

    Done that. Makes no difference.

    Free Member

    Blimey they are all cheap. I am in love with the Spank Spike 35mm long. Got two of them. V short, v stiff. But 53 quid.. I got it cheaper, can’t remember how.

    Free Member

    well it has been a few hrs and I’ve heard nothing…

    Free Member

    Pretty much my rules as well though I’ll go to 3c if the roads are dry.

    Only reason is ice. As I am just recovering from a 32mph stack on a large sheet of ice on a 3c day I’d say it’s not worth the risk.

    This is exactly my reasoning, commuting on icy roads with mentalist car drivers is bonkers. So less than 3 or 4 degress is risk of ice.

    Free Member

    I’ve just cancelled with them, hoping they call back…

    Free Member

    Binned it on icy corner – am sore :/

    This why I drove. I have a set of rules.

    must be >4degrees
    and <10knots wind

    otherwise I drive…

    Free Member

    linky can’t find

    Free Member

    Well I just looked at the vdeo on live leak and its clear that there is no getaway driver in the car, one of the gunmen gets in the drivers seat and the otherone gets in the passenger seat.
    I guess someone could have been in the back seat but I understand in the heat of the moment the cops get their facts wrong. I expect there was no third person.

    Free Member

    I thinks that is just a loose shoe that fell out as I recall in the original video that one of the guys picked it up and threw it back in the car when they got back to the car and ready to leave.

    DOH Thats so bloody obvious now!

    Free Member

    OK at the top of this page there is a picture of the car. 2 men either side of it and a leg and head of a third person protuding from the car.

    Free Member

    Hmm its a good question.

    Suggests that this lad handed himself in, but has been released without charge. So what about the no 3 then if this chap isn’t him?

    Possibly they were mistaken, and that there was not a third man.
    What evidence is there if a third man?

    I’m sure there is a rational explanation.

    Free Member

    TBh I don’t even think its worth that.
    Given that this 2010 that went for £500

    Free Member

    Scapegoat, thanks, great. Links?

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