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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • dbcooper
    Free Member

    Blatant use of sexist language there. Foul!

    Thats bollocks I dont care about that. I am just pointing out that it is not particulalry welcoming here (with exceptions) and some people are quite sexist.

    Free Member

    Having a husband is no indication of gender.

    Fair enough. As I said I do not or did not exepct anyone including you to know. Except the suspiscions I had about those who posted oblique genderist references.

    Free Member

    So, if you think I’ve treated you any differently because of your gender (or if you believe that I would if I had known, even) then you are very much mistaken.

    Not at all, I did not expect you to know my gender. Women bikers I know find this a distasteful place to be. I had so far managed to get by on here without having to worry about it. When surrounded by hills mentioned chamomile on page 1, I pulled him up on it and left it that. My comment about gender was general, I did not expect many of you to know, although I suspect that SBH did know when he posted. The point was that much of general behaviour here is off putting for the other sex.

    Free Member

    No one had any idea you were a woman until you mentioned it about 3 minutes ago. The only person who thinks your sex is somehow relevant to any of this is you.

    I have had many interactions on this forum where my gender has not been relavent, but I have mentioned it or inferred it by referring to my husband many times. I am sure that many user are aware of that. Just because you are not aware of that doesn’t give you an excuse to be rude whatever the gender.
    The issue of gender is that we are less tolerant of what you think is banter, and more women would come here if you were not so.
    And what does

    And there we have it.


    Free Member

    Do you think that your dramatic episodes are more or less likely to deter women than those comments you mention?

    Its hardly dramatic is it. Is just a load of sad men being rather rude to a naive idiot of a woman who wishes she had never bothered.

    Free Member

    Rorschach – Member
    You know there are very few women on this forum

    Well at least you are balancing it out with oestrogen.

    I should hope so, I am not male. Whats your point?

    Free Member

    You know there are very few women on this forum (that I can detect). Is it any wonder why? With the general contempt from mods, people making snidey references to “chamomile tea” and mumsnet. How dissapointing.

    Free Member

    You’re wrong to expect volunteers to ask “how high” just because you say “jump.”

    I did not expect nor ask for this. I just expected fantasized if anyone was bothered to answer that they might be civil. You are now making stuff up to justify your rudeness.

    As someone up there reasonably said, you or drac could have said please email the tech guys instead of taking valuable mod time to try and belittle me.

    Free Member

    TBH you have misunderstood me. I’m not het up about the lag timer issue. I asked a question, a reasonable answer would have sufficed. I’m a bit taken a back by the contemptuous response thats all. For something that seems to be a non issue that there is little time to solve, the mods are happy to put lots of effort in to telling me why I am wrong to ask.

    RE the premier issue. I’m a bit new here,only a year or so I think, and I didn’t post that much. I started posting a lot more recently and thought I should give something back. I am a helpful person, many of my posts have been giving information and many asking for help. I always thank those who ahve helped me. Nevertheless I felt that a subscription might not be a bad idea. But if you get treated with contemept you think twice before handing your cash over. Yes it might seem petulant, maybe it is. But would you part with your hard earned cash if someone pissed you off?
    Cougar – as a mod you are pretty rude you should wind it in.

    Free Member

    I didn’t ask for it to be removed.

    Free Member

    should you require to be told “no” by the people who would actually be involved in making that decision rather than those who are just providing explanations and opinions.

    Jeebus! More contempt. Thanks. Please accept my apologies for asking a question. :cry:

    Free Member

    Not in a mood, just mild irritation at being treated with contempt.

    Free Member

    I hadn’t considered it I reenforced why it exists.

    Which reinforces my translation.

    Free Member

    Oh get over yourself. The translation is that it’s there for a good reason which is critical to the stability of the forum and thus far more important than one person’s impatience, and we’ve “addressed user concerns” by explaining this to you.

    What bollocks. I said at the beginning that

    I appreciate its an anti robot thing, but do you guys think you could reduce the delay time?

    What I got from drac was dissaproval and sarcasm. S/He could have said, “the timer has been proven to be excatly the right time to be fast enough for the user experience but slow enough to prevent the bots, we can’t do anything about it sorry”. IE proving that he had considered it. But instead I got an electronic Eff U.

    Free Member

    For that reason alone I can’t see it being removed.

    I said

    but do you guys think you could reduce the delay time?

    and you could do that yourselves if you so desired

    Is that not what I did?

    Free Member

    The timer exists to stop spam bot and members overloading the forum. You only have to wait a short while before you can rush out that vital lol.

    Translation=Get stuffed I can’t be arsed to address user concerns. I weas considering paying for premier, not so sure now.

    Free Member

    Why are you in such a hurry that you need so may tabs open and feel the need to respond to each one?

    Just have a break from work so have a quick browse and then bash a few replies out.

    Anyway look it’s not a major problem, sometimes you type fast, sometimes you don’t. I am not sure why my personal morals come in to this. I just want to be able to reply at the pace that suits me. Your timer makes that lag sometimes, which is annoying and boring, you have the power to change that, is it too much to ask?

    Re posting history – I have replied since so it wipes the time difference.
    But there was a history on the hubs, this, and vice threads which was all around the same time.

    Free Member

    I did, but that stopped the keyboard from working at all. (Unless that was an oblique reference to having the painters in?)

    Free Member

    yes whatever peter, its just to do with how fast you type/think.

    Free Member

    Drac whats the issue with that?
    Josh yeah Of course.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    That multi vice looks nice.

    Free Member

    Nope plenty of stuff on display.

    Free Member

    I had wheels built by the Spokesman in Devon
    He uses novatec hubs and rates them. Mark is the best wheel builder ever.

    Free Member

    I don’t want to upset anyone, but new vices are really rather good. Better machining tolerances, better quality materials and probably not worn out. And not that expensive.

    I reckon one one is a good bet at £70.

    Free Member

    My little Nukproof Mega Tr. 130 travel on the rear 150-160 fork on the front. Pops off everything like a hardtail, soaks up rock gardens like a Dh bike. Its a great climber and a bit of a hooligan.
    Frame deals here.
    Complete bikes here.

    Free Member

    I have very wide feet, 6 long but often need an 8 for width. Spesh Tahoe size 40 fit me perfectly.

    Free Member

    I love that jumper. Looks warm.

    Free Member

    Also I have a 40mm Thompson x4 stem in 1.5″ in v good nick if anyone is interested.
    Unfortunalty I am away from home until friday so no pics until then.

    Free Member

    PS I can tell you that a 385mm lev integra does not go all the way into the seat tube, there is about 12mm sticking out, I raised it another couple of mmm to suit my height but there is no chance of full insertion. Oooer.

    Free Member

    That 15% off rahox still doesn’t make them cheap.

    Free Member

    Legally you do not have to refund. What you choose to do then is down to your own conscience, only you can decide. No amount of supportive talk on here will make you feel better if you have a shred of doubt as to whcih way to go.

    Free Member

    Mech hanger. I feel uncomfortable rding without a spare, is this it?

    Edit yes it is from the cannondale manual here.

    Free Member

    richc thanks, had not heard of openreach. Got in touch with them and they pointed me at this form on their website.

    Free Member

    Ahh OK 03 is the same as OLD then?

    Free Member

    The spec on the Trigger 4 says ISCG 03 – wtf? Never heard of it, will ISCG 05 fit?

    Free Member

    Don’t worry he won’t be doing anything..
    Isn’t there an official way of solving this?

    Free Member

    I started this thread to prevent my OH from doing exactly that…
    He seems utterly unconcerned about it.

    Free Member

    OK this is getting boring now so I am going to say what I’ve been thinking from the beginning and I am sure others have too:
    I’m sorry but the post above and the OP’s post make me think some people are either mad or making things up. Steve-g I had exactly this where the bank decided to withdraw my overdraft. BUT there is not and never was a barrier of any kind to me paying it off before. Just dump the money you owe in the offending overdraft account and bobs yer uncle.
    An overdraft is a flexible credit facility, so you do not need any kind of procedure to pay it off. You either withdraw too much money and you go overdrawn, or you just spend less. i accept that it may be in a different account, even in a different bankl from the one you use now, in which case just do the things advised on here to easily pay it off.

    The weird waffle around the bank making it difficult for you to pay it off just makes me think the OP and steve-g above have never had an overdraft, otherwise they would know exactly what an overdraft is. (I just cannot believe that they are both so thick as to not understand how it works otherwise.)

    Free Member

    There was no legitimate public interest

    I cannot help but think that somewhere in the midst of tiem the establishment has lost its way in the meaning of this phrase.

    The legal system talk about “in the public interest” meaning its for the good of the public to find out about somethng or to prosecute some case. The papers take it to mean – will enough people be “interested” – the answer to which is, if it’s lurid enough then yes. And somehow the two have crossed over. I call for a redefenition..

    In Guardian Newspapers Ltd and Heather Brooke v the Information
    Commissioner and the British Broadcasting Corporation
    (EA/2006/0011 and 0013, 8 January 2007) the Information Tribunal
    said at paragraph 34:
    “Mr Wells also exhibited to his statement a long list of
    press articles relating to the affair. Lord Wilberforce said in
    British Steel Corp v Granada Television Ltd [1981] AC 1096
    at 1168: “There is a wide difference between what is
    interesting to the public and what it is in the public interest
    to make known”. We did not find that the list of articles
    assisted us, since in the selection no distinction was made
    between matters which were in the interests of the public
    The public interest test
    Version 2
    to know and matters which were merely interesting to the
    public (ie, which the public would like to know about, and
    which sell newspapers, but which under s 2(2) are not

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