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  • Bespoked Manchester Early Bird Tickets On Sale Now!
  • dazzlingboy
    Full Member

    Aw balls. Your thoughts are the same as mine Don S. I hardly ever watch telly hence I thought 19 was plenty big but I know Mrs DB will have other thoughts when she gets home.

    I agree that tellies that are too big are a threat to civilisation as we know it, hence erring on the side of caution and going small!

    Full Member

    POETS day?? :?:

    Full Member

    IMBA – good to hear this is being considered. Some kind of formal trails more or less in the city center is surely a great idea and fairly unique in the UK afaik.

    Full Member

    Sounds like good advice Stumpy – think I’m with you. I’ve also had a problem with lighter weight knee pads falling down/moving, so tend to stay away from knee/shin combos, so will try the ones you suggest. On motorbike, I wear either Asterix or Thor Force but wouldn’t want to pedal in them! So those 661s look ideal if they offer decent protection and stay put.

    What exact model are those 661s??

    Full Member

    lol – Windy Miller! :D

    Full Member

    I’ve ridden a lot of motorbike off road – Sahara and the Alps – I’m not talking about jeying about on greenlanes – and offroad at 70mph+ on a 200kg bike I definitely wear full face and full armour – obviously. I just cannot imagine wearing full face and a suit in the heat on a bike. Guess I need to reset my expectations here as this is my first MTB trip to the Alps since 1997 and things were a bit different back then.

    I suspect a knee/shin/elbow and Xen combo with some kind of lightweight back protector would be the most I’d want to wear but interesting to hear the feedback from those who’ve been and done.

    More CRC expenditure for me then!!

    Full Member

    West cost riding for me – Glen Kinglass or Kinlochleven or something. Leaving work early and hitting the road. Just praying this weather continues!!

    Full Member

    Strangely was thinking of asking the exact same question. I have a pressure suit I wear off road motorbiking, but have never felt the need to wear it on a bike. 2 weeks in Les Gets – am I going to need it? Not interested in super full on DH, more the normal uplift type trails. Elbow and knee pads OK, but a full suit sounds miserable in the heat of summer.

    Am I going to need a full face? Strikes me as overkill unless going for big DH actions.

    Sorry mol for threadjack, but same questions.

    Full Member

    Maybe just me, but I switch over the second I catch sight of it – can’t stand it.

    And that’s from an Irishman who lives in Scotland.

    Full Member

    do do do do do, dudu do do do do – Peppa Pig!

    Full Member

    Lynskey Ridgeline LT – the clue is in the name – LT=Long Travel.

    Full Member

    Some of the signs at Blackford Hill (where I regularly walk the dogs) still say no cycling. Other, newer signs state that responsible cycling permitted.

    I got in a bit of bother some time ago for biking on Blackford as it was certainly banned under local bylaws at the time.

    Full Member

    662 titanium ring here. Looks like new. Got it from Canada Titanium rings. Not sure if they still do 6/6/2 – maybe 6/4 is the toughest they do nowadays. Must say, I wouldn’t want to have to cut it in a hurry. I can stand on it and it doesn’t deform one iota.

    Edit – I see these guys sell 6/6/2 rings Linky

    Full Member

    a bike to get you to WC level is going to cost you £5k+

    Sailing? XC biking? Shooting (decent gun £5k +++)? Olympic standard rowing boat? And how much do you think a bobsleigh costs!!

    I suspect the cost of the training is probably 90% of the cost – the kit is obviously expensive but becoming an Olympic competitor and the years of training must cost a huge amount.

    With DH you just see them fly by for 0.01s

    Unlike downhill skiing? Or sailing where they are a mile or more offshore?

    Full Member

    Righty – is yours the new one as per my link, or the older one? If the newer one, I’m interested. Mail me on profile (if not already sold to flatfish!)

    Full Member

    it makes sense to have this fitted to every car

    Not every car, but fairly common in the US iirc. Insurance companies will lower premiums if you agree to have it fitted.

    Full Member

    Janet’s Brae is OK going from Peebles to Glentress as you get a decent descent out of it, but the other direction not so good

    Exact opposite surely? :?

    Full Member

    I’ve shown interest in about 4 sets of brakes in the for sale section in the past few days, and not got a reply from any of the

    +1 on 3 Joplin posts. No replies at all so don’t know if sold or not. Bought one on ebay – need a better system here to save frustrated buyers and maximise returns for sellers. I’ve bought and sold a fair bit on here but could be better for all the reasons already mentioned.

    Full Member

    Dunno your budget, but you want need a Nicolai Helius AM.

    The clue is in the title of your post – All Mountain.

    Full Member

    I prefer Innerleithen to GT in that area.

    I prefer Kirroughtree to both.

    Each to their own, eh?

    +1, but Glentress has the great ability to mix and match routes which Inners doesn’t really – once you’re on the red then you’re committed, unless of course you break out the map and head off piste. Glentress can be made into a huge epic or the best of routes can be combined to make a great whole. Looking forward to the new blue route section too.

    Full Member

    Would love a copy of this to see what all the fuss is about. Tried the old skool calorie controlled diet last autumn and managed to shift 2 stone over about 4 months but have plateaued a bit and want to lose another stone (yes, I was a FB).

    Have sent you an email iDave to the address in your profile.

    Many thanks!

    Full Member

    +1 for Magura. I have a Specialized one too and while it works ok, it give wildly varying pressure readings. It has the advantage of doing both tyres and shock though so handy on the trail.

    Full Member

    Only one mention of Joey so far?

    Full Member

    mmmm percy pigs for me.

    Full Member

    Thanks Trekster – all good advice – you’ve clearly been down this path and know it well!! My daughter is only 4 so a while away from taking her and her mates on bike trips but it will come soon enough.

    Just thinking back to my own days (not THAT long ago) in the scouts/BB when fathers who knew what they were doing frequently took groups away camping/canoeing etc etc. Clearly things are much tighter nowadays but I hope to be able to bring something to these kind of organisations in the future. Difficulty is that I have no connection with schools or other youth groups in the area just now but will once the wee one is big enough.

    One of the main reasons also is just for my own “personal development” (yeah I know) but I like to be “doing something” outside of work that has an identifiable end goal. Did an NVQ in Indian cuisine a couple of years ago and can make a pretty good curry!

    Full Member

    Would also be on for a Nicolai meet – keep the details posted as/when/if it comes together.

    Full Member

    Tis a thing of great beauty! Had my CC round Kirroughtree yesterday – just love that bike – enjoy it!

    Full Member

    +1 for Paragon Tapes. They also do a nice matte tape which is good on matte bikes such as anodised. This stuff is mega tough but is also a lot thinner than regular helitape which makes it a lot easier to put on especially tricky nooks and corners. I also find it much stickier than the regular stuff.

    Full Member

    They are the business for sure. Gutted that the clocks go forward in 3 weeks! :wink:

    Full Member

    Already posted! Must spend more time on here!!

    Full Member

    I’m sure I’ve seen this before somewhere.

    Full Member

    Don’t waste as much time on forums (fora?) as some then eh?!

    Just noticed that the guy rode it in a pinstripe suit for some reason.

    Full Member

    +1 with the OP. I’m seriously p1ssed off about the thin end of the wedge for our otherwise excellent access laws, but I agree this ban was necessary. I have a house on the west coast and drive along the shores of Loch Lubnaig most Friday nights – this needs clamped down on too.

    +1 for druidh – amend the law to ban camping near a public road except in a campsite or your own garden and problem solved more or less immediately.

    Full Member

    “Swedish Postal system better than UK Postal system” shocker!

    Full Member

    +1 for the Nicolai Helius CC. I picked a frame up from ebay 6 months ago for £550 although they are rarer than hen’s teeth. Awesome do it all bike.

    Full Member

    No retina display = dealbreaker for me.

    I have an ipad 1 already and the “upgrades” just don’t justify it for me. It will do exactly the same only take photos. Faster processor? Meh – can’t say I noticed my ipad 1 being terribly slow tbh. Lighter? Meh – I keep mine in an Otterbox defender case – it’s about an inch thick so not really bothered about the whole thickness thing.

    If it had a much improved screen resolution then that would be a different story.

    Full Member

    Movie follows the book quite closely. In fact the movie will make a lot more sense if you’ve read the book beforehand. Little things like when he watches planes overhead – a small bit in the movie that most people will not notice, but he describes the feelings etc in the book in more depth.

    Full Member

    Just signed up to get the TCL/MBLA.

    Don’t need it from a work point of view – purely for my own interest – and not sure it will add anything to my technical cycling ability, but I like having something to work towards and looking ahead I thought that when my daughter is a bit older (she’s 3 now) I’d like to be able to help out with school/scouts etc and take some kids out – nowadays of course 20 years of experience on bikes and hills means nowt without a bit of paper to prove it!

    It all feels very “establishment” (BCU membership etc etc) but I’m looking forward to it. Despite loads of outdoor experience of all kinds, I have no “qualification” and I think this will give some kind of indication to others especially kids/parents that I know what I’m doing.

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear all that – a lot to deal with all at once. Stick together as a family and let your son know that although things are all over the place and chaotic, your family is as strong as always and you will all pull through. If he is reassured and confident that the adults are dealing with the situation then that will be a weight off your mind so you can concentrate on your mum.

    All the best.

    Full Member

    Nice one! Did a very similar job myself with exactly the same frame (in anodised silver) and bits of old bikes – apart from the frame I spent exactly £30 on a headset – and it absolutely rocks. New it would be over £3500 but even as a bike built out of spare bits it is my probably my favourite – including over my AM. I keep wondering how good it would be built up with good gear rather than bin ends – maybe one day!!

    Just love Nicolai bikes!

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