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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • davieg
    Free Member

    Shame, a quick call would have sorted this in the first place, or a second call or message apologising for the non-show.

    I would like to think that the invoice was sent “making a point”, and not to be taken seriously, but the no-manners absentees dad has taken the huff rather than apologise, and had her hung by the court of public opinion.

    Free Member

    Thanks Dunmail, I shall check out Obelisk and Birch. I can spin for short periods but just need to train myself out of mashing a bigger or harder gear, so i can survive longer rides on the road.

    I could run TR on my phone, but I like the horizontal bar. It would be nice to lock it in place so you can have Media Player, Iplayer etc running in their full screen.

    Free Member

    Daft question maybe, but is there a simple way to get Trainer Road to sit on top of Windows Media Player when the latter is set to Full-screen? Obviously I set TR to sit on top and have it displayed horizontally, but if I maximise Media Player, I lose TR and when I toggle back to see TR, I lose Media Player in Full-screen.

    Started TR in Dec with Sweet Spot Base Low Vol 1, but a cold kept me back a little. Now back on it and enjoying it. I am consistently ahead of my target power for now, so maybe I have carried over a little more base from spinning and night riding than I thought. I am also learning how to spin properly and be in the correct gear to maintain a decent RPM. I seem to happily spin at 80-90 RPm but have to be in a really low gear to spin 100 RPM.

    Free Member

    What cb and Hora said. A couple of funny moments that are not carried by the threadbare plot. A shame really as the 1st film was so good and and fitting end to the series

    Free Member

    then it flops over to one side. What are you supposed to do?

    wear tighter pants. Sorry :-)

    I can’t wheelie or manual for toffee either

    Free Member

    Looks like you are checking in the right places. We have offloaded a good few items via GumTree first, then ebay.

    I know of friends who have sold and picked up baby goods from “Jack and Jill” sales. Not sure how prevalent they are throughout the country, but worth a Google to find one local one to you.

    Free Member

    anybody use them MT500’s with flat pedals and 5.10’s? if so does it work?

    Hmmmn, the jury is still out on this one. The last two weeks, I have been running a Decathlon overshoe that I picked up for £10 quid in the biggest size they had and put them over my Teva’s. I was thinking about the MT500’s, but thought I would save myself £15 on an experiment.

    As stated it very much depends on what you are riding and how much you are walking. Initially I have had dryer and warmer feet, and they certainly stop the wind from nipping your toes. If you are riding smoother trails, less likely to dab or walk, I have found they work well. I have found them no better on my local swamp like trails where you do walk and dab than my existing seal skinz sock and shoe combo, and the velcro straps underneath the shoes are getting really cut up. So much so, I think I will keep them for the road.

    Inevitably, water ingress will find it is way into your shoe if you are riding in the winter. It is keeping the wind and splashes out that I struggle with. How good are the 5.10 Element’s shoes at limiting this?

    Free Member

    Got some tickets to go and see some Dad Rock in Edinburgh next year!

    My Mrs loves a certain Mr Grohl.

    Free Member

    Brown, Murphy, Alexander et al have no interest in the “diddy wee pretendy” parliament.

    It was important enough to them in securing their tenure on the real gravy train at Westminster. Holyrood and Scottish Branch Leader may appear more attractive to them when their contempt and belligerence for Holyrood costs them their seats next May. Even then, I believe they will see it as beneath them.

    Labour has to learn it has no divine right to rule Scotland anymore and start putting constituents ahead of party. It can only regain credibility once those lessons are corrected, but they appear to have no interest in learning.

    Free Member

    You’re an idiot, I’m afraid.

    You’re afraid I am an idiot? Cheers, I’m flattered. I actually agreed with your previous post regarding a federal UK, and was implying that in my post. At least a split with the present system anyhow.

    You advocate that change is necessary, but if Scotland accepts the status quo, where will this catalyst for change come from? I can’t see greater devolution being a vote winner in the shires when all parties will be fighting tooth and nail against UKIP.

    Free Member

    So should every region of the UK who didn’t vote Tory split too?

    Well you can and you should.

    You also should have voted for proportional representation a few years ago, albeit it was the weaker Alternative Vote system offered. The Lib Dems should have pushed harder for STV when selling their souls.

    You still might not get what you voted for, but you will have a fairer reflection of seats and representation.

    And one last thing, Labour need Scottish MP’s, but they do not need them to win in the UK. It is the mythical middle England where power is won or lost.

    I do not find that acceptable, but many of the posts on here and in the main referendum thread appear to be very happy with this state of affairs.

    Free Member

    Got a set of these in yellow and clear lenses. I prefer them to my Endura Spectrals and at £4.99, no tears or worries about damaging them.

    Free Member

    I got my daughter a pink Specialized Hotwalk when she turned two and she absolutely loved it. I hope her wee sister loves it just as much when she is older

    It’s pink, has no brakes to confuse or worry about and get the child rolling. I preferred it to say the Ridgeback Scoot as the seat drops quite low so was easy for her to straddle initially. It was also £30 cheaper than the Isla Rothan.

    That was my logic for the Hotwalk, but do not think you can go wrong with a Hotwalk, Scoot, Rothan, Frog or Hoy balance bike. The Haro one looks good too. The lighter the better, as it will be easier to ride and inevitably be carried by mum and dad.

    Give them time to literally find their feet and watch them develop. Our daughter was moderately interested in her bike at first, but kept at it and is now cruising around on a Frog 48 and turns 4 next month! :-)

    Free Member

    I’d hazard a guess at tight it bands

    Sounds like it but go see a good physio and get yourself checked out. And buy a foam roller.

    Loads of resources and links about ITBS and other knee related ailments on the web. I found these articles useful, but go and see a physio who can properly assess you.

    Free Member

    If I had known yesterday I could attend without a ticket, I would have binned work and rode or walked up.

    Was that only certain areas of the course that were ticketed, e.g. the grandstands?

    I suspect that the ticketing was allocated more around the park and ride and access to the site, than what the site itself could cope with?

    Anyway, the Commies are great so more than happy to cut the organisers some slack. The TT route runs close to my home so go Wiggo Millar!

    Free Member

    I am really impressed with my Works Thick/Thin ring. I was convinced to get it, after hearing and reading so many stories of people either running non clutch mechs or forgetting to switch them on a la Northwind.

    I will no doubt get a cutch mech at some point, but happy with the Works ring and will wait and hope that xx1 or XTR 1×11 features drip further down the food chain.

    Now that On One and Superstar are making them, you are spoiled for choice, but I like my Works ring.

    Free Member

    Sir Sweaty Bell and Mr Sweaty Bell :(

    Free Member

    I couldn’t actually watch it last night, as the second Kirsty Alsop appears on telly and opens her stupid, plummy, pompous, self-righteous, sanctimonious mouth I want to hacksaw my own ears off, scoop my eyes out with a spoon, then throw them at her

    No rubbing of trousers then? :-)

    Free Member

    Self sacrifice. Ideally by an animal or child.

    Even the end of Frozen gives me a lump in my throat.

    What no spoiler alert, you b*stard! :lol:

    Yes, I find the Children In Need / Comic / Sport Relief versions of DIY SOS can create a lot of dust.

    Free Member

    Some little background reading for you. I have had pain in my knees when I upped my training.

    Best go and see a physio and take things from there. It is ITBS that was affecting me with tight hip flexors and quads, but the pain was experienced in my knees. I started a stretch and strengthening programme, and use a foam roller regularly.

    See what the physio advises. Take some time off the bike, changing your training programme and perhaps then looking at your bike set-up, maybe even a bike fit could help.

    I am not a physio, but lunges and squats are just going to load up and tighten the very muscles you are stretching and loosening with your yoga type stuff. If it hurts, stop doing it and work on something else.

    Free Member

    Finally I’d be interested to hear from the OP exactly what he wanted from On-One that he feels would have been a satisfactory response to his issue.

    OP, I would like to know this too? You threatened to vent on this forum and have done so. Is that it, or had you hoped by posting you could get some further traction with On-One?

    Brant’s comments would be unacceptable on a official company email, letter or phone call, but on social media, not so. Are you brant / On-One here, or Brant first who just happens to work for On-One? Hence why should he state he was from On-one? I had no idea who Brant was, but after too long lurking on here, I could deduce a link soon enough. Having identified this site to post on, perhaps with a little more googling the OP could have deduced this link here too, and “reached” out to Brant.

    If the warranty option has expired as you suggest and you were looking for a gesture of goodwill, trashing the company is unlikely to generate a favourable and willing response. If indeed, that is what you wanted.

    So in summary, an olive branch was offered but rejected (perhaps in ignorance), and then clumsily retracted. OP, maybe you want to take up the second olive branch that has been extended rather than p*ss on it and perhaps Brant will be more willing to resolve your issue?

    Free Member

    stevomcd has more eloquently expressed the point I was trying to make.

    Free Member

    I snowboard, or at last I used to until life and kids got in the way. Hopefully I will get out for a few days this year.

    I skied a little previously and then swapped to snowboarding. Like most previous comments, I found that the learning curve for snowboarding was very steep, so I fell about loads in the first few days but quickly developed sufficient enough skills to reasonably scoot around the resort. And then one day things just clicked and that was that.

    I am sure skiing must be easier now that carver skis are pretty much the standard, so maybe the learning curve is about the same.

    Toss a coin, you will have fun either way.

    Edit: I would like to try skiing again as I cannot imagine taking my kids out in Scotland, whilst on a board.

    Free Member

    I just got mine from Ribble for £62 in their sale which ended yesterday. Sorry for the lack of PSA :oops:

    Still great value at Merlin or Ribble for under £70.

    Had been deliberating over getting SLX, but at that price and the fanstastic reviews they Deore’s are receiving, seemed silly spending more.

    Free Member

    Go and get yourself checked out properly, my knee problem turned out to be my hip

    I am not a physio, but my wife is. Like many ailments, where you experience the pain is not necessarily the cause. My knee pains was derived from tight hip flexors and IT Bands pulling on the various tendons that support the kness.

    Stretching may be a more productive and cheaper option before going for a bike fit.

    Free Member

    +1 dmorts

    I have had knee problems, possibly seat too high or not far enough back, but equally hammering the pedals has led me to develop it band syndrome. Strengthening my core and stretches has helped and using a foam roller helps keeps things loose.

    Free Member

    No 30T options from Works or Hope. Are we supposedly fitter and hardier than our colonial cousins given that Race Face offer a 30T option?

    Is this a case of MTFU or push!

    Free Member

    I know it is all in the legs, but has anyone bought a 32T and wished they had gone for a 30T, or vice versa? I am thinking my dodgy knees may thank me for the 30T.

    Is there much of a muchness between the RF and Works Components rings other than £10?

    Free Member

    Apologies for the slight thread hi-jack, but what does the Evo 2 provide over the Evo or even the Inbred?

    I think I am going to complete my hardtail upgrade with an Evo 2 frame but would be running 130 U-Turn Tora’s on it. This will be my local woods, XC / trail, dad-duty machine. I have a Pitch for bigger and bouncier days, so I will be not building this bike up too hardcore.

    I have seen many Inbreds, 456 and C456’s being thrown about so I know they are very versatile.

    Free Member

    Was planning on getting an Inbred or Inbred Evo frame in the fantastic January sale that Brant is going to have :-)

    Would I be disappointed if I went for one of these? I was all set for a steel frame.

    Free Member

    Sorry Cbike but the bulk of it is Leylanndi. I might have some Rowan tree branches though. Will give you a shout.

    Thanks for the suggestions / links, have approached them for quotes.

    Free Member

    I know nothing about trainers, but have attended spin classes for years and have been tempted about getting a trainer in the past.

    Two thoughts:

    1. Consider Spin classes. Depending on the instructor, they can be a fantastic and fun workout for your core in addition to legs, heart and lungs. You will find a new found appreciation for cheesey music that you would normally turn off on the radio. You are not sweating out or stinking out your home and garage, and you can go for a sauna, spa etc afterwards in most gyms. A poor instructor can make for a monotonous class but you ae not alone and should still be able to get somehting out of the class.

    2. If you have hip and knee problems, maybe some time off the bike is what you need? I have tight hip flexors and IT Band syndrome which in part, I developed from spinning too hard and training for longer distance rides. I started developing pain in my knees, so I have cut down on spinning, use lower resistance and now focus on stretching and strengthening hip flexors and quads etc and I use a foam roller too. Perhaps some cross-training or swimming will help keep your cardio fitness going will you wait for your physio assessment?

    Free Member

    My 2 year old MT500 shorts are still going strong after repeated rides and washes. My 10 month old 3/4’s are in great nic too.

    Free Member

    Been using one for the last two weeks after blowing my IT Bands and TFL after a long ride. No doubt building up the problem wit years of mashing the pedals and saddle too high. Great help, but can be really sore to begin with.

    I got mine form amazon but can probably get better deals from specialist physio retailers.

    Free Member

    Was last there in March and found Cafe Rouge and Bella italia to be reasonably decent. We had lunch once at the Lakeside Inn and didn’t rate it. Have modest expectations and you could be surprised.

    Universal bands that double as door keys and locker keys are much better.

    Free Member

    Having said that, I spent ten hours with my hands in sopping wet Strikes on the top half of the WHW on Sunday and it only took a couple of days before I got all the feeling back in my digits, so I suppose that’s tolerably good performance

    Funny that, my Strikes were soaked within a few miles and the hour I spent on the WHW on Sunday too. I think there is waterproof and then there is West Coast Scotland proof.

    Free Member

    A bit of browsing when the other half is on the laptop.

    Its most frequent use is amusing our 3 year old girl on longer car journeys. We have loaded it up with Peppa Pig and other kids stuff and use a bungee cord to fasten it to the back of a headrest.

    Free Member

    My inlaws have one but they have retired and live in France, where they are pretty common and almost necessary during the summer to cool down.

    Rain or shine, we are in it when we are on our hols. It is heated by the sun, so can be a little bit fresh for a pre-breakfast dip.

    Free Member

    I am based in Glasgow where I used to average 2-3 trips a year on the slopes and a week in the alps if I was lucky. Now with a busy life and child, I have not been out at all in the last two seasons.

    As everyone is suggesting (even us Scots), go abroad. A week abroad with reliable snow and weather and better lift system will really cement your skills. Then come back to Scotland with skills and experience and you will enjoy it even more.

    +1 for Soldeau. I had been to France once before but did not really have the skills to make the most of it. Soldeau was where my boarding really clicked for the first time. If you can pick your week (avoid half-term), prices should be better and meet your budget.

    Andorra or Bulgaria could be better shouts for your first time or think about smaller resorts in the Alps. The large linked up resorts e.g. 3 Vallees, Portes Du Soliel etc are great but can be more expensive. If you can get a deal go, but get a local pass rather than the full area, as you may not have the skills to get round it and justify it.


    Free Member

    I went back to IOS after a couple of years with a Galaxy S2. Got an iphone 5 as the prices were already dropping with the imminent arrival of the 5 S/C. It is a great device and I am sure the prices will drop further once the new devices are released.

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