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  • is a scam website
  • davidrussell
    Free Member

    pilfered from FHM – office longjump

    find an doorway that can be covered with parcel paper or similar, dark enough to not be transparent.

    tell your colleague the game is to jump from behind the paper and land as far as they can from the door.

    do this for a few days, recording results on the floor using marker tape

    tell him that today is “the big one” and to make a special effort for this jump.

    close the door.

    NB. anyone daft enough to try this accepts all liabilities for the damages that will occur…

    Free Member

    i send anything recorded – even if it has no real value, to avoid situations like this. Sorry to hear about that – there are unscrupulous people everywhere.

    Is there a latin equivalent for “seller beware”?

    Free Member

    Red Dead Redemption’s one of the best games I’ve played in the last couple of years

    agreed – much better than the GTA series by the same creators.

    Fallout new vegas is good if you dont like online play – very involved single player.

    BF3 is lip smackingly awesome – knocks all of the recent COD games into a cocked hat. massive maps, vehicles and less of a focus on being a top killer and more on teamwork (cod is bad for the lone snipers getting mega killstreaks)

    BF3 will struggle on a 4Gb box because the game runs better if you install to HDD and it has an optional 1.25Gb HD graphics package, which if your playing on any decent TV is a must.

    Get some good gaming headphones too – i’ve got Astro A40’s and you can hear people sneaking up behind you and the surround sound is awesome. Cheaper headphones will do the job though.

    Any BF3 xbox players on here?

    Free Member

    Conductor could not do his job and was out of his depth

    what else would you have him do?

    EDIT – we’ve been over this ad nauseum already so unless its a revolutionary idea not posted above, then i dont think there is anything else he could have done. He may have refused to accept the passengers help in getting him off the train, but that doesn’t mean events wouldn’t have played out as they did.

    Free Member

    Exactly! No need for any macho man to intervene!

    i think we are all agreed that big man didn’t “need” to intervene, but he did. Nobody knows the exact circumstances why he did or what he felt etc, but he intervened.It was a decision he took and i’m sure he will have reviewed that decision many many times since then, not least for the amount of publicity that’s been generated since the event.

    The bottom line is that he did what he felt was right at the time. We’ll see whether he was right or wrong to do that in the eyes of the law.

    i don’t think there is much doubt though that no pay was in the wrong on several counts too, and i find his (constantly changing)version of events particularly distasteful.

    Free Member

    He should have given him the three choices


    the yoof is heard on the video quite loudly saying he has no money

    get off

    thats the option the conductor offered him

    or be met by BTP at the next stop.

    we dont know if this was mentioned, but not a likely ending to scenario for reasons discussed at length above.

    try to familiarise yourself with the sources before posting.

    Free Member

    But I would send it if I were you mate

    i presume you mean you wouldn’t!

    Free Member

    at least when the dodgy customers come through the door you can spot them right away! 🙂

    Free Member

    it will be more than 14p binners, because NFPWS* has upped the average for Scotland.

    *Non Fare Paying Wee Scrote

    Free Member

    Maybe if Big Man had picked up No Pay’s bag, walked calmly out onto the platform, and hung it on the fence then got back on the train.

    That’ll be theft or robbery according to one of the STW barristers 🙂

    Free Member

    14p per passenger journey

    so regular commuters are forking out £1.40 per week for non paying passengers? If i commuted regularly i wouldn’t be happy absorbing that cost.

    Free Member

    its not rocket scinece


    Free Member

    Alternatively if sense prevails the police will have a quiet word with both of them

    my preferred outcome too. can one of the big hitters make it so?

    Free Member

    yeah, i’ll bet big man wishes that happened now (the BTP turning up that is)

    Free Member

    as i said here, after the dust settles on this who is less likely to act as they did in future? sadly i think we all know the answer to that.

    Free Member

    i thought the marks looked remarkably fresh considering it took place on dec 9th…..

    Free Member

    This guys story has changed more times than i can remember over the past few days. First he had no ticket and no money, then he had money in his bag, then he was sold two incorrect tickets, then he was diabetic, then he was half asleep and drunk on the train. none of it adds up – give us a break.

    I actually feel sorry for “big man.” he acted in the heat of the moment and now he is in the spotlight and his Christmas is ruined because this guys dad wants him charged. i’ll bet that smug wee prick is lying too and will quietly be chuckling to himself about it.

    Free Member

    i’d point him in the direction of a keyboard with a >. button too.

    Free Member

    has the wee bawbags page been removed? An advert for Facebook privacy settings if there ever was one.

    Free Member

    If the big chap had left the scrote would there have been violence? No. the train would merely have been delayed further.

    yes. someone else would have smashed him for delaying the train and we may have had a less proportionate response.

    Free Member

    here’s a new angle.

    because of the media furore about this, big man gets charged with assault and wee man gets a fine. all because a 3rd party put the vid on the internet without big man or wee mans consent.

    in future, who is less likely to act as they did?

    Free Member

    “never in the field of internet fora have so many threads been closed by the argumentative nature of so few.”

    Winston Churchill, 2011

    Free Member

    cos you’ve never bunked the fare, ever? Right, ok…

    automatic ticketing barriers have largely put paid to this

    every time I’ve ever been challenged for a ticket I’ve had one or bought one, not held up a train load of people 🙂

    Free Member

    saw this last night. Elfin does have a valid point about the worst case scenario, but it is nice to see the wee dick get put in his place for a change as someone up there said “The scrotes are in the habit of winning” because decent people like to keep the peace.

    Free Member

    its a bit complicated i think.

    I only have experience of paying into a german paypal account, but basically i had 2 choices:

    1. pay them in GBP, paypal converts it and charges a fee (20 quid odd i think)
    2. change your primary currency on your own paypal account to euro, then pay with that (paypal charge no fee but give you a gash exchange rate)

    Basically the lesser of two evils for me was to change to euros, pay and accept the crap exchange rate (lost 12 quid IIRC) and change back. the loss of euros on the exchange rate was lower than their fee.

    Not sure how this translates the other way but the paypal site does explain it somewhere.



    Free Member


    The other frustration about driving is this country is those people who don’t want to overtake (no issue with this) but don’t leave a gap for others to overtake

    and this

    when you overtake them and attempt to pull back in because something is coming the other way close the gap.

    are my two pet hates on the road.

    Also monospeeders do my biscuit in.

    Free Member

    hey, my LBS has a deal on a transition bike – covert. small frame, polished frame, full build. They are wanting 2575 for it and its brand new. build on it is 3600 RRP i think. Saw it on facebook today.

    not sure where you are but they are near Stirling in Scotland if it helps. Flying fox bikes, 01259 76 31 09

    Free Member

    bravo sir for not getting charged with making the daughter eat tarmac too. I very much doubt most people would contain the rage at being shouted at when lying in the road after being hit by a drunk driver*

    As TheflyingOx commented on a post once, a simple “button it, fatty” might have pushed her over the edge.

    You are indeed a lucky chap, as far as getting run over goes.


    Free Member

    Fish supper, battered not breaded and a pickled onion please.

    lots of salt and vinegar. no, more than that – keep going, keep going.

    Call that a pickled onion? I want something that challenges a pickled egg for size – not something i could have got out of the jar at home…

    Free Member

    damn double post

    Free Member

    Christmas eve = the day before a nice day

    NYE = the day before a sh!t day

    I think the problem for me is that NYE has been hyped up so much its always a let down no matter what you do

    Free Member

    i believe he was found at the fintry side of things, possibly loup of fintry?

    Hardly appropriate BB…

    Free Member

    tri me kanga brew down, sport?

    Free Member

    My tip – take what you want from that book but dont become a slave to it. i freaked out when i read it when we got a puppy. I ditched the book and never looked back. The first weeks will be hard and a big culture shock. Just try to relax and enjoy him/her though!

    I would also get him trained via a puppy school or similar, the structure will do him good and it allows you to socialise with others as much as the dog.

    Never get angry with him or use physical punishment – if the dog is doing something wrong its because you haven’t trained them not to, or allowed them to develop that habit.If you are patient and train them well theres no need for any kind of physical contact with the dog..

    not much useful stuff there but hope it helps.

    Edit – note i’ve used him all the time cos ours is a wee boy 🙂

    Free Member

    @davidrussell I was typing that with my tongue firmly in my cheek…

    the lack of a smiley threw me off guard….

    Free Member

    what do you call a cow with no legs?

    Ground beef

    What do you call a fly with no wings?

    a walk

    Whats orange and sounds like a parrot?

    A carrot

    Free Member

    The way I see it, the Scots have an issue with being ruled from London.

    The way i see it the Scottish people haven’t made their opinion / preference known either way, so i’m not sure how you can come to that conclusion?

    Remember, the SNP are the majority government in Scotland, but it doesn’t mean that every scot supports independence by default.

    Free Member

    Hopefully one of the “snivalling” Scots will be able to teach you how to use a spellchecker..

    Its not a question of one side getting “rid” of the other. Its a question of whether the people of Scotland want to be part of an independent nation. why all the hostility over this?

    Free Member

    “Yes, we English should have a vote, but not until the Scots have voted (to stay) – then we can decide whether we actually want them.”

    We’ll go if its the will of the people and i hope they would base that on whether it would be good for us. It would be foolhardy to go without knowing all the facts, especially if we would be worse off.

    your forebears spent several hundred years trying to force English rule on us so you dont get rid of us that easily.

    smiley 🙂 (naturally)

    Free Member

    I’d vote for an Independent London, preferably with a big wall around it

    with Boris Johnson as PM…

    I think before anyone can vote in a referendum on independence a lot of work needs to be done to understand the social and economic implications of such a split. i suspect the opinion polls just now reflect the nations desire to stay as is, because they have no idea what the outcome would be should we “go it alone”

    In terms of answering the OP’s point i guess its the west lothian question in reverse. I can’t foresee a situation though where Westminster holds a referendum to boot Scotland out of the Big Brother house….

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