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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • davidrussell
    Free Member

    Seems to me your problem isn’t Twitter, it’s email and halfwits

    FTFY cougar 😉

    Free Member

    @dickbarton get you! #internetpolice #downwivdakidz

    Free Member

    depends on frame setup and your weight. my pronghorn runs 230 in the RP2 because its a short travel shock and hardly has any sag.

    Check the giant website for info i reckon.

    and yeah, losing 10psi ish is normal for the pump in my experience, in normally put a bit more in to compensate for it.

    Free Member

    i’m based in Stirling, just down the road. Can we organise a McMoonter open day where we come and gas about with cool stuff at your place? I can bring chainsaws 😈

    Free Member

    By that argument all the riding South of Leeds is an argument in favour of London!

    or leeds 😉

    also its 2 hours actual driving time, not sitting in the M25 traffic jam 🙂

    Free Member

    theyve been building that bloody thing for about 16 years

    FTFY BB 🙂

    I dont think the facilities available warrant a £3 charge and if this is an exercise in testing income generation to help maintain the trails then it will fail miserably because people wont pay that much to park there.

    not forgetting of course that CV is also a popular destination for dog walking and other walkers in general and i doubt they will pay that fee to park, since the facilities for walkers are minimal.

    Free Member

    yo, where can i find the idave diet – STW forum search yields lots of people talking about idaves diet but i can’t find it.

    I took am on a health kick. 31, 6’1″ and 15st3 so i’ve pledged to get down to 13st by St Paddy’s day or i’ll give 100 quid to charity.

    I started on Monday and have basically just been controlling calories, lots of raw veg, almonds for snacking on and healthy meals. The biggest change for me is in portion control – i used to eat enough meat in one sitting that should have done two meals.

    Its getting easier now but the first couple of days are hellish as your body adjusts to small, regular meals and i’ve cut out all choc, crisps tea / coffee and most importantly booze from daily life. I plan to have a treat once a week (maybe a couple of low carb beers etc) but looking forward to the 17th for a steak and a pint of guinness 🙂

    one thing that did disappoint though, i weighed myself on my brother in laws scales on NYE and read 15st 3lb and change. I bought my own scales on Weds there and tried them and apparently had lost a pound. Tried them again this morning and have gained a pound back 🙁

    EDIT – i realise the use of two sets of scales will largely account for this, but i was hoping for a big drop to get me going 🙂

    I was hoping for 3-4lbs like cr500dom up there ^

    PS is there a reliable way of working out your target weight? Dont wanna fail at this and i will work at it, but no point trying to hit a weight i’ll realistically never get to….

    Free Member

    had a google but can’t find it – anyone remember a spectrum game (plus 2 or 3) where is was a platform shooter and you were dressed as a spaceman and shot what looked like mint imperials at the bad guys?

    man that was a hard game in the day..

    Free Member

    billysuggers suggestion is actually a work of genius.

    Like the time they duped all those folk who thought they’d been in space when they’d been in a container in essex somewhere.

    Free Member

    i missed the idiet Phenomena and rueing the decision as i’m effectively 2 stone overweight now 😳 Is there a way to get on this express train of weight loss?

    Free Member

    but no TJ yet…

    I think he’s probably detained at His Markesty’s Pleasure as a result of Abbotsgate.

    Sad news though, RIP

    Free Member

    aye me too tootall. also like the “dirty bristow” (phrase not the activity)

    Free Member

    No it’s everyone in the country’s land

    yeah, thats why i capitalized OUR. its the peoples land, not specifically for MTBers…

    sneaky edit. I dont think harvesting actually makes very much money at all for the country.

    Free Member

    Fair point Drac but in general the vast bulk of the land is ours and they simply manage it for us.

    Free Member

    the only places outside of designated trails we have permission to ride on FC land is the fire roads which don’t get wrecked by the harvesters.

    eh, its OUR land! FC are custodians of the land on behalf of the government(s), they most definitely do not own it.

    In Scotland we have the right of responsible access anywhere, so unless there was a harvester working in the vicinity then IMO he has the right to go where he pleases in the forest.

    Whilst i agree the guy was looking for an argument and it was probably unwise to direct it at the people who are least likely to do anything about it, there is no excuse for the guy speaking to him the way he did.

    EDIT – the harvesters dont wreck the forest roads, the timber haulage trucks do 🙂

    Free Member

    that takes touch screen to a new level.

    edit – cougars pun was funnier.

    Free Member

    try and sell it? buyer collects and dismantles 🙂

    Free Member

    iirc the £3 a roll thing was wrong and it actually went through at 1 a roll.

    i should have said CK that related specifically to the npower deal at the time i used it 🙂

    i would also leave existing stuff there and lay over the top.

    Free Member

    seen that before CK and it looks savage! I wondered if it was a mock up because that would REALLY sting

    Free Member

    i sense a synergy coming on…

    Free Member

    iirc the £3 a roll thing was wrong and it actually went through at 1 a roll.

    Free Member

    i got 170mm rockwool for a pound a roll inc delivery from npower recently, so 15 quid delivered for 15 rolls. bargain tastic. Just need to lay the stuff, although i’m dreading that itchy feeling 🙂

    *fulfilled by build center i think.

    Free Member

    270mm is recommended i think.

    Free Member

    what fred sed ^

    hectoring of the Lawrence family

    plus, i hardly think hectoring is an appropriate term when all you have been doing (for nigh on 2 decades) is looking for a young mans killer(s) to be brought to justice.

    Free Member

    you can have some of mine, i have plenty spare 🙂

    Free Member

    fallout 3: New Vegas had some scary moments down in those vaults…

    mostly just bloody annoying moments where i would go round in circles for hours trying to get out.

    Free Member

    book a doctors appointment straight after the interview? Its not lying then 🙂

    Free Member

    that must have been a proper KYB* moment as that crane started to tip..

    *Keich Yer Breeks

    Free Member

    shimano brakes have been the most reliable for me.

    Free Member

    i’m going to be in iceland from 14-19th Feb on a similar vacation. STW iceland ride perhaps? leave the ladies lounging at the spa…

    Free Member

    great find – thanks!

    Free Member

    good idea – mods decide when the facility is switched on/off between now and 2012. what you are left with is yours until the same time next year.

    Free Member

    can i suggest the books by Scott Kelby? As a new owner of a d70s i got hold of the complete guide to the d70 by Thom Hogan and frankly shat myself at the technical nature of his work. it was very thorough but very technical and whilst it was sinking in, i didn’t have any real understanding of how to take pictures with the camera, more an understanding of how the camera worked.

    The Scott Kelby books are written in plain english (i expect some people will hate them)but each page covers one topic and its focussed on taking good pictures.

    Might be a marmite thing but i really liked it and it has given me good ideas and enthusiasm for getting out there.

    Free Member

    4 – why? (as in why would you do this?)

    Free Member

    Didn’t know you had the ability to read minds throw the medium of a crappy phone camera video.

    cuts both ways pal – only hindsight shows the weenuts didn’t make the first move and that was only because bigman intervened first.

    also, faredodgers account after the event and his behaviour in the video dont match up either. where are these fabled tickets? why is he clearly heard saying in the video that he has no money when he’s claimed elsewhere that his money was in his bag?

    Free Member

    So I can use force to prevent illegal parking then? or littering? Or someone swearing on the street? or a bad driver who puts me at risk?

    yes, as long as its proportionate. if i’ve worded that badly, refer to any of the 35,000 times you’ve said it since dec 9th 🙂

    Free Member

    Then you clearly aren’t at all knowledgeable of the Law regarding Assault. I suggest reading up on such may be of educational benefit to you

    better put that as a PSA then elfin, because i think a significant proportion of people watching that video wouldn’t have classed it as assault.

    i’m not saying its correct, but the letter of the law and its application are two different things.

    Free Member

    Nice. So in future if you do a good deed, make sure you smash any mobile phones filming you.

    alternatively, just sit there and adopt the legally-correct but morally dubious high ground, tutting mildly under your breath because you (along with hundreds of passengers on one of the busiest lines in central Scotland) are inconvenienced by a single fare dodger. Never mind, Scotrail and the BTP will deal with it in record time…

    Free Member

    @boardingbob – classic with the rabbit cage, i can imagine that would have been hilarious.

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