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  • Do I Need Bike Insurance? Your Bicycle Insurance Questions Answered
  • davidrussell
    Free Member

    I wish i'd seen it when he was Britain's number two, always thought he was a wee shite 🙂

    Fnar Fnar

    Free Member

    I think the trails have to come 3rd on that list mate, behind good beer snacks 🙂

    we need an island – clear out the island and man the shore defences. something like the Ailsa Craig where they can't sneak up behind us 🙂

    Fort Zombie – regular sailings from the Scottish West coast

    Free Member

    besides, GT is already full of braindead folk so it would be hard to distinguish zombie from Freeride-xc-lite-jeyboy in Armour. I guess we could throw turners at the zombies though…

    Free Member

    i know everytone has a "story", but i was at the top of the South tower on September the 7th, 2001 following a BUNAC summer trip in the states. I'd put my pics in for developing on the 10th and got some funny looks when i went in on the weds… I also kept my ticket in pristine condition – dont know why but i'm really glad i did.

    it was especially unbelieveable when you had seen the towers in the flesh, they were so massive that you just couldn't imagine it coming down, or the untold destruction it obviously caused when they did. Also remember looking down through the glass vieweing floor in the Observation tower and cannot comprehend jumping from that, not in a million years.

    Watched another program the other night with a woman saying she lost her husband that day and they never found a single trace of him – its almost worse than being lost at sea knowing there was a body, but it was pulverised beyond any recognisable trace. I also remember someone saying that they didn't find anything like phones or computer, it was all just destroyed in the collapse. scary.

    finally, whats even scarier is that my wife teaches kids Modern Studies, and the new batch of 1st years kids are too young to remember this happening….

    Free Member

    i'd just jump the bones of the blonde sitting across from me.

    i'd just pray for once that the vinegar strokes were on time – imagine trying to get your rocks off for the last time and a zombie rips your throat out before you're done.

    However, in a real situ i'd go for steel shelf divider thats razor sharp.

    EDIT: Wow, i've never managed it twice before….. 🙂

    Free Member

    i'd just jump the bones of the blonde sitting across from me.

    i'd just pray for once that the vinegar strokes were on time – imagine trying to get your rocks off for the last time and a zombie rips your throat out before you're done.

    However, in a real situ i'd go for steel shelf divider thats razor sharp.

    Free Member

    no, glad to know i was on the right track for once 🙂

    Free Member

    wow treble post and you all managed to say the same thing in about 5 words. must work at being more succinct.

    Free Member

    it depends if she scanned it. if the sticker registered the sale at 80p, it would have told the chip and pin device automatically to charge 80p and the till would balance. If it registered at 80 quid on the till it should have gone through automatically and she would have had to manually type in the amount incorrectly.

    if there was no barcode scanned then 80p's worth of good left the store – simple.

    i doubt anyone would lose their job unless it was happening on a regular basis or fraud was suspected / proven

    although i think you're just fishing here 🙂

    Free Member

    i see a vicious cycle developing (if you'll pardon the pun)

    1. ride in a group
    2. get dropped due to lack of fitness / skill so dont like riding in a group
    3. ride alone
    4. no motivation = lack of fitness / skill
    5. desire to improve & be pushed = ride in a group

    repeat until dead / nervous wreck.

    only you can break the cycle mate, take up fishing.

    Free Member

    what i've tried (poorly) to say above is its either a public highway, or it aint.

    you can't investigate an accident and treat the road as a public highway if it wasn't treated as a PH in the first place.

    Free Member

    how can the polis treat it as a public highway in the event of an accident if its not treated as one in every other scenario?

    I was initially fishing smee and you did bite 🙂 but its a serious question now.

    Free Member

    all parts are "brand new and unused or in near mint condition"

    but he's done downhill and "extreme freeriding"?

    The two dont sit side by side.

    He's also been done if that crankarm is near mint because the paint has worn off entirely on one side already 🙂

    Free Member

    funny, its the second thing i thought of – the first was a pregnancy test kit.

    Free Member

    were you cycling at the time, stationary straddling the bike or on foot?

    I'm looking.

    Free Member

    a webcam.

    so you can watch, you filthy beggar.


    Free Member

    obstructing a public highway?

    Free Member

    yeah, poor show from the dell guy but he's there to make money for his company i guess..

    would a google of the issue have yielded any results? you'd be surprised whats out there about various issues and given that Del-boy (see what i did there?) knew what was wrong its likely not an isolated case.

    Its no use now but worth remembering in future, tech geeks will blog about any old crap and are usually good at documenting the fix.

    Free Member

    dead wood or just as thick as two short planks?

    FE top brass jumping or being pushed?

    Free Member


    fife gets 3G and we dont? shocking 😉

    I suppose thats one good thing about dunfermline now…

    NB. no fifers were harmed in the making of this mediocre joke…

    Free Member

    do any iphone users actually get 3g? I'm on 02 and i haven't seen a snifter of 3G on my n86 (Stirling based).

    In fact the last time I remember seeing 3G on any mobile I've had was when I was in Dublin about 2 years ago. Anyone getting 3G on O2 in Scotland?

    Its a pain because I have unlimited web package and am dying to make the most of it 🙂

    Free Member

    try the free ones first. you'll probably get bored worrying about it because its not that big a deal and be glad the cash is still in your pocket. 🙂

    Free Member

    "3) I jailbroke it."

    sounds dodgy, but elaborate please 🙂

    Free Member
    Free Member

    you could throw this in, but expect a punch in the face.

    "but on a serious note folks – i have some wonderful news. the happy couple will be needing nappies soon.

    <ahhhh's from the broody folks in the room>

    No, its not like that, the bride's arse muscles have packed up.


    Free Member

    not that recent but traded in an 01 Y reg clio for a 55 plate clio 182 in feb this year. stealer wanted 7950, i got it for 6050 + the old clio. there was no way the old clio was worth 1900, more like 1000-1200. if you know what you want and use the tips online you can get a good deal. remember, its always possible to walk away so no matter how much you want the car if you dont get them down to your price then just walk.

    google car haggling and you'll find loads of tips – i tried it and I do think they make a difference.


    ps. you're more likely to get bigger discounts on models that are freely available than something niche. fleet car models such as ford focus seem to get huge discounts on 1 year old cars.

    Free Member

    simulated sex or real?

    Free Member

    "you can beat an egg"

    Free Member

    damn, that means i'll die at 31, which is almost middle age. d'you think they'd consider bringing it forward so i dont have to leave 30? It would only be a couple of weeks.

    Oh and think of the irony of this crap floating round cyberspace for decades after we've all gone and some advanced race finding it and thinking "they had less than 2 years left and this was the best they could talk about…"

    ps. are fixie fakengers exempt from total destruction because they're too cool for skool?

    Free Member

    is this why fixie riders dont wash?

    Free Member

    solar? would take a big ass battery to power a pedestal fan (or get a 12v one for trucks) but i've solar'd up my shed for £50 and it works really well. its a bit "niche" as technically uou could run a cable from the house but it was a fun project.

    and i dont have a beard btw.

    see more solar nerdage here

    Free Member

    FC land is different, lots of it is access only for the working forest vehicles, if the tree is down across a non right of way they don’t need to shift it….

    its our land mate, we have a right of responsible access (in Scotland of course)

    Free Member

    FCS in “inconsistent grading” shocker. What happened to John Ireland’s safety review? Its probably gathering dust in an office somewhere….

    Free Member

    “you and that bl00dy game”

    (Call of Duty 5)

    Apparently she doesn’t like the hunched, unmoving figure with a thousand yard stare, selective deafness and a mouth like a sewer berating juggernoobs and people with shit connections.

    ho hum.

    Free Member

    he? eh’s madh a mhss of that!

    Free Member

    i thought chvck said one of his balls partially exploded.

    I winced – you will too.

    Free Member

    what i’m rather clumsily trying to say is that its not nationalised any more and thats the choice that was made, and we have to live with the consequences.

    Network rail are picking up the tab for upgrading the rail infrastructure and passing costs onto the consumer in the form of higher fares, not a tax as such but if you dont want to travel by train you dont have to.

    so, what form will the tax take and does it only affect broadband users or actually those with fixed-line telephony?

    If it was up to me i’d horse my landline and live off the mobile, using the fixed line only for broadband but I can’t do that.

    Free Member

    [devils advocate]

    Why should I pay a tax to a company that used to be nationalised to provide new services to those that only have a service because it was nationalised in the first place?

    Does that mean i’ll have to start paying a train tax because they are starting to resurrect the old derelict British rail branch lines of the 60’s?

    [/ devils advocate]

    Free Member

    next weeks installment will have Lisa and Jason doing their “own” movies.

    Mostly short films though.


    Free Member

    the funniest thing as DD has alluded to is the friend “stumbling” upon it on the web.

    male stripper in the yellow pages > dodgy uk amateur pr0n videos

    its not your normal route – was she looking for an online audition?

    maybe team McCoy could offer him some advice on turning semi-pro….

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