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  • Quick look at new Troy Lee Designs Flowline helmets
  • davidjones15
    Free Member

    Residents of Frodsham and Helsby resently complained about new wind turbines being built on ince marshes due to the visiual effect it may have, they failed to notice the largest producer of Chlorine gas , down the river,a huge automated glass bottle making plan, a major airport,and one of the largest oil refineries in the uk nopt to mention a few rail lines, and the manchester ship canal,along with a major motorway and probably lots more.

    That has all been part of the landscape as long as I can remember and in it’s own way has a certain beauty. I can remember watching the Stanlow flares as a nipper, it’s a part of my life and I’m sure many others feel the same.
    Now that TJ story is particularly funny.

    Free Member

    I’d echo the entrepreneurial spirit thing about setting up your own business in such a notoriously difficult and competitive world, I know, I dabble in it. Go for it and good luck. I’d also like to add to the comments about wedding photography, I had a friend who’d won competitions and couldn’t find work, but I guess your research has shown there’s a market for budget wedding photography. Don’t be put off by the negativity.
    Usually you’ll find that any lack of training can be over ruled by an abundance of natural talent.
    Play to your strengths and get someone else to do the rest, just like the logos. Don’t listen to precious designers here, get yourself to a design college and see what they can do, it doesn’t need to be high quality, you’re not a multi national, yet.
    The good news is that if the product is good enough you don’t need fancy logos. You only need that kind of rubbish to distract from the crappyness of the product.
    The bad news is I need to recalibrate my monitor as you gallery all looked a bit flat on this screen. :-(
    I raise a glass to MrsToast and the previous thread. :-)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Did you know some of The wee islands in the forth were mocked up as decoy ships to try and confuse WW2 bombers.

    As it’s an international forum I feel comfortable mentioning that a similar thing occured outside Wrexham where they set fires up at World’s End near Llandegla. Confuse the German bombers into dropping bombs there instead of Liverpool, hence the bomb craters.
    There must be a joke in there somewhere.

    Free Member

    For proper off roading Lada Niva, but they are a bit crap on the road.
    Aren’t the Toyota Land Cruiser/Prado the dog’s danglies in the 4X4 world?

    Free Member

    So this is a class in basic trolling then.

    Free Member

    Student makes an ass of themselves in claiming to know more than the experts, shocka!!

    Free Member

    Didn’t really give it your full attention did you brakes?

    Isn’t the first time, won’t be the last.

    Free Member

    That sounds positive as there are some rather tasty SAABs out there for very little money. Parts supply in the wake of the bankruptcy was an important factor.
    There might be a new SAAB thread in the near future.

    Free Member

    Are you trying to save wonga or mother earth?

    Free Member

    I want a SAAB. Sad that they’ve gone.

    Might be on my list of wants along with an A5, but who was the company that’s supplying parts they mentioned at the end?

    Free Member

    I used to wear a Polar 725 as an everyday watch. It worked fine.

    Free Member

    Like most effects in photography it won’t suit all images, as we can see here. It does seem to work quite well in numbers 1 and 5 in the OP, not my style though. It’s just an effect and if the original photo is crap, something about making silk purses from sows’ ears.

    Free Member

    First time I’ve seen it. I now feel over biked. :(
    EDIT: And under skilled. :cry:

    Free Member

    what does that suggest about resaleability?

    That people have no vision and simply want to make a quick buck?

    Free Member

    I think that even the jobsworths will allow you to do things that protect the building providing the changes aren’t detrimental to the look or damage any features.
    Is there anything stopping you from building something between the house and river to protect the house. Any solution is going to cost.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Best not name them allowing this good deed remain between the two of you.

    Free Member

    Believe that Karma will come back and bite them all on their bums.

    Free Member

    It was plugged in and switched on, more likely that someone kicked the cable, not me, oh no not me!

    Free Member

    No! :evil:
    Actually no, the computer was left on while I was out but the cable wasn’t keeping it charged, plugged in and switched on but obviously something had come loose.
    This user doesn’t make errors. :lol:

    Free Member

    Is there any reason for not having a landline? Most (new)customers will feel more comfortable if there is a landline number.
    I basically run on mobile internet but still have a Skype landline, maybe this is your case too, if so, I’ll shut up.

    Free Member

    WooHoo! Fired up perfectly, as it would. I’ve just worked out what the problem was. :oops:

    Free Member

    *Scratches head*
    Now back on the computer, it’s fired up through cable and battery removed.
    Borked battery?
    Time for a new one?
    Let’s see what happens when I swich off/switch on.

    Thanks for the help.

    Free Member

    In the first world we have problems regarding what to do with the drive. However for you I think now would be a good time to learn what bumpers were designed to do.

    Free Member

    Just got a £440 gas bill if that helps

    Does Alex Salmond know that the English immigrants are trying to use up all the gas before independance? 8O

    Free Member

    Not very big, is it?

    Free Member

    Capitalism benefits from unemployment. This is probably the best example of it.

    Wouldn’t it benefit more if people had lots of money to spend?

    Free Member

    What buildings? If the web site is anything to go by, I’d say that they’re so far up their own derrieres that you’d have problems getting your own ideas translated on to paper.

    Free Member

    Never be too fast…

    Free Member

    Red. Your kitchen will look well fast.

    Free Member

    I would’ve got up and kicked his head in with my good leg!

    That would have done nothing to inflame the situation, would it? :roll:

    Free Member

    That’s not minimum wage is it?

    Depends on the hours, doesn’t it?

    Free Member

    They’re offering 67.50 plus expenses per week without confirming the hours. What’s the problem?

    Free Member

    Just ignore it and ride/walk/drive on, and ride/walk/drive on normally. Don’t be an abbreviated Richard.

    And let the driver think that their behaviour towards cyclists is acceptable?
    I raised an arm in disbelief at a bus driver a few weeks ago, nothing aggressive. He pulled along side and asked what the problem was and how much space did I want when he was overtaking. A bit more than the 30 odd cms he had given me, close to 1.5m would be could. No reply and he drove off. No agro, no abuse and maybe he learned something. By doing nothing would leave him believing that giving 30cms when overtaking is fine, which it clearly is not.
    A bit like this place, quite and polite discourse will help educate those with opposing view points.

    Free Member

    On another forum I frequent we raised over $50,000 for charity this Christmas by instigating ban wars.

    1: You could pledge $10 to get another poster banned for 24 hrs.

    2: Before the nominee got banned they could respond by bidding $20 to have the pending ban annulled, and ban the person who paid for them to be banned for 48 hours.

    3: If a person was nominated for a ban by multiple people, they could bid $40 to anull their ban for 24hrs and ban *all* of their nominees for 72 hours.

    4: These people all had option (2) open to them again, and could bid $20 to have their pending ban annulled, and nominate a new bannee (not the orginal person they nominated though)

    It was hilarious and raised a lot of money, and would work well here.
    Are people so desperate to stay on a forum that they’d pay to stay on rather than have a 24hr break? I can see the humour in this but also find it more than a little sad.
    Big Hitters are just bullies, hit them back and they don’t like it. Or run to the mods and report them.

    Free Member

    Sentencing Hill Judge Mark Horton said the consequence “was not an accident”.

    Interesting line from the judge.

    Free Member

    Is it stll halfterm?

    Free Member


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