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  • The Answer To Everything Is…
  • davidjones15
    Free Member

    As far as I’m aware the iDave diet is low-carb, which includes legumes.

    Having read the instruction I understand it to be a legume based diet which includes other things and as legumes have something like 60% carb, I’d say it deffo isn’t a low carb diet.
    I think the OP is really asking about reducing processed carbs, which is a good idea, and replacing them with legumes, which is an even better idea.

    Free Member

    Now rebranded to “iDave diet”.

    Isn’t the Atkins diet a low carb diet and the iDave diet full of carbs?
    Or are lentils and beans off limits now?

    Free Member

    Whilst you are not wrong, some people do drink because they like it’s the effect rather than trying to mask a problem.

    I’d agree in part, but when the OP has gone from drinking a bottle of wine plus some whisky chasers to wine plus cheap whisky, I’d say he/she’s not doing it for the subtle and enjoyable flavours. If he/she’s drinking to get drunk, and I don’t really care if they’re using Buckfast or Bollinger then that’s not drinking for enjoyment.

    Free Member

    It’s a man’s game, played by men. MTFU.

    Free Member

    I would be more than happy to prosecute all punching in rugby – its not acceptable and it would soon remove it from the game

    Why not use a bit of common sense instead of going from one extreme to the other, as you generally do TJ?

    To prosecute all punching is either some liberal dream or simple trolling and sounds to me like TJ was bullied when younger. :-)

    Free Member

    I was pretty similar to you as I enjoyed a drink in the evenings and I thought there wasn’t a problem, until I realised it was every evening and a couple of afternoons too. I stopped drinking and spent three months without a drop.
    You’ve made the first step by thinking about it and talking about it, but that’s only the start. Strange as it may seem have a read of Allan Carr’s The Only Way, I know it’s about smoking but it is also about addictions and understanding addictions. I was brought up with an alcoholic father and lived in a heavy drinking culture.
    For me the root of the problems was much deeper family problems and I have to address these before everything can get back to normal, so go and talk to someone about the root of your problems.
    I used to think that you had to want to give up too, but having read the Allan Carr book I’ve changed my opinion on this, with the power of understanding and gentle persuasion you can begin the book not wanting to give up, but by the time you finish it you’ll be in a better position (It might take more than one read to achieve your objective).
    You’re not alone and be assured that with the right help you’ll get straight.
    Good luck.

    Free Member

    I bought one of those from the OP, the quality was diabolical for the price. It was tiny and colours were very poor. I wouldn’t waste your money, they took weeks to arrive and were folded as the envelope wasn’t strengthened and the postie just rammed it through the box. Load of crap and I’m still waiting for my money back after 6 weeks. Very poor. :-(

    Free Member

    Free Member

    In what respect “understanding” looking at or participating in?

    Free Member

    Sounds like a pretty clever chain to me. ;-)

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info, I might go for a wander this week and see what’s about.

    Free Member

    Just to balance the take it in/take it out argument, I often eat nuts and berries I find on trailside bushes and am always consciencious enough to have a dump before going home.

    Free Member

    Hi, my name is David. I have just found this thread and as I am being your own personalized customer services helper I can be help you. If you can only just send me your bank account details I will be fixing your problem and am send to you the correct passwords.
    Many thanks.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I don’t understand why the card reader won’t work either, unless the card has nothing to read on it. :?
    I had the same where the camera wouldn’t connect but the photos showed on the camera and eventually were tranferred using a card reader, the card worked fine after that. Try down loading to your mates computer, clean the card and try again.

    Free Member

    Scimitar, one of the few cars that threw me back into the seat under acceleration, the other being a Costello MGB……. Back in the day…..

    Free Member


    Free Member

    i got a letter before xmas reminding me mine had run out 18 months ago, i re newed it the next day on line,it came 2 days later without a fine !

    Is the DVLA a govt agency? Now there’s effiency, look you.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    What happens if you simply decide you don’t want to drive after you license expires?

    Free Member

    Surely the fine is related to a driving offence rather than possession, no?

    Free Member

    Don’t forget to dress and act like da kidz, innit!

    Free Member

    Where is the insult to you davidjones?

    Did I say you had insulted me?
    Did I? It’s your general abuse of other forum users who have the audacity to have a different opinion to you. It’s really quite sad.

    Can you answer the question?

    I’m disappointed in you TJ. Is that the only reply you have?

    Free Member

    What do you think?

    Free Member

    Competition? If someone works along side you and I have to promote one of you, I’ll promote the guy who goes the extra yard and not the gob shite who constantly spouts on about contract law and percieved rights and wrongs and refuses to work an extra second without being paid their overtime. But of course there is no wastage when everyone gets a promotion and pay rise irrespective of input and only based on length of service. Now there’s efficient.
    Surely one as smart as you can actually see that, I don’t expect you to accept it, just see it. It’s not a weakness to see other points of view.
    It’s not a victory when the opposition isn’t fighting.
    Until you can learn to discuss without ridiculing or insulting….. I’m out.

    Free Member

    Sorry – where did yo answer the question which is:-

    Have you really just asked that? Seriously? The bit about competition just flew right by you, did it? I know it’s not the answer you want, but it is an answer all the same.

    That would be decades spent in public service looking after the old, frail and vulnerable, inefficiently and only for my own personal profit.

    Fixed. ;-)

    Free Member

    Either accept it as being part of your personality and recognise that the bosses are going to look at you in a negative way when you ask for a pay rise, or learn to kiss ass.

    Free Member

    Lucky bounce. :-)

    Free Member

    I can assure is not reserved solely for the people above me .

    I dont suffer fools.

    I pigeon-hole people quite quickly into certain categories , and they usually stay there ( or move lower)
    Do you see this as being a problem, or not?

    Free Member

    you’re a shining example

    Must have missed that bit, but then again don’t most comedians call it artistic license, or something?
    Thanks for your contribution anyway. ;-)

    Free Member

    For 150k a week, I’ll do it for a few weeks. ;-)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    TJ asks question.
    Question is answered.
    TJ doesn’t like answer.
    TJ says “its utter nonsense “
    TJ expects to be taken seriously.
    Keep on doing what you’re doing TJ, you’re a shining example of everything that’s wrong in this country.

    l can honestly say that I’ve been most productive when I felt the most secure
    we currently have a load of redundancies coming up, production and morale is rock bottom. The threat of losing your job has not had the affect you claim

    Sorry to hear that, redundancy is nevver pleasant. I have experienced it once. I would say though that it’s possible that your insecurity is due to the way the management are dealing with it rather than the process itself. Hope you’re ok.

    Free Member

    come on – why should police work unpaid overtime?

    Of course TJ, you’re absolutely right. Why should anyone do overtime? The answer is very simple, to promote efficiency and improvements. If there is no competition people will stagnate and become lazy, if people can not lose their job, they will become complacent.
    Competition is good, a move to a more competitive environment is not selling out to the cheapest bidder.
    Have a read of this TJ and see what happens when the employees have to decide between maintaining the status quo (your stance) or making changes.

    Free Member

    Never mind the public sector even in the private sector where once stuff was done in house it was farmed out because it was “cheaper” well for the first year the headline costs were lower but then the wheels started to fall off.

    I can’t speak for everyone, but has the call centre industry discovered that cheaper Asian call centres are, in fact, not better and have started to bring them back to the UK as their companies were losing customers? Cheaper is not always better. Cheaper is not the same as more efficient.
    Public sector with more effective management could be more efficient.
    Public sector being sold off could be more efficient and cost effective.
    Equally if we discover that there are folks who are selfish and not team players, I think there will always be problems.

    Free Member

    You could see that one coming when he publically stated that he had the full support of Abramovich!!! Ooops.

    Free Member

    Davidjones – did you seriously suggest the police should be doing unpaid overtime ie working for free?

    Hmmm! Looks like I have to spell it out, but if I look at what I wrote I think the answer is quite clearly yes. Was I not clear enough for you? :-)

    In my experience, this question would not even need to be asked in large parts of the private sector. If there is an important part of your job that needs doing that requires a bit longer on the end of the day/work at the weekend… simply do it and, in my case, would want to do it. Pride in your work and your occupation – I would not expect extra pay either (edit – not suggesting that the alternative view negates pride in your work BTW!!). Perhaps this is why I find it hard to understand many of the different alternative perspectives on here!

    WTF is a shift (rhetorical question BTW)? Work is finished when its finished not when the clock ticks past 5 or whenever. I have never worked the set hours in my contract at any stage in my career.
    100% agree.

    TandemJeremy – Member

    More fool you.

    working for free is allowing your employer to to get away with underpaying and is abusive.

    You are right team hurtmore – you do have no understanding of many things outside your worldview.
    What sort of an answer is that? Hardly the material for adult debating, is it?

    Free Member

    Free marketeers are as dogmatic, deluded and unwilling admit doubt as any religious fundamentalist, but potentially more dangerous.

    And almost as blind as those that aren’t even prepared to contemplate an alternative option.
    Dogmatic is something I’m not often (read: ever) accused of being, but if it help your argument sit in your mind more easily, go for it. :-)
    Is there anything more dogmatic than “public sector is the only way and anything else is rubbish”?

    Free Member

    Yes – experience says every privatised public service is more expensive with a worse service and more waste

    I was talking theoretically, but don’t worry if that’s too complicated. ;-)
    I would also say that in my experience there is a huge amount of wastage in the current system. I’m quite sure you will argue differently.
    I do like the way that when people feel threatened, they come out with some bizarre statements.
    Have these good police people who are being pushed to the limits ever considered doing unpaid overtime? Of course not…
    Everybody want greater efficiency in the public sector? Why do you kick and scream everytime monitoring and measuring is mentioned?

    Free Member

    Lowest bidder is the usual way hence filthy hospitals

    Fair enough, but that doesn’t mean that theoretically privatization is wrong, does it? It means that the currently accepted way is wrong, but in the right hands it could work. Equally that under public sector control we are seeing wastage and in the right hands under public control the Police force/public health service could function a lot better. It’s not quite as black and white as you have put it, is it?

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