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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • david47
    Free Member

    Wouldn’t know, I’m just slow at racing… But at least I now stayed on the tracks!

    Free Member

    Bontrager Mud – love mine :-)

    Free Member

    Expects ? what a ****, however you should offer…

    Free Member


    Swinley, tunnel hill, Ceasers camp, porridge potts all near by…
    surrey hills not that far away.
    Woking is well served to london…
    not quite as expensive as Guildford, but then again its definitely so pretty…

    If you look at the strava heat map you can get a good look at concentrations of single track in the area…

    Free Member

    Yep, that’s what happened…
    Bike shop took it on the chin… Well so far. There was lots of head scratching though…

    Free Member

    Opps… Replace headed with Needed

    Free Member

    It’s supposed to be opposite to the Commons not just more of the same.

    This !

    Really don’t want an elected second chamber… Disaster :-(
    That’s not to say the current method of filling the second chamber is currently right..

    Free Member

    I hope they’re not dying out…I’ve just bought a 29er and it’s ace.

    I was a huge 29er skeptic until I tested one.
    This :-)
    Its ace ! But then I’m mainly XC in the south…

    Free Member

    Pretty sure I have not thought this one through, but in preparation for the next gorrick race I thought it would be a good idea to get tickets the night before to the woking beer festival… On that basis I’m pretty certain that it won’t matter that gearing I have :-(

    Free Member

    Also in the story is this small sentance…

    The UK has received rebates in the past as a result of this process.

    Free Member

    Being light was the most important thing we decided for our balance bike…
    We had no brakes on ours, did not seem to be an issue for either of the mini monsters when transferring to a bike with brakes, that was picked up very fast… Oddly, the bigger of our monsters really could not get the idea of peddling forwards, always backwards, for the second this was not an issue at all. \joke its obviously cos the first is a lefty \endjoke

    Free Member

    Instead of waisting your time campaigning about the possibility that there might be some badly behaved mtbers (and the will be some) why don’t you campaign for a trail Centre to be created? Mtbers will be happy, somewhere they can have input to making and then using. The supposedly traumatised walkers will be happy as the bikers (In the main) will be in the trail Centre. Positive moves are always better than negative ones…

    Free Member

    Me and her in charge use it as a workout when we want a change from running/biking/swimming However, the thought of every day for the 3 months… not for us…
    For the record, someone mentioned to me at some point that there can be problems with insanity and your knees do to the nature of the exercises… And the T25 apparently was developed to combat this… No idea if its true… But the T25 is more appealing, if only as the exercised period is shorter, and the exercises are more varied…

    Free Member

    we park in the coral reef park park opposite, which is also pay and display… or alternatively we park near St Annes Church in bagshot, which is free.

    Free Member

    I don’t disagree with you, but what is the difference between house value and sale price?

    The sale price was the last time the house was sold… which obviously values the house at the time of the sale… therefore its probably not the value of the house at any given time for tax purposes.

    Free Member

    Photo ?

    Free Member

    Don’t those things get taxed enough already ?

    Free Member

    Yes it’s a faff having to do the bindings up whilst my mates on ski’s want to shoot off but to me it just feels like more fun.

    Get some flow bindings… You can do them up while moving straight off the lifts… then its a bit of a faff waiting for the skiers to put the ski pole loops over their gloves ;-)

    Free Member

    For those of us that are interested but could not make it, can someone post a summary of the meeting ?

    Free Member

    Thank you :-)

    Free Member

    The post code for hungry is ceasers camp ? Is that right ?

    Free Member

    I do think that the Extra subsidy and devo max is going to cause massive issues if the vote goes no. Probably a massive parlimentary rebellion.

    And quite right too. It’s so obviously a panic bribe move, should never have been made, how can we all in it together if a large part obviously aren’t. Either go all the way and good riddance, or stay and be in it together. Bloody politicians.
    But what’s going to be worse is when one side gloats when they win by half a percent or so.

    Free Member

    Why is there is stupid idea going around that SNP politicians are any less pig headed and more more capable of telling the truth that any other politician in the world ? I think its a brilliant idea that a few million people have that much faith in ‘their’ local politician they are voting for what ever counts for independence these days…
    Good luck ;-) You’ll need it…

    Free Member

    Seems fair enough – I reckon rUK would happily make that trade.

    Very happy, The Southern North Sea gas is rapidly running out…

    Free Member

    But what happens to the contract if there’s a split; the contract is with the UK, but now the oil is in Scotlands EEZ so will the contract continue with the UK and the fee split by some means or will it be cancelled and re-negotiated as new with the Scottish government?

    No idea… There are contracts with the UK government for up to 30 years… I’d guess, and its only a guess they would all have to be renegotiated…
    over a hundred companies of all sizes work in the N Sea.

    Free Member

    In a very simple nut shell, governments have licensing rounds to allocate exploration licenses. These licenses are normally given to the companies that offer the most attractive package – commitments to exploring the area, money up front to the government, company reliability etc etc. Part of this process will be how much the government is expecting to take from any profit based production (i.e. after the exploration and production costs have been removed). Remember that exploration in deep water could be as much as $180m a well quite a bit really. West of Shetland is definitely deep water, definitely regarded as a hostile drilling environment.
    This exploration phase can be lengthy, we have one here that is over 10 years and counting, no well drilled yet! Once a commercial discovery has been made, it will then go into new contract phase, that will last up to 30 years. These always have options for extension. Remember that a production platform is a substantial investment, and not going to be for a years production…
    The terms for this may still be the terms negotiated in the exploration phase, but may need to be renegotiated depending on that was found and current market conditions. It is now normally expected that decommissioning costs are part of the factored into the initial process, but it has not always been the case.

    Governments take a cut of the barrel price as it comes out of the ground.. And when I say take a cut, its a huge slice of the barrel price. Norway for example is very generous and only take 75% of the profit available. They then take again at the petrol pump, again take another 65 ish % of cost there…

    Free Member

    Lots of the N Sea fields are mature, with production cost rising, so revenues could be reduced as companies now have to start to set aside large sums for decommissioning costs… But there are still opportunities West of Shetland for large fields to be found… But they will take time to come on board, especially as I’m not aware of any that actually exist (I’ve seen the stories and huge fields announcements being suppressed, what twaddle…), and working WoS is expensive.. so generate less take for the government. And depending on how you see it, they have to be large to be worth developing in the first place, so generate for many years, if they come on stream at all…

    Free Member

    Considering the licenses are issued annually this would seem to make sense. Once these licenses expire an iScotland will issue its own licences and keep all the money.

    Licenses are not issued annually… Production licenses the are issued for up to 30 years… depending on the government thoughts at the time, and expected field life etc etc.
    I could explain more, but blinkered views are much more fun to read…

    Free Member

    According to the wife….
    The house we bought
    The car we bought
    The tv we bought
    The kitchen table we bought
    The clothes I wear
    This could go on for a bit…

    Free Member

    Ninfan, I am assuming I’m being thick, but can you explain more ? I don’t understand how that works, but the result sounds good !
    And annoyingly like the last meeting, I can’t make this one either !

    Free Member

    Hope it’s a yes, so they go away and we can get on with important stuff. After all, they are only going to go and on and on until they get it.

    Free Member

    They won’t be in the EU, silly.

    Good point :-)

    Free Member

    all the companies mentioned are already multi-national and operate throughout the world. As the banks have also mentioned, relocating their head office will have little impact on their operations in Scotland (as advised to their staff). believe or not but Scotland has quite a high knowledge and expertise base, and there is some highly skilled jobs in the market place. these will remain because they are there due to experience in the workforce but also due to location of resources, be it natural or otherwise.

    Not disputing the quality of the workers… But does the little Englander syndrome mean customers will no longer want to call a foreign (scottish) call centre ?

    Free Member

    Doubt it, it will become scottish waters and therefore scotland will negotiate the quota system.

    Thought the EU dictated the quota system ?

    Free Member

    A question or two raised here, does a yes vote wreck the scottish fishing industry ? After all the quota system is surely dependant upon population, or market size ? And most of the UK’s boats are based in scotland ?

    And I know all the banks are claiming to just be moving the ‘legal entity’ but will all the call centres have to move ? as being in another country would there be an offshoreing backlash against them being in another country ?

    Free Member

    How on earth are you going to pay for it?

    Salmond says we can afford it, it must be true…

    Free Member

    Ok, phoned direct line again… they will cover specified bikes to £5,000. However they are nore expesive that the cover offered by john lewis… THe difference is down to Travel cover (with winter sports) being included in direct lines quote… now off to see what I can get that for, as DL is now much more expensive…

    Free Member

    Direct Line for me, their premium cover (plus or some other equally crap name). Covers bikes in the garage up to £3k and expensive items in the house as well.

    Really ? I phoned them up and they told me they only cover bikes to £1,000 and I have the premium cover… Was about to move to John Lewis…
    Will phone them again…

    Free Member

    removed post… it was just too silly really..

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