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  • Davesport
    Full Member

    I started getting ectopic beats really bad in my mid 30’s. (I’m 62 now) It was deeply uncomfortable, unpredictable and at times; frightening. I had a 24 hour recording which recorded several thousand ectopics, a stress test & ultrasound check on my heart. These didn’t tend to be noticeable during exercise but I’d stopped cycling until the doc gave me the all clear. I’ve never smoked, enjoy a drink & always did sport of some description. I was reasonably fit at the time, had a stringent medical every year & no family history.

    Nothing I tried or omitted from my diet made any difference. I think the single thing that helped the most was the strong reassurance from the cardiac specialist. Despite the alarming nature of these ectopic beats I was in fact fine. It took about five years for them to subside & I only now experience the odd missed beat.

    Hopefully yours subside with time as mine did.

    Full Member

    Pyramex Proximity safety glasses. After years of trying different safety glasses these are the best by a huge margin. Anti scratch, an anti fog coating that works & a removable foam seal/cushion.

    Full Member

    Did you bleed it with the speed  adjuster set to full slow. This maximises the amount of fluid in the system.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the heads-up :o)

    Full Member

    Don’t want to say as it would give away my age :o)

    OK then, “Freebie & The Bean”

    Full Member

    Do they come on different wheelbases?
    I presume the Pug is the same?

    The Berlingo comes in an L2 version which is about 400mm longer in the body, wheelbase I think is the same. For scale, DH bikes go in fully assembled with room to spare.

    Full Member

    All the signs of a worn synchro ring on the affected gear. The synchro speeds up the gear prior to engagement & makes the shift silent & smooth.

    I’d drain out the gearbox oil & filter it through some kitchen paper. If there anything resembling glitter in there it needs investigating.

    Full Member

    Those spring compressors put the fear of God in me. I’ve seen this go wrong several times as one compressor slides round in a finger trapping blink of an eye to meet the other one.

    Full Member

    Peak creative MTB film making. Liked that a lot.

    Full Member

    Disabled badge holders only with applicable time restrictions applying to them. If you don’t have a badge you can’t legally park where the  restrictions apply.

    Full Member

    Bought one of these, HP LaserJet Pro M283FDW after years of fighting with gunked up Inkjets that weren’t getting used enough. It’s been a bit of a game-changer as not only does it work every time it’s switched on it’s also wireless. It also scans & copies. Happy so far but I’m trying not to think about the cost of replacing the toner \o/

    Full Member

    I’ve had hyperbaric O2 therapy for  broken/partially severed fingers. I’m of the opinion that it definitely helped the healing process. It was self funded at a chamber not far from where I live. There’s nothing to lose by giving it a try. Results are difficult to quantify but in the same circumstances I’d do it again.

    Full Member

    I donated about 600 old magazines to a mate. It took about 20 min of my time to put them all through his letter box one at a time to ensure he got them in perfect condition. He was ever so grateful;o)

    A little kindness goes a long way.

    Full Member

    My thoughts are with you. Don’t have any words that are meaningful. RIP beautiful Fin.

    Full Member

    Sorry man. Cats are a big part of our world & I feel your loss. You did your best by Ted & that’s whats important. RIP Ted.

    Full Member

    It would mean that ebikers would be even fitter than they are now ;o)

    Full Member

    Citroen Berlingo L2. The L2 being the important part as despite being the standard wheelbase the body is longer. Long enough by a significant margin that you can sleep in there & easily enough space for 3 DH bikes with the wheels on. Mrs D has had hers from new and it has genuinely been the most reliable motor we’ve owned.

    Full Member

    Why does that make the undersize fish bigger

    So what i understand is that you’ve decided to comment without actually knowing or establishing the facts? :o)

    Full Member

    Nice job posting pictures of the bass that all look undersize – and that’s ignoring the fact that you’ve also exceeded the daily catch limit.

    I knew someone would be along :o) How many people were fishing ?

    Full Member

    Tell me why. I had one when I used to dive. It never got used. (Apart from that time when I had to slit a Bond henchman’s air-tube while we were invading the villain’s hidden cavern. And that time with the man-eating shark.) Mockery apart, when do you use it when snorkelling? I’ve never needed one, but then I’ve never been spearfishing. Presumably to cut line, etc. (And fight off giant morays…)

    Coastal dive sites can be littered with discarded fishing line & lures. And For finishing off the fish & lobsters the OP’s going to catch!

    Full Member

    You’re talking about snorkeling. Freediving is related but different in that the it’s the pursuit of depth, time & personal limits. If you’ve never been involved I’d seek proper advice on the required gear & learning some basic skills. Spearfishing is on the rise around the UK & lobsters as well as scallops can be had on breathhold. If you want to remain immersed in UK waters you’ll need some gear :o) Minimum, good two piece wetsuit made out of modern neporene, mask, snorkel, shoe fins & if you want to go below the surface a weight belt and weights. A small sheath knife essential. Best advice I can give is don’t do this on your own. I’ve bought gear from both of the following & can recommend both places.

    Spearfishing Store

    If you want to take things further look up courses endorsed by AIDA. There’s several in the UK.

    I went Apnea Canarias

    Full Member

    Those are completely bonkers prices. I did the brakes on SWMBO’s Berlingo van for a fraction of that. Ive just checked the invoice for pads & discs in 2020 which came to £83.57. Front discs and pads for my T6 were £200 only a few days ago, the Berlingo parts will definitely be cheaper. Obvs things have gone up but at those prices I’d be doing this myself. Lots of very helpful vids on YouTube. If you were anywhere nearby id give you a hand. I’d allow an hour a side start to finish including getting all the required tools out. Id be surprised if it took a garage an hour to complete that job.

    Edit. Those are over the counter parts prices for a punter. Trade will be getting the stuff at a hefty discount. Even the cheapest quote at £600.00 is extortionate.

    Full Member

    To get sufficient heat into that you’d need either an induction heater or oxy/act which you obv’s don’t have. The welder option as above. Repeated & ever desperate attempts at removal could hinder your chances. There’s a number of factors that affect how much torque you can apply to this before it shears off further down, under flush or releases and comes out cleanly. If it’s a through hole there may be a rusty portion of the thread protruding at the rear or corrosion may have crept up the hole. If that’s the case clean everything up to prevent it binding on the way out. Can’t tell from looking what size of thread that is? M6/M8 These could both easily be sheared off using hand tools so proceed with caution. I’d file or grind two flats on that stud allowing your molegrips to get a solid hold. Ensure flats are aligned to allow free movement of molegrips. From there I’d heat everything as hot as you can get it with a hot air gun/blowlamp/wife’s hairdryer etc. Give the end of the bolt a few solid blows with a hammer. Get the molegrips engaged as solidly as humanly possible & attempt to work the bolt back and forth in tiny increments. Stuck studs and bolts will twist along their length and the small movements help release the threads nearest the outside first. Take your time & apply more heat and impacts from the hammer every few minutes. It;s a process that’s not to be rushed. Don’t be tempted to swing on the molegrips.

    Good luck.

    Full Member

    Pair of Arbroath Smokies on crusty bread with half a tub of Lurpack.

    Full Member

    I know you said a £100 quid but you could remortgage and buy him an Emberleaf. :o)

    Full Member

    I opened the door a slight mist of smoke came out

    If there’s smoke/mist inside the drum (which is sealed so that water can’t get out) could be the drum rubbing on the seal at the front of the machine. There should be sufficient clearance between the seal & the drum so that they don’t rub & get hot. There’s a number of things that can cause this. Bearing failure, failure of the alloy spider at the back of the drum, seal gone baggy etc.

    Does the drum spin freely by hand? If you open the door and try to move the inner drum up and down is there any play? Any noise whilst rotating by hand?

    Full Member

    Any drainage gutters blocked? Either sunroof or tailgate. These usually have a tube to drain water away & these get blocked with leaves & grot. The overspill can end up in all sorts of places.

    Full Member

    I get safety glasses provided free gratis but just use whatever’s there. So this was always Bolle but then these Pyramex Proximity Glasses turned up. Definitely better glasses than the equivalent |Bolle’s I’ve had. Scratch resistance, resistance to fogging, & overall lifespan are much better. My glasses get dogs abuse & the lenses on these seem to last a lot longer before getting hazy. The foam seal unclips from the specs for cleaning.

    I’d buy these if I wasn’t getting them supplied :o)

    Full Member

    Two Eskimos sitting in their kayak were getting chilly so they lit a fire in the bottom of the craft. Unsurprisingly it sank, proving once again that you can’t have your kayak & heat it too.

    Full Member

    Many thanks for taking the time to share these. I’ve been waiting since the last lot :o)

    Full Member


    I cycle through his estate regularly. When RDM bought the Hopes Estate he initially tried to close off the whole of the access road which also services the Hopes reservoir, dam & water treatment plant. Despite this being a public road that is maintained by the council; it took time to get the road reopened. More recently he decided to remove the legitimate right of vehicular access to the estate by preventing people using the water authority car park by putting his own large and intimidating signs on property that didn’t belong to him. His justifications for this would have been laughable if the consequences hadn’t been so far reaching. He built his own car park in an attempt to soothe the Ire of those who’d previously enjoyed access. Permission was sought for this & granted in the face of strong opposition. There was a retrospective catch however. Access to his new car park was limited by the purchase of a valid permit. There were only 20 of these at any time & I’ve not spoken to anyone who had one. His car park ended up full of contractors equipment & with his signs leaving people intimidated at the prospect of parking in the water authority car park he’d effectively managed to exclude people arriving in cars that wanted access to the hills. Three years after he put these measures in place the illegal signs he erected in the water authority car park are gone & believe its safe to park there again without the anonymous goons/flunkeys putting large stickers on peoples car windows. It has taken a lot of uphill struggle to get things this far.

    Anyway; I digress. “That this House congratulates Robbie Douglas-Miller who has been awarded an OBE for services to wildlife conservation in Scotland; recognises his contribution to conserving and improving the biodiversity of East Lothian and further afield; and wishes him continued success in his important work in addressing the climate emergency.”

    Yes’ he’s an OBE. This in itself probably not worthy of consideration but the reason he was given this leaves me dumbfounded considering the decimated wildlife I’ve seen on his property. In a remote valley on his estate off the beaten track, my wife & I cycled through a maze of carcasses. Hares, rabbits, corvids & pigeons. So many we had to steer the bikes round them. This area was well away from the butts & tracks used by the gun-bus to get the shooters up the hill. Not being versed in grouse moor or driven shooting estate management I’m guessing that his estate is managed along similar lines to many others. I’m not seeing anything that’s been referenced above.

    In a chance meeting and conversation with a local British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) ranger I asked him directly about raptor persecution on an estate close to my house where there are ongoing problems with access. His head fell & he said “I’m afraid there’s no good news” :o( He had personally witnessed birds of prey being shot & disposed of. Some reported through the correct channels & at least one dead owl being located by the police. Getting sufficient evidence to stand a good chance of prosecution is very difficult as the legal bar is high was what I understood from our conversation.

    So yes, as you point out; it’s absurd & beyond the comprehension of most including me that this appointment has been made.

    My own opinion is that he can do pretty much whatever he likes up there & there’s little to be done to change things. I can cite plenty of good examples of land management & consideration given to maintaining access. Unfortunately this isn’t one of the good examples & it exists purely as a monoculture to protect grouse at the expense of everything else including access.

    Full Member

    As pointed out, depending on snowfall you should be ok. If there’s snow laying its worth reconsideration. It can be a pretty place even at that time of yoear but its a gamble & the hours of daylight are short. Take a good paperback & enough beer tokens to get you through.

    Full Member

    Well, I’ve got one of these Dewalt 18V rattle guns For day to day use in the workshop it takes care of most jobs. Wheel bolts on vans & cars easily removed & can be bought for less than a ton. Not the most powerful tool but it’s light & portable. Batteries last for ages :o)

    Full Member

    Get yourself an adaptor to 3/8 or 1/2 inch for small sockets. Removes cassette lockrings double quick :o)

    Full Member

    One of my offspring managed to snap the screw (Part No5) by dropping the clamp from height onto a concrete floor. Couldn’t find one in the UK, but Park in the US had one left and the cost initially including all taxes was over £40.00. For some reason they wrote the cost off & sent the part free gratis to my address. Can’t fault their service. They were very quick to get back to me after I made contact.

    Full Member

    Possibly a cheese lightweight speaking here but my go-to for the last 5 years is Norwegian brown cheese, the caramelised stuff. Strangely repellent to those that haven’t tried it :o) as it doesn’t have any cheesy characteristics. However; like good drugs my first hit was free & now im hooked. A massive plus for this stuff is that it can be left unguarded in the fridge as nobody else will go near it :o)

    Full Member

    Mine have arrived. Well happy with these :o) Thx for the PSA.

    Full Member

    Common fault at this time of year. Hit pump with hammer to free it up. Bearings are siezed.

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