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  • Orange Bikes Announces ‘A New Dawn’
  • DaveGr
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    Dullest Hobby Ever?

    Internet forums

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    Just back from my first time at Dalby. Started off at Dixons Hollow and set off on the black route. The first few sections were OK, a few drop offs including an interesting end to a section which was steep/rollable on the left but you'd have to take air on the right. Then got to one that was steep, rooty & IMO you'd have to take at speed/confident and know the line to get thru. As I'm a mincer I didn't and wasn't really getting into the ride so after that stuck to the red which I really enjoyed. On a HT BTW.

    It did seem that you'd be going along a trail and all of a sudden have an obstacle that didn't fit in with the flow – if that makes sense. Like a tight corner I'd try to take fast and a find a drop off on the outside of the corner where I was aiming to exit. No problem with this as you soon learn and have to keep your wits about you. If in doubt stop, look and learn.

    Wasn't expecting much before I got there but thought the place was excellent fun. Though did pass one person in a space blanket waiting for the medics to arrive.

    Free Member

    Which matters more, shareholder value or social responsibility?

    They're a public listed company that is out to make as much money for it's shareholders as it possibly can. Any moral or social responsibility is only going to be done if it doesn't impact on the bottom line. Much the same as most if not all companies (there will be of course some exceptions). E.g in supermarkets case they like to be seen to be giving a better deal to farmers but in reality it's ensuring their supply chain. Free buses so people can get to the shop if they haven't got a car or don't want to use one? Of course, will driving past the boarded up local shops.

    I now shop at the Co-op as it is within walking distance and they have a better moral stance towards farmers etc. than the big boys. From memory I think there's a Co-op in Mach.

    IMO you won't beat the big boys at planning. They'll quite happily buy up land to stop any rivals setting up and have much more money, people etc. who's job it is to get things done.

    Many years ago there used to be lots of suppliers / farmers and lots of distributors (shops, markets etc.) Now the number of distributors has fallen dramatically so that the big multinational companies hold all the power. Shop local and shop small. Boycott Tescos, Asda etc.

    Free Member

    Just skimmed the post but putting one of the parents as the main driver and the son/daughter as a named driver but in reality the son/daughter is the main driver is fraud. Despite it being "recommended" by Jeremy Clarkeson. Whilst in reality this might have been done for decades insurance companies are cracking down on fraud 'cos it's been increasing in the last few years but it's also one of the FSA objectives to reduce financial crime.

    Some companies check the policies when they're taken out and flag up inconsistencies like this while others will flag it up to investigate if a claim comes in.

    Either way you run the risk of having a claim turned down etc.

    Free Member

    I'm still mulling over the ability to complete 100 miles (& therefore enter)

    So am I. As I sit here I think "no". Then I'm off out on the bike and think to myself "go on, what's the worst that can happen?"

    and while we're on the subject of photos. What do people look for in a race photo? As I said above, the Joolze photo stood out as she seems to get the background to stand out and the shot to be a bit different. A lot of other shots I see are the standard "this is a shot of a person on a bike". Everything technically correct, nothing wrong per se but every shot looks the same and it doesn't "say" anything.

    Free Member

    Cool, you can now run both. One on the bars, other on the helmet and report on the reliability and light output over time.

    Free Member

    Ti29er – so are you taking photos at the Kielder 100 ?

    If so can you take one of me early on as I doubt I'll make the cut off times * 🙁

    * if I enter that is

    Free Member

    I thought the head angle was slack compared to the seat tube. By having a steep seat tube it moved the riders weight forward over the front fork so that the rear "skipped" over obstacles and you used the front suspension more? Opposite to a Jones so I've been told which places the riders weight more over the rear wheel.

    Either way, I ride it with my weight more over the front and the fork wound out a bit more than I used to. Works for me and the peddling position is more efficient.

    Free Member

    You'll single handed bring down the UK manufacturing industry buying the Bastid light !!!!!

    Only joking btw.

    Free Member

    When looking at race photos I've wondered how much they're "worth". From £12, £6 to the free ones you can get they do vary in quality. I paid £12 for a Jules one as, for once, I wasn't gurning in it and I think it's a good, well framed photo but also £6 at another event not cos I thought it was a good photo as such – it was a basic shot tbh – but I wanted a momento of being there.

    As for people taking shots of me and charging. No problem with that BUT if they then started to make a lot of money from it, say as a poster, then I'd expect a cut for being the "model".

    Interesting if someone has paid to be the event photographer. Just what have they paid for? Exclusive access to the event? Only they advertise on the events web site? Interested to know what's in the contract they signed with the events organiser.

    Free Member

    On an absolute mind blowing night out I might do 2.5 or push the boat out to 3 pints.

    and then regret it the next day 🙁

    Free Member

    I'm happy just knowing it's in the garage let along riding it.

    Free Member

    If the suns shining might pop over to the Brecon Beacons at some point.

    Free Member

    Most likely pizza

    with "vintage" organic cider

    listening to The Enid as they're about to tour again.

    Free Member

    Rode MM and 2412 this year.

    Thought the MM course was a bit dull in that there was very little pay back until the descents at the end and that was just cos they were fast. The 2412 course had more fun bits scattered throughout and a much more fun descent half way through. From previous experience the MM course would not hold up in the wet with the three mud sections whereas the 2412 course might have done – this was the wet weather course – but if some of the muddy bits had cut up I don't know how the mud would turn out…sticky or wet.

    But the MM course allowed you to relax as a soloist and just pedal on bits of it whereas the 2412 course was mainly steep climbs, single track or descents you had to keep your wits about you. Personally I thought the 2412 course was tougher / better though for some reason I couldn't get into it like MM. Climbing wise I made MM 375 metres a lap to 270 at 2412 but the lap distances, I think, were 9 and 8 miles respectively.

    People wise 2412 had a lot less of course – only rode for @ 9 hours before dropping out but there were times when there was no one in sight or sound which was fun. Not sure how the course would cope with more people as it might cut up more and with less overtaking opportunities people might get more frustrated. So the above comment about it being better would not I think be the case with more people.

    Organisation wise 2412 have got its act together after IMO the basic errors of two years ago so for the two events they both do everything OK. Can't fault any of them.

    Spectated at SITS and to me there was clearly two tiers – those who set off fast and furious and the majority that were there to ride without a race face on.

    Overall I've yet to ride what I'd like to see in a 24 hour soloists course but 2412 is getting closer but I doubt that the type of course would suit the numbers MM has.

    Oh, and one thing I would like to see is the solists area set up as SITS last year where you entered at one end, went to your tent and then exited at the far end pretty much in a straight line. This year there was one entrance / exit so if you were self supported you'd have to go to your tent then double back on yourself. Might not seem much but even a couple of minutes lost can mount up over a number of stops.

    Free Member

    Rob – I was spectating for a couple of hours and was amazed when you went off so fast. I expected you to blow up at some point but glad you didn't !!!!

    As for "There were a good few "names" on the start list" you're now well and truly one of the "names"

    Free Member

    I've now done three solo 24's and for me it's not just a case of getting the miles in and turning up. You have a lot to get right from a bike that will last 24 hours continuous riding, endurance training, handling the mental side, nutrition to technical skill. Yes, even on an "easy" course your technical skill will allow you to save energy thru sections and keep your speed up, both IMO important aspects of a 24 hour solo.

    I am well impressed with everyone who gets a top finish and if anyone thinks it's easy but hasn't done it…enter MM next year, get a top 10 placing and prove me wrong 😉

    Free Member

    Have been interested in this but it's a five hour drive there and based on my races this year…..

    Bristol 12 – 80 miles
    MM 24 – 155 miles
    Bontrager 12hr – 55 miles (stopped early)

    and other rides I've done I don't think I'll make the cut off times – like a challenge but not if I'm doomed to fail from the start. Think it's a good idea for an event but need more on the course. Such as if don't make a cut off is the route back on the road or a shorter off road route and how far is it? If I hit the wall after 8 hours I don't fancy a couple of hours slog back.

    Free Member

    I think (been a while) that aspirin is a good idea for afterwards as it dulls the pain and you swill it around as an antiseptic. Agree that the cracking noise of the tooth is not nice.

    Free Member

    I train using a 32 and then race enduros with a 34 – extra weight but when tired those extra 2 teeth can make a difference.

    Free Member

    I've ridden FS nearly all this year as I was doing MM solo so went for comfort and usually have the rear shock set to 150 – 155 psi depending on the terrain to get full travel. At MM in the first 12 hours I didn't quite get full travel (90%) but later on I did get full travel and I reckon that was due to the braking bumps.

    But at the Enduro 6 earlier this year I ended up running it at 145 to get full rear travel. From all this I deduce that the course didn't need a FS !!!! BTW only spectated at SITS this year.

    Oh, and I have a Simple set up for when it gets muddy as FS is so NOT the way to go in the mud.

    Free Member

    Going back a few years and having been successful with home brew beer I tried making wine. Results were not good and not cheap enough to warrant trying to get better – I could buy drinkable, cheap wine from the offy.

    But I reckon if you go foraging in the hedgerows you should get enough fruit to make some decent "non grape" wine if that makes sense …elderberry, blackberry

    Free Member

    we laughed at the furious swearing by the Salsa rider when his handover man was late

    Also LMFAO at this. Classic moment.

    Free Member

    Got the AMS 100 XT Full Susser and it's great. All the kit is good, rides superb and it's stood up well to 6 months hard use. Got it for 24 hr solo as well as the usual weekend trail stuff (Wales, Peaks) and it's taken it all in it's stride.

    Free Member

    Wait till Monday, contact Orange and then if it's OK send the cheque then. Posties are on strike anyway so no point popping it in the post tomorrow. As for paypal then the fees eat into his profit so can see the point of a cheque. paypal = no address. Cheque you have to have his address to send it to.

    Free Member

    If you made an effort to spruce yourself up and went for a drink, how would you feel if a couple of gay guys standing at the bar near you started leering and making comments

    I'd be well impressed someone even noticed me even though I'm not that I'm that way inclined.

    Free Member

    I've found that shadow mechs have to be set up from scratch without skipping any steps in the instructions (no pun intended). Even then, I took my bike into the lbs as I wasn't happy with the shifting. They set it up and it was OK'ish in the shop but on the trails it didn't feel right. After about an hour's riding it had settled down. No idea why it took an hour riding to settle down as the cables weren't new.

    Still think my 6 year old XTR on my commuting bike is a better mech – only had to change the jockey wheels whereas a XT shadow mech lasts less than a year.

    Free Member

    Roasted parsnips and potatoes in hemp oil and herbs served with quorn mince, a tomato sauce and garlic with a side helping of beetroot 😉

    organic cider

    Status Quo – not long 'til the winter tour 2009 😀

    Free Member
    Free Member

    He was a small time crook who had an even smaller role in the robbery. He lived the high life off the back of it, not paying any UK taxes etc. and then when he could no longer earn a living abroad and wanted free health care he came back here hoping to instantly be freed. We, the tax payer, should not pay a penny towards his care in jail or hospital. It's a sign of our "culture" that he takes up so much time on the news.

    Free Member

    to meet her folks….double OMG

    I'd take the bikes as it's only a matter of time before they're on Ebay….

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with appreciating beauty in all it's forms, even if they're 25 years younger than you*. But the old adage "you can window shop but don't handle the goods" springs to mind.

    I have nothing in common with most sub 25 year olds I meet except for one girl I met at the Edale YHA earlier this year. To my eternal shame I decided to go for a solo ride on the bike 🙁

    * speaking as a middle aged bloke who hasn't yet bought into the slippers and cocoa routine.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Bought some bib shorts and they had been stiched together wrong so that one side was 2" higher than the other !!! Put them on, knew something was wrong but didn't spot it for a while. Find their sizing inconsistent as well.

    Free Member

    Attach P clips to the stays and then racks to them. Should be OK so long as you don't overload things. Oh and check any rack doesn't foul stuff like disc calipers.

    Free Member

    456 why not give me a good reason

    It's an On One ….. that's why 😉

    Simple and Soul combo – you can swap the seat post/saddle between the two (£100ish saved). If the brakes are the same then you can swop the front wheel as well so only need the rear one.

    Free Member

    due to the worst conditions he has every encountered at Catton

    Am soooo glad I didn't enter this year after the Somme like conditions last year. Still deciding whether to turn up and spectate yet though.

    Free Member

    I did a trip back in 2005 but it was organised by the charity and we paid for all the costs ourselves. All sponsorship money went direct to the charity. But having looked into the "charity tourism industry" I wouldn't sponsor someone on the type where you pay X amount for the trip and some money goes to charity. Some of the trips are just adventure holidays – one of the reasons we went on ours was because it wasn't. I saw someone in the local paper two years ago asking for sponsorship for her trip to pay for her gel saddle FFS !!!!

    The trip we made was for our enjoyment but also to raise awareness / money. Some people on low wages were more than generous whilst some contractors on £400+ a day didn't give a penny. We were lucky in a lot of friends sponsored us and one of the contractors company gave £500 !!!

    Nowadays TBH I'm fed up with people wanting money to do things which aren't challenging. I would rather give to the charities I want to and claim back the tax efficiently – I'm not sure this is always the case.

    More info on our trip if you're interested on ……

    Madagascar trip

    Free Member

    Met a family on the last part of the Marin trail earlier this year but they got out of the way and I carried on past. Have gone past a few other groups over the years. If I'm on a bridleway or other right of way then I slow down a lot to go past. But if I'm on a marked MTB trail then I go past at a speed safe for me with in most cases is faster than the walkers think I should go at.

    Free Member

    Bought some Reba SL's off Merlin last year and they are great / as advertised. As the price seemed too good to be true when compared to the other types of Reba they were selling (team/race) and as you "can't" buy after market SL's in this country I phoned them up. They explained the spec/differences to the others (minimal) and I bought the forks.

    Circa 2005 I bought some very cheap Dukes off CRC and they did have a steel steerer rather than alloy and weren't as reliable as a 2001 model I'd used. But for the price I was happy – weren't advertised as OEM but I knew at that price they were either OEM / grey import / end of batch.

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