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  • Video: Inside the Hope Tech Factory
  • DaveGr
    Free Member

    That's why car drivers pay insurance. Assuming he got the registration, otherwise it's a bit pointless.

    Not sure how "hit n run" cases work but in some circumstances you can claim thru the MIB – no, not the Men in Black 😆 But remember that all these uninsured drivers and those not stopping add to your premiums as the claims are paid for by the insurance industry and passed on in higher premiums.

    Free Member

    I am in my own "solo night riding club". I charge myself £2 a ride. No idea what the club uses the money for though …..

    Free Member

    Save them for the next STW witch hunt and then "BURN 'EM" 😆

    Free Member

    Only saddle I've ever broken a rail on so I would have loved to get 18 months use out of one …..

    Free Member

    Bit drastic but I've just reinstalled windows and the whole machine is running oh so much better. Also got rid of Zonelarm and gone for Avast which seems to have helped. Surfing is a pleasure now rather than the pain it was getting.

    Free Member

    For any fan that bought a new Notts' shirt and had 'Campbell' printed on the back, I am pleased to offer a voucher for the club shop for a replacement shirt.

    Reckon Campbell should cough up out of his wages.

    Trembling said: "I spoke to his representative this morning…"

    So Campbell didn't even tell them personally ??

    Free Member

    My Mk1 joystick uses a proprietary battery – it was playing up this year so spoke to the USE guys at SITS and they said to phone them up during the week – if they can't fix the problem then they have some good offers on new stuff. Battery suddenly started to work !!! so didn't follow it up but I've heard they are good with support. But, that's one of the reasons I went with Lumi LED's as my main light – easily replacable battery.

    Free Member

    Might be different in the UK but over here if you hit a pedestrian you are liable

    The law is different. Guy from CTC was giving a balanced view a few days ago about changing the law to say that a pedestrian is not at fault unless proved otherwise. This is the case in all European countries except four – UK and I think Ireland, Cyprus and Malta.

    Free Member

    Why not just tax everyone on a sliding scale according to how much they earn?

    Just think of the drawbacks
    – less complicated tax system so less civil servants needed to administer it
    – as it's less complicated there's no need for complicated tax returns or tax avoidance so less accountants in a job
    – less "stealth" taxes so all of a sudden people understand just how much tax they are paying and start to demand better value for money
    – when the Government want to raise more tax they'd have to say "we're adding 1p to the tax" and be upfront about it rather than "We're going to tax those people who order an On-One on a Thursday and get it delivered during the week" which most people wouldn't understand

    Free Member

    Estate agent was on five 5 saying how it was unfair as it would penalise those in London. Err, if you live in / can afford to pay for a £1m plus house then it shouldn't matter where you live.

    But no idea how they'll evaluate if your house is £1m plus. "Well it was two years ago but it's not now. Can I have a rebate please?"

    Easier to just slap the tax on all home owners inside the M25 and anyone in the countryside with more than 10 acres.

    Free Member

    Philip Williams: Hello Lyndsey, is a supervisor around ?

    Should have asked to speak to the dog 😆

    Free Member

    Don't these packs allow you to get in the pockets for food without taking it off? Not to mention a lower centre of gravity which is an ideal way to offset the weight of the heavier person……

    Free Member

    He swapped the front and back wheels round, saying it was less damage to me if the back falls off

    A true gent would have swopped it for one of his Q/R's !!!!

    Free Member

    I bought a Vango Equinox 350 last year and it's good for car camping – too heavy for cycle touring/walking. Quick to put up/take down. Tunnel is split into two areas – generous for sleeping and the other half is big enough to put kit in, including a bike, and you can sit on a chair without touching the top !!!

    Free Member

    Had a tow bar on a Midget years ago and it was really easy to fit. Drilled four holes in the boot floor and it bolted through those – think it was two bars either side of the tank and then one across the back joining the two which had the ball hitch on. Then wire in the electrics to the loom which is easy.

    If you look at the piccy Boardinbob posted the lower part of the rack sits on something. Depending on the model you'll have to look at what the bottom sits on – the split rear bumper models will have nothing whilst the rubber buper ones have a nice platform to rest it on. Though you could make something up for the split bumper ones that runs between the inner mount for each bumper which would work.

    And this is how I carry them on an MX5…..

    Free Member

    with him the force is not

    Free Member

    I got up and even the cat went off to his bowl for a drink !!!!

    Liked the fact it wasn't live – when the theatre audience was getting up, all of a sudden there were a lot of them at the front showing it wasn't real time. Probably the only bit was the phone in – and of course you couldn't see him as it was just the talking which was live – the screen showed a pre recorded bit.

    But to be fair he's done three things

    1 – got people to watch for a second time when it was so bad last week
    2 – some people were no doubt stuck to their chair – but don't worry you're creative and not highly suggestible
    3 – some people phoned up to say they were stuck to the chair and PAID for the privilege !!!!

    Free Member

    Probably works out same price as buying a DX but hire from Lumicycle ?

    Free Member

    Yoda – I think the distinction is that when one driver collides with another, it is a unilateral decision made by an individual, not a pre-meditated plan by the team.

    Also, I strongly believe those sort of incidents are heat of the moment decisions – just the adrenalin and a 'must win' attitude which are part and parcel of this kind of racing.

    Senna's was premeditated – he admitted afterwards that he'd planned to crash into Prost if Prost was in front of him at the first corner. Schumacher v Hill maybe have been heat of the moment. I have no doubt that having got away with it against Hill he planned to do the same against Villeneuve but in that case turned in too late and hit the side pod rather then the front wheel like he did with Hill.

    Free Member

    Solo. Groups slow me down. OK, sometimes I slow them down. Apart from this week when the mojo is low I have no problem motivating myself.

    Free Member

    Yes it's bad but let's put it into context

    Piquet crashed his car into the wall so his team mate could win a GP.

    Senna admitted crashing into Prost to win the World Championship and it was also premeditated.

    Schumacher crashed into Hill to win the World Championship.

    Schumacher crashed into Villeneuve in an attempt to win the World Championship but failed

    1994 – Bennetton under the control of Briattore/Brawn tampered with the fuel rig to get faster pit stops resulting in a fire that burnt numerous mechanics

    In all but the Piquet Jnr incident other parties were involved in the actual incident. At least Piquet had the good grace to only involve himself – yes there might have been others involved such as marshals if it went wrong but same can be said for the other "accidents".

    Oh, and I thought the ban on refuelling was to do with cost cutting and not having to transport all the kit around.

    Free Member

    I'm impressed you know where the kitchen is

    It's the place with the sink where you can degrease and clean bike parts 😆

    Free Member

    Similar thing with the fridge – called the engineer out and he was a bit baffled when I said it was no longer automatically filling up with food and beer. He eventually traced it to breaking down when the ex g/f left.

    Free Member

    I read in a mag a couple of years ago not to put copper grease on the back of pads but can't remember why. Wasn't just a journalist saying it but either one of the brake manufacturers or a professional bike mechanic but can't find anything in a quick google. I find getting the brake mounts faced helps a lot – my Hopes hardly ever squeal.

    Free Member

    Looked into it and rather than go for the standard green garden centre versions would probably go for something like this. You can get them vis Ebay and other places. Just have to make them look pretty if you feel that way inclined. There are other options on there as well.

    Free Member

    I've got '08 SL's and they're great – I've externally adjustable floodgate on other RS forks and TBH once it's set I very rarely change it so the internal one is no great heartache.

    Free Member

    Oh, and I wonder if they'll give Trout one to dissect as the STW independent light reviewer …..

    Free Member

    Looks like some interesting features.
    – interchangeable lens to give flood or spot
    – runs off Li-ion but also has a back up AA battery pack which looks like it'll give an hour extra run time as an emergency back up

    Seems an OK price @ £140 for the basic light but will be interesting to see the beam shots as it looks like one lens in front of the 4 LED's

    some techie stuff on the On One web site.

    Free Member

    No idea what I've got on at the moment but have used Continentals in the past and they've been very good.

    Free Member

    Look at the Just Riding Along website as I think you don't have to run the rim strip if you want to save weight but it won't be as reliable and see other thread up / down there depending on where it is on the page…

    Free Member

    I don't like the sound on cheeky night rides but it's the greatest thing ever when you're coming up behind red socks – just free wheel 20 feet behind them and they swiftly move out of the way as they have no idea what's about to mow them down 😀 Works much better than any shouts of "excuse me"

    Free Member

    Mazda MX5 – can fit two bikes on the back, tent and all kit for long weekends away inside. Cat sits on the passenger seat if I need to take him anywhere.

    Free Member

    If they tax cyclist then why not tax all people who use the roads? Should be fun taxing people to cross the street as they'll be using the roads. How will people walk down a country lane? What about pelican crossings? Only pedestrians need those so we can get rid of them or let the pedestrians pay for them.

    Free Member

    You might be able to get it (Personal Accident) as an add to your household insurance – the company I'm with do but I haven't taken it out.

    Free Member

    doesn't drinking alone always mean alcoholism ?

    But if you're logged on you're not alone 😀

    Free Member

    Wait to be employed. They've taken 8 months and still haven't got anything done. Who's to say they ever will? And anyway, with this new company will you be able do a few hours work in the middle of a long ride like yesterday ?

    Free Member

    Watch out there’s paediatrician about!

    Plenty in the NHS ……

    Free Member

    I like having lots (well a few) virtual friends. Means I can sit at home with a cider believing I have a "social" life rather than sitting in the pub drinking my cider on my own 😉

    Free Member

    IMO they had loads of opportunities to reshape Rover/MG/Mini/Land Rover etc. over the years but never had the balls to do it. They kept trying to be a mass market car maker when everything said they couldn't stand on their own.

    When the Phoenix 4 got their hands on it there was another proposal to scale back production and be more of a niche car maker – but this was turned down as it wouldn't provide as many jobs. Turns out that this was probably the better option as it at least attempted to be sustainable.

    At first I was impressed that the P4 kept Rover going for so long but then realised they were funding the company by selling off the assets like land – no long term viability and smacked of people having no comprehension about business skills.

    Should be interesting to see how the Chinese handle things – from what I've read their set up is very good, just came on stream around the time of the drop in car sales !!!

    Free Member

    had a RP2 pushed and didn't think much to it – was either on or off and no way of fine tuning. Not impressed. My RP23 standard shock on the new bike is miles better. Wouldn't bother having anything "pushed" again.

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