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  • Fresh Goods Friday 728: The Fairy Tale Edition
  • DaveGr
    Free Member

    Spotted a wood for sale near me a while back and had similar thoughts. Basically it’s been split into plots so it’s more like buying a terrace house – you never know quite what your neighbours will do. They’ve sold one plot, two more for sale but others are marked out. £35.5 k for 2.6 acres !!!!! To me the restrictions seemed to really limit what you could do. No camping, agriculture/forestry activity only.

    Wood for sale[/url]

    Free Member

    Go outdoors usually have some Craghopper stuff reduced twice a year e.g. about £15 for Kiwi trousers though you have to pick them up in store.

    Free Member

    About bikes[/url] have regular rides.

    Ashton MTB ride and like to talk about recipes (so I’m led to believe….)

    Start at Snowshill and go up / down the escarpment and nearby bridleways. Cleeve Common is good.

    And if you see someone on a niche singlespeed ….. be afraid, be very afraid 😉

    Free Member

    Nope, there is none. I travel afar or cycle to the Cotswolds.

    Free Member

    Used a plug in monitor to see what individual appliances used and also read the meter every few weeks to make sure that I keep it low. Most of the time it’s easy to see where you can save energy. The only time you might need to monitor is if you want to replace something like a fridge.

    Free Member

    If you have both bikes then take both. I use geared F/S as the main bike for comfort and skill compensator at 4 in the morning with a S/S set up for very wet weather / mud duties (think Mayhem or SITS).

    Free Member

    Depends on the insurer. Some will load the premium when you have any number of points, some won’t. You didn’t disclose a material fact so I’m afraid you’ll have to pay up. Edit: though I don’t know what will happen if you refuse !!!

    Free Member

    how loud is the beep for turns on the Garmin?

    I’ve drilled the mount and it’s still not great – the loudspeaker is muffled by the mount and the handlbar. A bit of wind noise and it’s easy to miss it. I use the beep for training alerts rather than navigation.

    You’ll also need to put a screen protector on to avoid scratches – it doesn’t look or feel like a rufty tufty design. I think a Satmap 10 is more robust and better for navigation (larger size) though I don’t know if there’s audible warnings. IMO the Garmin 800 is more a training tool (speed / cadence / heart rate) with GPS maps as an extra.

    Free Member

    LBS are selling jackets off. Haven’t used Altura myself so can’t vouch for their effectiveness but their prices are good.


    Free Member

    No idea if something like this would be the correct spec re size / standing up to the forces but the head shape might work.

    socket button screw

    EDIT: beaten by 5 seconds !!!! 🙁

    Free Member

    Used them for three years. At MM 2010 used Nic on the front and Ralph on the back. Could easily have run ralph on both as it was dry. ’10 versions, run them tubeless on Stans. Can’t remember exact spec though. Week after MM rode in Wales and ripped carcass on the Nic so wrote it off. Apart from that they’ve been reliable.

    Free Member

    Have run them ghetto tubeless on Mavic 371 (I think) and they’ve been fine. Pressure around mid 30’s. They were a loose fit.

    Free Member

    The FIT isn’t paid by the Government but by us the consumers via the generating companies through increased prices. It’s an incentive to make people adopt PV panels early ‘cos without it the pay back isn’t very good. Therefore it’s unlikely to be stopped by the Government. EDIT – sorry, it will be stopped in the future but if you’ve signed up then you should continue to get the rate agreed.

    The scheme described is one of many using a loop hole which means companies have been set up to take advantage of a subsidy meant for individuals.

    How long is the contract for? 25 years? How will that affect selling your house? I wouldn’t touch a house with this contract in place.
    What do they mean by “electricity bill reduced to 30% of the current costs” ? if they mean you get to use the generated electricity then this figure is rubbish, you won’t get near that reduction.
    £500 !!!!! there are companies doing this for free.

    Basically you’re better off buying the panels yourself – after 12 to 15 years you’ll be in profit.

    A rather long and sometimes tedious post on

    Free Member

    Heard that the sales of MTB’s were 10% down in 2010? Is this correct?

    Free Member

    Halfords had their own brand and Thule bike racks reduced at the weekend. Not sure if they still have.

    Free Member

    Wish I’d had one fitted earlier – live on my own and £17 a month with most of the cost made up of the standing charges.

    There was a device which shut off the water if there was a leak but can’t find details of it.

    Free Member

    No idea which one would be best but Halfords have discounts on racks atm including Thule.

    Free Member

    What about one for MTB wheels?

    The Tacx I’ve got fits both road and mtb wheels which I believe most do – I just run a slick or turbo specific tyre on the MTB rim. If you get the “MTB one” that runs on the rim then you need a non disc rim and it will wear the rim out quicker than usual.

    Free Member

    What is the point of an event if its not a race?

    Isn’t the point of a Sportive for middle aged men to be able to justify the purchase of their expensive top end carbon road bikes and associated Garmins to their partners? 😉

    Free Member

    hope it makes it to iplayer.

    Not checked but they usually repeat stuff later on @ middnight.

    Free Member

    I’ve used a standard Conti road tyre and the main problem is the strip of black on the cheap rug under the turbo. Excess noise isn’t an issue and so far it’s not delaminated (40 hours use) Got a turbo specific tyre but not used it yet as back on the road 🙂

    Free Member

    From CK web site – though I thought it was the number of threads on the cup and not sure what dimension they mean by “width”
    Road and Mountain cups are almost always specific to discipline-specified crank systems. While the bearings are identical for both versions, the overall width of the cups is what designates use for a certain system. Cups are designated with two identifying marks per cup along with installation direction and torque values. There are, however, instances of compatibility where a “MTN” cup will be used for a “ROAD” crank. Please contact us or ask your favorite mechanic for advice.

    Free Member


    Not physically seen it but it gets good feedback.

    Free Member

    Got a 2009 spec F/S and it’s been superb. Solid design / build. Cost @ £1600 when similar spec Trek / Spesh were £2000 though not sure about current VFM. Only problem has been suspension bolts not being loctited well enough but once that was sorted then no problems.

    Free Member

    The 500 is ANT+ I think so any ANT+ cadence sensor should work. You could attach with reusable zip ties or buy normal ones in bulk and it wouldn’t work out much in pence to keep swopping over. Also I use a non biking round magnet attached to the pedal spindle for cadence – stays put and better than those stuck to the crank.

    Free Member

    Bobbles are so 70’s…..

    Free Member

    Bit of a let down IMO. Shows promise but a bit disjointed. And why didn’t the director / producer just cut the Jonathan Ross bit ? JR is either really dumb or playing to the camera. “I have all these telescopes but have no idea of anything or how to use them”. Dara on the other hand showed genuine excitement when looking thru the telescope at the start.

    Still went outside though but couldn’t see a thing due to cloud 🙁

    Free Member

    Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE)

    Once the necessary regulations are drawn up, it will be an offence to be the keeper of a vehicle which is not covered by a specified policy or by a blanket policy (“open cover contract”) covering vehicles owned by the policyholder or other party named in the policy. There will be specific exemptions, the main two of which will be that the vehicle has been statutorily declared off the road (SORNed) or a change of keeper is in the process of being completed by the DVLA.

    So if you SORN it you don’t have to insure it but can’t keep it “on the road” – ie you can keep it on your drive / in the garage, but you can still insure it if you want.
    If you tax it then you have to insure it.

    Free Member

    chains upto 6m but they might be able to do longer. Also do matching padlocks so you can use one key on multiple locks. Also offer good advice on the phone.

    Free Member

    I think BETD might do some replacement bearings but maybe pricey.

    Free Member

    Bought some cheap £10 Hi Gear ones from Go Outdoors and they worked well in the snow this Xmas. Well made e.g. the strap underneath the boot is solid and kept feet etc dry. Bought the G/F some branded Blacks ones for £20 and TBH not twice as good as the Hi Gear ones but slightly better in some respects and in a nicer colour !!!!

    Free Member

    What about removals? One of my car has most of its interior removed, air con removed etc….

    Depending on what has been removed it might be more dangerous for the occupant in an accident !!!!

    Free Member

    Garmin 800 screen protector

    More spec details here[/url]

    Just got one and it seems to do the job OK. Also use the Garmin silicon cover. However, even using the two, there is still the gap where the dirt could get in the side of the screen but this seems to be the best protection at the moment. Used the 800 yesterday in light drizzle using winter gloves and it worked OK. Also there is a software update available on the Garmin site.

    Free Member

    had it in the left ear for just over a year – don’t know the cause but could have been concerts / clubbing / MP3 use so now wear Etymotic ER20 High Fidelity Ear Plugs at concerts and they reduce the volume but you can still hear everything clearly.

    Free Member

    Do they effect your insurance as a modification or is that an urban myth?

    If they are the same size as the original spec tyres then no.

    Free Member

    Would you buy Original Source shampoo

    I’ve not quite finished the free samples I got from this years event and reckon I can get by until next years MM for some more 😀

    Free Member

    Keys left in cars

    Not always clear cut with regards to insurance, I remember another article dealing with defrosting cars but can’t find it. Though there are more articles on the site if you want to read up more.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a Suunto T6C for two years and it’ll share some features.

    I wanted to be able to record 24 hours worth of data at a time without changing batteries and there were few on the market that would do it. I’ve got the memory belt which allows me to record @ 24 hours of data. If you’re wanting to go away for a long weekend then check that it’ll store the amount of data you need.

    The “Training Effect” / EPOC is a waste of time and this is their biggest difference to other HRM’s. It only has a minor use if you’re at a constant or rising heart rate. As soon at it varies, as it will when biking, then the results are meaningless. Also the “PC analysis with 7 body parameters” are no use but these are specific to the T6 not the T3.

    Watch itself has been reliable but the lettering on the face has worn off – cosmetic but annoying. Used on average 3 – 4 times a week in all weathers. Not used it swimming. You can change the batteries yourself which is good and the batteries themselves are cheap. I use gel on the HR strap but even with that it drops the signal occasionally.

    Cadence and speed pods have been ok. Not looked but I think that the batteries can be changed in them which is good.

    You can set basic workouts up – warm up, two interval times which are repeated then a cool down. Not been a problem for me as that’s all I need.

    Software you get with it is basic and I don’t think is being maintained.

    I spoke to these guys on the phone before I bought

    It’s done what I wanted it to do but am in the process of replacing it so bottom line it I wouldn’t buy another T6 ‘cos it’s expensive for what it does.

    Free Member

    Glad you’re OK. The restaraunt may have insurance they can claim off but they may also have an excess. Both could try to recover these amounts off you – insurance co. what they paid to the insured. The insured his excess. If you have insurance which pays out then you might also have an excess you’ll end up paying. IMO chat to owner and see how much the cost is etc. and see if an amicable agreement can be decided. BUT as with all accidents never admit liability.

    Free Member

    Father Xmas brings you lots of presents you can play with.

    Jesus may save your soul but no presents under the Xmas tree.

    I know which one works for me 🙂

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