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  • Fresh Goods Friday 689 – The Very Testing Edition
  • dasnut
    Free Member

    fair review

    lets be honest, a number of “mctrails” can leave one wanting more, its the monosodium glutamate moment

    personally I did whytes level, llandegla, and both loops of penmachno this weekend.

    llandegla is just plain ace to bomb round, a great big bmx track. Whytes has its moments, and penmachno also has some great bits

    a common theme is drops into corners though, maybe trail designers should get a bit more inventive – I mean 15ft tables on an trail centre descent sounds excessive, although most folks will just roll them anyway

    Its a fine line between making stuff accessible and making it challenging enough for better riders

    Llandegla seems to have the whole “faster you go, the more fun it is” just about right

    Free Member

    I spoke to him in 2007 after the Mountain of Hell at 2Alpes in France – all round nice guy. Can’t remember his finish, top 20 though (a completely different discpline to downhill btw)
    Got a nice pic of him leading his qualifying wave out as well

    seems he is back on form, good on him

    Free Member

    this is also interesting considering what happened to Ian Tomlinson:

    (not from London BTW!)

    Free Member

    same as rightplace but different source

    Free Member

    perhaps the policeman was pushing him out of the way of a falling piano….

    whoops, no piano….

    Free Member

    what I like particularly about this story (I use the word “like” advisedly) is that without technology, this would be open and shut.
    Like the NY cop who pushed the guy off his bike during a peaceful event, without the evidence provided by the mobile phone\other portable media device that more or less all of us carry, no one would have been any the wiser to the arrogant and unacceptable acts of the individuals who commited the assault, which were then “covered up” by the authorites, only to change their mind when the video evidence surfaced.
    In my view the policeman who performed the assault should be held personally responsible for his actions. It wasn’t an effect of police training, police state or anything else.
    Just another idiot who is crap at his job.
    God knows I work with enough.

    Free Member

    the first jump at the top of spooky woods is a double.
    theres a nice take off ramp, and a little rock to land on on the other side.

    still, most people don’t see that, they just nose dive off the first drop, nearly go over their bars and then bang their 7 inch travel beasts over the top of the double making it look a whole lot harder than it is.

    still, each to their own and all that

    besides, a table is just a double with the middle filled in….

    Free Member

    2.25s are about the size of a 2.5 High Roller

    I would go the minion route myself (hey wait a minute I just did after not getting on with a 2.25 advantage)

    Free Member


    you need this:

    not sure if you can get them in the uk, but erik from balle sent me 2 they are a nice piece of work….

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I can, I did, I have NEXT!

    Free Member

    anything below 6 is freeride lite, below 4 is agressive XC and below 2 is jeyboy XC

    surely everyone knows this?
    you really should know which pigeon hole you fit in…..

    Free Member

    about 6 on the rad-o-meter

    Free Member


    I didn’t do it, I imported it from a guy who did it in Canada.
    As for “do that to such a nice vehicle”

    1) so it isn’t nice anymore?
    2) no modifications were made that couldn’t be reversed, although I wouldn’t go back to drum brakes on a bus that puts out 200bhp (originally 25hp) if I were you

    twas the second fastest bus in the uk for a couple of years when I had it, not sure where it is now….

    Free Member

    yes I recall that on mega flamey.

    I like the fact everyone has become wound up by you spraying some forks, muppets!

    dasnut diggin the custom look

    heres my own, none bike related

    Free Member

    those aren’t pikes they are fox 36s – trickster trickster

    Free Member

    34×15 here for a 11 mile commute (3 big road hills and other half tow path)

    should be 34×14 next week…..

    Free Member

    Alpine Magic[/url]

    tell em dasnut sent you….

    Free Member

    gravity dropper and gd turbo here, also maverick speedball.

    speedball is over engineered rubbish (It’ll be on fleabay soon if you want it – good sales technique huh?)

    gravity dropper I have broken 2 (one snapped inner post, the other the bit where the cable goes in came loose) – but the aftersales services has been SECOND TO NONE, and they have been sorted direct with the manufacturers under warranty. On that basis alone I would buy again.
    On the other hand, given the current price, I wouldn’t touch any of them with a barge pole.

    Free Member

    make sure the biting point on your brakes is close to the bars – don’t stretch to reach the levers, when applied fully the brake lever should be as close as possible to your shifters etc.

    oh and make sure the rebound on your forks isn’t set too fast as that will transmit more force into you hands…..

    Free Member

    have both 819s and Stans flows (oh and 823s)

    819s are pretty bomb proof (have been in my hands anyhow)
    Flows so far holding up, advantage is more flexibility in tyre choice

    819s are really for UST tyres only, flows you can ghetto it up, although my experience (tubeless on 3 bikes for 2years) says use a UST on the rear anyway for the thicker sidewalls.

    823s for downhill only they weight a tonne

    Free Member

    the boring bit is the traverse at the top
    somehow the W2 feels like the best bits of the wall and whytes have been removed

    IMHO best done as 2 separate rides

    Free Member

    “tangible benefits”


    Free Member

    far too much discussion for a seatpost

    if they did an adjustable one, that would be worth talking about.

    as they don’t its a stick to put a saddle on


    Free Member


    Free Member

    done it on a vp-free – a chore on the little uphill sections but otherwise ok, completely not required though, trail bike would is much more fun

    Free Member

    I’d get a T5 if I was you.

    No cam belt change service required (its chain driven) – long live service interval (upto around 17k, mine does 14k regularly)
    If I drive it at 65 everywhere it will do 33mpg, otherwise 28mpg and drive how you want – oh and its 130bhp 🙂

    If you are stuck on a T4, don’t buy one thats been resprayed. Ex-AA van or ex-disabled is your best bet.

    this place normally has some decent looking vans… linky[/url]

    Free Member

    yeah great reason to cripple a great device because it ruins the look of your neatly cabled bike…..
    it doesn’t get in the way and a couple of zipties and you’re away.

    reminds me of a fellow who once helitaped the cable for his maverick to his frame….didn’t work to well….

    Free Member

    if its got wheels or t*ts its going to cost you in the long run….

    Free Member

    yeah but its a marin

    Free Member

    mad freeride bit

    being 3 wooden drop offs, a few tabletops and a wall ride.

    not very mad IMHO

    Free Member

    tail whip?

    walnut whip more like

    nail your boots to your pedals! nail em up thats what I say

    Free Member

    I spoke to peaty the other day he says:

    “I only use spds because my feet are so big the wind gets under um and they flat about like a mad thing”

    clipped in? you ****

    flats rule

    thread closed

    Free Member

    can someone point to to some scientific evidence of the improved efficiency of clipless pedals please. thanks

    Free Member

    spds give you max 10% more pedalling efficiency and what else exactly?

    get 10% fitter and ride flats

    spds going the same way as quick releases – for road bikes only folks….

    Free Member

    spds are stupid and they knacker your knees

    if you can’t ride with flats your a crap rider – FACT

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Think my front is a 34 (34\24 setup at the moment) – how does 34×16 sound?

    I have a bashguard which will be staying so I won’t need different chainring bolts

    can I do without a tensioner if I use a half link?

    mudsux what does the hope spacer kit consist of?

    Free Member

    commute is a big chunk of tow path, but a couple of road climbs (short but steepish)

    do I need a new chain? (half link job) or do I use a tensioner?

    please reserve that kit for me Mussed once I fully understand all this jiggery pokery then I may well have it….

    Free Member

    yes bleed them, all will return to normal

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