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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • darkcyan
    Free Member

    Brighton Big Dog last weekend – olympic mens this weekend – not bad eh!!!!

    Have a sneaky feeling Killeen to do something this time round – Liam just stay on your bike please no silly mistakes – routing for you big time.

    Course looks easier than big dog from the photos – I reckon it will actually be much harder than it looks at the speed these guys go.


    Free Member

    Thanks Aiden – I probably fall into the category of ride a lot, race very little.

    Will definitely try and do a skills course at some point.

    On big dog, when its damp i think the knowledge is kind of there but confidence not quite.

    E.g. I really didn’t like Jedi where i was convinced the front wheel would slide out at high speed at any moment on the angled roots that were off camber as well.


    Free Member

    thanks guys. I know some of the brighton mtb guys so can hook up with them to do a little extra homework for next year.

    Funny thing is i ride these trails a lot and typically am fine wet and dry – its when its damp and you want to go faster and then add lots of other riders into the mix that things change.


    Free Member

    Just had a thought having digested this really interesting string of comments – wouldn’t it be great to have a master class or whatever they call it pre race – maybe at 10.00 – 11.00 where those who are interested could go round a few of the sections on the course to demonstrate / discuss line / technique etc.

    We have the cream of cross country riding coming to our door step each year yet don’t really get a chance to tap in to that experience in a structured way.

    I’m sure I’ve seen that other events have something similar.

    Seems to me thats a great way for the race heads to give something back to the masses who I think it has been established on the whole do get out the way most of the time as son as they can.

    I for one would find that brilliant.

    Gee / Napalm / GCC / Aiden assume you fall into the very good rider / racer category?

    Just a thought!

    Free Member

    n.b. changing the subject – how beautiful is that White carbon 29er – that bike just took my breath away.

    Anyone on this thread got one or want one?

    Free Member

    Well thats all well and good but Big Dog is packed full of comparatively mediocre riders like myself. We, I guess should ride through the foliage well off the racing line to let the race snakes through.

    Sounds reasonable – do we get a discount?

    Free Member

    Gee thanks for the tip – just out of interest what course is one of those oh my god ones.


    Free Member

    Gee I think you got it just about right in your post – hope we havent offended anyone who finished 29th!!!!

    Was amazed at the skills of the better riders – its as if the roots / chalk / mud are not a concern to them – especially as they all had very fast looking tyres.

    Great to get the insights of really good racers on this thread as dont often come into contact with them – that said me and paceman have got tickets to the olympic mens event next week.

    Gee – just out of interest is it a given that Killeen or Beckensale would win BBD by a country mile or is it not quite so straight forward.

    Would they find the course very easy?


    Free Member

    Here’s my feedback for what its worth.

    Great event – we are so lucky to have this on our doorstep. Shame there aren’t more local events at Stanmer. Thanks to all those who put the time and effort in to organise the race.

    My race went well – lapping at 1.00 hour pace – aim was five but stuck with four as the head was going a bit from concentrating too hard to stay on the bike – pesky roots.

    Course was tricky in parts – surprised there was no chicken run on the steep chute to the bottom of badgers – far more tricky than A&E IMO. On the other hand forced me to ride it as no other way down.

    I could imagine that would freek any beginners out a little!

    My other comment is that there was a lot of shouting, barging, high speed overtaking going on from the leaders. I know they are serious athletes and happy to let them past whenever possible but not, totally, at the expense of my own ride. On multiple occassions people pushed past at high speed which forced me to move off line and f*** up a particular section. Not the end of the world of course but as a previous person mentioned we all pay our fee and its the middle rankers / beginners who make up a large portion of particiapants in any sport and add to the party atmosphere / onward development of the sport.

    This is just a small niggle that doesn’t detract from a brilliant day but it would be a shame if the aforementioned group started to feel this race wasn’t for them.

    It goes without saying if i was knocking out 9 laps my thoughts might be somewhat different.

    DC (middle ranking vet)

    Free Member

    Must only be me who thought I had made a great informed local choice by opting to go for mud tyres.

    Also was I the only one who thought the roots were a flipin nightmare -and i’m a local.

    Gee / CGG the way you describe it, it sounds like these were perfect conditions – having said that you both sound like you race a lot.

    Were you the guys on carbon 29ers (scott / Spec / Santacruz) – all apparently race leaders!!! lol.

    Never realised there were so many leaders in a race.

    May be a touchy subject but can race leaders ask to come through even when this forces you to get off half way up a climb and then have to walk the rest – whats the accepted norm here. I am guessing you get off and accept your in a race with some very good riders


    Free Member

    Hi guys – how did you all get on.

    Roots were on top form!

    I went with the mud tyres which i was glad of but noticed plenty of slick tyes out there – rather them than me.

    Tough race in tough conditions.

    Ride reports please!


    N.b. didn’t see that many offs – thought there would be a lot.

    Free Member

    looks like the rain is moving away – few dark cloud in the sky but also a fresh wind and some blue as well.

    Ground is wet from last night but fingers crossed thats the last of it.

    Yesterday they were predicting lightning and rain to start at 12.00 sharp so things are looking up.

    Really must start to get ready and stop watching the olympics.


    Free Member

    well good luck if you need the mud tyres at the last moment if you are running tubeless.

    Still thinking mud x at the moment and adjust tyre pressure to suit.

    Free Member

    taff does that mean i can keep my intermediate tyres on. This morning was on the verge of digging out the nuclear option, the trailraker.

    Free Member

    weather forecast picking up a bit – seems there will be less rain tomorrow than anticipated.

    Famous last words and the source is the bbc so take with pinch of salt.

    That said the son is shining in this part of brighton.


    N.b. I rode on speed kings when it last rained and still have the scars on my legs to remind me.

    Would only use these if the trail was bone dry.

    Free Member

    I admire / pity anyone who is riding anything other than mud specific tyres tomorrow.

    Last time it rained it was pure comedy.

    I think someone was thinking of riding race kings – now that would be interesting!!!!

    Am thinking perhaps the trailraker might be a possible rear wheel option.


    N.b. not raining at the moment but was heavy earlier with more forecast to come. Shame really.

    Free Member

    For what its worth and based on previous experience, three years ago, if there is any hint of heavy rain on saturday, then the mud tyres are coming out.


    Free Member

    All for those that want to know – TimP was there too this morning.

    Also Mark who doesn’t have a forum name but is a great guy.

    No one else I know was there.

    I should also mention TimP’s crank fell off half way down Jedi!

    TimP then followed my secret lines for the rest of the ride – always a bad move.


    N.b. High Five energy drink (lemon flavour) tastes like piss anyway so probably wouldn’t notice.

    Free Member

    Could my trailraker on the rear be the nuclear option?

    Free Member

    Hmmm just checked the BBC weather forecast – probalbly wise to bring mud tyres as a precaution. Thinking Mud x up front might be a good idea with intermediate on the back to keep things moving.

    Looks like summer tyres not the best choice.


    Free Member

    Was out with Paceman in the cloud burst and the roots became a bit of a nightmare – bad scenario in Stanmer is dry roots (hard) with rain (slippy).

    Actually worse than just plain old wet as the roots soften up a bit and are less slippy and ride ok.

    Fingers crossed tha the rain holds off or at least it drys up on Thursday / Friday.

    All sections riding well until the rain came.


    Free Member

    Out of interest what bikes are you guys riding.

    I will be on my new (to me) asr5 (alu)which i think will be a big improvement on the yeti 575 used last year – just wasnt the tool for the job.

    Paceman will be on his tallboy, also coming off a 575 – what about the rest of you?

    Am guessing a mix of hardtails and full suss.

    Any tyre preferences?


    Free Member

    I’ll second that – wouldn’t be possible with
    out a lot of hard work from many unsung heroes.

    Free Member

    N.b. Taf on review – you are right i have used the phrase in the red too much in this thread – point taken. :wink:

    Free Member

    Van halen you are right – i just concentrated on the obvious ones to give a flavour – i forgot to mention the first 15 minutes is mostly uphill as well – i’m sure there is more up than down – but thats just daft!!!!

    I’m going solo this year so no 40 minute laps for me – going for 5 laps – best scenario 6.

    Taf – trails will be ok by Sunday for a quick scoot round i should think – the damage has been done in the wet.

    Should be some nice ruts to contend with as well as the roots as it drys out.

    You guys must be super fit by the sound of it.

    I have done a lot of training for this race but unfortunately being 15 stone the ups take their toll!!!!

    Should have taken up rugby!


    Nb rode this on the yeti 575 last year (28lbs) – this year on asr5 running 120 on the front – 26.5 lbs and perfect for this course

    Free Member

    Cant praise my yeti asr5 enough. Climbs like a rocket and not bad on the downs – you can run at 120 or 140 so versatile as well – altenatively if you want more downs than ups you can get a 575 on the cheep these days.


    Free Member

    Njee 20 / taff – have you ever ridden big dog?

    It really is a beast – to get the best out of yourself whatever your level you need to manage the numerous killer climbs as best you can.

    Badgers is extremely steep and rooty and i estimate is 200 meters in length.

    There is a second 100 meter climb that is very steep as well.

    If you want to do well you have to manage these climbs or you will be off and walking – which 50% of ridders do.

    Would love to take you round to give you a flavour.

    Alternatively you may know the course and just be very fit!


    Free Member

    nb – moving into final phase of preperaration – riding very steep rooty climbs at every opportunity this week while trying to stay out of the red – almost impossible on badgers unless dry.

    6 hour of this course is the ultimate test.

    Its gonna hurt from the off!!!!


    Free Member

    All the trails are drying out nicely – if the rain stays away no problem at all.

    Had a quick scoot around the park today and got up the two toughest climbs – though badgers still damp.

    Stayed clear of some of the big dog trails as they are pretty churned up so no point in adding to the damage.

    If it stays dry there could be some interesting ruts forming to add a bit of spice to events.

    Hopefully the trails will settle down and no lasting damage caused.


    Free Member

    100 mm stem now on, as is the fizik gobi and the forks are now at 120 rather than 140.

    Bike now much better – just how i like it.

    ASR5 didn’t really work for me at 140 up front – bike wasnt balanced and didnt handle the super steep climbs in stanmer well at all – very light up front.


    Free Member

    Trails are drying up – a27 climb now ok – badgers still slippery but doable.

    Other bits looking a bit messy still.


    Free Member

    toothpaste – thats geinus

    Free Member

    Thanks all. I have several options but cbf to continuously change them – thats my fault i guess.

    I have a seperate thread about fire xc pros going atm which are my three season default tyre – with go faster red stripe.

    I do have some race tyres in the back of the shed but find they puncture easily – even the so called protection models.

    I don’t ever think i will find the perfect model – maybe stick a high roller up front.


    Free Member

    interesting – schwalbe have a whole tyre system going on.

    They tell you what combo to tun in what conditions – must be a nightmare if you are running tubeless!

    Free Member

    ok if not mud x what is the best fit and forget for the uk – general trail duties.

    Free Member

    zippykona – sorry to hear about your accident – hope you recovered well – a classic bike injury!

    What did you change to tyre wise.

    In fact would be interesting to know if all you guys are changing your tyre combos or have one fit and forget option for three seasons (whatever that means in the uk.)

    I noticed that schwalbe have a conditions chart which tells you their recommended combo, front and rear. Seems to me ,especially if you run tubeless, you will spend more time in the shed than on the trails taking this approach.

    mboy – think they may be the 2.1’s but will need to check. Whatever size it is, its going on the front wheel this weekend for a try out. Funnily enough if you look at the fire x and the high roller – they dont look totally different – though i suspect the rubber is of a higher quality on the HR.


    Free Member

    Thanks everyone – surely with all this quality advice i can resolve my seatpost issues.

    Funny how this resonates with so many of you.

    I thought having a salsa clamp was the end to this chapter of my life -it was flawless on my 575 – no movement at all with very little tightening – change to the asr5 and it starts again.

    I personally can change from a mild mannered janitor into a raging lunatic at the mere hint of this affliction, real or imagined.

    Do any of you display these symptoms.


    Free Member

    mcmoonter – did you do that?

    Free Member

    m boy – thanks for the advice – good to hear what other riders rate – which is really what this thread is all about.

    Sometimes i wonder if i shouldn’t just ride the mud x’s all year round – though they do wear quickly in the dry.

    Friend has donated a high roller so may stick that up front to see what all the fuss is about.

    It will have to be good to out perform the fire x imo.

    Free Member

    paceman – secret training – well yes if the effing seatpost hadn’t kept slipping – spent more time swearing at the bike as i slipped lower and lower rather than getting those sneaky miles in!!!!

    nb have you got any carbon paste as per the various suggestions to avoid a follow up tantrum on sunday!

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