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  • 2025 Mountain Bike World Cup Series calendar revealed
  • Dark-Side
    Full Member

    We travelled on Saturday, I took a photo of my 13 year old’s vaccine card and uploaded that. Got us through fine.

    Full Member

    I’m not going to target this at anyone in particular, but I’m moving to another country at the end of next week, something I have very mixed feelings about, principally due to the effect Brexit had on my immigrant wife. It does stick in the throat to hear Brexiters feel betrayed by this government. How do you think remainers feel about it? Protecting their feelings is a long way down my list of priorities.

    Full Member

    Excellent. I got my licence three years ago and have not looked back. I’ve hired a Harley and I’m riding from LA to San Diego next weekend on a work trip.

    I wonder if this guy completed his CBT Oh Sweet Jesus!

    Full Member

    For those drawing comparisons with the additional public holiday and Christmas, it’s worth remembering that the winter festivals predate Christmas and were adopted by the church to ensure their popularity.

    Full Member

    It’s looking likely that both Finland and Sweden will apply to join NATO immediately anyway. I can’t see Finnish parliament not voting in favour.

    Full Member

    I have the same quest at the moment. Pirelli Cinturato seem to be well regarded but annoyingly I can’t locate 45c with the classic sidewall in time for this weekend.

    Full Member

    Seven Snowdonia routes here, though you have to pay for access to the GX files:

    Full Member

    Ooo, thread hijack. What’s that like?

    Nice trails with a good variation of difficulty but its certainly not the biggest hill. You wouldn’t want to spend a weekend or longer there.

    Full Member

    I did the same at Levi Bike Park in Lapland last Summer on a hire bike. The trail was so dry and dusty it was like riding on marbles. Touched the rear brake to scrub off some speed before a turn, except it wasn’t the rear brake…

    It took weeks for the skin to grow back on my arm, even longer for my pride to heal.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    That’s fine then. Crack on.
    Just to clear this up. Nandi’s a little girl who challenged Grohl to a drum off on YouTube and then was invited to join them on stage at a later gig. Not really speculation about who’s going to replace Taylor.

    I get that and my comment wasn’t really directed at anyone in particular, More pre-emptive against the thread taking that direction. I probably just read too much into a couple of posts.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Perhaps speculation about a replacement would be better kept for another time.
    I really doubt his friends family and colleagues are reading this thread.

    That’s fine then. Crack on.

    Full Member

    Perhaps speculation about a replacement would be better kept for another time.

    Full Member

    I’d also throw Finnish Lapland into the mix. Levi usually has decent April snow plus fatbike trails, snow mobile touring etc..

    Full Member

    It doesn’t sound like its been intentionally reliced. Mentions real damage due to incorrect storage, which makes the price all the more mystifying.

    Full Member

    Woke up to our back fence lying in the garden in three pieces, which is great as we have potential buyers coming to view the house in less than an hour.

    Full Member

    I’ll take them! Please OTS. Happy to make a charity donation too.

    Full Member

    A long time ago now, but I promised to never use Pace again after they said my two rides old Pace fork had seized due to lack of servicing and therefore wasn’t covered by warranty.

    Full Member

    I’ve got Covid so not drinking at the moment and was toying with some time off the booze anyway, so I’m in.

    Full Member

    surely there was something in his demenour that showed he was a sadistic killer, to his workmates and friends.


    I’m sure I read his nickname with colleagues was ‘the rapist’.

    Edit: It was his previous police role:

    Full Member

    Bloody predictive text!

    Full Member

    We had a similar situation recently, and elderly neighbour’s tree was shadowing 70% or so of our garden and had grown significantly since we moved in. The offer of halving the expense to have it trimmed our curt down went ignored and when she accused us of knocking her fiancé down and replacing it with a new one whilst she was away (its the same fence thats always bordered the garden since we bought the house six years ago), our relationship completely broke down and we figured dementia might be the cause of the stubbornness/accusations and reconciled living with the tree.

    Unfortunately she could no longer look after herself and sold the house. The first thing the new owners did was knock on the door and ask if we minded if they cut the tree down. I’m glad we didn’t force the issue with our elderly neighbour as clearly she was going through a thought time of it.

    Full Member

    I’ve had bikes stolen on three separate occasions and had my property recovered once.

    First time I was around 18 and almost a year after it had happened saw someone of a similar age to me riding it. He wasn’t riding particularly fast so I jogged after him and took it back off him, didn’t really have it out just said it was mine and I was taking it back. A few days later he came into the bike shop with his dad (not sure how he knew I worked there) ranting he wanted it back as his son had legitimately purchased it off a bloke in a pub for £50. I explained that I had legitimately purchased it trade from the shop he was stood in which weakened his argument somewhat and they left.

    Second time I was having a pint with a mate outside a pub in Holborn and looking at my road bike locked to a railing across the road. A van pulled up to the junction momentarily blocking my view and as it pulled into the junction it took me a couple of seconds to register the bike had gone. Someone had stepped out of the van with a set of bolt croppers and taken the bike in seconds. A mate gave chase to the van as I phoned the police and gave them a partial number plate and description of the van that had pulled onto Holborn now. They weren’t the least bit interested, even though traffic at that time of day (and the usual police presence in that area) meant they could easily apprehend them. They just told me to go to a station and report it.

    Third time we had our shed broken into and £8k worth of bikes stolen while we were away. The Police didn’t even want to come out. I got an anonymous email from a police officer suggesting I check out a certain bike shop so took a mate along, but there was nothing to suggest they were up to anything dodgy.

    Unfortunately in most bike theft cases, the only thing the Police are useful for is supplying a crime number so you can claim on your insurance.

    Full Member

    I used to get the train out to Dorking from Victoria and ride the Surry Hills. Its probably the nearest good riding.

    Full Member

    A friend asked me to come to his birthday party in Ireland and would I mind Djing. I exitedly called from Dublin airport to tell him I’d arrived, “thats great mate, but I live in Belfast”.

    Full Member

    Surprised tonight’s episode is only an hour, it’s usually around 90 mins for the finale. There is an awful lot to wrap up in 60 mins!

    Full Member

    Are we even going to find out?

    I’m sure I read that ‘H’ is being interviewed on TV in the morning, so it’s looking likely.

    Full Member

    I’m pretty sure everything is now open. Certainly the Marin, Antur Stiniog, Foel Gasnach and Llandegla are.

    Full Member

    Yep I think that’s pretty much how a chat forum works

    ( Mrs Kilo seems to like LoD but it is so excruciatingly and utterly unrealistic it annoys me so I try, not always successfully, to avoid it, does that make me a cool kid? 😉 )

    Usually when I’m trying to avoid something I don’t click a thread with the thing I’m trying to avoid in the title 😉

    Full Member

    Campagnolo also used to make wheels for Lamborghini.

    Full Member

    rumours are he was sacked for refusing to take training after been told about the league thing. we shall see he doesn’t strike me as a fall on his own sword type or maybe he wanted out anyway.

    I think the writing was on the wall anyway. Levy would get rid at the end of the season. Taking a stand means he can use Super League as a reason for leaving rather than results.

    Full Member

    he problem is we only have a few days of really good weather a year and everyone rolls out the BBQs – like clockwork – at once which doesn’t suit our dense housing. There is definitely something antisocial about it IMHO.

    Can it be classed as anti-social if everyone is doing it though? Genuine question. I don’t like fireworks bu accept that many others do, so as a consequence I have to tolerate them.

    Full Member

    They are a chavvy activity that stinks out nearby homes. Even worse are the disgusting disposable ones that people leave on beaches or in the countryside. Some things about the UK I no longer understand.

    Reporting planning breachs and complaining about BBQs, I bet your neighbours love you 😉

    Its also not very nice to use the term chav/chavvy.

    Full Member

    Would Steve’s drug test flag his reliance on painkillers? Surely you could quite easily explain it away. They are OTC after all.

    Full Member

    Just clocked it and came here to post. Seems to suggest that the shorter one (Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo?) will be carrying on.

    I’m not sure, the Epilogue is an excerpt from a film they made years ago.

    Full Member

    We have our pup insured with Bought By Many too. It was a bit cheaper than Pet Plan but the cover seems to be just as good, and they seem well regarded going by the research I did.

    Full Member

    However I also don’t really want to be reading that kind of nasty personal comment on here either.

    Yes, on reflection I agree. I was more coming from the angle of calling them out, which can of course be done without resorting to name calling.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure why you are making this point? Calling him an ‘incel’ is fine, but him making personal comments about someone else is not?

    It seems odd to read the blog and associated comments and conclude people caling out Hambini and his keyboard warrier fan club are ‘pretty pathetic too’.

    Edited and removed the comments from the blog. I don’t want to give them any further publicity.

    Full Member

    He’s crossed the line massively there. I like the engineering content, but this is **** horrible.

    Some of the ‘incel’ comments above are pretty pathetic too though.

    Did you read some of the horrific comments on the Hambini blog?

    Full Member

    A client of mine got caught by this scam on a much grander scale. An email was received from someone claiming to be a senior colleague that needed an invoice paying very urgently. It sounded credible enough for them to make the payment for about £20k IIRC.

    Full Member

    Can we be fair to Roger Daltery? At least he is now speaking up for others… the likes of The Who will have no problem doing a few huge very expensive gigs across Europe, he is now standing up for all the ‘smaller’ bands who he now knows will be hit hard by the actions of this government. And this could have been minimised by the government, even with Brexit. Even as a hardline Brexitier, he had the expectation that the UK would work with the EU to solve problems like this… he was just misguided… and deceived… like millions of others.

    I think that’s a very charitable way of looking at it. I think its equally likely that he’s looking at his projected bottom line post brexit and realised he is going to be taking home a chunk less from European tours than he was before. Even if he has had a Road to Damascus moment, perhaps some contrition would help the cause and I can’t help but think staying away from the whole thing would mean his involvment was less of a distraction to the well intended letter.

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