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  • dannyh
    Free Member

    Sadly I expect all too many will take the bait.

    Too many are already salivating at the mere prospect of the bait.

    Free Member

    He’s always come across as one of the good’uns and a great rider.

    I always felt he lost a bit of his power when Sam Hill came along and took the whole ‘talking without moving the lower mandible’ thing to a new level, though.

    Free Member

    It wouldn’t work of course, but the sentiment is understandable.

    And therefore it is another bit of PR flim-flam to distract from the fact that kicking your closest trading partners in the balls for no good reason is monumentally stupid.


    Free Member

    King John rescinded most of the Magna Carta within months, the process was restarted several times.

    Yes, I’m aware of that, thanks. I just picked the first well-known example of the monarchy being brought to heel that I could think of. I couldn’t remember if the other deal with the barons thing was before or after or, indeed, if it had a catchy title like ‘Magna Carta’.

    Do you reckon King John ran around furtively trying not to be found when he rescinded most of Magna Carta?

    Free Member

    I’m sure he would have suggested it was fake if that was the case, instead of hiding behind the classic ‘I do not recollect meeting’ non-denial.

    “I categorically deny ever having met her” is a million miles from “I don’t recall ever having met her”.

    Especially in the ‘law as tool of the cynic’ section of society.

    I don’t recall ever riding my bike on a public footpath either, then.

    Free Member

    No wanting to derail the thread but what do you propose replacing them with?

    They’ve already been replaced. The process started with Magna Carta. Moving from a prehistoric way of running things to….well at least you don’t have to actually be born at Eton to go there.

    I suppose I could be persuaded about a few statues and an exhibit at Madame Tussauds at a stretch.

    Free Member

    This is the thing – he clearly thought the interview was going to help get the public on side and make it all go away. He/his supporters can hardly complain because it backfired so spectacularly.

    The arrogant, out of touch, over-fed and under-mannered man probably thought he could ‘Do a Diana’.

    It is precisely correct that he tried to conduct his defence in the court of public opinion, appealing (via the good old Beeb) to as narrow a segment of popular opinion as possible. His monumental arrogance also probably led him to believe it would be a whitewash job.

    Out of touch, anachronistic and past his sell by date. As good a frontman for the monarchy as anyone realistic could wish for.

    Free Member

    She happily cast out her grandson for simply wanting a semi-private life with his family.

    Yes, but he committed a far higher crime (in the screwed up eyes of Brexit Britin) by marrying ‘one of them’.

    I’d like to see the monarchy removed for two main reasons:

    1. It is massively unfair that a person can be born into such unearned privilege. Even more so if that privilege gets you a more advantageous brand of ‘the law’.

    2. It removes a childish and pointless rallying point for the Plastic Patriots who just wave a Union Jack every time it looks like an inconvenient rendezvous with the reality of the UK’s position in the world looks likely. The type of person who instinctively rejects any form of constructive compromise with other nations as ‘unpatriotic’. I’d like to see many of their cherished ‘certainties’ smashed on the floor in front of them until they are forced to concede that their sepia-tinted fantasy land of plucky chaps in cotton vests being Olympic champions, spitfires overhead and a quarter of the globe imperial pink is just what it is. A fantasy.

    Then we might be able to reconstruct our international reputation to some extent.

    Free Member

    A lot of people have suggested that he’s got a right to a hearing in court though, rather than being presumed guilty/liable in the court of public opinion. Which does not have all the evidence and facts at the moment.

    He should ****ing well get into that courtroom, then.

    Although a ‘media frenzy’ plays into his hands too. His (very expensive*) legal team can use the ‘a fair trial is not possible in this case now’ angle too. Although they will have tried that anyway.

    This^^, the sooner we get rid of these royal leeches the better off we’ll be as a country.

    I also happen to agree with this, but it doesn’t necessarily mean I wouldn’t be able to hold an objective view of the specific matter in this case.

    As a country we would be much better off without a hereditary rallying point for the flag-shaggers. If Prince Andrew does end up being found guilty and that verdict does hasten the demise of an anachronism like the royal family, then I wouldn’t be unhappy. In this scenario the ‘effect’ is easy to identify, but the ’cause’ has to be carefully and meticulously demonstrated – the cause being one man’s depravity and the use if unearned privilege to evade justice. Not something that the flag shaggers can portray (with any credibility) as ‘politically’ motivated.

    *Who pays? Does queenie have to flog Sandringham at some point to pay his legal bills, do we think?

    Free Member

    After trying it on 2 years ago, I’m still getting away with blaming it on the cat.

    Wait until you find out what the cat has been blaming on you.

    Free Member

    We have lamp posts and piano strings are cheap and effective!

    Nah, the unearned privilege that protects him needs exposing in court. In detail and at length. Maybe after.

    Free Member

    Would any ‘normal’ Tom, Dick, Harry, Andrew, Donald have managed to stay out of a courtroom for this long in this case?

    There’s your answer to why people are pissed off with this and beginning to draw their own conclusions.

    And that is before you consider his frankly appaling ‘performance’ so far and his track record of being an arrogant, dismissive, thick, entitled and nasty piece of work.

    Swap him for the diplomat woman who did a hit and (cross-Atlantic) run and kill two birds with one stone.

    Free Member


    Struck by a falling gargoyle whilst swimming off of Beachy Head?

    Or tragically slipping and falling backwards on the spire of Norwich cathedral?

    Credit to the writers of The Blackadder.

    Free Member

    I went up to Manchester to watch a day of test cricket back in 2006. I arrived the evening before and went out, as tradition dictates, for a curry and a skin full.

    The next day at the cricket I nearly managed to cause a fight in the stand with my curry and ale farts, with one of my mate’s work colleagues getting particularly irate.

    Fast forward five years are we are out on my mate’s stag do. In the mid afternoon his colleagues turned up and the same bloke was with them. His face dropped and the first words he said were “Oh no, not you”. Having arrived the night before and been out for a curry and a skin full, it wasn’t long before I provided him with a particularly unpleasant trip down memory lane.

    Free Member

    God help anyone who’s the victim of some of you lot that are called up for jury duty.

    Well it would have to get inside a courtroom first…

    In this case it seems like avoiding that eventuality is the be all and end all.

    Free Member

    They don’t live by the same rules though do they, which is the point!

    Precisely this. If a run of the mill STWer had kept company like Epstein and had as many ‘unfortunately coincidental’ attendances at his ‘parties’ they would be banged up in Alcatraz by now. Not running around trying not to be handed a piece of paper.

    Free Member

    Hebden Bridge reached peak beard about 40 years ago.

    And that was just the women.

    Free Member

    I’m an utter philistine when it comes to supposed great books.

    My top three ‘this is crap, I thought it was supposed to be amazing’ books are:

    One Hundred Years of Solitude
    Notes from a Small Island

    I can’t get into any of them and have tried several times.

    Also A Brief History of Time – but that is because my brain can’t cope with it.

    Free Member

    First set to Raducanu.

    Absolutely 50/50 in terms of standard of tennis.

    Their pace around the court is insane.

    Free Member

    Its obvious his security/ protection has a broad view of their remit.

    MBE’s all round and a strong former employer in your corner when you want to get into ‘that’ golf club.


    Free Member


    I’m guessing wrong thread, but the similarities between Randy Andy and Brexshit are a damning indictment of what should a be a grateful, Liberal and forward-looking country.

    Free Member

    Pretty irrelevant now in the days on the internet as they would only apply to British press and not FB, Twitter, Youtube etc.

    Yeah, because twitter and the rest never take down ‘inconvenient’ posts or posters because of threats from those with the resources to do them over…🙄

    Free Member

    Can’t good old Brilliant British Bulldog Boris lend him one of his spare superinjunctions anyway?

    Luckily superinjunctions are available to every citizen, so they are absolutely not an enhanced form of law for the protection of the spectacularly rich. No, my’lud, absolutely not.


    Free Member

    Denying ever having met her then being filmed furtively looking out of a door she recently left a residence by does tend to look a bit dodge….

    Free Member

    Even within the same town.. In my locale I can get a LOT more for my money if I’m prepared to buy in one of two areas that are… How can I put this politely…

    ‘wretched hives of scum and villainy.’

    I’d rather a smaller place in a nicer neighbourhood.

    It isn’t really ‘more’ for your money if your quality of life isn’t satisfactory. A home (as opposed to a house as investment) is more than the square footage on the floor plan.

    I’m in total agreement. Even the newbuilds that aren’t boxy little shacks are so close to each other that if you trip over going out of the patio doors you end up in next door’s ‘garden’. I suppose this is an advantage on a lot of newbuilds, though. Being built on flood plains mean packing the houses on top of each other so you can run planks from roof to roof and reach high ground. 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    So long as there is access to the can will be kicked down the road.

    Until someone gets cold feet and starts to realise the likelihood of it ever getting paid back is zero. See also ‘sub-prime’.

    In my opinion there will be a large uptick in repo’s as people who are recently mortgaged to the hilt see their food/clothing/etc prices go up by 10% and the repayments are too much for them.

    Free Member

    Comparing a creepy super-rich royal who remained friends with a convicted billionaire child sex trafficker, who’s hiding from the law, and made a series of outlandish claims in his defence, to an innocent victim of racism is some really weird logic.

    Really weird logic is all the rage these days. Repeat it lots on the Internet and you may even create a ‘movement’.

    Free Member

    that’s for a court of law to decide

    And that’s why he’s trying to stay out of one at all costs.

    What is he going to say when someone does actually get the summons in front of him with a witness present?

    “In addition to not being able to sweat I have forgotten how to read”.

    “It’s OK Mr Windsor, I only have to read it to you verbally”.

    “Sorry I can’t hear you”.

    Free Member


    Shit-filled rivers and motorway pile-ups are a price worth paying to be free of the evil EU. Obviously all the cash saved by corner-cutting will be invested back into projects that help the general public. Most certainly not trousered by some fat bastard who already has enough money for ten lifetimes.


    Free Member

    Not sure what this has to do with anything.

    Sex trafficking, borderline statutory rape, abuse of power, likely perjury, the availability of a ‘better’ law if you are in the right family.

    Other than that, I agree entirely.

    Free Member

    Now buy yourselves a nice big tin of sticky-sticky and **** off back to Noddyland.

    Can’t wait.

    Free Member

    Boris Johnson broke Britain, and should not just lose his job title, but be run out of the country. Hopefully just before the Telegraph closes its doors so he can’t return to a high paid column to spread further lies and sow more seeds of decline.

    It really is a shabby tale of a shabby, lazy, lying cheat and his inexorable rise – draining the positivity out of a nation to allow one fraud to live out his fantasy.

    **** him.

    Free Member

    the new deal with Micronesia

    Including using a tramp steamers to transport the goods – fuelled by Aussie coal.

    Global Britain
    Taking Back Control

    Free Member

    Fatty is head of Serco and making a lot from Boris and Dido.

    Yeah, but he doesn’t really need to, so he can afford to remind them of their station every once in a while.

    Free Member

    I just ignore mine until they talk correctly

    This is the answer.

    See also dropped h’s, glottal stops and the footballers’ tense.

    It’s right fun round ours. 🙂

    Edit: And starting sentences with ‘so’.


    Free Member

    Turn the dinghies around and blame the deaths on the French. Classy.

    Maybe we could create a specialist team and call it something like ‘Special Mission Squad’? Although the German translation is punchier.


    Free Member

    Adam Hawkins sounds like a prime tosser. That is all.

    Free Member

    Remember. Full customs checks aren’t required at the moment. But they come into force in October.

    Beans on toast for Crimbo lunch for us proles whilst De Pfeffel and Carrie Antoinette feast on fois gras, champers and lobster thermidore chased with a fine sherry.


    Free Member

    bloody water which comes out of a tap

    Shouldn’t that be ‘shitty water which comes out of a tap’? There might be a run on bottled water if we run out of more chemicals for sewage treatment / water purification.

    Can’t wait for the headline.

    “Boris urges every patriotic Brit to filter their own piss through their Brita to thwart evil EU”.

    “When asked if he would be doing his patriotic bit Boris replied that he would, although a photographer managed to snap a massive consignment of bottled water and champers being delivered to No 10 – “Let them drink piss” Carrie Antoinette was heard to mutter”.

    “Meanwhile it was rumoured that the drinking water shortage was exacerbated by a friend of Robert Jenrick bottling pre-pollution stocks of tap water ‘on am industrial scale'”.


    Free Member

    Basically the UK supply chain problems are less (much less than Boris Bullshit would have you believe) to do with global covid issues and more to do with epic Brexity Bellendery.

    But we knew that anyway. Willingly looking for umpteen other scapegoats notwithstanding.



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