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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
  • dannyh
    Free Member

    Fireworks night cancelled ?

    Great – except that upturned cars burn goooooood.

    Free Member

    Even The Grauniad can’t find anyone with much positive to say about Starmer’s 14,000 word nothingburger.

    They won’t. He’s still trying to walk both sides of the street. Keeping the nutters happy vs trying to get elected at the next GE.

    Electability vs ideological ‘purity’. Dress it up how you will. Go off down talking shop cul de sacs. The fundamental question remains – are Labour a serious political party wanting to be elected or are they a movement that is happy to form a permanent but irrelevant opposition?

    Free Member

    Two polar opposites that sum up the Labour ‘predicament’ perfectly.

    Strip away all the verbiage and one salient fact remains. Only one of them has been an integral part of getting a Labour government elected.

    The other is a typical king of the common room, happy to snipe from the sidelines and enjoy the adoration of his acolytes.

    Electability vs ideological ‘purity’. If you extend the argument that a political party’s function is to form a government, then sniping from the sidelines doesn’t make you a party. It makes you a movement.

    Free Member

    There has to be a reckoning when even his most ardent supporters have to weigh up ‘what has HE actually delivered?’

    An 80 seat majority in the house of commons. Inexplicable though that is to anyone with an IQ that exceeds their shoe size.

    Free Member

    riotous times

    When that public order bill will come in handy for Priti Nasty and her handler.

    Free Member

    Also don’t forget we’ve just had the mother of all fake property booms with the stamp duty holiday. Loads of people have just mortgaged themselves even more to the hilt. If the BoE raise interest rates, utilities prices go up and commodity prices stay high because of Brexit, we are heading for riotous times.

    Free Member

    inflation is starting to gather momentum

    RPI jumped to 2.5% in July then 3.5% in August. Most economists were taken by surprise and most forecasts were hastily amended upwards. This ‘government’ will try to blame covid for everything, but it won’t add up when price inflation and supply chain issues aren’t as severe in France. The real-world effect of Brexit is just to make everything more expensive for the end customer in the UK.

    Sure, there are die hard bellends who still rant on about remoaners and traitors, but everyone is going to see their family finances squeezed and there may be a very thin Christmas ahead. I’m just hoping that enough ordinary folk begin to see this for what it is before too much damage is done. We need a Lib-Lab alliance more than we ever have.

    If we can get rid of Johnson and his rabble, I really want to see them being chased down Whitehall by a baying mob.

    Free Member

    Slow hand clap…

    Judging by his utterings it will probably appear at normal speed to him.

    Free Member

    Might be wishful thinking but he looks to me like he’s beginning to fall apart.

    “Awww bless him” they’ll say.

    “It is enough to bring anyone down, being a prime minister, he’ll get his mojo back”.

    Cue a few crass remarks about rudely shaped vegetables or somesuch and the dickheads will be happy enough.

    He really is a true leader…..of dickheads.

    Free Member

    That Kermit bullshit above is just a ‘fingers crossed behind his back’ for the climate change deniers and ‘we just need to get back to making stuff’ mob he needs to play to. Trite and flippant.

    At least Kermit didn’t **** another female pig on the family sofa whilst Miss Piggy had cancer.

    Free Member

    It’s plain embarrassing that this lying oaf is representing me on the world stage. The Carry On analogy above is not far off the mark. He and his cynical mates have identified a target audience of below average intelligence and are playing to it 100%. Meanwhile the rest of the world and half this country fluctuate between cringing laughter and head-in-hands despair.

    Britain has produced many great things over the centuries – ideas, products, technologies. Now we have a washed up panto act for a prime minister. It is an age of shame for us.

    Free Member

    Tory MPs think know that enough regular folk can’t see through their nonsense?


    Now would be a good time to watch Adam Curtis’ Hypernormalization again, especially the Surkov stuff.

    Very much so. I’m constantly reminded of the ‘computer therapist’ that just played the subject’s ramblings back to them via questions that led them down a path of reinforcement and validation. Before long the subjects were insisting on time ‘alone’ with the computer. Despite knowing what the computer was doing.

    Reinforce prejudice and ignorance. Tell people it is ok. Encourage it. Even better when you can use something like social meedya to target different lies to different groups.

    Free Member

    Five years, and were still at the point where these folks get cross that the UK has to now deal with extra paperwork when they step outside the customs union that they used to be in

    Or pretend to get cross to keep their lumpen support happy.

    Free Member

    Christ, this is a painful read.
    Riding two abreast is legal, driver just took offence at having to wait for someone else’s hobby and does something dangerous and illegal…and the cyclists are getting a pasting on here for being a bit miffed about it.
    Yes, we can all be self-righteous about turning the other cheek etc, but if someone endangers your life, you have a right to be a little upset about it.


    Gotta love the people trying to justify the driver’s actions by saying how long he was ‘held up’ for.

    Whenever some oaf takes my life into their hands to ‘save’ 30 seconds (or god forbid more than 60 seconds) I get quite miffed that my life isn’t worth 60 seconds of their precious time.

    I guess they must just be more important than me. 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    needlessly superfluous

    Post of the year so far. That is to say the year is not yet over, so there could be a better one between now and 23:59:59 31/12/21 (UK date format). Ignoring the grey area of that last second for convenience.

    Nitpicking pedantry, eh?


    Free Member


    He doesn’t have to prove his innocence. He could choose to, though.


    Free Member

    get people to “move on”?

    Ah, the ‘gloomsters’. Always looking backwards when what they need to do is look forwards with positivity, eh? Why rake up the past?

    Said every person with something to hide throughout history….

    Free Member

    Just think, though. He could end the damage he is doing to the royal family, his family, by tackling this head-on an proving his innocence once and for all. Right?

    Free Member

    Kicks the can for a week or two whilst he can dream up some utter bollocks to gaslight the population with.

    Right on cue.

    Free Member

    Anyone genuinely interested in sorting out low pay needs to look long and hard at the UK government in power thanks to Brexit.

    Economic disaster and low wages have already been compensated for – sovrunty. It’s what the Brexity masses wanted, so it is a price worth paying, right?


    Free Member

    What’s fatso trying to hide this time? Could it be the kicking of the can down the road again on border checks – the ones that are going to cripple UK exports (even more)?

    Free Member

    There’s nothing that smart going on here. The IT systems aren’t ready (still). The physical sites aren’t ready (still). The staff aren’t ready (still). The checks can’t be put in place ‘till next year because we aren’t ready for them (still). As predicted by some of us in 2016 when Brexit was being sold as easily and cheaply deliverable. And again in 2017 when politicians where ruling out any substantive close arrangements with the EU to minimise border issues. And again in 2019 when oven ready deals and getting things done were key political messages. And again when the EU offered us extensions on the transition period arrangements because they knew we wouldn’t be ready and they wanted everyone to focus on getting through the pandemic.

    Sensible people have always pointed out that even IF Brexit was a good idea in theory, the practicalities involved in extricating the UK from 40 odd years of alignment are so immense that even trying would be harmful.

    Sensible people wouldn’t normally have to worry about that, though, because sensible people know that Brexit is a stupid idea in theory AND in practice.


    Free Member

    It is Brexit for your exports to the EU and single market for imports from the EU.
    Brillant move.

    Liz Truss would actually miss the sarcasm and take that at face value.

    Her stupidity is so profound it bends space and time.

    Free Member

    I still can’t figure out why people like the driver in this case think that their genitalia will grow as a result of aggression.


    Free Member

    What would you do there?

    Is the room up any stairs?

    Free Member

    those who weirdly worship him like some Waco style cult leader

    It’s easier to lose and keep your ideological purity than win and have to compromise.

    Free Member

    I’m totally sure Labour can win back the Red Wall Racists with ‘socialism’.


    Free Member

    I’m struggling to see where Boris’ win is?

    Kicks the can for a week or two whilst he can dream up some utter bollocks to gaslight the population with.


    Free Member

    Meanwhile, our cheese producers (insert Liz Truss meme) find that selling direct to customers anywhere outside the UK is already a distant memory

    Selling ‘our’ cheese abroad is an act of treason if you subscribe to the idiocy encouraged and personified by Truss. See also buying imported cheese – foreign muck.

    The problem is when this fantasy world meets the real world.

    Scottish shellfish producers going out of business? Not an issue as ‘we’ don’t eat that much shellfish as a nation – so what’s the problem?

    It is people, who should know better, encouraging the notion that such idiocy is ‘ok’ for their own personal gain that should be a treasonable offence.

    Free Member

    There’s a limit, in my view at least, to how far you should try to vaccinate yourself out of a mess using children while simultaneously rejecting simple measures to reduce the burden of disease on the population just because some adults find them mildly inconvenient.

    I don’t think I can remember a better (part) post in a long time. 100% on the button IMO.

    Those that think we should obviously already be using such measures right now will just be in the corner rocking.

    ‘Those of us’ in this case overlaps strongly with a similar ‘those of us’ who think other wantonly stupid decisions are just that – stupid.

    This is the problem when people who should know better create the notion that being a nobhead is something that should be aspired to. It legitimises all the nutjobs who pipe up without even the self-realisation to know that it is their narcissistic need to be noticed that is really behind their ‘outspokenness’.

    A society where sensible people can be ‘othered’ so easily as ‘metropolitan elites’ is in deep shit. There is a special place in hell for politicians who tacitly encourage pigheadedness for their own gain.

    Free Member

    We are social animals, we largely follow herd behaviour, and don’t like to feel ‘othered’ in public.

    I’m sorely tempted to have a “AND I voted Remain” mask made.

    If the crowd is stupid there is no glory in being part of it.

    Sage are warning that 7000 daily hospitalisations is the probable outcome of our wankerishness.

    Why the **** we can’t just keep a few effective, non-onerous measures in place is beyond me. But then, ‘we’ as a country are so much better than everyone else, so we don’t need to bother…


    Free Member

    The channel is a laughing stock with hardly any viewers.

    As PJM put below, Lawrence ‘****wit’ Fox lost his deposit in the mayoral election yet his ‘party’ gets a £5m donation from some Brexity shit who is looking to cash in. Despite already having enough money for ten lifetimes.

    It ain’t ‘how’ it is ‘how much’.

    Principles – shminciples.

    Lawrence Fox is regarded as a bellend by the majority of people. He doesn’t give a shit, though, because enough people like him as he embodies their own inadequacies and prejudices. Enough to keep him in clover for the rest of his days, without having to lift a finger. Job done.

    Free Member

    the arseholes who finance it won’t stand for that indefinitely

    Depends if the longer term political (and thus financial) payout is deemed worthwhile.

    There’s money and influence to be made stirring up division and hatred. See also Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings etc.

    Free Member

    ‘are you an ardent Brexit fan’

    ‘are you a racist troll’

    enthusiastic half wits

    The overlaps are large.

    Free Member

    Seems to be the current concensus, but it’s not such an eye catching headline.

    Just wave a Union Jack and overlay a soundtrack of Spitfires and “we will fight them on the beaches” and all the not so good stuff disappears. 👍

    Free Member

    Or at least a few million at a private company doing a feasibility study (into the obviously unfeasible)?

    They’re all too busy being paid hundreds of millions doing something similar re running a country with a £85bn a year hole in its revenue whilst intentionally alienating its closest partners – and needing to give £350m a week more to the NHS.

    There’s lots to do before they can declare it unfeasible, obviously.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Almost as though it was a bit of hastily dreamed up ‘Boris is a bit of a card’ fluff to distract from something else.

    Reality is coming hurtling down the tracks, though. I’m predicting a fractious and thin Christmas.

    Free Member

    Neil Oliver – what a plum.

    I used to love taking the piss out of his ‘more like a character from Macbeth than a character from Macbeth’ act when he was originally playing second fiddle to Nick Crane on Coast.

    Still, Coast gave us Alice Roberts, so on balance putting up with a second rate luvvie masquerading as an opinion former and historian is a price I’m willing to pay.

    Why can’t these people just have their mid-life crises quietly?

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