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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • dannyh
    Free Member

    He buried his mum last Monday and has a one year old baby. I’m sure we’d all deal with it a lot better.

    I’m surprised that hasn’t been weaponised yet. Have we finally found a limit? Or is something worse just around the corner?

    Free Member

    Leicestershire here and it has been bedlam. Roads blocked all over the place by queues for service stations loads of dangerous road situations caused as a result. Not sure about now, I filled up (luckily) last Thursday, so I can afford to be philosophical about it.

    Quick question. That bloke who pulled the knife – anyone care to speculate which way he voted back in 2016?


    Free Member

    Looking good, Britain. Looking good. No wonder the rest of the world are falling over themselves to come and do our dirty jobs for us…

    Free Member

    I wish the useless sack of shit would just piss off.

    Free Member


    Tory = Shitshow
    Labour = Splitshow Shitshow

    What a ****ing great choice.

    Free Member

    Brexit has been a ‘factor’ in fuel crisis, Shapps admits
    Transport secretary Grant Shapps has admitted that Brexit has been a “factor” behind the fuel crisis – despite his previous claims the UK’s exit from the EU had helped the country adjust to supply chain problems.

    Mr Shapps insisted only last week that cynics were “wrong” to blame Brexit for the drastic shortage of heavy goods vehicle (HGV) drivers causing empty supermarket shelves and the closure of petrol stations.

    Anyone who believes a word Johnson and his rabble say really does need their head read.

    I can only assume it is some kind of misplaced pride that makes people need to deny what is going on. It is fine. All you have to do is admit your error(s), say you are sorry, mean it, and don’t do it again. Not onerous, but then nor is wearing a mask and enough Brexity types got the vapours about that too.

    Free Member

    Mefty still denying reality again….


    Free Member

    20,000 hgv drivers according to the industry.

    Tanker drivers within that? Don’t know but it will probably be significant.

    Free Member

    Just in Case

    A large part of which is stockpiling. Which doesn’t work with perishables, plus warehousing would need to be expanded to house it all.

    It’s an expensive way out of a self-created hole…

    Free Member

    How do you expect that to work?

    Renegotiate a softer Brexit. Apply to rejoin the EU.

    Just two of the myriad possibilities that exist for ‘not be childish’.

    Pretty much anything is better than the shitshow we are currently mired in.

    **** that ‘will of the people’ nonsense. It was tried. It didn’t work. Time to sort something that does.

    Free Member


    Johnson doesn’t worry about that. Why would Starmer?

    It seems the electorate don’t care either.

    Free Member

    ‘efficiencies’ have been made to the extent that there is basically no slack in our supply chains, see also horrenndous working conditions and pay for many, including truckers

    Yup. JIT was originally intra-process manufacturing. But it was bastardised into retail supply chains to maximise choice and availability. Brexit will continue to pull cards out of the house of cards each time it is rebuilt. If it ever is. Or we could decide to grow up.


    Free Member

    Although I have to say it’s quite an eye-opener that a relatively subtle shift in behaviour can cause such significant issues.

    That’s JIT supply chains for you. It is optimised for maximum choice and convenience when applied to retail rather than intra-process in manufacturing.

    Throw a racist/xenophobic tantrum that **** part of the process up then the whole thing falls over. The ultimate end point is less choice and convenience or increased prices (or both). But Project Fear and all that…

    Free Member

    Indeed. What’s barmy for a population is sensible for individuals. And the lesson is: if you’re going to ‘panic’ make sure you beat everyone else to it.

    Even more so when I didn’t vote for it.

    There should be two queues at the filling stations. Remain and Leave. Leave get a reduced selection of pumps. Remain get a greater selection. Both sides will have got what they voted for. Job jobbed.

    The Leave queue get an added bonus, though, they get a scratchcard with a racist joke on it, to keep them amused as they wait. There’s ten to collect and if you get all ten you get a VHS of ‘Til Death Us Do Part’.

    Free Member

    If you win power by eroding the public’s confidence in authority (elites, experts etc) then you cannot be surprised when they don’t trust you in a crisis. See lockdown breakers, antivaxers and panic buyers.

    There is a special place in hell for these fraudsters who have done this.

    As kelvin noted above, this is the reality of Brexit Britain. The only real question is how much are people willing to put up with before they’ll face this reality? Brexit was a terrible idea, is now, and always will be.

    The trouble is that ‘resilience’ comes in many forms – some of which are counterproductive. You’d be daft to let your fuel gauge drop below half now, so there will be behavioural changes as people adopt the approach of topping up rather than running down and refilling.

    Debate the smaller individual vs societal conundrums all you like, but there is one salient point:

    It doesn’t have to be this way.

    Free Member

    Oh surely not the ‘Marina Hyde is a champagne socialist’ trope again. Marvellous.

    One of my work colleagues who is an unashamed white supremacist reactionary brexit voting UKIP type told me this morning that he would be prepared to vote for Starmer if ‘he can sort out his party’, so he seems to be quite good attracting those sorts of people.

    Cool story, Bro.

    I imagine he was winding you up given your tendencies. 🙄

    Free Member


    The elephant in the room being automation. If you make some jobs ‘too expensive’ then companies will be spurred to automate them out of existence. Or just take their bat and ball and play somewhere else. Or just play with them in their back garden.

    Free Member

    It’s a broken kleptocracy at the top.

    Sounds ideal, then. Make a few casual racist/sexist remarks and stick a Union Jack on it. Should be in government by half twelve.

    Free Member

    The wurst.experience post is pretty much identical to several I have seen on FB purporting to be from people ‘in the industry’ but, even if they are, also have a posting history with lots of pro-Brexit, pro-nationalist stuff. Strange eh?

    Free Member

    Squabbling over internal party matters whilst the goal lays wide open and untended about six yards away.

    No. One. Gives. A. Shit.

    All Labour have to do is look halfway sensible and united right now.

    Free Member

    Redwood is a twunt. Always has been, always will be. That fixed look in his eyes is not an evil genius at work, it is the look of someone who is actually monumentally thick.

    Free Member

    Almost certainly the same as where they are now.

    You keep telling yourselves that, lads.

    Free Member

    Just think where Labour could be now if they’d opposed triggering Article 50.


    Free Member

    I’m of the (mostly) short and sharp tendency. Since I identified the trigger (neck strain through impacts – bear with me) I have far fewer.

    Bizarre as it may sound it was playing cricket (bowling) that mostly brought mine on. Finally tracing it to the smacking down of a braced leg and subsequent twisting of shoulders/body/everything.

    I do a lot of neck stretches now and have a tried and tested emergency strategy. I tend to get them now if I jolt my neck/head whilst riding. If I fail to see a rock and get a real wallop up through the pedals or a crash or a whack of the helmet on a low branch. Anything that makes my neck tense up sharply.

    The only bit of advice I can give is you really must identify the trigger. You can work back from there. My coping strategy (which isn’t always possible) is to take two ibuprofen and two paracetamol and lie still in comfort in dark and cool surroundings. If I can get through the visual aura before the headache really gets going I can just about cope.

    I tried triptans, and they are good at speeding the symptoms through, but I had a couple of bad episodes with them where they made me feel very odd – not able to lift arms fully, arms felt like lead and hands felt like they were floating rather than attached.

    Free Member


    Freedom Of Movement Obsession?

    Free Member

    Highly illegal for them to sell red diesel unless authorised.

    You’d have to be extremely dumb to actually get caught and the police won’t have the time or resources to actually go after this. They probably can’t get there for lack of fuel anyway…


    Free Member

    Well, some of the farmers around here have been openly offering it for sale on the local Friendface groups

    Buccaneering Brexit Spirit innit. Just a bit of free enterprise.

    Free Member

    The number of drivers who drove in – moved the cones and tried to fill up was astonishing.

    This is what happens when a brand of politics gains ascendancy by dismissing experts as elites and moderates as traitors. Very clever when it gets you where you want to be. Not so clever when you have real crises to deal with and need people to trust you. See also antivax.

    The people moving the cones probably thought the fuel was being hoarded – perhaps to put up the price or was being reserved for so-and-so and his Bentley.


    Free Member

    But they still queued.

    Ha! They’re not going to be put off by liberal metropolitan elite experts who are lying that the tanks are empty.

    It is all a conspiracy driven by the nasty EU and their propaganda operation – the BBC.

    But our plucky patriots are too wily for that.

    I can only assume the petrol stations did a roaring trade in lukewarm mystery meat pasties to sustain them.


    Free Member

    I wasn’t aware Sustrans had a Provisional wing.

    That’s an interesting mental image.

    What assault rifle for…..?

    Free Member

    I’m not quite sure I can control my actions

    You’ve got to feel sorry for the guy – actual incontinence to add to his verbal incontinence and his high blood pressure.


    Free Member

    The Brexies are scouting around for anything they can pin this on other than the glorious brexit.

    I was corresponding with a hgv driver yesterday evening. He was arguing that lockdown meant that European drivers ‘saw the light’ about pay and conditions in the EU when we locked down.

    Seeing as he was getting very angry and lockdown was used as an excuse to make him redundant, I chose not to put the boot in and point out that:

    Those drivers very likely knew about terms and conditions in the EU as some if not most of their journeys would take in the EU.

    He nearly left the industry, but now is back – presumably commanding (fleetingly) better wages.

    But this is down to Brexit. No shortages in the EU. No petrol rationing in the EU. No round the block queuing in the EU. What is the one salient reason/difference?

    Oh well, I guess it needs to get at least a couple of notches worse… 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    Johnson and the wazzocks will just throw a load more of our money at them to kick the can for a bit longer.

    Free Member

    stitching up a vote

    My my.

    At a unanimous 53% surely it was just a cry for help by salt of the earth folk who felt they had to vote for change, any change, because they had been ignored for so long? No?

    Monbiot was right, wasn’t he….

    Free Member

    I agree totally with her. However it is in danger of becoming The Story of the weekend which deflects some attention away from Boris Bullshit’s ‘bit of a mess’.

    Free Member

    I is chuckling.

    These stupid gammons really are the gift that keeps on giving.

    Free Member

    all the people they need to do the campaigning grunt work are going to be pretty pissed off

    They can always **** off and do that work for the Tories if they want.

    They’ll live.

    Free Member

    Official “return to office” tomorrow – 55 miles each way, excellent timing doing this when there’s a fuel shortage

    I’ve got a biking trip to N Wales next weekend and a full tank (I filled up on Thursday before this bollocks kicked off). If anyone tries to get me into the office they’re going to get more ruses for absenteeism than Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. 🙂

    Free Member

    Depending on the data and whether you want to preserve the original.

    The best option is probably:

    Select the column that contains the criterion/criteria you are using to determine ‘keep’. Put a filter on it.

    Use the filter to get the rows you want visible with the others hidden by the filter.

    Go to Home > Select > Go To > Special and then check the box for ‘visible cells only’. Then ctrl+c to copy, Go to a new sheet and paste. That keeps the original data intact whilst pasting out only what you need.

    Be careful with this if there are shitloads of formulae and rows in your data or running from it – if you do this with too many rows and formulae Excel can shit itself and crash.

    The numbers you are talking about here should be fine, though.


    Free Member

    Bring it on. I couldn’t care less how I’m paid or who I work with as long as they do their job.

    The tossers like Rees-Mogg (not heard from that shite in a while, so assume he must be counting his winnings) used ‘Vassal State’ in a negative way. I would take direct rule from Brussels now and **** most of the Commons off into the river and out to sea with the rest of the effluent.

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