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  • dannyh
    Free Member

    If she had asked a friend she might have avoided the faux pas and escaped with less criticism from stw’s social commentators.


    What about the blacked out Range Rover, umpah lumpah tan and white plastic talons? And the need to wave a smartphone around like ‘ladies’ used to with fans?

    I bet her friends all look similar in any case.

    Anyway, the main point is that she is clearly an entitled and mouthy chav – that she also dresses the part is largely inconsequential.

    Free Member

    Perhaps the moderators will.


    Depends if people employ ‘telling tales’ as a tactic to ‘win’.

    I’m not a big fan of the “Sir, sir, he just called Sharon a biffer” tendency, but I guess some people are.

    In life – if you act like an entitled arsehole you deserve to be pilloried along whatever lines are available. Anything else is just a bit, well, snowflaky.

    Free Member

    I’m not trying to win anyone over, I’m just taking the piss out of someone who is a ringer for a Viz character – back in the days when we could laugh at ‘ourselves’.

    Taking the positives from the Range Rover driver – she has obviously taken serious steps to insulate her buttocks and thighs, so maybe she is already doing her bit.

    And I don’t care what you make of that comment.


    Free Member

    Its almost as if they just chose heat pumps because they didn’t want to be seen siding with insulate Britain.

    Insulation is old hat and the overall concept/process/product is run of the mill. Heat pumps and the like are more ‘modern’ and thus more open to entry from ‘consultancies’ and new entrants who can shape the rules or refuse to invest. Venture capital and the like. Much more to the ENP’s liking.

    And don’t forget all the plucky little startup legal firms cold calling ripped off customers in five years time when they start breaking down.

    Deregulate to accumulate.

    Free Member

    I know that I’d much rather sit and have a chat with the protesters than the chubby chav in the Range Rover.

    Free Member

    “I’m not joking, my son needs to get to school. Move out the way. Move out the way now.”

    Bet he’s close to a suspension/exclusion for being a mouthy little shit, whenever he actually shows up.

    Just a bit of supposition on my part, looking at the tree the cherubic little apple fell from.


    Free Member

    the current tactics are only angering the kind of people you’d need to be winning over

    Not sure they are looking to win over cuprinol-tanned, fat-arsed harpies with fake nails, tits and Range Rovers – who would rather burn every hydrocarbon on earth than give up their hair straighteners / facial saunas / patio heaters.


    Free Member

    I know you folks are right. Deep down I know you are right.

    Am I allowed to petulantly dislike you for five minutes until I get my adult head back on?


    Free Member


    Yeah, right-o.

    I’m just going to play amateur sleuth for a second and posite that your employment is connected to the building/property sector in some way.


    Free Member

    If he flogged the land for 20 boxy houses to be thrown up on it I bet the he’d get it through planning in less than six months.

    Fun is not allowed in the UK any more unless it can be neatly packaged and monetised.

    Free Member

    Currently got the bastard cold. Not covid, numerous tests.

    I reckon this was always going to happen given the lack of mixing over the last 18 months not keeping stuff like the normal colds in circulation.

    It is not particularly bad in its own right, but it is a stayer.

    Free Member

    Cheers, I will try. The fracture clinic appointment is phone, though(!)

    I could probably ride now pain and movement-wise, but I don’t want to risk anything if it isn’t healed. I know 5-6 weeks is as good as it can get, I just don’t want to spend any more time than necessary off of the bike. Not being too dramatic about it, but it is important for my mental wellbeing. Not silly important, but fairly important.

    I have been working from home fine for ages, but I do need to put in some appearances in person soon too.

    Free Member

    Generally speaking a variation in shifting quality along the cassette is a bent mech hanger.

    Free Member

    Kettlewell to Buckden Pike is a goodun as is Old Cote Moor Top, from either side.

    Free Member

    No, just a fracture clinic appointment. Physio referrals take so long nowadays that the point is totally lost.

    Free Member

    I’m done with the politics stuff on here. There is literally no point. It is just a drain on my time and energy.

    As the winning sportsman says to the mouthy opponent who is sounding off about this or that being unfair – look on the scoreboard, mate. In this case it is bar chart of CPI/RPI – take your pick. Paying over the odds for manual jobs, particularly as a net importer of vital goods is only ever going to lead in one direction. The more you kick the can, the bigger the catastrophe at the end. The BoE will raise interest rates and then we’ll see how prudent people were during furlough etc.

    Over and out.


    Free Member

    They are certainly dabbling in the fringes of Fascism

    Yes they are. And it is paying off for them. What does that say about Britain?

    But to hell with it. No one can ever win an argument with the likes of ernie or daz because they were assembled at the same ‘pub philosophical society member’ manufacturing plant back in the day.

    The world was put to rights on a Sunday lunchtime, then put to rights again in exactly the same manner the week after, and the week after that.


    Free Member

    Why not? Dannyh has doing it on an almost daily basis for ages.

    I don’t recall ever calling a fellow forumite a nazi. I’ve enjoyed pointing out some of their approval of far right policies whilst proclaiming to be lefties is all. I guess hypocrites don’t like having their hypocrisy called out. Well that’s been going on since forever, so whatever.

    As for former Red Wall Labour voters flipping to the Tories after the far right wet dream of Brexit – well if the cap fits.

    This country is now lumped in with Poland and Hungary as the ‘Nationalist governments in Europe’. And rightly so. The only difference is they aren’t stupid enough to actually opt out of the very thing they can blame all their ‘ills’ on – whilst actively benefiting from membership.

    Anyway- we’ll see where the ‘British Jobs For British Workers’ policy gets us. Keep an eye on CPI/RPI, because it’s gonna get ugly.

    And what happens if enough potential trainee doctors decide “Nah, **** it, too expensive, too long without earning and I can get up and running sooner and for nearly as much driving a truck”?

    But, Project Fear again.

    Free Member

    This government is not Thatcherite by any means. New National Socialist is closer.

    Free Member

    Tell you what, Daz-lad.

    You’ll be sticking a blue rosette on and going door knocking in the Red Wall at this rate.

    Nationalism combined with socialism. Ace.

    Free Member

    If you want something to worry about look at China/India/Pakistan. All nuclear armed, all on the brink of actual conflict several times a year

    With nice, stable Afghanistan in the locality too.

    In much the same way that Johnson uses manufactured arguments with the EU to mask his own incompetence, Xi is using Taiwan do distract from his domestic issues re building industry crisis

    Mendacious leaders with nothing to offer have done this since time immemorial. These two are amateurs. Which, conversely, might be worse for the rest of us.

    Free Member

    Buying into the lie that it is foreigners, not the UK government, stagnating wages will help take us to a very dark place.

    Nationalism combined with socialism.

    Free Member

    So ‘the all-powerful ‘Market’ will be left to sort it out. Or not.

    A market that is isolated. If we were a net exporter it could be made to work, but adding an unnecessary cost burden to imported products, where those products do not change in price (fx) with a devaluing £, is economic illiteracy and will end up hitting the lowest paid hardest.

    My advice to an artic driver who is having a purple patch would be to use it to pay down as much of their mortgage as possible before interest rates wipe out that pay rise.

    You cannot stick a fence up around a country and pay over the odd as a massive net importer of basic goods.

    But I guess this is just more Project Fear…


    Free Member


    Nah, just people who realise ‘productivity’ is a measure of what you actually produce and at what cost.


    Free Member

    it’s hard to argue that Tory support is all down to the personal appeal of Johnson

    Agreed. Pretending that you can be paid £50k a year for driving a forklift with no onward effect on the economy and pandering to racism and xenophobia is far more effective.

    What happens in a global sense to an economy that overpays for manual work at the expense of FE and stuff like research?

    Rampant inflation, that is what.


    Free Member

    Better a dry scoop than a dry root as an aussie might say.

    Free Member

    Not quote sure why everyone is spaffing their pants at the Owen Jones thing. It is OK, though.

    The unsaid line from the ‘New Tory’ socialists is that they supposedly want strong unions and higher wages, but if it comes (one way or other) out of their own pocket, then they’ll be sharpening the pitchforks.

    The others are the usual dismissive tories – born with a silver spoon, they just cannot comprehend the life of a normal person. Gove only spoke because he loves the sound of his own voice more than anything. The rest of them either can’t be seen to be endorsing higher wages because their funders will do them over if they do – and those non-exec directorships will be withdrawn. The others actively don’t give a **** because if you are poor, you must be a bad person.


    Free Member

    Can we be more specific when talking about the international shortage of computer chips – I was all set to get down the chippy and panic buy!

    I’m sure the Irish Republic would step in and help out of sheer goodwill. No doubt they have fond memories of when they needed cooperation from Britain when it came to potatoes.

    Free Member

    It’s a bizarre situation when the tories seem to be more bothered about supporting workers than labour are.

    Nationalism combined with socialism. Potent stuff.

    Free Member


    You can’t call them that.

    Daz, daz, where are you to defend the indefensible again…?

    Free Member

    The government of a rich country is literally reduced to the role of a desperate procurement agent in a small, failing department store chain. It’s every bit as ridiculous as it sounds.


    Free Member

    Yeah the man who routinely runs rings around Starmer and everyone else in the labour party. You underestimate him, along with everyone else who focuses on the content rather than the style.


    Quick word association test….

    What adjective would you use to describe people who are swayed by a politician’s ‘style’ rather than ‘content’.

    No cheating now….what was the first adjective you came up with?

    Free Member

    we end up back in equalibrium with blue collar workers earning a bit more and white collar workers a bit worse off in real terms

    What about the blue and white collar workers whose jobs are now surplus to requirements when everyone tightens their belts?

    Free Member

    get rid of things you dont need.
    sky tv or any other pay per view.
    go pay as you go on a budget phone.
    eat less meat, treat it as a luxury once a week.
    stop drinking.

    if i did all these i would soon be back in pocket.

    Me too. But if you cut back on your consumption then all of a sudden there doesn’t need to be the same number of drivers, shop staff, warehouse workers etc.

    Free Member

    Well, the line is now officially ‘get used to it, this is what you voted for’. The resulting rocketing inflation will redistribute some wealth, but my prediction is that if retailers raise prices across the board, our over-consuming customer base will cut back, so there won’t need to be so many drivers etc. Or the companies will close their UK operations.

    You cannot dick around making basic consumer goods prohibitively expensive and pretend that won’t have an effect on demand.

    Hell, it might even be a good time to consider going teetotal. So the pub might not need that extra bartender or the supermarket might be able to consolidate 5 deliveries into 4. This nonsense will not work. 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    House of cards built on a sand bank.

    Totally this.

    And the developer only got the permission to build ‘Cardhouse Gardens’ there because he gave Jenrick (or whoever the new housing crook minister is) a brown envelope full of £50 notes.

    Free Member

    at the moment

    Cos I’m sure that’s what Brexit was all about.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Social Media broken

    Must be some good stuff in those Pandora Papers….

    This’ll just be the real ‘leaders’ reminding everyone else who is really in charge now.

    Free Member

    There was a truck driver on the news last night who said ‘thank you Boris, and thank you to everyone who voted for brexit’. Until labour and remainers get their head around this they’re going to be pissing in the wind.

    Karma has a way of swinging back and forth.

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