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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • dangriff
    Free Member

    Forgot to add, if you scale this down to a large shed, you could probably do it for a grand.

    Free Member

    When I had my last garage built, I had a ground anchor fabricated from two lengths of 50mm diameter high yield reinforcing bar, fillet welded together and case hardened attached to a 20mm thick steel plate. The anchor was located in the corner of the garage with bikes on top/in front, so access was a bitch to attack it. The two layers of reinforcement for the base slab passed through the anchor, effectively securing it to the base slab.

    In addition:-

    Walls, 220mm thick concrete block (two layers on edge).
    Window/door on garden side, UPVC high security with security mesh over the glass.
    Door on lane side, industrial galvanised steel electric roller shutter
    PIR 500 watt security lights inside and out, linked (you move inside, the outside 500 watt light shines right through my bedroom window.
    Full home-spec alarm system, also linked to house alarm with panic button and link to 24 hour monitoring.
    The garage fits 3 cars, or two cars, motorbike and loads of bikes.

    Total cost, £7k, but added this a couple of times over to the house value. Especially if you then sell it to a bloke who likes cars, motorbikes and bikes.

    Free Member

    Quick update – Crown Court trial starts tomorrow at 14:00 at Cardiff Crown Court (pre-trial hearing only). Am psyching myself up and only need to polish my shoes and medals before I'm ready.

    Free Member

    For self defence, boxing is tops. I box as an amateur welterweight and it's really handy for tight spots in t'pub. Have recently tried cage fighting and bare knuckle boxing while I was working in Brisbane. Bare knuckle is pretty brutal.

    Free Member

    Did it. Stripped them fully and lined up the bits – front carb in the top drawer, back carb in the bottom, all screws and bits in the cutlery tray.

    Very clean, very dull (not bothered by cosmetics). Went together lovely today with a full service kit of new gaskets etc.

    Cylinder head in next!

    Free Member

    Had to take my 19 mth old daughter to A&E this morning, with a small plastic ball stuck in her throat. The response car bloke was crap, asking me to take her in myself. She started gagging and coughing on the way in, so I ended up seeing 140 on the speedo and ran all the reds.

    Not what I wanted to be doing, but needs must. She's fine now but has a sore throat and expecting to poo it out tomorrow.

    Free Member

    The devil on my right shoulder is telling me – just do it.

    Free Member

    I'm contemplating riding to and from the start/finish from Cardiff (save the train fare), taking the full suss (for a lap of MM as suggested earlier) and towing the bike trailer to carry a big bucket for collecting coins along the way and beer for the finish line.

    Free Member

    Didn't get any at all. I've got the kit I need for now, can afford the kit I need in the future and asked my family to donate to my fundraising rather than give me anything.

    I'm the most satisfied that I've ever been.

    Free Member

    Thanks adey, awesome!

    Free Member

    Chain looks rusty.

    Free Member

    Bit of steel rod with a hole drilled in each end. Instant hardtail.

    Free Member

    Oven, 200 degrees, 20 minutes.

    Free Member

    I had the first stage in the Magistrates Court today. Sent straight to the Crown Court, but at least we got the prosecution evidence pack today. The prosecution pack was virtually a case for the defence, as the 10 police statements, helicopter video and control room transcript all appear to be well in my favour. The solicitor described the prosecution case as a "croc of sh1t" and a waste of everyones' time.

    I've got the pre-trial hearing at Cardiff Crown Court at 09:00 on 29th December, but it should then be adjourned until mid-January. The prosecution informally suggested to my solicitor that if we could get additional evidence that my trial is prolonging my wait for treatment, he could possibly make the case go away 🙂 The mental health team are putting a letter in the post tonight to this effect.

    I now have legal aid and work are giving me paid compassionate leave for the trial, despite this being well outside the terms of my contract. Very supportive employer!!!

    I have also had the trustees of Sir Tasker Watkins's estate approach me yesterday. They have a fund set up to help ex-soldiers with connections in Glamorgan and Monmouthshire and have offered to pay for a holiday for me and my family once the court case is over. I've gratefully suggested that there may be a few more like me with more needy situations, but we agreed that I'll accept if they can't find anyone else who needs it more.

    I had numerous messages and cards of support, which brought me to tears last night. I'm starting to feel in a far better place now and am keen to get this phase over with and get on with my life. I've got a bit of time off now, so will be training hard for the run and the ride – will have to approach the food and drink of Christmas with moderation!

    Will update on progress as it happens. Merry Christmas all.

    Free Member

    Bonus? I'm grateful to still have a job.

    Free Member

    Thanks all again – a quick update.

    The Cheltenham/London walk is being organised by my brother. He's an ex medic with KORBR and lives in Cheltenham. We're doing it mid-May with a bunch of medics/police from the Cheltenham and Gloucester area and I'm just tagging along for the fun of it. This is the first route we are planning, and I may check it out on the Trance first. He's aiming for £21k (10 ex-soldiers staying for a week each).

    The LEJOG is mine, solo, because I want nice long stretches of ride for my own time to reflect. I've so many people wanting to join me for legs, that I'm sure my mood will be great (think of the coast to coast run in Forrest Gump, but without the cool bumper sticker sloguns). I'm also looking to support 10 ex-soldiers. The route will be the next one planned after the walk is set.

    Anyway, gotta go as I'm in the dock at 10:00am tomorrow morning and need to polish my shoes. Will update in the afternoon.

    Free Member

    Hmm, Muddypuddle….

    Shall I do the lap on the road bike I was planning to use for LEJOG, use my Trance X2 for the LEJOG to improve my lap at MM, or just carry one bike as a spare?

    Seriously though, d'you think someone would lend me a bike for the lap if I turn up?

    Free Member

    Thanks, I'm very grateful. Please pass on the link to those you know who may be feeling generous.

    Free Member

    Right then, I'm on my way.

    Justgiving page:

    Dates: 17-21 June 2010

    Route: Just being tweaked for publication

    Publicity: Appointments with BBC, the Sun, NOTW – more to follow.

    Please dig deep!!! 🙂

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the offers of support. I may have to add a few miles to ensure I can visit you all.

    Free Member

    Right, I'm setting up the justgiving website. Think of a catchy name for my page!

    Answers on a postcard asap please.

    Free Member

    I'm fairly confident about the court case – it starts in Barry Magistrates Court, 10:00 on Wednesday 23rd December. This is purely to send the case to the Crown Court (have been led to believe it will go to Merthyr), planned for the first week of January.

    The key to my defence hinges on the charge of firearm possession with intent to cause attending police officers to believe that violence will be used against them or others. My psychiatric report states in at least 5 places that I had no intent to cause anyone else any harm or distress and that I acted impulsively with no planning and in a state of mind unable to make clear decisions. The CPS admit to not having read the report, as they state that they want a court to decide whether to convict or acquit. If the intent bit can be disproved, then the court will have to acquit the whole charge.

    On Wednesday, my solicitor will receive the prosecution pack, including the firearm team individual statements. A little bird tells me these are all supportive of my predicament and none felt for their own safety. This is reflected in the fact that they didn't point their guns at me, just taser.

    Will have to wait and see how it goes. If it all goes horribly wrong, I'll have 5 years for the fundraising!

    Free Member

    Mixed family history for me:-

    Dad (cool)
    Opel Manta
    Cavalier SRI
    All his motorbikes were well cool though!

    Dad (not so cool)
    Escort, pug 306, citroen Xantia, C5, mondeo x 2, focus x 2 …….

    Me (all non-cool)
    Cortina, Escort mk2, Cavalier, Chevette, Sierra, Fiat 126, Cavalier, Mondeo, MGF, Focus, Puma, Puma, Mondeo, Focus, Mondeo, Mazda 323, Galaxy, Mazda 3, Mondeo (see a pattern emerging?)
    All my motorbikes were also cool!

    My son (age 3.5,
    MGB currently undergoing restoration. We both got a big b0ll0king this afternoon for gasflowing the inlet manifold and stripping the twin SU carbs on the living room floor! He's the only 3 year old in his nursery with his own car, the only one that can weld, the only one who can start a car with a manual choke and carbs!
    He's not going to be allowed a motorbike though!!!!

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the messages of support and advice so far. The main points from this thread and from others I have spoken to are:-

    * Add a day or two to the schedule.
    * Add a few towns for publicity and fundraising opportunities.
    * Press coverage (got a mate who's a reporter with the BBC, so will tap him up for contacts).
    * Corporate contacts – will start approaching when the route/dates/plan have firmed up more.
    * Get the justgiving page up asap (will do v.soon).
    * Live tracking sounds ace – also good for any of you wanting to tag along to see when and where to get on your bikes!
    * Arrange support (would rather staged than continuous, as I still want long stretches alone with time to reflect)

    avdave2, points all taken, but this is actually part of my treatment. The psychiatric team looking after me all say that helping others in a similar predicament has proven benefits in accepting and overcoming my own. Besides, I can be a tough, determined b@stard when I want to be – the exertion levels will be similar to the Cambrian Patrol, and I did that 4 years running. Adding a day or two will reduce the chance of failure, but still be a decent challenge.

    Free Member

    I'm sure it's possible – record is 44 hours and 3 days would average less than 14mph. What I lack in strength and skill I'll make up for with grit and determination. There are serving and ex-soldiers with horrific injuries who are tougher than that and I'm determined not to let them down. I'll soon find out when I give it a try.

    Will def get the route up when confirmed. Am waiting for all the advice on route to come in first (what to avoid, where to definitely include, who's going to offer a cup of tea etc.) No confirmed dates yet, but am aiming for June, possibly 19/20/21st as the long daylight will reduce the number of lights batteries I will need to carry.

    Free Member

    Thanks all so far. The odd cup of tea with 3 sugars would be very welcome.

    Free Member

    My condition is improving slightly – the first time ever I've had the urge for a kebab…… at lunchtime!

    Free Member


    Just got shown a picture on a mates iphone of a big fat girl trying to suffocate me in her cleavage. I don't remember that.

    Free Member

    I'm tempted just to remove the bumpers – **** all use and just add weight

    Free Member

    oh bollox. sounds like the weather is crap back home then 🙁

    Free Member

    It just needs the floorpans doing as I have already done the sills, boot, front and rear valance. Previous owners have replaced all 4 wings and various other areas, all of which appear to be fairly good repairs.

    I'm tempted to do it after all, as it won't take much and ditching bumpers will save 100 lbs. I can probably get it on the road without spending more than 150 quid, it's just the time involved.

    Free Member

    I'm not particularly bothered by them either way, but for a cheap classic motoring laugh, I'll give it a go and don't mind bashing it on the odd hillclimb or rally.

    Fleabay will get me the most cash, but would have to clean the bits, hassle etc.

    Dinner? Go for Thai green curry with a cold bottle of beer.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    +1 vote for Golden Retriever. Ours just lies on her back while my 1.5 yr old daughter climbs all over her. One of the softest and calmest natured breeds to have around children.

    *Still would never leave the kids alone with her though (or the cat for that matter).

    Free Member

    Shackle his legs together – would make pedalling difficult.

    Free Member

    We once had a wasp nest appear overnight in a small tree outside the labs in uni. I used to commute by motorbike, so went up to it in full leathers/helmet (with all vents tightly shut) and smacked it right in the middle with a piece of wood.

    The little feckers got uber-angry after that…….

    Free Member

    Cheap dry dogfood is cr@p. Change to a good recommended brand and you'll notice the difference in your dog's condition in a couple of weeks. We have a golden retriever, and her coat is lovely and shiny on food around 60 quid for 15 kilos. When we tried cheap stuff, it went all dry and she lost lots of hair.

    We would have gone for a rescue mutt, but needed the predictability of character from a pedigree as we have two very young kids.

    Having a dog that lies on her back and loves the attention from a 1 year old pulling her about – priceless.

    Free Member

    I've just been offered 110k more to move to Brisbane. Am seriously considering.

    Free Member

    Buy £450-900 for a pedigree
    Vet £200 year for check ups an vaccinations
    Food £50-60 month
    Walks – every day without fail
    Kennel £12-15 day when you're on hol

    Free Member

    tea towels

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