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  • Orange Stage 7 LE Review: A Jaffa Smasha
  • dangerousbeans
    Free Member

    You cannot compare chalk and cheese

    You can. But you’re best to only eat one.

    Free Member

    Where did Osborne get the claim that public sector pay increased by twice the rate of private sector pay over the last four years?
    Maybe he’s been selective with his sample as you have?

    Was talking more than 4 years ago, I mean the real boom times when NuLab was doing well and GB had ended boom/bust for all times.

    The real issue is this:

    I am a nurse and under the current scheme will get a pension of around £8K pa at 60. With the proposed one I might get a bit more but will have to put £200ish a month in.

    Lets say I am going to get £10k which is about £200 per week but will have paid in the £200 per month for the next 21 years.

    State pension is at the moment £132 per week so in comparison what I pay only gives the difference.

    Reckon I might be better off just enjoying my cash and hoping that theres some welfare state left (or my kids get really rich and look after their old dad).

    Free Member

    Are you saying public sector workers don’t do this?

    You will find the sharing of the spoils did occur, its called taxation

    Of course they do but probably not as much due to limited number employers. However I think it will rise as more private sector employers get involved and people look for the best deal.

    As far as I can see most people are selfish to some extent and want to look after their own, pure altruism is very rare. The ways to achieve that are varied, some people vote with their feet and move jobs, others strike, others scheme and cheat etc.

    I meant ‘sharing the spoils’ more like the 8% and £3000 bonus my mate got year on year in the good times, rather than the govt getting more revenue.

    Free Member

    Totslly agree.

    The missus and eldest went to see Opera North’s production of Madam Butterfly, me and the youngest hit Showcase and saw the Muppets.

    Cultural improvement all round I reckon.

    Free Member


    I think you’ll find that selfish greed is pretty prevalent in the private sector as well. People are prepared, nay encouraged, to abandon their employer, their colleagues and their customers merely for a pay rise with all the associated costs and problems this may incur.

    Also, I appreciate that many people are finding it difficult and ‘share the pain’ is the call of the day. I can, however, remember when the economy was doing well and mates of mine were getting well above inflation pay deals in the private sector, the govt saying that pay restraint in the public sector was needed to combat the effects of large private sector pay deals and ensure that inflation did not rise out of control. There didn’t seem to be as much ‘sharing the spoils’ then as there is ‘sharing the pain’ now.

    Free Member

    Depends what you’re after.

    If maximum muscle growth following training is the goal (a la bodybuilding)then any aerobic will use calories that could build bulk. I know lads who wont walk far cos it will interfere with muscle growth – although I think thats going a bit far.

    Powerlifters and Olympic weight lifters welcome anything that stabilises weight whilst they work on improving neural pathways to bigger lifts so they dont go outside their weight class.

    If you want to get fitter then no worries I reckon.

    Free Member

    FFS tazzy, that was gonna be my gag.

    Free Member

    I don’t keep a record, they don’t keep a record – its not time off in lieu, its a relationship of mutual trust and respect, and goes far beyond hours worked.

    And theres the rub. I know plenty of fellow nurses (and other healthcare workers) who have, over years of service put in loads of overtime only to have been on the recieving end of a disciplinary over too long a break.

    One community nurse I know of was accused of fraud because he was seen by a senior manager shopping during working hours but hadn’t logged it as taking time back. EDIT and he always put over and above the hours.

    I keep a full account of my days activities and any time I take back to the minute not because I am some anally retentive but because I am scared of being accused of taking time not owed to me.

    Free Member

    If reach, grab and feel are good but performance is poor then it sounds like pad contamination to me.

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    Interesting to see the different perspectives here and I’m not particularly interested in sides, but one post sums up the basic difference (to me at least) between large parts of the public and private sector.

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Have these good police people who are being pushed to the limits ever considered doing unpaid overtime? Of course not…
    Davidjones – did you seriously suggest the police should be doing unpaid overtime ie working for free?

    Do you actually have any understanding of how the police force works? A coper goes of shift when their work is finished not at a particular time ie compulsory overtime.

    If a big fight breaks out in the town centre 15 mins before their shift is due to finish they will be sent to it, they will not be able to go off duty until all detainees are processed etc – that could be a couple of hours later.

    You wan them to do that for free?

    In my experience, this question would not even need to be asked in large parts of the private sector. If there is an important part of your job that needs doing that requires a bit longer on the end of the day/work at the weekend… simply do it and, in my case, would want to do it. Pride in your work and your occupation – I would not expect extra pay either (edit – not suggesting that the alternative view negates pride in your work BTW!!). Perhaps this is why I find it hard to understand many of the different alternative perspectives on here!

    WTF is a shift (rhetorical question BTW)? Work is finished when its finished not when the clock ticks past 5 or whenever. I have never worked the set hours in my contract at any stage in my career.

    Now I am confused.

    When I go to Tesco and they’re closing no-one volunteers to stay an extra hour so I can wander round and do my shopping at leisure.

    When I call BT cos my internet/phone are down none of their staff come out in their own time to fix it.

    When the LBS hasn’t sorted my bike by 5, they don’t seem to be all that keen onstaying for another 2 or 3 hours to fix it so I can ride the following day.

    When I use a myriad of other services/shops they all seem to want to close when they are done, not when I want them.

    I was sure most of them were in the private sector.

    Free Member

    So, I’ll throw it out there. If I don’t like my job, or the conditions of said job, or the pay, or the benefits it is my choice to leave said job. I could then find a new job with the benefits etc. I wanted.

    See this is the problem with the private sector mentality. Instead of withdrawing their labour for a day or more, inconveniencing their customers and their employers for a short period of time they up sticks and move jobs.

    Consequently they cause their employers months of problems as adverts are put out, interviews are held, and finally the lucky replacement is selected; a start date is agreed where he/she can begin to take up the role vacated by the original employee.

    During all this time it is not only the employer who suffers but also the customers that are not serviced to their satisfaction and the remainder of the workforce are inconvenienced by having to ‘take up the slack’ left by our errant, selfish and demanding worker.

    Even worse all the other employees who may well have been happy are now dissatisfied: 1) because they have had to do lots more work and 2) because the bloke who left is on a better deal than them, they are pee’d off and decide to move jobs them selves.

    Thus the cycle of inconvenience and dissatisfaction continue ad infinitum.

    Such a shame they weren’t in a union then collective bargaining could have kept them all happy, and the company could have gone on to be even more successful with happy staff, happy customers, happy shareholders and happy bosses.

    Free Member

    Loads of piccies of me which remind me I haven’t been to a mlehmeat in far too long…

    CVMBC in May courtesy of your friendly local debt collector

    I of M End to End in September (with added stooms)

    MM (is it June?)- Barrie normally puts something together

    Just put one together and post pics

    Free Member

    So groups of good mates dont normally have in jokes?

    Free Member

    I am not

    Free Member

    So what have i done wrong installing my hopes which i didnt do wrong with my shimano and the kids avids?

    Free Member

    kind, generous, and smexy.

    Thats me, right there, that is

    Free Member

    We miss you Matt

    Tap n Debs

    Free Member

    Ton, you werent saying such nice things on that last hill of the day.

    Free Member

    Ok maybe 2008

    Free Member

    Remembers meeting tootall at sits 2007 iirc

    Free Member

    Mine are ok but more power from both sets of shimano. Not poor enough to get rid of but not great.

    Free Member

    Not to mention the laydeeeees

    Free Member

    Bunch of tards if you ask me.

    And rd is right about the tache.

    Free Member

    As xiphon says the tracks are for all.

    Anyhows, from what I’ve seen with the skills of some of the kids on the jumps at Llandegla, in a couple of years the grown ups will be getting in his way.

    Free Member

    opps sorry,

    I’ll submit my posts for you to vet next time.

    Free Member

    As well as the ‘feet must touch the floor’ rule my lads were both told to not stand up, there was never any circumstance where it was necessary to leave the saddle. 😕

    Free Member

    But tehre must be no room to cycle on the pavements?

    Apples and oranges, mate.

    I’m not advocating wholesale use of pavements, just judicious use when I feel that riding on the road exceeds a certain risk and the consequences of riding that pavement does not inconvenience others.

    But you already knew that.

    Next time you’re down I’ll show you that roundabout, I reckon you’ll agree its not safe to cycle on.

    Free Member

    I’m glad folk park on the pavement round here. If they didn’t you wouldn’t be able to drive anywhere.

    Free Member

    cycists on the pavement piss me off

    Lucky you’re not from Hudds then, not likely I’m going to piss you off.

    Free Member

    Me, missus, 2 kids.

    3 of us put clothes in the wash after they’ve worn them, even if only for 20 seconds before deciding to wear something else! Add all into outdoor activities means our washer runs 24/7 (not quite but y’know).

    Add dirty bikes, hosepipes, washing car, watering garden, filling pond etc.

    Think we get off lightly with about £200 per year rates.

    Is it likely that I would save by going on a meter?

    Free Member

    You’d need narrow bars to ride round the post without leaving the cycle lane coming towards.

    And that VW bike is going the wrong way.

    Free Member

    TJ – Cos I believe that sometimes riding on the pavement is ok, for example the roundabout above where you hardly ever see a pedestrian or a stretch next to the dual carriageway along from us where i have never, ever seen someone on foot ( the council seem to be making it part of a cycle lane as I type).

    And it would be a long walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Personally I think it should be more about responsible behaviour for everyone and less about absolute laws and rules.

    Free Member

    FFS are you intending to fuel a power station?

    Free Member

    Cycling on pavements winds up the public

    I am the public

    Free Member

    I always ride on the pavement around Ainley Top roundabout. In my opinion you’d have to be a nutter to try using the actual roundabout, its hard enough trying to cross each single entry/exit.

    Free Member

    *waves at Bruce*

    Free Member

    Volvo is Swedish for Vulva, cos they’re all driven by c**nts.

    Free Member

    I’ve done all this ‘what bike, what frame, what forks???’ stuff for a number of years and realised that it makes very little difference (to me).

    Bit of new gear bliss then back to wanting to upgrade for real or imagined shortcomings in what I currently own.

    It feels much faster and more (insert whatever I was looking for in buying the frame) at first but then it pretty much feels like a bike again.

    Personally I would ride what you’ve and enjoy it rather than overthinking it all.

    Others will have a different take.

    Only you can decide.

    Free Member

    Yeah, and where are you gonna get your whippets from if we declare independence?

    Free Member

    I have to drive like my dad though to do it

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