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  • The ‘Mericans – Classic USA Brand Bike Test
  • dangerousbeans
    Free Member

    Contact adhesive or tent seam sealer, dust with a bit of talc/chalk afterwards to stop sticking where not needed.

    Free Member

    That to me T1000?

    If so, thanks.

    EDIT – just looked at it on Amazon, looks a good read.

    Free Member

    Friend of mine does a bit – Marathon des Sables, three 100 milers in three months in 2010… except he didn’t finish Leadville due to his hip almost snapping in two from a stress fracture.

    Are overuse injuries inevitable or was he just unlucky?

    I ask merely from interest not because I fancy doing it.

    Free Member

    *waves from sunny South Africa*

    Oh yeah, first match on Saturday, isn’t it.

    Debs let me go to FOD for Rick’s ride, don’t think I could of swung SA.

    Free Member

    *waves at the bear*

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t worry, Barry has had some good, free publicity.

    I am off to look at the site now cos I need some bits and bobs.

    Free Member

    Tough as old boots type of frame, I always fancied one but bought a Planet X Armadillo (which now sits unused in the shed).

    Free Member

    MC – I don’t think I am suggesting you have an easy job and I appreciate that you need to make quick assessments. My concern is that the tone of the initial comments was that situations were avoided by ignoring the public who were trying to flag you down.

    This was countered by you (and easygirl) stating that calls had to be prioritized but it seems to me that prioritizing one case over another with absolutely no information about one situation seemed folly.

    easygirl then gave an example where she had ignored a member of the public to attend a call and on her return to that person found a less than serious situation. However, this was more by luck than judgement as she had little, or no, information about the stereo lady’s problem when she decided to ignore her. She only knew it was non urgent on her return later.

    As for internetidiot’s post it appears that only serving or ex Police Officers can have an opinion on whether an individual employed to serve the public has acted appropriately.

    Fair enough, I better shut up then.

    Free Member

    Do you like this song i’m listening to?

    Free Member

    But you are saying you assess without asking him what’s going on, it could be infinitely more urgent than the call you are on but, as was alluded to earlier, the mindset is to ignore being flagged down as it’s most likely a waste of time.

    Free Member

    How can you prioritise two incidents when you only know what one is?

    Warton has summed it up better than me.

    Free Member

    I ignored a woman once who tried to flag me down from the drivers seat of a stationary car
    I was going to a report of a male breaking into a car, so I assessed the situation and made the decision to carry on

    Unfortunately, her 6 year old son was slumped in the footwell on the passenger side and she had forgotten her mobile so could not call for assistance. When I returned she was distraught and the young boy was dead.

    What I’m trying to emphasize is if you blatantly ignore folk flagging you down cos it’s always for nothing (as you seem to be claiming), then such a scenario could occur, just as easily occur.

    Free Member


    If the police stopped every time they were flagged down and at that point there clearly was nothing to see to assess seriousness we would never move anywhere

    Free Member

    I have a lot of sympathy for the demands made on Police Officers and I would not like to do many of the things they have to do.

    However, the Officers on this thread seem to be saying that we, the public, are an inconvenience to be routinely, and intentionally, ignored.

    Free Member

    Had a lovely sunny ride yesterday evening on the mtb and a pleasant few hours out in the early morning sunshine today.

    Got similar lines but its suntan not mud. :D

    Free Member

    TJ bashing, is all.

    Free Member


    Change of heart from one doc whilst I was typing and another medic saying to give consideration to A and E.

    Free Member

    I like STW on days like this

    OP: Any doctors here?
    TJ: I’m not a doctor but here’s my advice anyway
    DR: Yes, go see GP not A&E (opposite to TJ advice)
    OP: Thanks for that Doc, I’ll do what TJ says

    Or alternatively read the whole thread and see that 3 medics, none of whom have seen the patient, have commented: one who said no to A+E and has already diagnosed and prescribed treatment; one who said possibly A+E if you exhaust other options; and another who said ‘ No, sounds like cellulitis to me (though obviously I haven’t seen it and therefore cannot give a proper clinical assessment etc. etc.). Get thaself to A&E forthwith.’

    Free Member

    I’ve been disappointed with my Hope Hoops, rapid loss of spoke tension, broken spokes etc.

    I have hand built wheels which are still going strong after years more abuse than the Hoops have had.

    Perhaps I was unlucky but will choose hand built in the future (still using Hope Hubs mind you).

    Free Member

    I like green bikes, especially that metallic BRGalike that Kona used to do.

    Free Member

    I would say that if you felt 100mm was weird then go for 420mm rigids as these are corrected for 80mm suspension forks (440’s for 100mm forks).

    Note that the On Ones will weigh about as much as the rest of your bike and have little compliance.

    Saying that mine are still going strong after 6/7 years.

    Free Member

    Must admit I like my little one man tent cos I can put the wet gear in the porch and be fully dry inside the tent.

    Not sure how to keep bag etc dry under a tarp when I’ve been out in the rain for 7 or 8 hours.

    Free Member

    Get to the hospital, I ended up with cellulitis and they wanted me to be admitted for a course of IV antibiotics.

    Best get it checked out, I reckon.

    Free Member

    I’m intrigued with the lightweight stuff as my pack weight is well in excess of many of those on here, and I would like to get back into overnight wild camping at some point.

    However, I am especially interested in how folk keep a down bag dry for 2,3,4 days under a tarp when the weather turns crap. I have spent weekends in the Lakes where it has rained pretty much constantly for 48 hours with high winds sometimes laying the tent nearly flat.

    I seem to have enough difficulty keeping everything dry and have been mildly damp for the whole trip on occasions as water always gets into waterproofs up the sleeves and down your face. I do enjoy getting into a spare (and dry) pair of thermals leaving the damp kit for the next day.

    Posting this again as it got lost in the food debate. Would really like to know how folk manage it and what kit they use to do so.

    Free Member

    Rules ARE rules

    Free Member

    I’m intrigued with the lightweight stuff as my pack weight is well in excess of many of those on here, and I would like to get back into overnight wild camping at some point.

    However, I am especially interested in how folk keep a down bag dry for 2,3,4 days under a tarp when the weather turns crap. I have spent weekends in the Lakes where it has rained pretty much constantly for 48 hours with high winds sometimes laying the tent nearly flat.

    I seem to have enough difficulty keeping everything dry and have been mildly damp for the whole trip on occasions as water always gets into waterproofs up the sleeves and down your face. I do enjoy getting into a spare (and dry) pair of thermals leaving the damp kit for the next day.

    Free Member

    HR monitors are succeptible to misreads.

    However, given that you say you have tried 3 different monitors and are aware of it happening even when not wearing a monitor, I would advise a trip to see your GP.

    As far as I am aware excercise induced tachycardias are not seen as particularly risky but, if this is happening, it should be diagnosed and prognosed by a doctor.

    Free Member

    And if your bike ever gets nicked it can be identified by your fingerprints – genius. :D

    Free Member

    Or a turnip

    Free Member

    Yes he does

    Free Member

    They’re not fish, they’re mammals.

    Free Member

    That’s to scale??

    Druidh’s only a little fella y’know, a bigger one would cause him to tip forward.

    Free Member

    I remember someone describing a 5 as sounding like a couple of skeletons shagging in a biscuit tin.

    Free Member

    Thats’s the place.

    Either he’s really fit or he has a brother.

    Free Member

    rogerthecat, you don’t live in Brighouse, do you?

    Free Member


    Lovely pic.

    Free Member

    Mineral oil is distilled from crude like petrol, isn’t it?

    I have seen people put all sorts in brakes, it has worked short term quite well but the brakes have always had issues later.

    Free Member

    Jimmy Heselden was the Segway guy who died last yesr(ish), wasn’t he?

    Free Member

    Yep – work with the disabled.

    Have also heard about a lot of discrimination that stills goes on though more covertly than in the past.

    Also, some folk reckon there’s a bit of a shortage of jobs and lots of competition.

    Free Member

    Nothing more painful than a slipped whatnot.

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