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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
  • dangerousbeans
    Free Member

    You need to keep it well watered when connecting or the electricity in it will wither.

    Free Member

    adivce on that bit is welcome

    It’s on my ‘to do’ list already

    Free Member


    Click on the pdf at the bottom for map showing Diggle to Greenfield section.

    Lot of PBW not on older OS maps but fully updated on Bing Maps (need to click on OS option where it says ROAD)

    Free Member

    Feet first say they can resole most things but I only have experienced with Vibram soles on walking boots.

    Check out the link, it’s a bit pricy but you get the shoe you want with the 5.10 rubber.

    Free Member

    Cos of the wet weather my 5.10’s fell to pieces from the inside out.

    I am now using the cheap Event lined waterproof Karrimor approach shoes which are pretty grippy and dry fast.

    Might get them resoled by these guys with stealth rubber once the soles wear out.

    Free Member

    An example of wasting money:

    I get free prescriptions for life due to a permanent health condition. Not only does this entitle me to free meds for this one condition (I buy my own, another story!) but any other meds I may need during my lifetime.

    I agree. You should pay for all your medication at whatever level the manufacturer sets the price.

    Why should I, as a taxpayer, fund your long term condition.

    Free Member

    The only place you could suggest any causality IMO, is that care provided free at the point of need removes any incentive for people to look after themselves as they don’t directly connect their self-abuse with the financial costs of treating it…

    Whilst, of course, in a country like the USA where people are directly incentivised by extremely expensive health provision individuals are the very model of health and wellbeing.

    Free Member

    I try to avoid mixing with others offline any more, as I find myself looking for the flaws in every utterance, and I’m often completely overwhelmed with an irrational need to be right..

    Do you also selectively take a few words out of their sentence, quote them back to them out of context then tell them why they’re wrong?

    Free Member

    Pieface- I’ll see what we come up with. I’m close to Rivelin and it is the most obvious place to start. The guys I’ve been out with ride at a high pace but I find the trails a bit tame. (You’re not on Mleh are you pieface? The name in your e-mail is familiar)

    It’s Pogo, you knobber.

    Free Member

    Only got a van now, MWB medium roof Transit Crewcab (6 seats). As a community nurse it does look a bit unusual to turn up in a big white van, but who cares.
    Also, as I technically use it for commercial purposes (driving at work)I have to have proper van insurance although through the NFU it was the same as the cost of insuring my Mondeo.
    No real problem using it day to day, more likely to use the bike or walk for short local journeys so thats a plus as well.
    Measure economy tank by tank and getting around 30mpg at work, all stop/start short journeys, 38mpg on a run at 60-70mph.
    Looked at a little run around car as well but the cost of running wouldn’t cover the fuel saving.

    Free Member

    Perhaps xiphon’s mrs was in a b2 hca post but with some other non-nursing and significant qualifications and experience under her belt that meant she had the person spec for a different much higher (and I assume non-nursing) post

    Which what I badly alluded to (was talking unqualified in respect of the job she was doing not her per se).

    and agenda for change a few years back regraded (in a downwards direction!) posts that didn’t carry significant managment responsibility and risk (often of actual human lives rather than financial risk),


    Free Member

    You can fly up the NHS bands quickly – in 12 months, my wife went from Band 2 (Health Care Assistant) to Band 6 (currently covering for someone who’s a Band 7).

    You have to be very good and very driven to move from unskilled (as in a no formal qualifications) HCA to Department management level in 12 months – not many HCA’s have that drive or ability.

    And it’s not so quick in nursing – 3 year degree to get Band 5, couple of years to apply for Ward Sister posts (Band 6) and a couple more for Ward/Department Manager (Band 7). Some might do it a bit quicker but not by much and the norm would be for much longer than 2 years between bands, especially as you are often waiting for someone to die or retire.

    Free Member

    All of it.

    If developing countries can do with none of it then why can’t a developed country with better education and knowledge?

    I think because people who get old and ill in developing countries tend to just die, unless they are one of the wealthy elite in those countries.

    I do get as indignant as the next man when I see someone taking the piss out of the system but then I also see the good it does with NHS, school provision, benefits for the genuine unfortunate (either short or long term).

    One day it could be me needing help to keep the roof over my family until I get another job.

    Or need an expensive operation which I can’t afford or have lost my health insurance with my job.

    Plus, my old man grafted all his life and I think he deserves a bit of pension to tide him over til he dies.

    Free Member

    The welfare state should go. No if or but.

    What, all of it?

    Or just the bits you don’t use?

    Free Member

    I too have been missing out of these taxpayer funded staff parties.

    Details please sbob so I can complain to my managers.

    I assume you are a fellow NHS employee given that you know the costs of treatments.

    Free Member

    I fear that those who expect governments of any party to look after them in old age will be bitterly disappointed

    Does that include public sector pensions?

    Should I bail out now?

    Free Member

    It’s the system that’s flawed, rather like Douglas Adams described in ‘So long, and Thanks for All the Fish’:

    “I come in peace,” it said, adding after a long moment of further grinding, “take me to your Lizard.”

    Ford Prefect, of course, had an explanation for this, as he sat with Arthur and watched the nonstop frenetic news reports on television, none of which had anything to say other than to record that the thing had done this amount of damage which was valued at that amount of billions of pounds and had killed this totally other number of people, and then say it again, because the robot was doing nothing more than standing there, swaying very slightly, and emitting short incomprehensible error messages.

    “It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see…”

    “You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?”

    “No,” said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, “nothing so simple. Nothing anything like to straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people.”

    “Odd,” said Arthur, “I thought you said it was a democracy.”

    “I did,” said ford. “It is.”

    “So,” said Arthur, hoping he wasn’t sounding ridiculously obtuse, “why don’t the people get rid of the lizards?”

    “It honestly doesn’t occur to them,” said Ford. “They’ve all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they’ve voted in more or less approximates to the government they want.”

    “You mean they actually vote for the lizards?”

    “Oh yes,” said Ford with a shrug, “of course.”

    “But,” said Arthur, going for the big one again, “why?”

    “Because if they didn’t vote for a lizard,” said Ford, “the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?”


    “I said,” said Ford, with an increasing air of urgency creeping into his voice, “have you got any gin?”

    “I’ll look. Tell me about the lizards.”

    Ford shrugged again.

    “Some people say that the lizards are the best thing that ever happened to them,” he said. “They’re completely wrong of course, completely and utterly wrong, but someone’s got to say it.”

    Free Member

    It doesn’t matter if the progress is slow, only that you are still progressing. Weight-training is a life-long endeavour!

    This really.

    And you have to be realistic, 37 is not over the hill but you’re best days are behind you for recovery. Your progression needs to factor in good recovery times – see here for an opinion I think is spot on.

    Also, regarding the deadlift, I think a lot of it is in your head – it took me 5 months training in my 20’s to move from 599.5lb (272.5kg) to 605lb (275kg) simply because of the thought of passing 600. Made better gains after the 600 was gone.

    As a side note and related to the age thing, I haven’t lifted for over 20 years but recently started again, can’t bench cos of impingements and can’t squat cos of vertebra damage to my neck/upper back and deadlift is crap (150kg on a good day).

    And then some snotnosed kid comes in and is outlifting you in 6 months FFS.

    Free Member

    Do not pitch your tent on the moors behind the Kings House Hotel, go to the bar without a torch and get blathered prior to wandering about in the pitch black looking for aforementioned tent.

    Free Member

    Still interested in these German low wage economy stats

    See above, second paragraph of ‘EU Criticism’ section

    Free Member

    rkk01 – reported by BBC

    So not a fact but a claim.

    Free Member

    I beg to differ, that is definitely a queue of zebras.

    Free Member

    Currently driving an 85ps MWB medium roof Transit.

    Whats this overtaking thing you’re all on about?

    Free Member

    I don’t think the above prices are unreasonable. It’s much cheaper than taking it yourself I would guess.

    Free Member

    Fill it with feathers, right to the top.

    Free Member

    I assume that the population is growing faster than job creation – only thing I can think of at the moment.

    Enforced contraception and culls of the elderly should help.

    Free Member

    Office for National Statistics data released on Wednesday showed the number of people in work rose 131,000 in the three months to January, a slightly slower rate than seen recently. There were 590,000 more people in work than a year earlier.

    That’s really impressive, should have full employment soon.

    Free Member

    To me it’s more about respect for someone else’s property.

    Is it ok to damage someone else’s property and not give a toss? Not to me it’s not.

    What if you take it away from cars? What about other peoples houses, bikes, gardens, other property.

    The ‘don’t be so precious’ arguement seems less attractive.

    Free Member

    patriot pro:

    The trails are fine, it’s the local self-appointed trail-police you want to be aware of.


    If it’s a black and you are not a ‘black standard’ rider then it’s not really acceptable for you to be ‘rolling’ along causing a road block!

    Free Member

    The Governments advisory body, the Farm Animal Welfare Council, looked at all available evidence in 2003 and concluded that the method of killing without pre-stunning caused ‘significant sensory pain and distress until insensibility intervenes’. They go on to say that this period of time (again with all evidence available in 2003) was 5 to 7 seconds for sheep, 22-40 seconds for adult cattle and up to 120 seconds for calves (that’s quite a long time to be bleeding and conscious).

    It’s report also notes that most religious bodies now accept pre-stunning and only around 10% of all halal and kosher meat is not pre-stunned.

    It recommended that non-stunned killing exemptions should be repealed in UK law but the Government declined to accept it’s advice.

    Free Member

    Year before last I saw a Bugatti Veyron on that road, wondered what the hell it was at first – didn’t think cars like that were ever seen in reality.

    Free Member

    Fair do’s, thanks.

    Back to Deore.

    Free Member

    i started on the MFP thing yesterday. when i went to bed last night, i had 901 calories left to use, but my fat intake (fron 2 tins of mackeral and 1 scotch egg) was over by 17 and my protein was over by 15.

    how does that work?

    MFP system based on needing more carbs that iDiet.

    Each weight loss system will have different parameters for intake of carbs, fats and protein. I reckon that you need to pick one method (that has a credible record of success) and stick with it. Mix and match will often lead to dilemmas such as this.

    Free Member

    Go Lukey and the other Mleh boys.

    Did your dad remember to take that stuff for Jo?

    Free Member

    Rest even if not sleep will do you some good.

    Hope to see you soon.

    Free Member


    You need to get some rest. Nurses orders.

    Free Member

    Make an all out effort to find new jobs and all resign from 15th July to 15th August.

    Free Member

    Used to find this before going Paleo. The answer for me was MOAR FAT at breakfast, along with the carbs and protein.

    The other thing is that you might not actually be eating enough at meal times.

    Example breakfasts that stop me from snacking:

    scrambled eggs, palm sized portion of smoked salmon or bacon, 1/2 avocado

    Berries topped with coconut milk/cream and toasted nuts and flax seeds with a drizzle of flax oil

    Home made frittata using eggs, chopped veg, potato, some chorizo or bacon and cooked in butter or coconut oil (I make on a Sunday, lasts 4 breakfasts)

    Breakfast sausage patties made with pork mince and diced veggies, usually have those with some spinach and tomatoes – I take them to work and heat them in the microwave

    If you’re more a fan of sweet stuff at breakfast I also make Paleo pancakes using eggs, mashed banana and ground almonds which can be made in advance and heated in the toaster, then topped with whatever you want

    I snack heaps less on Paleo, I am much, much less hungry between meals. I don’t need to count calories either and I can maintain my weight pretty well, in conjunction with regular exercise.

    Your paleolithic ancestors definitely ate better than mine.

    Free Member

    When my crohns flared up I lost 1/3 of my weight in under 6 months.

    Sure it wasn’t the bad aids caught off some bloke you met in the dark at Hardcastle Crags car park?

    Assuming you are the same fetchez of course :D

    Free Member

    What will happen to all the properties on the high street though

    Use it to address the homeless problem

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