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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • dangerousbeans
    Free Member

    I believe they should have the most full and impartial trial that our justice system can offer and then, if found guilty, be subject to the same sentencing criteria as anyone else.

    To do anything else is wrong and against what I believe to be the spirit of British justice. I know that the system has failed many times but abandoning it when it suits rather than striving to make it better is not the way forward.

    Free Member

    Sharing currency would certainly be an issue!

    Sharing my bloody currency would!

    Yes I am a Tyke with Scottish ancestry.

    Free Member

    According to Roman Britain website there is (a suspected) Roman Fort at Thomshill just south of Elgin so pretty much Inverness.

    Free Member

    Obviously means that every single mirror on every single vehicle in the whole world ever will do the same every single time.

    Free Member

    “We kill people cyclists but they errr don’t wear helmets and jump read lights and errr headphones, yeah! They wear headphones and ummm errr they jump redlights!”

    That’s going to be my stock answer now every time someone starts their anticycling crap.

    Free Member

    Do mirror not usually bend beck when you knock them?

    The one in the video smashes to bits and falls off.

    Free Member

    are you a professional nitpicker?

    You needed to ask that on STW?

    That would take some force. You also never injured yourself. And this ferocious blow was performed whilst on your bike. Hats off.

    Seems to take very little force in fact.

    Free Member

    Mike, Winston, you’ve both ruined my day now. My bonfire has been comprehensively weeweed on.

    Don’t despair. I have tried Sports Direct bags and Ikea bags and much prefer the SD ones – more rigidity and stand up on their own whilst you put your kit in unlike the Ikea ones. So for kit use they are well worth the extra 60pence.

    The Ikea bag is better for standing in the get changed though.

    One of each I reckon.

    Free Member

    According to this page you can find someones burial site by name at Park Wood Crematorium, Elland; the records are available to the public.

    If you do visit please note that from the carpark there is a ‘Way Out’ sign pointing upwards – always makes me chuckle.

    Free Member

    So everyone on this thread supports banning the deaf from riding in cities?

    No. And I’m not in favour of banning blind people from walking in towns and cities either, but I don’t want normally sighted people to intentionally wear blindfolds.

    Free Member

    You lost me at ‘There’s nowt wrong with us, but we do need to get into see a GP’.

    Free Member

    As a side question, how should we have handled the action against the 7/7 bombings, 9/11 etc, this modern war on terror?

    This is the point I brought up with my partner and friends. No-one gave me a valid answer other than ‘they killed people in our country’. A simplistic view yes, but not the right one?

    This I have never understood. A group of Egyptians led by a Saudi attack America; response is to attack Iraq?

    Free Member

    Brakes are easy to replace

    Oh how I wish that were true for Transits, the discs have to be pressed off the hubs and are a complete bastard to do, apparently.

    Free Member

    At least they would have their chips on opposite shoulders


    Free Member

    For example, if you live on the Yorkshire/Lancashire boundary, you would send your intelligent kid to a Lancashire school and the dumb one to a Yorkshire school.

    So they could both be at the same level come school leaving age?

    Free Member

    I’m a bit like BR except I just have a little book and write down any purchases/withdrawals every evening.

    Check the balance I have against the banks every week and go hunting if there’s any discrepancies – don’t even wait for the monthly statement.

    I don’t get paid enough to spend without keeping a close eye on it though I do dream that one day it will happen.

    Free Member

    Community nurse here.

    I have to be an owner/driver with 4 doors and 5 seats, vehicle available for work monday to friday and to be used on my rounds.

    Used to get 700 per year plus mileage so about 150 per month all in.

    New terms give about 100 per month now so i actually pay to use my car for work.

    Free Member

    It would be like begging parts from people on STW because you were too skint to keep your bike running, and then selling them on the classifieds a few weeks later….

    Free Member

    I didn’t know who Mark Read was, had to google it. :oops:

    However, I am intrigued as to what criminal activities are available for a good person, as they are likely to be lucrative and I’m all for a bit of extra cash if it’s morally defensible and hurts no-one.

    Free Member

    So essentially we’re heading towards being a third world nation?

    Free Member

    it’s the one on the right Jon

    No. it’s the one over there.

    Free Member

    Try diving my old van – it has exactly the same effect.

    Free Member

    A quick Google suggest Specialised often use 30.9 and Carrera use 31.6.

    Free Member

    Was planning Helvellyn tomorrow but fall off the bike yesterday has put paid to that.

    Will raise a glass to your mate tonight.

    Free Member

    What bikes are they?

    Free Member

    Documented sizes are almost always a multiple of 0.2 mm and include: 22.0, 22.2, 23.4, 23.8, 24.0, 25.0, 25.4, 25.8, 26.0, 26.2, 26.4, 26.6, 26.8, 27.0, 27.2, 27.4, 27.8, 28.0, 28.6, 29.2, 29.4, 29.6, 29.8, 30.0, 30.2, 30.4, 30.8, 30.9, 31.4, 31.6, 31.8, 32, 34.9.

    Free Member

    I am a nurse with 15 years experience and I believe I do a bloody good job, am at the top of my band on £27,901 so I have already had all the incremental pay increases I can get; although I am currently acting up as a Band 6 to help out our unit which is short staffed. Seems to mean I still have the same caseload as before but have some extra duties as well to fit in.

    I wish to remain a Band 5 because going above this grade invariably leads to more management and less patient contact, and helping people directly is why I want to do the job.

    I don’t do it for the money but do need to keep my family housed and fed and watered the same as everyone else.

    In my case, and many of my colleagues, it’s not about whether we get 1% or 2% or 3% or whatever. It’s about the disdain from those in authority and the way they justify cutting pay; the current message smacks of ‘ the nurses want to reduce patient care so they can get more cash’.

    It’s about coming into work every week wondering what new tasks you are going to have to add on to the ones you currently do, and how you are going to fit them in.

    It’s about phoning home again to cancel stuff cos you have to stay a bit longer than you are contracted for.

    It’s about other changes to contracts which are also eating into your paypacket.

    It’s about hearing in the press that you are overpaid and will have money falling out of your arse when you retire.

    It’s about reading on here and elsewhere that you’re not valued because ‘you don’t contribute to the economy, you are just a cost’ and ‘we pay your wages’.

    Maybe it’s time that the health system was privatised. I am good at what I do and am sure I could command a good price for my services.

    Maybe as a healthcare professionals we should look towards treating our skills more as a marketable commodity.

    Maybe we need a system where healthcare is provided dependent on what you can, or want to, pay.

    Maybe you’ll need to ring round hospitals to find one which is willing to provide the treatment at what you want to pay.

    Maybe people will die because all the doctors/nurses/physios they contact just don’t fancy selling them that particular procedure as it’s not that lucrative.

    Me personally, I would just like to keep going to work, helping people to get better and doing the best I can for my patients without worrying where the next kick in the teeth is coming from.

    Free Member

    Welcome to the real world.

    Pay rises aren’t a right. If you can do better elsewhere then go. If recruitment and retention becomes an issue then pay will go up.

    So you are proposing that we should wait for all the experienced doctors and nurses (and other professions) to leave and then increase wages to recruit new inexperienced health staff.

    I’m not really keen on that idea.

    Free Member

    You need a rough old hack of a bike for leaving parked up. I have a 17.5inch Planet X Armadillo frame going spare if it fits and we can figure how to get it from Huddersfield to wherever you are.

    Free Member

    It’s a shame that the 2 officers in the police car who watched me get sideswiped by a car last week weren’t so conscientious.

    When I shouted ‘are you going after him’ and pointed at the car, the one in the passenger seat shrugged and they drove off.

    Free Member

    It’s ridiculous.

    I also, on occasion, suffer some mental health issues.

    And I don’t look anything like that; I dress up as a clown.

    Into the van houns.

    Free Member

    joolsburger – I had forgotten how lovely the Ace actually was, although I do still like it’s muscly big bother as well.

    Free Member

    Jumping in because I am interested too.

    Never understood this NCD thing.

    The discount is for me not the vehicle so why can’t it be used on both policies?

    Free Member

    GrahamS – I have seen that picture on here lots of times and still find it a bit confusing.

    If, as it seems to show, cars need to give me that much room to overtake, and I am riding 2 abreast, then the road in the pic would not be wide enough to ever overtake giving the outside cyclist that much room.

    Free Member

    Because you can’t physically fit past? In which case the only way to get past a single cyclist would be to pass unsafely close.

    You must live in a different part of the country to me; there’s lots of roads I ride on where cars pass me safely on my own but would be blocked by 2 abreast.

    That or me and my riding buddies are much fatter than you….ah, yes, that’ll be it. :D

    Free Member

    Get forky to build you one, he has plenty of bits.

    Free Member

    Kristiania town

    Spent an interesting week there as a young fella whilst hitchhiking round Europe.

    Free Member

    This is why I liked cars in the good old days.

    Pretty much anyone could fix anything with a Haynes manual and a cheap set of spanners from the Kays catalogue.

    Free Member

    Edited so I don’t look too thick.

    What do you do that means your employer has decided to send you to (what has been called) the most dangerous city on Earth?

    Have you upset your line manager or something?

    Free Member

    However 4 doesn’t divide into 7 nicely

    Neither does 5

    EDIT: and if most people did it then no-one would feel left out. I am sure, as a species, we could adapt over time to it.

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