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  • Podcast: Taiwan, crap 90’s bikes and Benji makes mudguards great again
  • Dancake
    Free Member

    DONT do the morning in the rain, wiping your glasses every 5 mins on your jersey and spend the rest of the trip virtually blind because the coating has come off your lenses.

    Do clean your bike in said conditions; even if there is a queue

    Free Member

    Get the DX light – will be brighter than the 3 led and nearly as bright as the 4 led for 1/4 the price

    may be a bit of a lottery though. My mate and I recieved our DX light kits at the same time. His is much brighter than mine (my high is like his medium) tried his battery and it was the same. I stripped down to see if I could see anything amiss and found the build quality to be shocking!

    Anywhoo, its either an LED fault or the driver so I have bought a 2800ma driver for 4 dollars so ill fit that first.(it also gets rid of the silly flashing light and switch)

    (ok could have sent it back but where is the fun in that? )

    Free Member

    What about smartphone? I have windows 6 and a built in GPS which works fine with Garmin Mobile XT for the road. tried memory map demo and it didnt work too well. Anything else available.? I did see a free app where you could calibrate google maps images and overlay tracks on top to follow; looked quite cool but alas that didnt work either!

    Free Member

    Just got back from a wander around Pope's wood; was surprised how many routes there are. We usually drop in to the RHS jump (which I avoid because I am a baby) and follow the track down . There is a bit near the bottom which is a kind of 4 ft steep drop ( I panicked last time and managed to topple off the side much to the amusement of my Mate who was following)

    I found a nice track which is on the left before you reach the drop -ins. It is at a kind of crossroads with a mound in front of you. Watch out though as there is a branch at head hight half way down which I failed to move this time.

    Free Member

    I did a double once, buggered up the landing, whacked meself in the nuts with the saddle & nearly went over the bars

    you know this kind of talk is not going to cure my jumping phobia…
    It was especially annoying today when a child was flying through the air on a pit bike and I was chickening out of tiddlers. Eventually plucked up the courage to jump out the other side of a little bombhole .

    Free Member

    pee on them

    I can usually sort my legs out with this method, but trying to do the arms just makes me fall off

    Free Member

    St(r)oked for ya!

    Uh thanks. (I think)

    Free Member

    lol I am so cool I had to look up "stoked"


    Free Member

    Married, one 16 month old. Steal some time to ride during the week but Weekends are for the family..(if Im not at work :( )

    Free Member

    When you are camping, you are usually ready to go riding by 8am

    Woke up at six last time…had to wait for lock up- true but also had to wait for Cafe and enormous breakfast first :)

    Free Member

    Vinte the P7 torch is ace, but sooooo last year,if I was buying now I would just buy the dedicated bike light….

    just bought one of these dx jobs last week. Just waiting for it to arrive :)

    Free Member

    Myself and two other chaps will be going. it will be the first Enduro (or race of any kind) for all three of us! (2 laps)

    looking forward to it.

    Free Member

    I got a Tack in my tyre last week after a evening at Cranham. Decided to go home as it was late..(Im not a posh tubeless type) glad I did as my brand new spare had got holed in my saddle bag!

    Free Member

    I REALLy wanted a prophet 2 2009 but couldnt find one in med (5 shops sold out/ I gave up) But plenty of 1s left if you can afford it.

    Ended up buying a Meta 5.5.2 by some reasoning I cant quite explain..comes tomorrow :)

    pointless post I know..but I had to tell someone :)

    Free Member

    Sygic here. Works on Smartphone and Symbian. Works fine. Full postcode search etc.

    Free Member

    Well I have slept on it and I have decided will get a Prophet from my localish shop if they have any left. Got a bit turned off by the look of the 5.5.3 in black and if I got that I would always be wishing I had the fox forked 5.5.2 (which looks ace in white)

    got a pesky wedding to go to today..will have to wait a week..nnooooooooooooooooooo

    Free Member

    If I could find a new orange 5 for 1200 I would buy now :)

    Free Member

    Thats one for the Prophet..and the more I stare at both, the prettier the White Prophet 2 looks…

    Free Member

    another puncture on the very wet whites level trail, Glyncorrwg last week

    Free Member

    Try riding at Afan / Glyncorrwg twice a week, costs a bloody fortune! I must be the only person running sintered in the summer.

    yes nobody told me this would happen. Rear pads goosed, fronts not too good either on my hayes. One of us went through a set of mechanicals in one day . We had 2 snapped chains between us, too.

    Fun though :)

    Free Member

    Damn these superhero eyes. When can I live a normal life?

    Free Member

    they be stealth planes

    crap stealth technology..I saw them and my glasses are knackered from sandy Glyncorrwg last week :)

    Free Member

    no noise at all though..and went across the horizon in 10- 20 secs.
    By comparison, a normal passenger plane takes 10 times as long and you can hear it.

    very bright orange, too.

    Free Member

    Just came back from W/E and Glyncorrwg / Afan (first time) . Had a great time despite rain on the first afternoon (and three tumbles :)

    I havnt been doing this long, but the final descent of the Wall was my best mountain bike experience to date.

    Did about 60 miles over the W/E cant wait to go back.

    NB Bring some spare brake pads!

    Free Member

    Nope. Not happening for me. Could never do those "Magic eye" pictures either.

    Free Member

    Linksys WRT54G flashed with DD-WRT here. (dont buy a 2 meg one though!)

    Free Member

    Im in the AVG camp, I use my router’s firewall and Vista’s own; never have any probs. always scan the stuff you download and beware of unsolicited emails.

    used norton a while back…biggest resource-hungry over hyped POS i have ever encountered and a bugger to get off!

    Free Member

    A squirrel once ran up the side of my house

    Free Member

    Sid and Charlie. I also have a springer and two other moggies..

    Free Member

    Time for a decent sized camelbak…

    true, true.

    cant really afford any more expense. Ill fill the frame up and add a water bottle :p

    Free Member

    Dancake – maybe a bit far for you but ABC in Nailsea (just south of Bristol) do a frame, including stripping for £40

    Cheers; thats just the kind of thing im looking for

    Time is not of the essence now as it seems my fork bushes wont arrive in time for W/e anyway (wanted to get the lowers done before I fitted new bushes)

    Going to wait until winter now but cheers for info

    Free Member

    Would you sell the shock on its own?

    any services? I would need a pic of it stripped though…

    edit I should have asked what size it was first. Have a feeling it isnt what I need. Sorry pal. If I edit any more the edit tax man will be after me

    Free Member

    If you lower the forks by 20mm, you’ll still use the same bits of stanchion as the travel will simply start 20mm further uo (does that make sense?).

    not sure yet.. My wear is about 20-30mm deep and located inside the top bush at full extension. (100mm) If I lower the stantion by 20mm then the badly worn part worn part will be just below the top bush and wont be used? By moving the roll pin in the extension stop you effectivly stop the forks extending as much and the really goosed bit (hopefully) wont reach the bush.

    Ill clarify this with photos and a nerd’s blog. I may be completely wrong, of course, but the fun is in the finding out!

    Free Member

    Can’t you just polish all of the uppers and take them to a metalworks to get them anodized properly

    I have read on a few other posts that this hs been considered but not sure if it has been done..If it works, someone could make a few quid service exchanging these and rebushing.. Trouble is my wear had gone beyond the anodising in one place so it would need building up first. I know a chap through work who could do just that but the price may be pohibitive..

    I have bought some bushes though! 35 quid or thereabouts all in from the USA (couldnt find any over here. (chain reaction listed but no choice to buy)

    ill keep you posted on how it goes.

    Free Member

    Back on topic, I think Ill replace the bushes and polish the worn stantion for now. This might give me a few months grace before the winter while I wait for some cheap uppers to come up (or shiny new forky dorkies)

    For the record, I apologise for my testy reactions :)

    Free Member


    there was a question ?? :)

    hey, I admit I have a had a few jars… (drown my sorrows and all that) this how fights start in pubs? (I dont frequent those establishments much these days)

    In answer to your question..dont know. I personally wont buy 2nd hand foxes again. I have read up on the subject (really should do that BEFORE spending any money) and it seems that the top bush is prone to this…cant see how it can get lubed properly unless the service schedule is kept up. Also its ok to store upside down to oil the felt , but eventually that oil will run out (only 30cc on LHS) so it must be topped up.

    Free Member

    Ok group hug :)

    Suppose I was a bit aggressive. Sorry dude

    Im not really leaving, of course…why would I . I have had loads of help on here and Im sure i will have more…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    So what exactly are you expecting? That sellers strip forks down to there parts and then take photos?

    bit sarcastic?

    so, go on

    bit patronising ?

    I didn’t realise you were performing some civic duty with this thread and we, humble forum dwellers, were not allowed to question your statement.


    I am leaving this forum.

    Free Member

    at no point did I blame the vendor- i blamed myself for not being careful and i was warning others of the pitfalls. Just because you have seen it all before it doesnt mean others have…that really should have been obvious from my post.

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