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  • Podcast: The budget and click-bait journalism episode
  • Dancake
    Free Member

    My Mate's Epic got stolen a while back.

    The c**ts came back (obviously) recently to nick the replacement. (unscrewed the door this time as the hasp had been beefed right up)

    The alarmed chain was enough to scare them off this time and there have been no returns as yet. For a start you need to make someone else's property a better prospect than yours – after all these scallywags want it easy.

    just to be sure, he has now added one of those blank shotgun firing jobs to his lock up…they will fill their pants when that goes off (kits are about 30 quid off the net with about 20 shells btw)

    Free Member

    +1 for the mucky nutz thingy here. stayed quite clean and maintained vision in both eyes so far…

    Free Member

    Your right but they need to look good, don't they

    yea I know, I was only being an arse 🙂 Seriously though I guess black would be better, but the green would make you more recognisable if you have anyone watching out for you in the race. Stuff like this doesnt always translate well in a photo…in the flesh might be a different matter entirely.

    screw what everyone else thinks, anyway. If you like it it is good.

    (I used to drive a Triumph Vitesse and used to get ribbed for it all the time 🙂 )

    Free Member

    Thanks for that pal, but i race and need the bar ends.

    so if your motivation is performance then the colour doesnt matter, surely?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    So are you saying

    "Should I go for the green or the carbon?"

    if it was me I would ditch the green. (and the bar ends 🙂

    Free Member

    Got some team green lowers of Hose Hermida's team multivan team bike. Serviced by there mechanic etc. Not sure on colour. Ive also got carbon lowers and black sets. Wot you guys think. Could sell or swap for some rock shox world cups.

    not sure on colour? Arnt they green?

    Classified section.?

    I am not sure what you are after here, dude. Think the scott doesnt quite work though

    Free Member

    thanks matey, i just spoke to him we are going to try that, how would you dry it out anyway?

    I had exactly the same problem after it got wet

    I peeled the plasic off and found moisture on the circuit board on the battery pack. (its the balance/ protection circuit I think ) I hair-dryered and retaped up and all was fine. Will probably kill your warranty though

    Free Member

    heres mine

    think its the same dx mount quoted above..?

    Free Member

    Despite being a born-again sky fan boy, forgot to add that my Sis in law arranged to have her dish installed but the installers didnt arrive with the special heights equipment, even though she explicetly told them she lived in a 3 story house

    then they came back 3 days later without the equipment again

    and again

    she wasnt laughting after making 3 arrangements to stay in, I can tell you

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Forget the current V+ boxes – they've just signed a deal with Tivo who are the daddy when it comes to PVRs & the new box should be a whole lot better than their current offering (and even the original 2001 Tivo is so much better to use than $ky+). So it'll be a great box if you can put up with the customer service.

    if they are going to nagra 3 encryption like sky it may need a crop of new boxes…All you need to steal Cable right now is a 50 quid PCi card and some free software off the net, or a dodgy box from a friend-of-a-friend (we have all been offered one havnt we?)

    Sky's encryption is much more robust so at least I am not paying for something someone else is getting for free (unless they are card-sharing)

    Free Member

    I built a cheap media centre PC a few years ago and found it really useful.

    Ive since upgraded and use it for all my movies, internet and gaming (COD 6 is great on a 42 inch telly!)

    The PC sits in a cupboard under my telly and is networked to my other PC

    Makes a great PVR too

    nb you want to go passive cooling though; fans can get a bit annoying when you are volume 1 trying not to wake the baby uP 🙂

    Free Member

    the main symptoms in adults is to ask a load of IT staff on a bicycle internet forum about your symptoms.


    my bro had it when he was 18 ish. like nasty flu at the start and he was old enough to scratch himself to its but ok. No scars

    Free Member

    Plus if they V+ box goes wrong, you don't pay £60 to get it repaired.

    good job too. I had 2 v+ boxes fail in 6 months. Both were replaced quibble free though, so cant really complain (apart from inconvienience)

    I have virgin mobile. I have good coverage and unlimited data and it works well (and cheap) The only negative is the phone's charging socket failed after 2 months and virgin Mobile wouldnt replace it because it "must have been down to misuse".

    we have got to be careful, here. Sky/ Virgin debates can rival PC/ Mac or
    PS3/ Xbox etc etc debates on other forums 🙂

    Free Member

    Recently went over to sky after years with cable. (They wanted to charge me 50 quid for an engineer to "check" my box after I asked for services to be put back on..long story)

    anywhoo, I find the sky box a lot faster and more user friendly than the V+ user interface and there are a few more HD channels to play with .

    The Internet is ok, but not as good as virgin was ;I can only get 4,5 meg where I am but always got close to my 10 meg on virgin (up to 50 meg available on cable)

    phone is ..a phone

    So I miss the fast reliable internet, but enjoy the TV experience more. Give and take

    Free Member

    NOOOO dont plug a scart into your lovely 1080p telly!

    I have 2x HDmi. One from the PC and the other from the Sky HD box.

    I guess you could use an HDMi switcher so there is only one cable going to the TV- especially if you have a blu ray as well. (I havnt- use the pC)

    HDMi carries the audio, too

    Free Member

    The film is quite standard but the lead actress has lovely big boobs, so I really enjoyed it…

    Free Member

    I've just watched the same episode of "Show me, show me" twice on the bounce. It was a classic, mind.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I have been guilty of it, must admit. At the time it was probably a case of me being just too crap to ride a certain feature, where others may fly through. You hopefully learn though and dont do it again…

    On natural trails though, I guess you need to accept that you are going to stop occasionally. I was a walker before a Mountain biker and when I got into the sport It came as a shock to me just how many trails there were and how popular it all is; it never even crossed my mind that bikes were using the same areas I was taking my dogs on…

    I always bear this in mind when flying over a mound which is blind the other side; you never know what is there.

    Back to the OP comment though, you would hope that comon sense would prevail. I certainly wont be resting on the line tomorrow!

    Free Member

    +1 for selectspecs. Mine were about 14 quid all in! I wear them every day and have no probs. For 14 quid you can afford to play around with styles, too.

    Last ones were over 200 quid on the high street and I destroyed them at Glencorrwg

    Free Member

    Just had a drive done by Bob Shackell (Shackell landscapes)

    Firstly, he was the only one to arrive on time for a quote out of the few i asked. Turned up on time, too and kept us informed as to what was happening.

    I am pleased with the work.

    Free Member

    The posts here advocating or even accepting drug use is normal (which it's not) is quite baffling

    It depends on your circle of friends, of course…when I was in my early 20s it did seem normal : a vast amount of people were doing a bit of speed or whatever now and again- normal people As I said before, most of us grew out of it.

    Dont know what the scene is now as I have turned my back on it all. Cant imagine things have changed though.

    Free Member

    Never enjoyed pills or Cannabis. Discovered speed in early 20s and thought it was the best thing in the world at the time.

    I dont know it is with other groups of friends but with us there were the people like my Wife and I who just sort of grew out of it and those like one of my freinds who ended up almost dying a few years ago through Heroin (had a vein rerouted in his leg in the end apparently (no I dont see him any more))

    THe chap in question had a girlfriend, baby, house. He tried rehab twice but it just didnt work. I have seen him drinking on street corners now, alone with his smack-headed mates.

    We were all the same at the start; having fun/ going out. We literally would not go out without grabbing some base first.

    Would not touch the stuff, now. Do I regret it? Of course I do. You think you are having fun at the time but playing Video games and drinking for 12 hours weekend after weekend just gets so boring. There were the odd unforgettable nights but many many forgettable ones. How many days wasted sleeping all day…

    Free Member

    Do you, or have you ever reported having had a crash whilst out biking, having head butted a tree perhaps, re-adjusted your lid (?), shaken the grass from your clothing, checked the bike over and then without fail reported a non-injury to the NHS ?

    Thought not!

    its a good point. I have already broken one lid this year and had a real head-banger last week. I told everyone on here of course 🙂 but the NHS never got the call

    Free Member

    Sir Neil – best to start on your thoughts on Helmets. The subject doesnt get enough discussion IMO

    oh, and hi, Dude. 🙂

    what hardware are you packing?

    Free Member

    BMI 30.4 according to scales Commencal Meta 5.5.1 is about 30lb i think

    Free Member

    Ive got 6 cans of midweek Stella to enjoy. It usually has a mild bowel-loosening effect…

    Free Member

    Took the "Toddler jumping repeatedly on chest" test earlier on. It was a sketchy pass. C an already sneeze without keeling over too

    looks like Cwmcarn is on (if I can spell it)

    glad to know I havnt got poppudum ribs and can enjoy my falling off without fear of damage
    Not so glad I made such a fuss.

    Free Member

    just make sure you expel air in your lungs every so often or you'll get a chest infection.

    lol what?

    As no one else has suggested it except yourself, MTFU!

    good advice, sir. Im going to Cwmcarn Monday so with a bit of luck it is just bruising and I can MTFU and have a bit of fun :). Never been before and I dont get let out much so im not missing that one!

    last time I visited doctors I had agonising blisters. Doctor agreed. "Yes you do have some superficial blisters on your tongue" he then f**ked me off to see some real patients…No I wont be going there again.

    If it still hurts next week. Pizza/ Beer/ This
    if not Cwmcarn. Got a new mudguard and everything. (and some lock ons – loose grips+ineptitude will always casue a crash)


    Free Member

    Ok Given that the term "Pre-heat" is on every packet of (inset chicken in X sauce here) supermarket food in the land, I was hoping the term could be accepted.

    As a back up, I have prepared these.

    1. My wife never lets the oven get up to it's temperature setpoint before sticking food in it.

    2. I find Suzanna Reid Very attractive, despite her often terrible fashion sense and inconsistant anatomy.

    Free Member

    She's just plain ordinary. Nothing special there.

    how DARE you.

    Not Sure if that pic is Suzanna would never do that.
    The girl has the guts to make some hideous fashion choices; you have to admire her for that.

    well since you asked I also love Penny Smith and Claire Nasir off GMTV

    Free Member

    Have you been near any Canada Geese recently?

    Of course; I am the South West's Canada Goose juggling champion…

    Free Member

    I am lucky enough to do shift work so myself and a couple of lads occasionally go out after earlies or even do evening ones before nights. After Late shift is a favourite..going across the beacon at midnight can be quite relaxing.

    I rarely get out at weekends though; Probably one Sunday/month. (Due to Toddler/ wife commitments)

    Free Member

    Needs more bumping!

    I check the forum regularly but managed to miss the original post!

    keep posting though cheps..seems like a good idea

    facebook group?

    Free Member

    I was in love about 30 minutes in..not with the film but with the lead actress. Film was ok

    Free Member

    Dan – what sku did you have that fouled up? Easy enough bypassing the driver/bodging it to push it to a 1 mode?

    this was the light

    and this was the DRIVER i bodged it with…

    looks terrible, but works fine

    Added a cheapo on off switch for turn off and onness

    Free Member

    My DX light was about half as bright as it should have been so you arnt the only one. I did the wrong thing and butchered it with a new 1 mode driver (on/off) rather than send it back…

    its great now 🙂

    Free Member

    Never caught the review; BR website down. Ill get to be 7 quids worth better than what I have now which is no mudguard at all

    Ill let you know how it goes at the FOD on THurs

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