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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Chris Hinds
  • Dancake
    Free Member

    PC? 🙂

    Free Member

    Need to get 10KG off here 🙁 Love to see what this is all about !

    email in profile

    Free Member

    Now, I realise that anticipation and excitement level are at fever pitch already, but I feel that I should tell you that I am preparing possibly the greatest ride snack ever. It's an old favourite, but with a seasonal twist

    uh-oh are fantastic snacks standard? I have gone for 2 bags of xmas toffee, 4 cans of stella* and some glucose tabs….

    *ok maybe not 4

    Free Member

    Thanks for organising this BTW chaps. nice to have a change of scenery now and again . look forward to it

    Free Member

    Its getting snowy up standish…

    3.00 at the start of one of the DH runs

    3.30 Car park

    what is the road to killkenny like if it is the same story there?

    Free Member

    To be fair, you may well be the only one on a 26" wheeled, 27 geared aluminium full susser, so you'll be entirely niche.

    Alas no..There are three of us..All packing 5 inches

    (Although for the riding I am capable of, 1/2" would be more than sufficient)

    Free Member

    Will I get run out of town if I turn up with a Clown bike with GPS attatched?

    Its wet in Gloucester right now. Inital forcast was snow but that might have changed to heavy rain now.

    hmm Which eyewear for Turkey Burner?

    Free Member

    Party leftovers
    Whirrrrrrrrrr (hard drive)

    Free Member

    my tummy hurts…

    Free Member

    Charlie is (supposed to be) a Cocker Spaniel, but is a little on the big side

    George is an English Springer through and through

    Free Member

    If I carry on eating at this rate, most of my saddle will disappear when I mount my bike…25 miles might seem hard work 🙂

    Free Member

    I have seen some of fundamentals..most Of the time it had me thinking . "Oh god I am so poo at this sport" so I never got the urge to go out and buy it (too advanced)

    Might buy it now though; I love all the workshop stuff

    Free Member

    spot on I'd say, and exactly as per the advice in the Tim Flooks dvd

    Tell me more…I have seen Dirtschool and fundamentals. Need to treat myself for Xmas 🙂

    Free Member

    I started a little blog about rebushing some foxes. I actually got mine direct from the US

    Dont do what I did. Lots of lovely prep and Pushed my first lower bush in nicely. What I did next was unforgivable


    Luckily, I got some spare lowers and changed the top bushes only in the end and lowered the travel as the stantions were goosed at the top of the 100mm mark

    my fork blog[/url]

    lol i have just read my blog and I didnt admit to the **** up. I wrote. "I wasnt happy with the fit" ha ha ha love that

    Free Member

    I have the rear on the slower side and the front on the faster side. Probably completely "wrong" but thats how I like it. The faster front seems to help me in hops (I wont say jumps; it wouldnt be accurate)

    I slowed the rear down when trying to practice manuals and wheelies and kept it that way.

    I set mine up basically to keep the front up and me back due to an irrational fear of going over the bars

    Free Member

    oh my GOD

    Free Member

    as promised, extreme Night ride jump captured forever

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Free Member

    I'm very upset that this has gone off topic. The OP: But then the photo is revealed…

    It looks pathetic, you look a right bellend!

    Then people are actually showing (off!) proper skills. Bastards!

    Agreed! My Vid of 100mm of air for 0.3 secs was far more on topic. Going to try a little drop tonight (chickened out in the day so might be easier in the dark) will try and get snaps.

    This shouldnt scare me but it does

    Free Member

    I have a huge fear that I am trying to conquer.

    When I saw this I realised just how far I have to go 🙁

    big air

    Free Member

    talking of countdown, it cant be just me that gives a Phwoar to this lady

    Free Member

    Has Dan Snow wet his pants in that pic?

    Free Member

    Hip Flasks?

    I was actually considering alcohol as a skill boosing aid; after all it makes me better at darts…

    Free Member

    doesnt do her justice. mmmmmm

    (its Victoria Coren by the way)

    Free Member

    ok 2 defo here!

    should we bring anything? (bikes for example)

    Free Member

    is skill optional?

    Free Member

    I have never ridden that neck of the woods. If I can get someone to look in on my dogs I would love to check it out. Might be able to bring along a couple of others, too. ?

    Free Member

    oh and here is the LED resistor calculator. (you will need a MAN sized heatsink and be prepared to waste a lot of energy in heat)

    for 2.4A current (nice brightness) you will need a 1ohm 5.8 watt resistor, a BIG heatsink and a P7 led! 🙂

    Free Member

    curiosity is great! Plug it in.

    I got all interested in drivers and the like. My first resistor based one got stupidly mega hot so I ditched that. Tried a voltage regulator based one which worked ok . (Rule of thumb here was minimum input voltage should be diode voltage + regulator drop out voltage; about 6V as it happens). This failed short circuit and destroyed my P7

    bought a new 2800mah driver from DX in the end. 4 dollars!

    some interesting info here though I based mine on this but used a 3Amp capable 5V voltage reg

    Free Member

    depends on the light. The "DX Bicycle light" has a 4 cell 2+2 8.4V array with an 8.4V max input 2400mah constant current driver. Not sure of the lower limit of input voltage before it switches off. (I know if my cells go too low, the light wont swich on at all~) Also the capacity is about 5000mah plus of the standard cells so your nicads may dump quite quick if you are on full beam

    The single cell torches have the 3.7v lower current driver i guess

    Free Member

    "HaHahahahahahaaha..have you seen the weather? ooooh! its f**cking P**SSING down!! you are going to get SOAKED!!!! hahahahahahahahaha. Im going to laugh at you when I am driving past in my nice warm car hahahahahahahahahaha.

    see you tommorrow"

    Free Member

    Watching Facebook unfold in front of me
    Listening to Toddler Kicking off
    Drinking Saliva due to annoying and painful ulcerated tongue
    Eating stuff out of my teeth (because I havnt brushed them due to aforementioned tongue)

    Free Member

    Mine does it too, but usually at the end of a ride; especially after a bit of a break. I have assumed its cables fouling up but didnt look that way when washing today. Bike is quite new.only done a few hundred miles. I will check the B screw though. Post how you get on

    mines a meta

    Free Member

    I was starting to feel a bit virusy on Monday when I was out. When we stopped for lunch I was starting to feel quite battered and didnt do much afterward.Woke up the next day and couldnt believe how rottten I felt; like I had been stabbed in both biceps, both thighs and wrists. This lasted a few days and I even broke the magic 40 deg temp for a bit but it didnt last long 🙂

    Feel better now but I have some wicked ulcers on my tongue…

    I wonder if it had been quite so severe if I hadnt gone out and got very cold, wet and tired

    Free Member

    Ham and cheese toasties…large black coffee

    neilsonwheels – Member
    Bacon and egg butty (hmmm red or brown.?) and a fat coffee.

    Dear God! Brown obviously.

    +1 ; Tomato sauce should be banned.

    Had man flu all week and havnt washed the bike since I went out on it Wonday. Wore the pads through so the spings were pinging into the disc too so I better change those.

    Free Member

    I am still in debt to a chap who found some lowers for me and got them to me the next day so I could make my Wales trip earlier this summer.

    sorry dude I cant remember your bloody name

    Free Member

    The Godfather

    Free Member

    Just to be able to do this would be enough. Even the 2 light route was too scary for me 🙁 Thank god my Rear pads had worn out by this point

    (cwmcarn downhill)

    Complete one ride without dabbing or falling off.

    I'm crap, but I accept my crapness.

    im with you, brother

    Free Member

    have a quick look at this thread. Have you got the battery pack wet recently?

    Free Member

    Hi buddy,

    This might help?

    Brake Pad info


    thats ace work! Cheers, Leon

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