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  • is a scam website
  • dan1980
    Free Member

    When inflation “falls”, surely that means that the rate at which the price of things is increasing drops, not their actual price?

    Free Member

    I live on my own. It’s awful.

    But then, so would living with another human be, I suppose.

    Guess I should really get a cat.

    Similar problem.

    I got a cat.

    It’s awful too. I now can’t get a good nights sleep as the furry hooligan thinks it’s playtime at 5am, or decides to share his often alive rodents and birds with me at inappropriate times of the night.

    I wouldn’t change him though….

    Seriously though, if you can’t switch off, rather than sitting stressing about it, go and do something, bike/run etc.

    It sounds daft but I found making a list of things I enjoyed doing helped, and just working down it as time went on, that way I didn’t have to stress about choosing an activity either.

    Free Member

    Ramsey Neil – Member
    Marzocchi manage a 3year warranty with no service intervals

    Um… No they don’t. 2 year warranty and various bits of servicing every 25-50 hrs and that’s with lubricating the seals very ride.

    Free Member

    It seems round my way, it’s perfectly acceptable to park on double yellows, so long as you put your hazard lights on.

    This frustrates me as my motorbike doesn’t have hazards, and I want to be cool like the other road users…. 😕

    Free Member

    In my experience…

    Free Member

    I’ve got a similar problem you experienced with a set of K24s (Pretty much the same as the K18)

    Can you tell me which parts you ordered and where from?


    Free Member

    The historical data on deaths per TW of power produced via different methods is readily available.

    All Hansen et al have done is forecast ahead and combine the two sets of data to make the conclusions they have. Considering how pro-climate change Hansen is, and his activities which have upset the US Government over the years, I don’t think you can accuse him of pushing the US governments agenda to heavily.

    Fundamentally, people are scared of nuclear power, and the long term issues of waste management. Mostly because they don’t understand, and the press likes to cause panic.

    A cleaner nuclear method in the form of Thorium reactors would help alleviate a lot of the future waste issues, it still needs research conducting to make commercial and environmental sense, but the technology isn’t that far off compared to that of fusion power, and could act as a stop gap until fusion power is viable.

    Free Member

    If you look at this chart;sess=

    You can see how much the forecast models split after 3 days, then see how much after 5. That kind of data spread is useless to make an accurate forecast with.

    Free Member

    As others have said, long range forecasts are not accurate, and beyond 3 days is pretty much guess work.

    Weather underground, and both give good long range forecasts (in the 5-7 day region) which are less inaccurate than some.

    Free Member

    Rorschach – Member
    global warming innit….

    Free Member

    I believe that there’s a natural remedy, derived from willow bark that is cracking for headaches etc.

    I can’t remember for the life of me what it’s called though…. 😕

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Landslip closures in the Peaks. Me on my own. I ignored.

    Its my life I die its a recovery job. Simples.

    Trail damage is different.

    So apart from your sense of entitlement to ride where you like, when you also don’t actually care about the impact of your decisions on other folk, like your family, or the MR people who would have to go out and collect your carcass in the event of your death.

    Seems incredibly selfish if you ask me….

    Free Member

    I got through to the last round of interviews. It was down to me and one other candidate.

    My interview went well, when it finished, I got up, shook the womens hand and as I walked out (backwards for some reason) I fell over a knee high filing cabinet and landed on my arse in the doorway, legs in the air like an upturned tortoise. 😳

    I didn’t get the job.

    Free Member

    my now ex-wife was receiving around £1760 per annum for our two children. As she earns a few grand over £50k, she will get next to nothing.

    The inhumanity of it all! Won’t somebody think of the children!

    Oh… 😕

    Seriously, get a grip and look at the rest of society. She’s still earning 2x as much as the average person in the street.

    Free Member

    The only thing I’ve done so far (apart from ache a lot!) is ask both councils for gritting records for yesterday and today.

    I wasn’t sure where to go from there….

    Free Member

    I didn’t think there would be any comeback on the council, and it’s not that I’m blaming anyone.

    It just seems that the crashes this morning could have been avoided if they’d put some grit down, and if, as I suspect, they’re not gritting the boarder, then I’d like to know why.

    Free Member

    Many kids live in houses with much less. Many kids live in houses without dads to help them. Many kids live in houses where the patents dont give a flying ****. Fair enough give kids inspiring homework but also give the kids without help another option.

    Without knowing the socio-economic background of the school in question, it’s simply awesome that you’ve managed to ride atop your high horse through sexism, and and straight through onto poverty stricken broken homes with feckless parents. I hope the view was good from up there!

    I think this sort of level of homework is actually just what is needed in education, teaching kids problem solving and practical skills. Time and time again I see kids that can’t wire a plug, handle basic tools, or think outside of a text book and come up with their own ideas. They are products of a system designed to pass exams, not actually learn anything. Anyone trying to teach kids “around” the syllabus gets a thumbs up from me.

    Free Member

    Wool was used as a fill in the past but there are just better and cheaper alternatives these days.

    Down and synthetic fills are better insulators for their weight than wool and compress much better, and synthetic fills can work out much cheaper.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I should probably clarify my post, it is more fun going down at the long end of my forks, but it is still fun at the short end too.

    I’d bung them on and give a whirl. I doubt you’d regret it.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the suggestions.

    According the previous owner, she’d never experienced this behaviour. He was in a family with young kids, so there was always a light on in their hall way, and he never used to go out at night, so she’s as perplexed as I am.

    I left the light on last night to help keep him calm, and he decided that pulling over a chest of draws in the middle of the night was the best way to thank me! 😯

    Free Member

    I run mine with 120-150 (I think) revelations and whilst it’s noticeably different, think it handles well at both ends of the fork. It’s easier to ride uphill at the short end and more fun going down at the long end.

    Free Member

    I’d wondered if he was deaf (because of the eyes thing), or that one of his eyes has poorer night vision and that freaks him out. Judging by his response to me whistling, and opening the food bag in another room this morning, I don’t think he’s particularly hard of hearing at least

    Free Member

    Looks a reet evil little trouble maker

    Yep, pretty much… 🙂

    Free Member

    Could you not sellotape a little petzl to it’s head?

    I now have bits of sandwich in my keyboard! Cheers for that 😆

    I think we have a solution!

    Free Member

    Cheers for all the responses.

    His bits are professionally coming off as soon as possible, the vets reckoned on leaving him to settle for 2 weeks after rehoming before dragging him in. If he keeps crapping on the rug, they’ll be off sooner!

    I don’t think his response to the dark is attention seeking behaviour. When he’s wanted company, he’s just stood at the top of the stairs (he was frightened to come down for most of Sunday) and meowed at me from there, not this backing into a corner and pawing and the ground effort. That and the fact that it stops as soon as the light goes back on, and starts straight away when the light goes off. I left him howling and meowing for about 5 minutes to see if he’d calm down before I went and turned the light back on for him. He’s training me well!

    He’s quite happy to be stroked but wont let me pick him up yet. He’s currently sleeping on the landing, as that’s where he seems to feel most comfortable. I don’t actually have 2 doors to keep between me and him! He’s got an old towel to lie on, and there’s one of these feliway/snake oil defuser things running next to where his bed is.

    Free Member

    I think some people just like a good moan.

    I’ve ordered loads of stuff from Superstar, and whenever I’ve had any problems (usually my fault for ordering the wrong thing or not actually knowing what I want), my first point of call is (excusing the pun) to use the telephone, as I generally find that actually talking to real human being helpful.

    To say:

    I ordered online, they emailed me not called me, it is their responsibility to respond to online requests

    Just makes you sound a bit of a prat. They have multiple lines of communication available, so when one fails you throw your toys out the pram and come on-line to whine/moan about it. I would put money on the fact that if you’d bothered to pick up the phone, you’d have it all sorted in less time than it took you to write out your original post. But that would just be to easy wouldn’t it…. 🙄

    Free Member

    Loctite is just something to stop it coming undone accidentally.

    I’ve ridden mine for over a year without the little clip and it’s been fine. Because of the size of the Allen key required to do up the bolt, there’s a limit to the amount of leverage you can apply to the bolt, so I just do do it up finger tight then notch it round another 1/4 turn.

    Free Member

    The stuff on Arran is OK, I did some of the routes from the Arran MTB site a few years ago, and would say they’re the upper end of average to be honest.

    No idea about Islay, but I’d be very surprised if there’s any worthwhile biking to be had off road on Jura from what I’ve seen from the West coast walk

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Have you tried Devitt?
    Seemed pretty cheap for me (£320 fully comp. I am 31 though)

    Free Member

    My New Years resolution will be 2560 x 1440.

    This is an improvement on last years 1440 x 960.

    Free Member

    Birthday: My Girlfriend of 6 years decided that my 30th birthday was the ideal day to tell me she was leaving me for another women. She did promise me she she’d make my birthday memorable, and from that point of view, it was the gift that keeps on giving.

    Christmas: An expired (as it turned out when I gave it away) iTunes voucher off my brother. I’ve never used iTunes and don’t own anything apple related.

    Free Member

    I hate, in no particular order:

    People who chew gum
    People who talk with their mouths full
    People who drive to close behind
    People who try and get in lifts/on trains whilst you’re trying to get out/off

    Actually, I think it’s just people in general 🙂

    Free Member

    If it’s still a kitten, have you thought about turning into a “delightful mini-sculpture”?

    Bonsai Kittens

    Free Member

    I stood on an upturned plug this morning, and my day hasn’t gotten any better 🙁

    Free Member

    Galaxy screen is way better than the Nexus also has stereo speakers.

    In what way?

    If you’re comparing like for like (i.e. Note 10.1 vs Nexus 10) the the screen on the Nexus has a higher pixel density 300 vs 150), and higher resolution (2560×1600 vs 800×1024) . Also the Nexus is protected by Gorrilla glass.

    Free Member

    I opted for Formulas over a 3rd set of SLX brakes.

    The parts may be expensive, but they work out cheaper than having to replace the whole calliper/master cylinder every time something gums up.

    Free Member

    Will an Event or similar work significantly better?

    Probably not to any great extent for the reasons I gave regarding the problems with membrane based waterproof fabrics. Additionally, eVent is a bugger to keep working optimally as you need to give it a wash in a detergent every so often to keep the membrane functioning (it will leak through the membrane if it gets clogged oils and greases). This strips the DWR, so you’d then need to wash the jacket in a pure soap to clean off the detergent residue to allow you re-apply a DWR.

    If you must have a full on waterproof for cycling, have a look at something made from polartec neo-shell. The fabric is about as breathable as you’re going to get at the moment for a membrane based fabric.

    The alternatives are either:
    Something like Paramo, which you could probably get away with on its own (i.e. without the softshell) as their jackets are normally quite well insulating. Breathability is very good as there’s no membrane to worry about. Just a wash in pure soap and an application of a wash-in proofer every so often should keep you dry.
    A membrane based softshell e.g. WindStopper/powershield pro (normal powershield isn’t techncailly waterproof) which has a technically waterproof membrane, but the seams aren’t taped, so eventually water will get through and you’ll get wet. Also there will still be breathability issues

    Free Member

    Your jacket is made out of Hyvent, which isn’t the most breathable fabric in the world.

    However, breathability is a marketing con that basically says “We’re great, we can defy the laws of physics”. The idea is that water vapour wants to move from an area of high concentration, to an area of low concentration across the membrane you’re jacket is made from to attempt to reach an equilibrium. The obvious problem is that generally, when it’s raining, the air outside your jacket will have a higher concentration of water vapour than the inside of your jacket, and water vapour won’t be that interested in moving outside. The DWR helps by stopping water pooling on and wetting out one side of the membrane to help “lower” the apparent concentration immediately outside the membrane and encourage vapour to move across, once it’s gone and the jacket starts to wet out, you’ve compromised the breathability significantly. So actually, “breathable” waterproofs don’t actually work that well in rain.

    I’d think that what’s happening is that once the water vapour from your your nice and warm soft shelled body shifts into the cavity between the waterproof and it, there’s no incentive for it to move across the membrane and out into the outside world. Additionally as it finds the colder inner surface of your colder waterproof, it’s condensing back into liquid water, which is then being rubbed onto the outer fabric of the softshell and making it wet.

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