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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • dan1980
    Free Member

    Glad he’s OK!
    My Olly would send healing vibes too, but he’s probably to busy, sleeping, or chewing on cables/the local wildlife…

    Free Member

    Which version of Excel are you using?

    It seems to work fine with 2010.

    The times to add are in “general” format, and everything else is in a custom [hh]:mm:ss.000 format.

    Free Member

    The problem appears to be that your data isn’t in the right format for Excel to work in.

    Assume your time in milliseconds is in column A: In B, create the formula =–TEXT(A1,”00\:00\:00.000″) Now your times are are converted from your OP into excel time formats for milliseconds.

    Now, format your cells apart from coloumn A to the [hh]:mm:ss.000 format, and then the formula to add the times =[time cell]+B1 There is no need to use the time function.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Free Member

    The standard “time” cell format doesn’t support milliseconds I don’t think, so the maths won’t work.

    Try a custom format “[h]:mm:ss.000” without the “”s and you should be good to go.

    Free Member

    Um… They are different issues. One noticed whilst fixing the other.

    I’m not hugely mechanically minded, but even I know plumbing brakes into the fuel system is bad! 🙂

    Free Member

    Cheers, I think I’ve established it’s attached to the fuel pump.

    There’s no mention of it in the manual that I can find, but I don’t have the haynes guide.

    The oil level is good, so I’ll guess its the over pressure thing!

    Free Member

    It could be that if your dog is going outside, it’s getting covered in pollen, and when it comes over to greet you, the disturbance of his fur, and the jumping around etc. could be putting some of this pollen into the air.

    When my moggy spends the day out massacring the local rat population and comes back in and tries to suffocate me, that can make my hayfever worse. If the lazy bag of fluff has spent the day inside, then him jumping on my head doesn’t make my symptoms worse.

    Free Member

    Has anyone got any advice or experience with Achilles problems please?

    If mine is anything to go by, get a below knee amputation and be done with it.

    I may be somewhat bitter and keen on a drastic solution in that I’ve been having problems with the whole foot for the past 14 years…..

    Free Member

    I can strongly recommend the sureflap cat flap.

    Once I’d got Ollie chipped and he was ready to go out, I installed the flap and just had it set up as a normal flap for the first few days whilst he got used to it.

    Then I turned on the programming and let him go through, so it read his microchip.

    Once set up to use his chip ID, he initially, because of the click of the magnet, was reluctant to come in/go out, so an hour or so holding treats the other side of the flap encouraged him to go through. Now he’s used to it and happy to run in and out whenever he feels like it.

    I’ve seen him in next doors house, who have a normal flap, and I’ve seen their cat stare longingly through my cat flap trying to get in.

    There’s a little mirror thing on the inside of the tunnel that needs to be kept clean, so if your cat is a dirty little scrote like mine, occasionally you’ll need to wipe it down with a damp cloth. I’ve had to do that once in 7 months, so it’s not really a chore.

    Free Member

    jekkyl – Member
    utterly ridiculous, they get paid to serve me in a shop and they can do that wether I’m on the phone or not. Hope that shop worker got the sack for bringing sainsburys into the national press. I confess I do it all the time.

    I’m surprised you can actually do your own shopping with your head so far up your own arse!

    Manners cost nothing. Being polite costs nothing, and sadly, being a weapons grade bell end costs nothing either.

    Free Member

    Interestingly, this year, I’ve been inundated with these lovely little blighters:

    Lace webbed spider

    which makes a refreshing, and thankfully smaller change from my usual supply of:

    Bog standard house spider

    Does anyone have a clue as to why this might be?

    Free Member

    Got them tensioned at local bike shop where the guy said he thought the builder had made a few key errors and they where not the best. Rode again…..15 mins later did exactly the same thing,

    This bit I don’t get.

    You got a job done by your LBS, which failed, and you took umbrage with the original supplier of the kit?

    When my girlfriend burnt the dinner, I didn’t go and strop at Tesco.

    Whilst I’m not saying that Superstar are behaving brilliantly, your first point of call following the 2nd failure should have been back to the LBS to ask why they’d done such a p*ss poor job.

    Wheels (ignoring the hub) are pretty simple things, a rim, some nipples and some spokes. I’d accept that a poorly built factory wheel, built by a machine may get overlooked in QA and leave the factory in a dodgy state. Having someone work over the wheel by hand should have resulted in a decent job.

    Free Member

    Anything here help?

    Googles own YouTube suppot page

    Free Member

    I carry my spare tyre round my waist… 🙁

    At least no-one will nick it.

    Free Member

    ir_bandito – Member
    …. don’t cyclists rant when other road users get too close?


    I see with depressing regularity situations where cyclists (road and mountain) don’t take enough consideration of what’s going on around them.

    Hardly anyone is willing to admit to being in the wrong and I think all users of roads or bridleways or any shared space need to learn to share, and show a lot more patience than they do.

    Free Member

    Satmap active 10 with Bike mount?

    Free Member

    I’ve managed to get a set from Withington Cycles in the past (0161 445 3492), and I think Edinburgh Cycles, but I could be wrong (0161 257 3897)

    Free Member

    The humane mouse traps do work, but in my experience you have to get the right ones..

    This kind, loaded with bits of twix at the end have been 100% effective for me:

    THis kind, not a sausage (or a mouse for that matter) regardless of the bate:

    Free Member

    This morning I’ve reached the point where I’d be happy to make an art installation using the innards of a middle manager here after I’ve removed their internal organs through their mouth.

    It has not been a good day so far, and can only get worse 🙁

    Free Member

    It’s faster,

    On paper yes, but most reviews state that the One feels faster because the Sense UI is better (smoother and more responsive) than touchwiz. If you use a custom launcher there’s no difference, but most folk will be sticking with what’s pre-installed.

    Both phones are using the same processor, and despite there being 0.3GHz clock speed difference between them, the synthetic benchmarks don’t actually show much of a difference.

    the camera is better,

    Yes, no argument there. Although supposedly in low light the One camera has the edge. A fair amount of the camera’s problems come down to ropey software, something that should be sorted in the fullness of time.

    the resolution is higher,

    Erm, it’s only screen size is bigger on the S4. Both phones run the same resolution (1920 x 1080). The result is that the One has a higher pixel density, meaning the screen looks crisper if you look very closely. The One’s screen is brighter and produces more realistic colours than the S4, and is also viewable in sunlight, unlike the S4s

    better battery life,

    A recent firmware update has sorted the battery life out on the HTC, and it’s now comparable to the S4. In fact a non-scientific test on Techradar suggested that now the One battery life is better than the S4 (but only to the tune of 2% over a 90 minute video)

    faster internet…

    Both phones support LTE and HSPDA+ so I have no idea what you mean by this.

    The big counter against the S4 is that it feels cheap. If you’re paying a premium for a new phone, most people would prefer something that feels like a premium product.

    In terms of what are real problems, such as no expandable memory, and a non-replacable battery, most users wouldn’t be buying an extra SD card, or a spare battery. In terms of charging cycles, the batteries can be expected to last for about 5 years, so longer than the length of time most people will have their phones for.

    It’s also worth noting, someone mentioned the S4 active above, if it does make it to the UK, then it’s not just the camera that’s changing, the screen is switching from Super AMOLED to LCD so will be more comparable to the HTC one.

    Free Member

    Battery life has been good, had it 5 days, charged it twice

    I’d be genuinely interested in seeing a screen grab of your battery history. I’m getting nowhere near that long! I’m lucky if it gets 12 hrs.

    Hold power and press the home to to grab the screen.

    Free Member

    There’s a good writeup of the camera on the HTC one here:

    Free Member

    O recently got an HTC One. It’s a good phone, better than the galaxy s 2 it replaced.

    The thing with the camera is that whilst it can produce good photos, it is very hit and miss. The pictures are noisy, over sharpened and lack detail. The noise and sharpening issue may be fixed with software, but with only 4mp images to play with, you simply can’t get the detail a larger mp sensor can provide.

    Sense 5 is kind of marmite like, but running another launcher (eg nova) sorts that out, and downloading the Google keyboard overcomes the ropey HTC one.

    On the whole o prefer the one to the s2, apart from the camera.

    If I could change, I’d opt for the s4. If the camera issue doesn’t bother you then the one is the one to get.

    Free Member

    Last time I checked, cats dont generally hunt by shaving and drawing on their prey. Lack of thumbs and basic artistic skills you see.

    Although if they do, it would explainmy I can never find my sharpies at home and am always charging my beard trimmer…

    Free Member

    Would shaving a cat infuriate it?

    At the very least it would be criminal damage, alongside animal cruelty.

    Is permanent marker poisonous?

    Depends on the solvent and dye makeup of the marker.

    Free Member

    Try modifying the google search entry that the omnibox uses.

    Click on the spanner, and under basics look in the search section and click manage.
    Click add, and put in:

    Make this entry the defualt, and off you go. I think!

    Free Member

    The animals act implies that cats have a “right to roam” as they are not covered under other regulations forcing owners of other animals (e.g. dogs) and lifestock to keep there animals under control, and are generally less likely to cause injury or damage to property. The fact that the animals act does not cover cats also means that they cannot, in law, trespass, and as such the owner cannot be legally responsible for what the cat does outside of their property.

    The “right to roam” is also supported by the Animal welfare act which states that the welfare needs of the animals in your care are met, and one of which includes the need to exhibit normal behavior patterns.

    The environmental protection act considers too may cats being kept in a property a nuisance or hazard, but doesn’t consider fouling an issue unless it is “significant”

    Cats are protected by the Protection of animals act and it’s illegal to harm, infuriate or terrify them, as well as administer poison, or injurious substances. Also as cats are considered property, taking one from its owner is considered theft.

    Free Member

    Complete and absolute rubbish, cats crap anywhere: grass, gravel, window boxes, even witnessed one laying one down on the pavement a while back.
    They do not bury their mess (another myth) You sound like a typical cat owner who doesn’t give a stuff about YOUR animals creating problems for other folk and their kids.
    Oh no, can’t possibly be Mr Tiddles sh1tting all over the neighbours lawn/vegetable patch etc. Must be a fox, or a wolf. Actually I remember seeing a bear passing by yesterday, could have been that. Nothing to do with me……………

    Sorry for all this, but it’s a slow day at work… Anyways:

    You seem angry about this, can I suggest a stop at to calm you down, all though there are cute pictures of ickle pussy cats there.

    Domestic cats are quite timid animals, the reason for this is due to an instinctive throwback from the mists of time when they weren’t fed out of a can, or murdering garden birds off the feeder and had to put some effort into getting a meal. Sadly for Mr (Or Miss/Mrs, lets not gender stereotype) Fluffy, other things would also quite happily like to turn his/her/its fuzzy backside into a tasty snack.

    Now your average diet of voles, bunnies and various insects gives you exceptionally stinky stools (try it and find out!), and on top of this, in general predators have quite sensitive senses of smell. As a result, pre-domestic kitties would bury their poop so as to not signal to bigger, meaner, and hungrier animals that they were about.

    The only time a moggy would normally be prepared to take a dump in an obvious place would be to mark its territory for hunting rights.

    Now, fast forwards a few thousand years, and suddenly, Mr or Mrs Tiddles is surrounded by humans, who, because they are much bigger, and generally man handle them, ruffle them and make cooing baby noises, are considered more dominant. Because they are a bit stupid and can’t think like anything other than a cat, believe that we go out hunting and like to chew on small rodents and birds too. So as they believe we are the dominant creatures, with the hunting rights to the local territory, cats don’t normally have a pop at challenging things by taking a crap in the middle of your lawn because in cat behavior terms it means “**** off, this is my garden, and I’ll ‘ave your eyes out if I see you”, and lets be honest, cats aren’t stupid enough to think they’d win in a fight with a 4ft plus biped when they’re only a ft or so high.

    It’s possible that new cats in the neighborhood can start a territorial dispute (especially if they’re intact), but it’s probably worth bearing in mind that the average male moggy with his nuts chopped off (and lady cats that have been done) will rarely stray more than 300m from their owners house, so the likelihood of cats getting into territorial disputes with neighbors is fairly low (especially as male and female cats will normally share their territories) when there is the possibility of serial crapping to mark territories, but this is normally short lived until the dispute is sorted. Intact males with roam further, but then it’s arguably irresponsible ownership to keep a male cat intact unless there’s a very good reason for it.

    Occasionally, when cats get ill, the poor little things might take a crap wherever they are when they feel the urge, but generally we’re talking produce that would score very highly on the Bristol Scale. And occasionally, if cats have been removed from their mummies too early on in their life, and haven’t learned to cover their poop, they may have bad habits and crap casually in places they shouldn’t, but a responsible owner can overcome this.

    That silent roar stuff makes domestic moggies believe there is a much larger cat about, and so if the crapping is from a territorial point of view, should stop it. If it’s for other reasons, like the cat is a bit dumb and hasn’t been taught to bury it’s crap, or in fact the poop is coming from a fox (which incidentally don’t have any issues with having a dump wherever they feel like it) then it wont.

    So in summary, the vast majority of cats can, and do bury their crap, and generally they prefer freshly dug soil, because frankly, cats are lazy, and will go for the easy life given half the chance.

    And for the record, I’m a fairly typical cat owner who treats/worms/inoculates my fwuffy ‘ickle killer. I’ve taken the time to make sure he was fully litter trained, and burys his turds. When he started going out, I made sure he knew his garden was the best place for him to crap. He now uses my flowerbeds as far as I know exclusively for his toileting. I’ve also taken the time to find out what makes him tick, and to overcome bad and undesirable behaviors by understanding the reasons behind what he does. I’ve also trained him to stay, give me a paw, and to trip me over whenever I’m going down stairs. We’re working on fetch.

    Whilst I appreciate you have a downer on cats, probably from personal experience of having crap in places you don’t want it, and possibly because you’re worried about the health of your family, please try and remember your prejudices are based on a tiny subset of human experience, and that many many other folk will be living in and around the 7 million cats in the UK and not even noticing their toiletry habits.

    I’d make an apology for length, but I’ve never had any complaints before…. 🙂

    Free Member

    Cats tend to dig in their crap, and prefer loose, freshly turned soil so if it’s on the surface or on grass, it’s probably worth thinking about other culprits.

    Often people blame cats for crapping on their lawn when in fact it’s foxes marking their territory. Cat crap is flat/rounded at the ends, whereas fox crap is tapered.

    Free Member

    the bit between 11 and 12 on that link? not done much riding round there, normally head off towards mam tor from hayfield.

    Yep, and there’s a decent pub at the bottom too. the run down into the ford isn’t bad either.

    The Rowath descent with added snow and mincing (not me by the way..) – it’s the only sensible video on youtube of it, there’s one of someone who likes to show their leg a lot too 😕 :

    Free Member

    That route is the wrong way round. All the descents done on gravel tracks or road, all the climbing done on the bits you should be going down.

    The bit around Rowath is probably the right direction, the decent to the little mill is probably the best around these parts.

    If I was dooing it the more sensible way, I’d cut off the stupid bit through Chinley and go down the bridleway past Hills farm to get to the PBW and ignore Mnt Famine

    Free Member

    To be fair, unless you’re “in the know” churning out stuff about “rooting” and running non-stock ROMS will baffle most folk.

    Not had the OPs problem with Strava. Might be worth looking at the entry on the Android Play store, and seeing the reviews. If stuff is broken, people there tend to whine pretty quickly!

    Free Member

    Does he mither you for food? We’ve got 4 cats here and it’s pretty obvious when they’re hungry,

    All the time! I can’t eat in the same room as him or he’ll try and swipe stuff off my plate, fork or even try and take it from my mouth.

    I can’t let him in the kitchen or he’ll try and get into the cupboards after something to eat too. He’s always on the lookout for something to eat, and if he finds something he’s not seen before, it goes in the mouth first to see if it’s food.

    He has been treated for worms. He doesn’t crap inside any more so it’s hard to check, but the last time I used this stuff and he was using a litter tray, it was very effective in removing parasites. He seems 100% healthy apart from his apparent starvation.

    If I were getting rat No. 2 brought to my bed in the morning I would keep a closed door between me and Mr Cat.

    It’s not so bad, and it is kind of endearing in a way, apart from when the damp bits brush against a cheek, or he leaves something under the duvet to roll onto!

    Free Member

    I like the idea of the airhorns 🙂

    The first pictured rat was presented to me as a gift I think it was missing most of the back of its head but otherwise intact He looked so proud 🙂
    The 2nd rat fragment was quite a bit smaller (only about 15cm when complete), and was this mornings moist offering at around 5am.

    Generally rat 2 is more (or less) representative of what gets left in my lounge, or bought up to my bed most mornings.

    Free Member

    The war on motorists continues.

    Somewhat melodramatic….

    The highway code is pretty clear on the matter see rules 175, 176 and 178.

    Free Member

    I’m really happy that he’s munching on the local rats, and as hunting is a natural instinct, it’s not something I want to discourage as such. I’ve tried the collar/bell approach in an attempt to reduce his successes, but it didn’t seem to stop him, and I got sick of replacing the ones he “lost”

    He’s a year old, and relatively small framed, when he was 4 KG it was was all muscle and he was quite old when he had his bits removed.

    I don’t want him to get fat so want to try and sort this early on before it becomes a problem.

    A couple of pictures (not for the delicate) of his latest efforts. I have size 9 feet for scale (28cm or so)

    And here’s an almost cute piccy of the monster

    Free Member

    It seems to work fine for me. Which youtube video are you trying to link to?
    I dont think you can use the links…

    Free Member

    I’ve read through most of this thread, and thought I’d share my experience (other experiences are available etc…) I don’t know if it’ll help any folk out there:

    I’ve always had low self esteem/self worth issues. At a difficult time in my work life, I added health problems to my general mix of issues and where as before I’d be able to go for a blast on the bike or do a bit of climbing to pick up my mood, it started to become harder until a point where I lost motivation to go out and do things.

    This moved on to loosing motivation to go out at all, even to work, and then onto not being bothered to eat. I wasn’t sleeping, wasn’t going to work or leaving the house and wasn’t looking after myself and started to think that there wasn’t really much point in me being alive and that my friends and family would be better off without me, and thoughts of killing myself became pretty much a constant presence in my mind.

    When I eventually told her how I was feeling (Emotionally the hardest thing I’ve done in my life to date), my girlfriend at the time didn’t know what to do, as like a lot of people, didn’t see depression as an illness and just assumed I needed to stop being a miserable git and get on with things. She did however drag me to the GP who I have to say was bloody brilliant with me.

    I was reffered to the “crisis” centre at the local mental health unit who had nurses at my home the same afternoon. I was put on some antidepressants (Which I can’t remember the name of). These initially made me feel really anxious and apparently I got quite agitated and aggressive. I don’t really remember much of those 4 weeks, apart from the nurses coming regularly to support my girlfriend and just sit for a while as I didn’t want to talk to them and folk telling me that things would get better, and that I needed to keep taking medication.

    After 4 weeks the GP decided to change the meds to Citalopram as I wasn’t going well with the first lot, and again, I was still snappy and nervous. I couldn’t sleep and was really a mess emotionally. I was only on those for 2 weeks before the GP tried something else (Lofepramine). This was for me the lowest point as all the promises of “Things will get better” seemed hollow, that I was beyond help etc. I pretty much only left my bed to use the toilet. Thankfully the new drugs started to have more positive effect on me within about 2-3 weeks (the anxiety and aggression pretty much stopped as soon as I stopped the Citalopram).

    Apart from some horrendous acid reflux, and sweating like a fat man in a cake shop, the meds didn’t really have any negative side effects and were having a positive impact on the way I was thinking and feeling.

    I wouldn’t say they made me happy, or indeed actually positive, they left me feeling kind of flat. Looking back now, it wasn’t a “nice” feeling, but it was a hell of an improvement on how I had been feeling.

    It gave me a crutch to start to rebuild my life, getting outside, doing things and actually start living again. From being a total recluse to (admittedly being forced to) go and meet some friends at a crag (even if I only took pictures rather than climbed) took 6ish weeks. Interestingly looking back at the photos I took, they’re all fairly dark/sombre pictures. I was voluntarily going out on my bike within 10. I had weekly meetings with the mental health unit for the best part of 6 months. I was on the full dose of meds for 12 months, during which time my mood improved and I was (apart from the excessive sweating) back to my normal self. It took about 3 months of lowering the dose before the GP said I’d finished with them. I’d been doing bits of CBT and doing lots of exercise and carried on with that once I was off the pills.

    6 months after that my girlfriend decided that my 30th birthday was the ideal time to break up with me. Things started to head south again, but because I was aware of the signs from the first time, I went to the GP before things got to bad and started on the pills again. 4 months after that I accidentally went cold turkey due to forgetting to take them on holiday with me and that was 3 years ago. I’ve not taken anti-depressants since.

    I still think of myself as still having “depression” or at least a predisposition to “depressive episodes” but I know the warning signs that are personal to me, and know do stuff to try and make sure the spiral down doesn’t start again.

    I only told a very small number of my friends what was going on, mostly out of embarrassment at not being able to cope with “life”, and that was really hard to do. But them knowing means that when they see the signs, or when I see them and know I need to get help, I have support and understanding, and people I can go to.

    When I was bad I didn’t believe it, but in reality, things do get better, it’s not easy by any means, and unlike a broken leg it’s hard to see that you’re ill externally so often people who don’t really understand don’t treat you as they really should.

    If you are feeling down for a prolonged period, go see a GP, talk to people close around you, or post random stuff here. Support is out there, and there are people who understand and are willing to help.

    Free Member

    As modern cars are made with out of a material with all the structural integrity of a soft cheese, there must be some damage that the forensic folk can find and establish where the bike hit the car, and at what sort of speed to corroborate one of the opposing stories here?

    Either way she comes across as an unpleasant piece of work.

    Free Member

    I had the “pleasure” of removing one from my nether regions.

    The cuddly little fella most probably crept on board when I brushed my sack through grass when I went for an al fresco number 2.

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