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  • dan1980
    Free Member

    I’ve recently experienced the NHS in an elective surgery context, and excepting one individual, every single patient facing member of staff did an outstanding job, with kindness, compassion, a sense of humour and a smile on their face.
    Considering the evidently difficult working conditions they are experiencing, I think that is frankly amazing.

    Do deny them such a small pay rise is an insult, and I am disgusted that there are people that think it’s acceptable to do so.

    Free Member

    Considering the generally dire state of eBay photos, anything that’s capable of taking a photo that doesn’t look like a Parkinson’s sufferer aiming for a soft focus porn “smeared in vasilene” look will do the job?

    Pretty much any known brand tablet should achieve that for you!

    Free Member

    I’d suggest looking at the Sony Xperia Z Tablet. Expandable memory, runs nice and fast, the camera is average, but not bad in Tablet terms. It seems to tick all your boxes.

    There are more tablet apps coming out for Android, so things are improving on that front.

    Free Member

    How do you find the University as an employer Dan1980?

    They aren’t that bad. 🙂 I’ve done very well out them in terms of sick leave and support returning to work following various injuries and health problems so I can’t complain. I’m not an academic, but from what I’ve experienced, if you are employed as “academic” or “academic related” the potential for progression and development is pretty good and the support framework for this is good also, otherwise, opportunities are very limited. My PDR for the past 3 years has been a very quick affair!

    A recent staff survey suggested that the majority of people working here are happy and positive about their jobs. The majority of responders were admin related however, and the university is top heavy with administration folk, so make of that what you will.

    I enjoy working for the university on the whole, but more due to my immediate work colleges than anything else.

    Due to the potential for writing incriminating stuff, if there’s any specifics you’d like to know, just PM me.

    Free Member

    I work in the centre of Manchester, at the university.

    I live in New mills about 14 miles away. My commute is around 40 mins by road, 30 minutes by frequent trains, and not to bad a cycle if I ride in. There’s mountain biking on the doorstep, plenty of walking and climbing close by too if that’s your thing.

    I don’t regret moving out here. I’d done 10 years living in Manchester, and needed a bit of green around me again.

    Free Member

    This should do the trick…

    Free Member

    benjamins11, & Crikey: Thanks for the info, it’s much appreciated.

    Free Member

    Turning up knowing that I’m probably going to get cancelled seems a selfish thing to do, especially if there’s the potential for someone benefiting from my misfortune.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice. It is elective (brostrom repair) so it looks like it might be canned.

    Will give the hospital a call towards the end of the week if nothing’s improved so there’s the chance they can fill the slot as it were.

    Free Member

    I tried HRs and found them oddly terrifying.

    I tend to run Advantages tubeless F&B all year, and when the going gets really sloppy, Specialized Storm controls. This combo works well for me in the Peak.

    Free Member

    In preparation for an upcoming operation, I bought one of these[/url], and can confirm that after 15 minutes of messing about in the shower, or after half an hour soaking in the bath, my leg/foot inside the “sock” remained completely dry.

    I wonder if sealskinz/gore could modify their socks with a little neoprene to fix the big leaky hole issue.

    Free Member

    A different setup, but when I installed by brakes a couple of years ago, I had problems running non-formula rotors on K24s.

    It seemed the the formula rotors are/were a little thicker than the others I tried (avid, shimano & superstar) and I could never get the brakes to adjust correctly using anything else.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a right to tickets, but should be able to apply (for my family) like my neighbours who have one less kid..

    And as a single person, should I be afforded the same rights and benefits as those with a family? I’d love to have a parking spot right outside of the supermarket, discounted entries to “single persons days out”, and discounted “singles friendly” meals and reduced cost and content “singles friendly” bog roll?

    You made the choice to have a larger than average family, and the fact that the average is what gets catered for most often shouldn’t come as a surprise, and shouldn’t raise ire. Frankly you should be grateful you’re in a position to be able to go, and be able to afford tickets.

    As someone else said, this falls squarely inside the brackets of “1st World Problems”, and a little perspective won’t come amiss.

    Unless of course this is a troll, and if so, I’ll give it a generous 7/10, more swearing, random capitalisation and poorer spelling required.

    Free Member

    As only 1 in 7 families has more than 2 dependent children (ONS analysis of 2011 census), it seems the organisers have opted to work from a majority family size (of 1 or 2 dependant children).

    Seems fairly reasonable to me….

    Free Member

    Second the Veet comment, can burn a little though…

    The sensitive stuff doesn’t seem burn at all*, and I have really sensitive, delicate skin…

    * Other people’s experiences may vary….

    Free Member

    By all means we should exempt MRT from VAT, that would be a good thing.

    If people could “sign” this petition, that’d be fantastic.

    Free Member

    Isn’t it about time we were all insured to go to the hills or bike?


    None of us would dare go to the Alps, Canada or anywhere else without some kind of cover but expect it to be free here.

    That’s because there are other issues to consider like different rescue systems, different health care arrangements, repatriation in the event of an accident etc.

    I just think these helpers should be appreciated financially for the work they do.

    Then donate. Stick the change from your round or the change from your lunch in the collection box as you pass by, set up a direct debit, use just giving. Any, and all help is gratefully received.

    I’m pleased that MR in this country is free, and as an MR volunteer I’d prefer it to stay that way.

    Everyone who volunteers in MR does it because they have a passion for the hills, and a desire to help folk out. Adding a financial reward/incentive for doing what we do could alter the reasons why people do give up their time to help.

    Free Member


    Pub very close on Kinder Road, and Hayfield village only 10 minutes walk away, with a choice of 4 other pubs.

    Free Member

    The issue as I see it is that because the laws surrounding H&S (guilty until proven innocent) are the wrong way round, it’s become an arse covering game. The people who end up the buck stopping with them are generally admin drones, who don’t have a full understanding of the tasks being carried out that they are trying to make safe so go overboard with the risk assessments.

    Free Member

    Ollie regularly brings home large rats, bunnies, and occasionally rooks, and apart from the occasional bite mark or clump of fur missing, it doesn’t seem to do him any harm.

    He’ll eat the lot though, he doesn’t like wasting food.

    He’s not bought me back any pidgeons as yet.

    Size 9 foot for reference…

    And Ian’s a great name for a cat!

    Edited to add: Since I’ve started giving him raw chicken thighs and turkey wings, he’s stopped bringing as much “nature” back into the house. I don’t know if chewing on the bones satisfies something inside of him and stops him hunting. Regardless it’s nice not to come down to a a lounge covered in rat gore every other day.

    Free Member

    When I got my cat, he’d pee on anything, and stare me down doing it.

    The feliway stuff did seem to calm his confrontational attitude which the vet put down to stress and he did stop urinating on things.

    One tip I did get off the vet was that normal detergent apparently doesnt get rid of the smell of cat waste, and if the cat can still smell things, will think it’s acceptable to go there again.

    The suggestion I got was to use neat white vinegar to spot clean furniture etc. and to add a tablespoon of the stuff to anything that ends up in the washing machine.

    I’m not sure if it will help in the case of the OP but it might be worth a try.

    Free Member

    Larger tescos sell dripak liquid soap flakes which work well

    Free Member

    Buy a domain. I use which is £10 for the first year then £20 after that. They are OK, not brilliant, but fine. Then you can use a wordpress or write your own HTML,

    I’ve just helped a friend set up their own business website using One as the hosting site too, and based it on WordPress to make it as simple for her to update as possible.

    I discovered that using the pre-configured wordpress they provide, you’re unable to install extra plugins/themes/widgets, so had to install a “full” version via the FTP server they provide. It wasn’t hard, but it could be quite daunting for some folk, especially as the documentation they provide to help with it was shockingly bad. The bloke on the chat page was pretty helpful though.

    Free Member

    I have to say I really struggled with E&L when it came to claiming – they wanted the excess plus a %age of the bill

    This seems to be becoming more and more standard.

    I’ve with More Than for my cat, pay about £8 a month for him, that gets £7k per condition. Excess is £75 (£150 once he’s over 9), and there’s 10% of the bill to pay too.

    When I’ve claimed from them before (not with this cat) they’ve been really good to deal with, settling with the vet directly, rather than me having to pay then claim back. And they do a multi-pet discount.

    Free Member

    I’ve had similar problems. Their site seems to be slow to load too.

    Free Member

    Try this:

    It’s up for me….

    Free Member

    Open up the system control panel, click on Advanced System Settings, go to the Advanced tab if needed, and click on the Enviromental Variables button.

    Scroll down the list of System variables, until you see Path, click on it, then edit.

    There’ll be a job lot of text, separated by semi-colons.

    Here’s mine below:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\bin\x86_64;C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\bin\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32\wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static; D:\crysis-2\bin32;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP

    You’ll want to look for the %SystemRoot% entries, and modify them to C:\Windows\System32 (or whetherever your System 32 dir is) or if they’re not present, add them.

    Click the image below to make it bigger…

    Free Member

    Ping and tracert are standard user level commands, so shouldn’t need elevated privilages.

    First check the commands are actually there (e.g. C:\windows\system32\ping.exe), then check that the paths variables haven’t been changed (System – advanced system settings – advanced – enviromental variables), and are pointing to the relavent places where these commands can be found e.g. %SystemRoot%\system32;

    edited to add: missed the bit where you said it works in elevated mode… sorry!

    Free Member

    I’ve spent the day watching stuff via the PS3 4OD channel, without any problems…

    Free Member

    In the calendar app, under “Accounts (All Calendars)” you can select which accounts to activate or not e.g. Facebook, Google, “People – Birthdays & Anniversaries”.

    Look for the one where the coloured tab matches the colour of the calendar entries you don’t want to show any more and un-check it.

    Free Member

    I’ve been with Plusnet for 4 years now in various properties. I’ve not had any major problems, and when I have, they’ve been very good to deal with. I’d recommend them.

    Free Member

    My arthroscopy was for debribement of the sinovium, and to allow for a stress x-ray to be carried out for investigation of any damage to the Anterior talofibular ligament so possibly a little different to your problem.

    The reason for the investigation was due to 14 years of repeated sprains, and an MRI which the consultant refered to as “A bit of a mess”.

    The arthroscopy itself was fine, a day case in hospital, turned up at 7 am, 3rd on the list, in recovery by 1:30 pm. Initially was given morphine for the pain, then dicofenac, and packed off home at 5:30 the same day with codine and paracetamol which just about takes the edge of things. At least I don’t need to get up to the toilet now!

    My joint is reasonably mobile if you factor in the ridiculous bandage, and weight bearing is uncomfortable, but doable. I was sent home without crutches, which I think was very mean of the physio I saw as getting around is nearly impossible without them despite her claims to the contrary.

    Free Member

    I would be honest with the landlord, and offer to pay an increased deposit to cover any potential damage. Explain the situation, and eventually you’ll find a reasonable landlord.

    Looking to rent directly with the landlord rather than a letting agency should work out better as you can talk directly with them.

    Free Member

    FunkyDunc – Member
    …. I think they should adopt or accept 2 women cant make a baby.

    So long as they’re happy to have girls, that’s technically not true.

    Free Member

    Rabbit -> Pen -> Noise -> Upset Neighbour -> etc

    Source of problem is the rabbit

    Don’t be so ridiculous. My neighbour’s toilet annoys me when they flush it at 4 in the morning. Should they get rid of that?

    Free Member

    The child pornography is censorship and already happens. The new bit here is rather trying to block illegal sites, which happens already, they will get the search engines not to return certain searches

    I’m sorry, but whilst child pornography is a terrible thing, this act of censorship will have no impact whatsoever.

    The majority of child porn is accessed through methods this censorship will have no impact on.

    This censorship is down to people who are to lazy to parent properly, and is a cheap attempt by the government to gain the daily mail vote.

    Free Member

    Some nice pubs on there but you have to question the validity of a list of good pubs for food if it includes the Foxhouse.

    I ate there towards the latter part of this winter (can’t remember an exact date) and thought the food was actually pretty good. When the only bitter they did was Stones, the food was terrible, but my last experience was definitely in the upper part of the “good” bracket, and I had a pint of Black Sheep, so the beer had improved too.

    Free Member

    I forgot the Red Lion in Litton. Cracking place!

    Free Member

    I can recommend food from any of the following:

    Yorkshire Bridge in Bamford
    Lantern Pike in Little Hayfield
    Cheshire Cheese in Hope (?)
    Ladybower Inn near Ladybower
    Millstone in Hathersaqe
    The Foxhouse above Gridleford

    Free Member

    I think Osprey recently got rid of the people what used to handle their after sales service, and started doing it themselves.

    The lot I had to deal with (who also dealt with Mountain Hardware stuff at the time) were a proper shower, and I’ve not bought anything Osprey MHW since. I might try Osprey again going by these comments.

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