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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • dan1980
    Free Member

    Fish finger sandwiches.

    Free Member

    The direct heat is probably to hot for him. Mine will only sit on the radiator once he’s heard the tapping of the pipes cooling down.

    Free Member

    He’s normally OK with other cats, and used to play with my previous neighbour’s cat regularly

    He likes bringing me rats back though, some more alive than others, so I wonder if he came off 2nd best to one of them.

    He bought this one back a while ago (I’ve got size 8 feet…) so he’s not afraid of going for the larger ones!

    Free Member

    I was able to get a very quick appointment this morning, and got Ollie looked at.

    It turns out he has cellulitis from an infected bite, so was given some antibiotics and painkillers and should be as right as rain in a few days. Poor little bugger had a temperature of 104°F so it’s not surprising he was feeling a little off colour.

    Very pleased it wasn’t anything to serious!

    Free Member

    Cheers folks, the suggestions don’t make it seem that serious, I’ll let you know he he gets on post vet tomorrow!

    Free Member

    Agreed get something hardy like 3 zebra danios to help with cycling the tank.

    Danios are shoaling fish and should be kept as a minimum as a group of 6, preferably 8 or more. Keeping them in smaller numbers will cause them to hide and be very stressed out, causing illness etc.

    Alternatively, the tank could be fishlessly cycled, and a good sized shoal could be added at once

    Free Member

    To help the cycling you could put a few smaller fish in there

    Please don’t it’s stressful for the fish, and is causes unnecessary suffering when it can all be done beforehand.

    Fish keeping is all about looking after the water, and that shouldn’t start by torturing a few fish to get things going.

    Free Member

    I’ll second that, I had a school of pigmy corydoras, and they were one of the best fish I kept, sadly, they are happiest with a sandy substrate, and it appears the OP has a gravel base, which will harm their delicate barbels, so I wouldn’t recommend them.

    OP: You need to get a test kit, and establish what type of water you have, as certain fish will cope best with particular pHs of water. Living in the High Peak, I was blessed with very acidic water, so was able to keep south american dwarf cichlids (A breeding pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides amongst others) , which are brilliant little fish, colourful and full of character, but not suitable for more neutral water.

    Once you’ve cycled your tank, with a spot of ammonia, and have established the pH, people will be able to help you out with ideal fish.

    Free Member

    I used to, then nearly ended up in a river taking evasive action after coming close to getting intimate with someone coming the other way round a tight corner.

    I don’t any more.

    Free Member

    For some reason I struggle to stream 780p content and above wirelessly, so opted for powerline connections. A fair bit more expensive than laying cable, but seems a whole load better than using wireless. You can also get a wireless plug too, which effectively acts as a range extender for your wireless router.

    This sort of thing…

    Free Member

    Go for it, the longest journey starts with a single step, and all that jazz 🙂

    My ride was on the flat if that helps, and I knew there was a pub in the middle… motivating factors and all that!

    Free Member

    Good luck, I took my bike out for the first time in 9 weeks today. Just over 5 miles in 40 minutes, with a pub lunch stop in the middle 😀

    My ankle is a bit swollen now mind, but it was worth it!

    Free Member

    Chicken breast is OK, not chicken on the bone though as chicken bones splinter.

    Raw, uncooked chicken on the bone is OK, it doesn’t splinter. Think how many dead wild dogs and cats there’d be if raw bones (bird or otherwise) splintered!

    Any cooked bones will splinter and should be avoided.

    Bones can occasionally present a choking hazard, so for example feeding chicken wings to a Great Dane would be a bad idea.

    Free Member

    Funny, That’s what I’m using here (Version 31.0.1650.57 m)

    I pressed the “Quote” button twice, copied the whole of someones post (Where they haven’t quoted anything themselves), pasted it between the [ quote ] [ / quote] bits and off it went…

    I have not even noticed [ and I dont know how to do whatever it is that you are doing] Perhaps they wanted to wind up an easily agitated angsty middle class IT type ,the type who may even start a thread on it ? – See more at:

    Free Member

    It seems if you set up a quote, and copy and paste someones text into the box, it automagically adds a “See more at” link.

    Very odd….

    Free Member

    I changed my consultant mid-way through the investigation I was having on a dodgy ankle as I didn’t think he cared about my treatment, everything was a fight to get done, his attitude was that I was just another number.

    The new one could not of been better, treated me like a human being, knew my name, explained the tests/scans to me, asked me what I wanted out of the treatment, and what sort of things I got up to, so he could adjust the treatment accordingly. He took me step by step through surgery, and post-operative care, and was generally fantastic.

    If the consultant your friend has, isn’t being that great, and it sounds like he/she isn’t ask for a 2nd opinion, and see what someone else has to say, and see if their attitude is any better.

    Free Member

    I’ve come across this from mostly American folk who seem to think that their health is adversely effected by their bodies pH and that they have some control over it.

    Some vague sort of info here:

    Free Member

    your reasoning is what bugs me

    Fair enough, but as I see it, applying your logic which seems to be saying any suffering they and their families experience is self inflicted, as they volunteered, means that folk shouldn’t give to cancer charities (after all some 50% of all cancers are caused by factors we have control over) or the BHF (as only fat, beer swilling, lard eaters have heart attacks) etc. etc.

    I very much doubt many service personnel sign up, solely on the basis they get to go and shoot at people. You seem to forget the humanitarian roles the military take part in, trying to save lives.

    I give to charities that help people out, regardless of how they’ve found themselves in their situation because generally, the people dishing out the cash at the far end, actually care about the people they are helping, unlike the tools we have running the country who would sell their own mothers if it got them some more votes. Pissing about with an ePetition to get these soulless festering sores to actually do their jobs seems somewhat pointless.

    Free Member

    yes its great advice to give money to things you are not comfortable with

    So you’re not comfortable giving to a charity that helps and supports families who’ve lost loved ones and helps injured men and women?

    Whether or not you agree with the reasons why they need help, the simple fact that the government doesn’t provide the support they need means that someone else (in this case a charity) has to step in and help provide it.

    As I see it, the fact that the Legion is militarily based is irrelevant as far as I’m concerned, there are still people who need help and support. I think it’s called being compassionate….

    Free Member

    Manchester Conference Centre?


    Free Member

    This is on the day before I go back to work 9 weeks after surgery, and 2 years of getting fatter, crapper and weaker. I may come along just as a contender for the slowest rider. 🙂

    Free Member

    Ollie doing one of his favourite thing, chewing cables.

    Pretending to be a rabbit.

    Free Member

    Double post…

    Free Member

    I got a set of stans flows on superstar evo hubs a year or two back. Hubs have performed well, and changing bearings is easy.

    First set of bearings didn’t last to long, but stuck some decent replacements in and they’re still going strong.

    One wheel went out of true pretty quickly, but got my lbs to sort that, and it’s been spot on ever since.

    All in, I’d recommend them.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    That is not guaranteed and the more people that realise that a ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work the better. We are all individuals!

    Indeed, and whilst it is evident you’ve had a bad time with your thyroid problems, it’s actually fairly rare that medication doesn’t help the symptoms, and it seems to me that when the OP is asking for reassurance, giving a “worst case” isn’t necessarily that helpful when a positive spin on things would make him feel happier.

    To the OP, my father, in his 70s, was diagnosed with an under active thyroid, and whist it took a little while for the drs to get his medication right, he’s remarkably fit and healthy for a man of his age. He seems significantly better than immediatly after his diagnosis. Good luck with it all!

    Free Member

    Assuming you’re using Google maps and navigation, then an internet connection would be required, however you can download the maps over wifi before you leave. To do this, move the map and zoom out over area you need, tap the search box, and scroll down to the “make this map available offline”

    Free Member

    Utter crap. Never had an issue with Sealskinz, best twenty quid I ever spent on a pair of socks. Warm, dry feet all through the winter every time.

    I can only surmise you only go out when its warm and dry in the first place then! 🙂

    Sealskinz socks all have this major design flaw, a ruddy great hole in the top and no barrier to stop water running into sock itself.

    This year I’m planning on trying out walking boots, wooly socks and gaiters to keep my feet dry. When this fails I’ll either man up, or get a drysuit and Wellies 😀

    Free Member

    Ive got my furry pain in the arse insured with morethan for about £10 a month.

    I’ve been happy with them so far, though Ollie is less happy about the talk of vets and insurance…

    Free Member

    what sort of screwed up logic advice is that!

    The kind of screwed up advice Nukeproof themselves gave on their website a while ago… 🙂

    Recommended Fork length – 160-180mm travel with Internal bottom cup 44IIss, 150-170mm with External bottom cup 44IETS, 44IESS or 44EE0S

    – talking about their own brand of headsets….

    Seemed to work for me at any rate. 🙂

    Free Member

    I think it depends on your fork length.

    I seem to recall you’ll need a 44 mm headset, then external bottom cups for 150-170mm forks or internal for 160-180mm forks.

    The top cup will depend on whether you want your bars higher (external) or lower (internal).

    Free Member

    We don’t make enough money to have integrity over £300

    That has bugger all to do with it.

    It’s pure and simple greed.

    Free Member

    I guess the argument goes that printing stuff uses the minimum amount of material, with the least amount of wastage, wereas machining something produces rather a lot of bits that need collecting/processing/recycling to reduce material (and therefore financial) losses?

    Free Member

    Touchdown for android works reasonably well with Exchange, and doesn’t force server side security profiles onto your device (it locks the app itself with a 4 digit code)

    The standard out of the box syncing optons are poor, but all the options are there to configure a workable offline mode. There’s a 30 day trial before you have to pay for the app.

    Free Member

    I can recommend the Xperia SP as a sensibly sized phone.

    It’s plenty quick enough for smartphoney things and has plenty of storage space too, the camera is a bit poor though.

    Free Member

    Not really, it could have a 1.5″ head tube so I can stick a suitable headset in.

    The prophet looks “interesting” 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve always wanted kids, and as I’ve gotten older, and learnt more about myself as a person, I’ve come to realise that it’ll never happen for me.

    Knowing that makes me sad to my very core.

    Free Member

    Just a thought too, you should probably post something on UK Climbing to promote this. Im sure there’ll be folk there that can help.

    Free Member

    As its a showcase rather than an “official” event, I’m guessing there may be a reluctance from official bodies to hand over cash?

    You could try the UIAA, the BMC or the MCoS (if appropriate)

    Free Member

    I dropped my trusty S2 in te bath a while ago ans as a result of network related problems on my new network, I recently had both an HTC one and a galaxy s4

    For the stuff that I do with my phone, web browsing, vnc-ing and telnetting into work, listeninng to music and playing the odd game, I realised that I didn’t actually need an all singing, all dancing massive phone. My “old” S2 was more than able to do everything a phone needs to, and can do.

    You end up paying a huge premium for something that is in reality only fractionally better than what’s come before. To my mind all top end phones have more computational power than the operating system underneath can hope to utilize, so its ultimately wasted.

    I settled on an xperia sp in the end and don’t regret my choice. Its not the largest, or has the fastest CPU , or the most memory, but apart from the camera being a bit poor, its coped with everything I’ve thrown at it without stuttering or stalling.

    Having a larger screen was nice, but the bulge in my trouser pocket and the nuking of the battery life just wasn’t worth it.

    The money I’m saving on my contract is going to something much more worthwhile… shiny bike bits! 🙂

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