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  • Making Up The Numbers Fort William World Champs Special
  • dan1980
    Free Member





    Free Member

    I cant vouch for JR hospital, but last year I had two cardiac ablation procedures to “fix” WPW syndrome.

    The first was under sedation. The last thing I remember was a short scary nurse approaching me with a pair of scissors with the intention of cutting off my paper pants (!) This procedure was stopped because I was apparently experiencing “extreme” discomfort in the chest area. I don’t remember it, so only have the consultants word for this.

    The second was under general anesthetic. No-one warned me about needing to have a tube down my throat, and waking up with a really sore throat was the only issue I had.

    I was very aware of my heart beat for about a fortnight after both procedures, and still experienced regular palpitations for about a month. I now have a normal ECG, but every so often (about once in every 6 weeks) I experience a bout of palpations that require a pause for breath and a sit down. My consultant said that they weren’t a problem and I was “fine”

    Free Member

    I’m not actually smoking dope with the weirdo upstairs, I’m just experiencing the odour of his fumes filtering into my flat. I have many vices, but as yet partaking in weed is not one of them. I do wonder if it’s possible to passivly smoke weed though….

    I need to move out of Manchester (bit of a rush – find somewhere to live type thing) and get back to a place with hills and high quality singletrack

    Is it wrong that I’m excited about trying out my new tub of udderly smooth tommorow in the hope that it helps solve my “sore arse post riding” problem?

    Free Member

    tails – Member
    This question was bought to you by 8 cans of red stripe, whatever the bloke upstairs is smoking, a “tastey meat” pizza from the best pizza takaway in manchester and half a twix.
    Woooaaahhh!! You are not gonna find a new improved model with that diet!!

    I know, the dinner of champions would have included a tray of fries, and the whole twix 😀

    Free Member


    I’m not sure I’m a “wealthy” man tho

    Although my half a twix seems to be in demand? Perhaps I could flog it for a small fortune, and use my new found wealth to attract a buxom blonde nymphomanic mountain bike/climber type who enjoys (and is good at) cooking and cleaning?

    Free Member

    Scamper – Member
    Dan, to my right there is an ad for “date wealthy men” –

    Worth a stab, no?

    Aren’t those adds chosen based on your search/internet history? 🙂

    Free Member

    crikey – Member
    You could try being an adult and give up living your life through Facebook?

    Thanks for the advice. I tried being an adult, but it ment I couldn’t play with my lego.
    (I am aware that living ones life through facebook is sad, but I did get a bit cross when I noticed her “like” of a friends comment and felt pissed off (whilst being a bit pissed) and decided to vent via the medium of comedy/random internet row locks. This is probably better than downing more alcohol. I intend to go and play on my bike tommorow which will help me forget the crossness I’m feeling about being cheated on)

    Free Member

    nickc – Member
    hmmm facebook updates whilst drinking on your own…

    you bought the wrong present then?

    I got her a laptop for her birthday, which I discovered post breakup, she decided to spend with her new significant other…..

    Free Member

    She did (and it was expensive), probably due to a guilty concience because she was “servicing” someone else.

    Free Member

    Despite their being “grades” the nature of grading means it operates on a spectrum. There’ll be an easy end, and harder end. I think Llandegla fills the easy end of the spectrum grade wise. That doesn’t mean it’s shit, it just means that the grades are soft.

    And to be fair, that log bit was utter bobbins….. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    As has been said, it’s unlikely to be a cat, as cats prefer to bury their crap, and unless your neighbours have some kind of super-moggy they’re unlikely to be able to dig through tarmac.

    I’d suggest that it’s either dog or fox crap.

    Free Member

    I have to sleep on the other side of the pillow to the side used the night before. I even manage this when I’m drunk.

    I choose my bedding specifically to make this task easier, so I have a patterned side, and a plane side. If I stay in hotels or b&bs I have to carry on the same pattern (i.e. if I slept on the patterned side at home the night before, it has to be the plane side in the b&b)

    I am unable to sleep if presented with just plain coloured pillows (although if they are different colours on each side, the darker side is “upgraded” to the “patterned” side in my head.

    When I change my bed I have to be careful to leave the pillows (without cases) in the correct orientation so that when I replace the cases, the “right” side is up.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Was £30 for the pair….

    Free Member

    Search for “Buff” here

    They have a few merino wool ones for £13.

    Free Member

    Would agree with the letting someone know where you are, and roughly what route you plan to take, and when you plan to be back.

    Things do go wrong like punctures and broken chains etc, but so long as someone as a rough idea.

    Perhaps the Mods could set up a sticky for people to post “routecard” type information? That way people could reply back when they’ve returned from their little jaunt.

    Free Member

    I’ve had to get a new SLX calliper as I can’t sort out the piston and it refuses to come out and play.

    Not happy, as I’d imagine the seal/piston arrangement can’t be expensive, and having to bin the whole unit seems a waste 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ve just a look, and it seems you can run Photoshop 7 on Windows 7.

    Microsoft technet

    Free Member

    Cheers for the help.

    Have tried your suggestion, and the piston comes out, but when I go to push it back in, there seems to be more resistance than the other piston.

    I’ve done this 4 times now, and still it refuses to come out unless I’m holding the other piston in.

    Free Member

    Hopeful bump?

    Free Member

    Crank Brothers speed lever

    I use one of these, and it makes putting even the trickiest tyre on a doddle 🙂

    Free Member

    Just had a go at measuring with a steel tape measure, and the inner diameter looks to be less than 31.5 😥

    I have a 30.9 seat post, can I just stick that in and do the clamp up really tight?

    Free Member

    thebikechain – Member
    Sure you haven’t got a 31.8 seatpost there?”

    The seat post has 31.6mm etched onto the side of it, but I haven’t got anything to measure that accurately here, so I cant be certain that the tube is the same diameter as the mark.

    Free Member

    For the love of god!

    This frame has been a right pain in the backside, had to get the bb faced and the thread chased because it’d been botched when it was made. Appears the seat tube is screwed as well!

    Free Member

    Bugger greased to within an inch of its life and thrust in with some force (ooh matron!) but it wont go in!

    Free Member

    The slot looks fine, and there’s no paint in the tube.

    The seat post has a bevelled edge which inserts into the seat tube, but it wont go past the part where the tube reaches its maximum diameter.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, I’m glad I’m not being thick then!

    I have an mmmbop frame, a 31.6mm truative hussefelt seat post and a 34.9mm seat collar.

    Even with the collar completely removed, I can’t get the seat post into the frame!

    Free Member

    This probably isn’t a helpful reply, but I ordered a Clarks gear cable set and had enough spare outer to do the poplock on my forks too. (I have an 18″ mmmbop)

    Ordered from here

    Free Member

    Possibly a bit big but…
    Spokeshirts kids

    Free Member

    I’m surprised no-one has mentioned Killzone 3. ’tis very good.

    Free Member

    Oops 😳

    But it’s still 2010! I’m easily confused this time of day….

    Free Member

    Am I being thick here….
    The orange 5 has a tapered steerer does it not? The forks have TS after them, and according to the spec it has a cane creek tapered headset….

    But to answer answer your question, if you have a 1.5 headtube, you can fit a tapered fork into it, with the right headset.

    Edited because I’m thick

    Free Member

    Children please cease and desist….

    This is not the place to have a bun fight.

    Depression is a very serious matter, and its affects will be different for different people. Peoples responses to drugs/cbt/other therapies will be different too. I do not plan to air my experiences on a public forum as what “worked” (or didn’t work as the case may be) for me will not be relevant to the OP. What worked or didn’t work for you will probably not be relevant to the OP either, so there is little point in arguing as to who/what/where/why is best so please stop.

    Free Member

    I’m looking forward to trying mine out on it’s first ride this week. I belive it will be a genre defining nu-wave-old-skool-phat-hiphop-ballroom-kazoo-semiclassicalbanjo ride


    Free Member

    I think about what happens if I have a crash, with no-one about, and whether rabbits will come and feast on my broken and twisted body.

    That and the next haribo stop 🙂

    Free Member

    At least it’s free listing weekend. I’d be a bit hacked off if I’d paid for the privilege of my items not being listed! 🙂

    Free Member

    I like them, much better than the Juicy 3s they replaced 🙂

    Free Member

    I work for a national analytical service open to researchers from academia. (We were involved in some of the Graphene work that won the Nobel price)

    Our latest £6 million grant was for 3 post docs and some new equipment to make us internationally competitive. We’ve been offered 35% less than we asked for, but we are expected to deliver the same level of service as per the grant request.

    Consumables needed to keep the current equipment running form the largest chunk of our outgoings (£4.5 Million over 5 years!), which (if my maths is right!)is more than what’s left of our grant after the deductions! We can’t afford to get new kit, upgrade existing machines, or pay the wages of extra postdocs required to run the service.

    I think we were quite lucky getting 65% of what we asked for, and I find that very depressing.

    Free Member

    Remember that if you’re sprained your ankle, it’ll take weeks, or even months to heal, and using and abusing it before its ready could make you more susceptible to long term ankle problems (as I’ve found out to my cost.)

    Although you need to rest your ankle, not moving it is a very bad idea. If you can, take lots of ibuprofen to help with the inflamation, apply ice, or a cold damp towel if the pressure of the ice is to much, every 30 minutes, for about 10 minutes. Personally I wouldn’t use a tubigrip bandage, as it offers very little support for the joint, and I’m not convinced that constricting the swelling is a good idea (but some medical bod will probably correct me on this…..)

    Work on trying to write the alphabet in the air with your foot, but only by moving the ankle.

    As soon as you can weight bare without it hurting to much start walking on your ankle. Move slower so that you don’t limp and maintain a natural stride, and start practising standing on just the damaged foot (You’ll probably need to support yourself initially) then whenever you can, do calf raises (i.e standing on tiptoes, and drop back down again in a slow controlled manner)

    Free Member

    Not entirely sure what you’re asking.

    If you mean can you change what the widget on the desktop displays, there doesn’t seem to be a way of changing it.

    If you mean how do you change to other options, like changing your status on your profile, go into your apps list, open up the app, and then press the facebook logo on the top, that’ll take you to the menu screen where you can select to view your profile & wall, or view the news feed, events etc.

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