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  • dan1980
    Free Member

    Onzadog – Member

    Is it worth asking the Mountain Rescue Teams for their opinions.

    Pook – Member

    They’re on the list

    I raised this at our last team meeting, which sadly I couldn’t attend, so I’m going off 2nd hand info. It was considered that this wasn’t something our team should have an opinion on. Though Rushup Edge isn’t on our “patch”, there was a sense that regardless, what DCC get up to just wasn’t anything to do with MR.

    You may have better luck with the PDMRO rather than going to specific teams. They have a meeting on the 12th, so you will need to be quick if you want it discussing soon, otherwise you’ll be waiting a few months!

    Free Member

    Assuming it’s just like any other Android device, go to settings, and display.

    Under “Sleep” change it to another value (I’ve got up to 30 minutes on mine).

    Alternativly, this app… or similar…

    Free Member

    You have to be a bit careful with FOI requests, if they decide that you’re taking the proverbial (“vexatious requests”), or it’s going to cost them too much (£450 for local government), they’ll tell you to do one.

    For all your FOI needs:

    Free Member

    From a friends facebook album.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a reply from Andy Botham from DCC..

    Dear Dan1980,

    Thank you for your email regarding Chapel Gate.
    There has been a lot of interest in the work we’ve been doing in the area and we’ve updated our website at to address the questions and points raised.
    As I’ve said previously, we can’t please everyone. We’ve got a legal duty to maintain the routes we look after to make sure they can be used by everyone entitled to do so. We understand that this will ultimately mean that some people will not be happy with the work we’re doing. But I’d like to reassure you that we do consider all user groups when we’re carrying out maintenance work and we do try to keep features favoured by cyclists where it’s possible to do so.
    I’d also like to reassure you that we’re always happy to hear from countryside users.
    We’ve met with interested groups in the past to discuss various issues and would advise any group, as we have in the past, to get involved through local access forums as these are the best way to raise any issues you might have. Details are available at

    However, I have asked officers to make contact with user groups that got in touch with us about Chapel Gate so that we can discuss some of the issues further.

    Yours sincerely

    Councillor Andy Botham
    Deputy Cabinet Member for Jobs, Economy and Transport
    Derbyshire County Council

    Free Member

    From re-reading some of the comments, part of the issue is them knowing who to consult, and how.

    I would have thought that if working within the boundaries of a national park, consulting them would have been a no-brainer?

    Free Member

    I’ve been having an email exchange with Mike Rhodes from the Peak National Park(who does seem like one of the good guys, as intimated by someone higher up).

    One thing that genuinely surprised me was his comment (my bold):

    … it is the Highway Authority (in this case DCC) which has the powers, duties and responsibilities in relation to public rights of way. It has no obligation to consult, unless there are specific designations relating to a site (eg SSSI, when they consult Natural England), or there are planning restrictions.


    Our ‘duty of conservation’ in this regard is not backed up by powers.

    If this is right, and I have no reason to think that he would be telling porkies, is this not something that needs to change?

    I can’t help but think that actually consulting the Park (or any NP for that matter) on matters that have a direct effect on rights of way and conservation within its boundaries would be a good thing?

    Edit: +1 for the sticky idea

    Free Member

    I’m not deliberatly trying to derail this thread but…

    Stop saying the didn’t consult! They did, and here are the results

    What you have there is a survey. Which just an exchange of information.

    To consult, you really need to discuss (as per the dictionary definition).

    Have discussions with (someone), typically before undertaking a course of action:

    Where is the actual discussion on the contents of that survey, and who were actually involved, as that would have been the actual consultation.

    Free Member

    Exciting news! (Kind of)

    As part of my original barrage of emails, I cc’d my local councilor, Beth Atkins.

    She’s said she’ll look into this matter (And told me about her arthritis, which was kind of odd.).

    However, she addressed the email “Dear Ms Dan1980″…. 😕

    Free Member

    I got the same generic row locks from DCC as everyone else too. Lucky me!

    I’ve responded via a freedom of information request asking for:
    [*]All information relating to complaints made by users of a rights of way (In particular Chapel Gate) regarding the suitability of that right of way for that users needs [/*]
    [*]Information relating to complaints made by users of a rights of way (in particular Chapel Gate) involving personal injury where it was claimed, or considered that DCC or their agents were either negligent or at fault in relation to the maintenance or repair of the right of way.[/*]
    [*]Any information relating to the assessment of the maintenance and requirements for the Chapel Gate Bridleway.[/*]
    I think that covers the basics of: who said it needed repairing, who and how many are these ‘many people’ who are unable to use Chapel gate and how unsafe was the route before they did any work.

    I’m looking forward to my next pointless and uninformative copy/paste reply.

    Free Member

    I emailed the national park, to ask if they knew that DCC were committing ecological vandalism (not my exact words…)

    I got a response from Mike Rhodes….

    Rhodes Mike <>

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    We understand the concerns that people have about the recent works carried out by DCC to maintain the bridleways and byways in the National Park and we also understand that DCC has a duty to carry out maintenance to the route network.

    As you suggest, the National Park Authority clearly has a role here in relation to its management of recreation in the Park and this route in particular, and it is also keen to ensure that repairs and maintenance are carried out in a way which recognises the sensitivities of the site, in accord with National Park conservation purposes.

    We are therefore very keen to take every opportunity to engage with DCC on its plans for work on these tracks, and to ensure that their works take our values into account. We will also seek to ensure that all relevant interests and user groups are kept informed and understand actions on these sites. We have had some success in relation to Cut Gate, the Roych and more recently on Long Causeway and are keen to maintain this involvement.

    Following the unexpected commencement of works at Rushup Edge, we have contacted DCC and asked them to arrange an urgent site visit to look in detail at what work they are planning there before work progresses any further, to ensure that they understand our requirements as outlined above.


    Mike Rhodes

    Access Manager

    Free Member

    Thanks for the link, I’ve passed it on.

    I don’t hate Apple, per sey, more ridiculousness of their closed system.

    I would have no problem (apart from all the bleedin’ information they want) registering to view these files. I’ve registered with Dropbox, OneDrive, and have a GoogleDrive which I thought covered most eventualities.

    However, without an “idevice” of some sort, I’m buggered if I can see a way of enabling iCloud for the AppleID I’ve just created. I’d love to hear how/why you’d think this could be anything other than a crappy idea?!

    Free Member

    Not quite sure I understand the mentality of “After insisting that I’ll take all the photos on my shiny apple idevice version 27, I’d love to share them with you. Oh by the way, I’m going to make it as hard as possible for you to view them! Don’t worry though, it was dead easy for me to upload and send the share invites out! Aren’t I great for having a shiny apply idevice version 27!”

    I should perhaps point out my apparently irrational anger (was fuelled by alcohol last night and) is due to this being a work thing, and not an ego massaging “I want to see photos of me looking rad to the power sik!” thing.

    Free Member

    When I installed icloud for windows I tried to sign in my apple id, which I had to create by giving them every single piece of information about myself – (name, address, blood group, scrotum circumference etc.)

    The software said that my apple id wasn’t an icloud ID, and spat me back to the desktop. It appears that it is impossible to create an icloud ID without either a fruit based device, or providing a blood sample from his holyness Saint Jobs.

    I have never gotten so infuriated by a piece of software and an account sign up procedure in my short 34 years on this planet.

    Free Member

    I get my hayfever stuff every year without seeing my GP, I just submit a repeat prescription, and the receptionist asks if anything’s changed in the past 12 months….

    Free Member

    He gets a combined flea and wormer spot on stuff, so it’s less stressful for me (!) than playing with tablets. Also, generally in the past, the stuff I’ve had over the counter has made him throw up, and the stuff he’s had from the vets hasn’t caused any problems, so I’d like to stick with it if possible.

    Free Member

    Emailed the bods at DCC, copied in the local MP, local press etc. too.

    Such a shame. 🙁

    Free Member

    I have to say that this is in stark contrast to my dealings with HSBC regarding fraud.

    I had both my current account, and associated credit card emptied a while ago, and on discovering I was potless gave them a ring. Got through the security checks with a bit of hassle, they wanted me to spell out my memorable place name (as it was Welsh) and I’d apparently spelled my mothers maiden name wrong on my initial setup form, so they quizzed that too.

    Got sent a form with all the dodgy transactions listed, and a copy of my statement so I could add to their list, returned it to my local branch and had my money back the next day. So it took 3 days in all.

    The only fly in the ointment was that the scrote(s) that stole my money used a cloned version of my debit card to pay for a rented house deposit, yet when I contacted the police, with an address, they didn’t want to know and said it was the banks problem not theirs.

    Free Member

    VLC media player will do the trick.

    Free Member

    I regularly use the NX client/server between windows and Linux boxs at work and home, both through a VPN and not. I’ve never had any real problems, so bit could be worth a go?

    Free Member

    Yes, clearly deplorable that a young inexperienced person excited about living away for the first time did not consider every nuance.

    Everyone flys the nest at some point, and some make mistakes along the way. This is a tiny one in the grand scheme of things. She (and you) should just to chalk it up to one of lifes great learning experiences and move on.

    I can’t see how asking the students to contribute is fair, or likely to go down particularly well.

    Free Member

    You do realise that you get a discount on the bill because you have students in the house. It’s usually 25%.

    It depends on the case. Council tax must be paid in full if there 2 adults in the same house. Students and kids etc. Don’t count as adults, so once you’ve ignored them, whoever is left contributes to the overall tax burden.

    In the OPs case there are 2 adults so the council tax must be paid in full. How they divide that up is something to discuss amongst themselves.

    It does show a lack of forward planning that they’re in this situation.

    I’ve lived n a 4 bed house with 1 student. We as a group never asked her for council tax as we knew before we moved in together she was exempt. We wanted to live together as a group to allowed for the slight extra financial burden.

    I have no sympathy for the OPs daughter in this situation as the rules are pretty clear.

    Free Member

    I learned that cleaning out the filter of my washing machine, with a full drum is:

    a) stupid
    b) a really quick way to improvise a paddling pool for the cat
    c) a mistake I’ll only do the once…

    Free Member

    As I was wondering how to get from Malvernistan to The People’s Republic of Yorkshire without going on a Motorway and since Id be doing it on the motorbike without a GPS

    As a budget solution for now, if you’ve got one of them smartphone thingamys, if you download/install google maps and navigation, plug in a set of ear bud headphones, wazz ’em in your ears, tell it where to go, bung on your lid, and off you pop.

    I got from deepest, darkest Derbyshire to Jura on L plates, on my ‘ickle 125 many years ago via this method….

    Free Member

    2 mm dyneema could do the trick? Breaking strain will be in the order of 300 Kg. If the part gets hot, then it won’t be ideal (low melting point)

    It’ll be sold as ultra-light guy lines for tents, amogst other things.

    Free Member

    Prop the lid up with a wooden spoon for 30 mins before serving to thicken stuff up.

    Today’s effort consisted of 1 small gammon joint (fat removed), 2 cans of heinz 5 beans, 2 onions, 2 ramano peppers, 4 sliced chilis, 4 cloves garlic, 1 140 g tub of tomato puree and 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika.

    Free Member

    As an alternative, had you considered a raw food (Barf) diet?

    It could work out cheaper if cost in general is an issue.

    Either way,I’d avoid dry food, cats fed on dry food are generally dehydrated (Cats have a reduced thirst reflex), and that’s the last thing your want if it has kidney problems.

    Free Member

    I managed 5 days without “taking the kids to the pool” as a result of not being able to produce anything whilst squatting (outdoors or on a non-throne type bog)

    I’ve come to the conclusion I am not wired up right.

    Free Member


    Currently considering my options with the pencil sharper, and at 34, it’s kind of daunting!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I found out mine by donating blood, but id be very surprised if it’s not on your medical records. Try asking another GP

    Free Member

    People saying this would still have happened at 60.
    If he had set off when he did and ridden sensibly with in the speed limits he would not have been in that crash, FACT .

    True, he may not have had that accident, but statistically as a motorcyclist he was much more likely to have a serious accident compared to other other road users (28 x), and the likelihood of that accident being fatal were much higher.

    From a 2004 survey on motorcycle accidents (Clarke), right of way violation accidents accounted for 38% (681) of all motorcyclist casualties and that road users other than the injured motorcyclists are usually the cause.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    But a little empathy wouldn’t go amiss.


    A mother has lost a son, and friends have someone they care about. Some of the replies to this thread are utterly shameful.

    Free Member

    A friend had this on her Android phone (S4 mini), which she used for logging runs etc. in STRAVA. Try this app from the play store, as it sorted her problem out.

    I used to use it with HTC Hero and never had any dubious GPS readings.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I got knocked off my motorbike by a driver who drove off, and GMP told me I had to hunt round for CCTV for them. They also sent me a 23 page form to fill out as my statement, this has proved somewhat difficult with a broken collarbone on my pen holding side and hand numbness due to nerve damage…

    Free Member

    Sadly this is a myth. The few studies that have been done on this suggest that there is no link between feeding dry food and a reduction in dental problems. In fact most cats don’t actually chew the kibble.

    If you apply the same logic, dentists would suggest we eat brittle, somewhat abrasive food to clean our teeth! 🙂

    There’s no answer to keeping cats teeth clean save actually brushing them, even a natural diet rich in bone doesn’t always help.

    Free Member

    I cave noticed with the stuff[/url] I feed my moggy that during the summer the fat can separate and leave a white scum on the top. Is it possible what you’re seeing is just separation rather than rotting?

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