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  • Renthal Revo-F Flat Pedal Review
  • dan1980
    Free Member

    A Koala….
    He’s a little scared and hiding behind a branch…

    Free Member

    Create a directory (say “phone”)on your computer hard disk hard disk

    Right click on it, go to properties, then the sharing tab. Share the directory and give it a name e.g. “phone”

    Open up a command prompt (windows key + R, and type in CMD) type in ipconfig /all and identify your PCs IP address. It should start 192.XXX.XXX.XXX

    Connect your phone to your house wireless, and using ES file explorer, add the server using the IP address 192.XXX.XXX.XXX and you should then see the share “phone”.

    Or connect the cable :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    You should just need to select “use as disk drive” and (assuming you’re using windows) go to “My Computer”, find the new drive that’s appeared, and navigate through that to the place where the photos are kept (DCIM/Photos/Camera or somesuch) or just search for pictures using windows search.

    Free Member

    I took citalopram for about 2 weeks, I found within a few days I was getting anxious and aggressive, so chose to move onto a different anti-depressant after discussing it with my doctor, and the mental health team in my locality. I actually tried 3 different anti-depressants before finding a 4th that seemed to have bearable side effects and therapeutic value.

    Despite being grouped together, SSRIs don’t all have the same effects, and will be tolerated differently by different people, so just because you’ve had a bad experience doesn’t mean your friend will.

    There’s masses of debates about the value of anti-depressenats and their overmedication etc. but as I see it, to get to the stage where you see a GP about the way you feel, you need help.

    Being offered a talking therapy somehow (to me at the time at any rate) doesn’t feel like you’re doing “something” so the feelings of loosing control and hopelessness perpetuate. Taking medication made me feel like even though everything seemed black, I was taking something that was going to help, and give me some control back.

    Gaining a little bit of positivity when things seem so dark can be all that it takes to start to do the little things that actually make the biggest differences, like eating properly, exercising, or even just showering in the morning.

    I hope your friend starts feeling better soon.

    Free Member

    Exactly 36.75 psi measured at 293.15 Kelvin

    Anything more and it’ll be death on a stick.
    Anything less and it’ll be death on a stick.

    You have been warned. 🙄

    Free Member

    The only “superlight” listed hubs on Planet X are these:

    Assuming these are what you have, you won’t be able to fit a rotor.

    Free Member

    It sounds like there are adaptors on the calipers already, and they’re not the right size for your rotors.

    Have a look at this picture

    If there is anything attached to the holes at the bottom, it’s an adaptor.

    Free Member

    I went through 2 sets of nics (Can’t remember which flavour) and both went in the side walls. They actually looked worn after the first ride!

    I’ve been using Maxxis advantages (2.25) since and get on with them really well. A bit draggier than the nics on road, but same levels of grip etc. off road. They don’t seem to wear quickly either.

    Free Member

    Had it happen with Shimano OEMs but never with Superstar.

    Free Member

    Fettling gears, always a pain in the rectum, and I end up leaving them in a “that’ll do” state and swearing half way round the ride as the gears are jumping around like a kangaroo on acid.

    Bleeding juicies/formula brakes is a doddle, and I really don’t get why so many people seem to have problems doing it.

    Free Member

    Sounds shallow but if you buy a ferrari, why debadge it? Show it off?

    But you’ve bought Fox, so a better analogy would be an austin allegro, and I wouldn’t want to own up to having one of them! 😛

    Free Member

    I’m not sure if Shimano have changed their ways, they never used to make spare parts available, so if something went wrong, you were buggered and it was new calliper/master cylinder time.

    For that reason I went to Formula who were selling off K24s cheaply from their Italian website. I think they’re much better brakes than the SLX ones I had previously too.

    People seem to be anti-formula as they’re apparently hard to bleed, but I’ve never had a problem, and I’m fairly cack-handed.

    Free Member

    If he’s important to you, then you’ll find time for him. If he’s not, then you wont, and you’ll soon realise.

    Every single relationship out there is about compromise, and you have to choose how much give and take you are willing to offer.

    If you’re worried about being hurt in the future, then you have do decide for yourself if the risk of getting to know him, and the fun and future you both can have outweighs the potential of being hurt. If it’s not, then either you’re not in the right place to have a relationship right now, or he’s not right for you.

    Free Member

    There’s routes around Gradbach and Macc forest that are pretty good after a lot of rain.

    Free Member

    A degu. He’s been loose in a room for 3 days now, and I can’t find the bugger, let alone catch him. I know he’s in there because he keeps sh*tting on the floor and eating the food I leave out for him.

    Not a clue how to get him back 🙁

    Free Member

    Handy tip…

    Get a plastic pint glass or somesuch. Weigh out the required amount of food into the glass and draw a line at the level of the food.

    In future just fill up to the line and don’t faff about weighing it out.

    Free Member

    Tinned chicken…


    Free Member

    I knew someone who wouldn’t buy orange or yellow peppers as they were “too middle class”

    He was a little odd .

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I really don’t like meeting new people, and find social situations very awkward, so I almost certainly come across as a bit of an arse to start with.

    I love helping people out though, and will offer to help fix friends bikes, help people off trains with baggage, give up my seat for people etc.

    My ex probably doesn’t think I’m friendly, but I’d like to think that most other people do.

    Free Member

    Are you trying to ask whether it’s necessary to have academic qualifications to succeed in a job that interests you?

    If so, then it depends on the sector that interests you, but if it were possible, it’ll be harder, things like apprenticeships if available would be the way to go.

    Free Member

    I used to come in from New Mills down the A6. I’ve not ridden it for almost 2 years now due to various stuff.

    There used to be a guy in full “Team Discovery” kit, matching uber posh racer etc.

    I used to overtake him regularly outside Stockport College on my clapped out trek hybrid. It was a small, pointless (and quite sad) victory every day, but it made the 14 miles that bit more entertaining. One day I got overtaken by someone wearing a British cycling jersy who shot past me like I was standing still (I was going for it at the time). I felt bad for Mr Discovery after that, and stopped chasing him down.

    Free Member

    As a drinker of Jura whisky with very limited experiences, what would the experts suggest I try next?

    I have so far I’ve tried, in order of preference:
    Jura 16 YO
    Jura 10 YO
    laphroaig quarter cask with a tiny bit of water
    Jura Superstition
    laphroaig quarter, neat (Far to smokey for my liking)

    Free Member

    I was under the impression that the cold calling was done via a computer, and when you, as the victim, answered, if there wasn’t anyone in their call centre to take your call, you’d get a silent line.

    I could be wrong though.

    Free Member

    My objection to them is more to do with “green lane-ers” not using green lanes and destroying other parts of the countryside that they shouldn’t be in.

    That frustration then boils over onto those using the legitimate lanes. It’s not big and cleaver, and I don’t like myself for it, but I don’t seem to be able to help myself.

    I have similar issues to mountain bikers using “Cheeky trails” but then I’m a bit anal about sticking to “rules” in general….

    Free Member

    I’ve tried, and failed on an elderly gent who was most likely gone before he hit the pavement.

    For those with the training and a sense of human decency and compassion, it gives you something to do whilst you wait for tge ambulance, rather than stand around and feel helpless.

    Free Member

    You could create label for the email addresses you’re interested in, then set up a filter to put a specific email address into a specific label.

    Would be a pain to do though if you’ve got lots of addresses you want to organise.

    Free Member

    … but he seems so dynamic…..


    Free Member

    I’d go for a 2.25 maxxis Advantage over a nevegal in the mud. Almost as good as my spec. storm control.

    Free Member

    Waht is the point in using “humane traps” Put the mouse outside it will either die in the cold or it will invade your / another house.

    I’ve taken mine out to the countryside and left them at least half a mile away from habitation. I’m probably in a minority though.

    Free Member

    The mice I’ve caught (In a humane trap) have been undone by bits of twix.

    Free Member

    I’ve used this one for support and after spraining my ankle and it does the job.

    Free Member

    I love the way he’s got his tounge out concentrating. I’m 31 and still do that! 😆

    Free Member

    Don’t get confused by Megabits and Megabytes…

    If my maths is right (and it seldom is!) a 2 Megabit connection, should have a download speed of approximately 250 Kilobytes per second.

    A 10 Megabit connection will give you a download speed of approximately 1.2 Megabytes per second.

    Free Member

    Because of the way that cars isolate their users from the outside world with their comfy seats, air conditioning etc. people seem to fail to realise that the object they are behind the wheel of is potentially a killing machine, and feel safe in their little metal box. This feeling of safety means that they’re more prepared to take risks that have the potential to cause accidents. If driving was made much more obviously dangerous, then perhaps people would take more care?

    I’m a firm beliver that cars should have a 6″ steel spike coming out of the steering wheel rather than an air bag. People might be a lot better behaved on the roads if they will get impaled if the car stops suddenly. 😀

    Free Member

    I’ve found this in the boot.msg in /var/logs

    service nameserv done
    Starting Corba Nameserver:
    <notice — Jan 6 11:17:47.581778000> startproc: execve (/usr/bin/vmtoolsd) [ /usr/bin/vmtoolsd ], [ CONSOLE=/dev/console ROOTFS_FSTYPE=ext4 SHELL=/bin/sh TERM=linux
    ROOTFS_FSCK=0 LC_ALL=POSIX INIT_VERSION=sysvinit-2.88 REDIRECT=/dev/tty7 COLUMNS=240 PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin vga=0x34d RUNLEVEL=5 PWD=/
    SHLVL=2 splash=silent SPLASH=no ROOTFS_BLKDEV=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3250312AS_9VYD6Z3R-part2
    _=/sbin/startproc DAEMON=/usr/bin/vmtoolsd ]
    <notice — Jan 6 11:17:47.591888000>
    checkproc: /usr/sbin/NetworkManager

    which makes absolutely no sense to me! 🙂

    Free Member

    The brickwork road layouts still channel lanes in each direction with different coloured bricks and clearly has one (I’m sure there are two) roundabout in very easily identifiable differing brickwork.

    I thought it all looked the same in the dark and wet, but I was a bit pre-occupied with cars and vans trying to occupy the same point in space and time that I was taking up. 🙂

    Free Member

    He did. And he made the decision that 41 was appropriate for the situation. Speed is not the be all and end all of safe driving you know.

    No, it’s not, but if there are laws to follow, with a punishment if you break them, I don’t think you can get to uppity about getting caught breaking them and being punished.

    Whether the rules are sensible is an other matter entirely….

    Free Member

    Just after I passed my CBT I rode through that section of Poynton, and have never been so terrified in my entire life. Traffic coming in all directions thinking they all have priority and pedestrians ambling about without a care!

    I’m convinced someone will get seriously hurt there soon 🙁

    Free Member

    Not easily.

    Get this…

    Epic bleed kit – ebay

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