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  • dan1980
    Free Member

    If Fido is bored, he’s making his own entertainment up, then you arrive home and possibly make a fuss around the hole, meaning he sees you do this and thinks ‘cool, they like the holes’, reinforcing his behaviour.

    Unless you catch an animal in the act, it won’t associate getting a telling off with the act you’re trying to discourage.

    If you get home and give the dog a good shouting at because of the holes, it’ll just think “I’m outside, he’s home, and he’s shouting at me” and just become anxious at being in the garden as that’s where he gets (as far as he’s concerned) a random rollockings. It’s possible the digging is a continued response to being anxious at being in the garden.

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    Free Member

    It often gets forgotten and there’s not a reminder usually like there is for tax, service, insurance etc.
    I looked at mine last week and discovered it was about to lapse.

    When I had the reminder through about my car tax (actually for a motorbike) there was a line at the bottom which stated when my MOT was due. Is this not normal then?

    Free Member

    The thing that confounds me is that people who “aquire” a partner who is already in a relationship seem to think that this forms a good foundation on which to begin a new relationship.

    If a person is prepared to cheat on an existing partner, what makes folk think that they won’t be prepared to do the same thing further down the line?

    Free Member

    Might also be worth checking the rotor bolts are nipped up tight, Mine made weird noises (metalic chink-chinking type sound) when I had a couple of bolts lose.

    Free Member

    You dont get many people falling off cliffs indoors and conversely you dont get many people being electrocuted up a mountain.

    Whilst I agree that outdoor, and indoor first aid are different, the general principles (i.e. ABC) are the same, so either is better than nothing.

    Free Member

    AlexSimon – Member


    Not really.


    Free Member


    Do’h, beaten to it

    Free Member

    At uni, we were assigned a lab partner, and I got to work with this girl who was somewhat odd.

    I’d heard rumors that the reason I’d not seen much of her the previous term was that she’d been sectioned because “The Koalas had told her to cut the skin off her little toe, turn it inside out, and stick it back on again” and apparently she’d had a go….

    Anyways, so she turns up to the lab, seems pleasant enough, not that scary, and we start the experiment. I go to pass her a flask I’d been heating on a steam bath, and she said “Oh…. I can’t touch that. You know how most people are made of carbon, I’m made of Cobalt Chloride, and I’ll turn blue if I touch it.”

    I wouldn’t mind, but I thought the hydrated version is pink so getting wet wouldn’t change her color….

    This particular incident (and my subsequent request for a change in lab partner) was followed by running into “Koala Girl” as she’d since been named, at the train station where she had a small carrying case covered in a towel. Apparently she was off to “The rat equivalent of crufts” and she asked if I’d like to see her rat. The thing inside the cage was about as far removed a pet as it was possible to get. Imagine a Tasmanian devil that had failed anger management classes, and it still wouldn’t be as aggressive. I had a feeling she’d “acquired” a wild rat and thought it’d make a nice pet.

    The last time I saw her was at graduation, and she said she’d decided to change careers and wanted to work as a nurse…..

    Free Member

    Substitute Patrick for Dan and you have the story of my life…

    Free Member

    I my mum died as a result of the big C on 8th Feb 2011. I’d left a lab session to grab an early dinner when I got the phone call no-one ever wants to hear.

    For me, there came a point where I realised that I was so focused on her passing away, and the sadness, loneliness and unfairness of it all, I’d stopped thinking of the happier times. When I started concentrating on those times, things started to get better.

    It does get easier, but still, after 11 years, every so often, something will happen that will knock me for six.

    Free Member

    Here’s a suggestion for you though – Go learn (and apply) the same amount of respect for your fellow HUMANS as you apparently have for cats.

    For the record, what’s betting all the cat-shite sympathisers either live in a flat/appartment block, don’t have a garden or have a garden and don’t suffer the already mentioned cat-shite problem…

    I do try and apply respect to fellow humans, I just loose that respect when they think that violence is funny or an option, in any situation, especially where animals are concerned.

    As for your 2nd point, I live in an end terrace with a yard that usually has dog eggs in it from irresponsible owners who I’ve seen go as far as open my gate to allow their dog to do it’s morning constitutional on my paving. As for cats, they use my flowerbeds as a toilet, so I wear gloves as and when I do the gardening. I don’t get angry, and don’t get an irrational hatred of moggies because they dump around my dandelions. Life’s to short.

    Fundamentally, it’s an animal doing what comes instinctively to it. It’s not a learned response. They don’t understand the concept of property, or man-made divisions of land etc. You can’t train them to understand such concepts, and other than frightening them, or hurting them, you’re not actually achieving anything….

    Free Member

    vorlich – Member

    Cat owner are we?

    I’m loving the rant, but no, I don’t own a cat, I just have respect for animals and don’t feel the need to “big up” my manly credentials by suggesting violence to other creatures on an anonymous internet forum. I find it all a bit pathetic really, as someone famous once wrote (I can’t be bothered to google it) “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” If you get that worked up about a bit of poo in your garden, I’d suggest anger management classes may be a good idea.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately, as cats don’t understand the reasons for violence being directed towards them by a human following their strategically placed dump, it’s almost certainly unlikely to actually stop the crappage, they’ll just do it when you aren’t around.

    It absolutely baffles me that a lot of people seem to think that animals think like humans, and can be treated as such to encourage, or discourage particular behaviours.

    They’ve chosen to dump the kiddies off on a yard/lawn etc because it’s a prominent place where other cats will see their territorial markings, if you get rid of it, they’ll just come and do it again, to keep marking their territory. The suggestion of lion crap is that it’s from a larger cat, so will discourage the little domestic moggy from thinking it’s top banana in the neighbourhood.

    You could try taking a dump next to the cat crap and see if that ultimately discourages them….

    I’m guessing cat repellent powders work by trying mask the cat poop smell, but will get washed away in rain.

    Free Member

    On the whole, cats do bury their poop as they don’t want to signal to other moggies or potential predators that they’re about.

    If a cat is crapping on your yard, it’s because it thinks it’s the dominant animal in the neighbourhood, and is just sticking it’s poopy flag up saying “Look at me, I’m the boss”

    The solution…. I’m not sure, I’ve never had any luck deterring crappage I’m afraid. But for all those suggesting violence etc. to the cat, I bet you are “well ‘ard” trying to frighten or hut things a 10th of your size, way to go at being a total hero…. 😕

    Free Member

    I did first aid cover for an schools outreach event, were one of the darling little students had a “Severe nut allergy” and carried an eppipen.

    I caught him eating a snickers at lunch time…..

    I think it’s one of those “How long is a piece of string” questions, some people may have quite severe reactions, others might just get a little bloated and windy.

    Free Member

    I’ve not got a clock on mine and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

    I find the trick is to check the time before I depart, and leave in plenty of time to get to my destination. I can then ride along in happy ignorance of not knowing the time until I get to my destination.

    What are you going to do with a clock on your bike, apart from realize you’re late for something and then perhaps ride like a tool to try and get there on time?

    Free Member

    If you build your own, it can sometimes work out cheaper.

    would be a good place to start, but you need to factor in a monitor,keyboard/mouse and a copy of Windows

    Free Member

    The thing I don’t get is why Samsung weren’t allowed to actually show evidence to support their case?

    This image from Samsung suggests they had iphonealikes before the iphone…

    Free Member

    The problem is that whilst true atheism may not make claims, many who claim to be atheist do just that – people are often suggesting here that because of x or y scientific ‘fact’ there cannot be a deity.! It is also with mentioning that the use of the phrase “fairy tales” to describe a religious belief has happened on this forum several times. Faith, belief and religion do not need to seek proof – why look for a scientific explanation to a non-scientific proposition. Therefore there is no onus to prove at all.

    The problem I have with this statement is that often, religious folk use their faith to dismiss scientific proposition (e.g. evolution) so it seems that that their faith then allows them to deny observation so that their belief can be maintained.

    I think the flip side of this argument should be, if there is a deity, why not go out and prove their existence to settle the arguments?

    Free Member

    Regretably there is no alternative to a Religious belief system that gives kids moral guidance and sets boundaries.

    Frankly this a load of tosh!

    I am not religious, and was not bought up in a religious environment.

    I know how to behave, I know the difference between right and wrong, and I know how I like to be treated by people, and treat others in the same manner.

    I don’t need promises of an eternally wonderful afterlife to make me a good person, or the threat of eternal damnation if I’m a bad person. I am a good person because I want to be, and because life is nicer that way.

    If a person needs some form of spiritual bribery to be a good person, then actually, they probably aren’t that good after all.

    Free Member

    I know it can be viewed as “putting the blame” on the most vunerable road user which is wrong

    I think that that in itself is the problem, we live in a blame culture, where everything is someone else’s fault.

    The idea that a road users takes responsibility for their own safety seems a foreign concept to people.

    Cyclists are one of the most vulnerable road users, and in a tussle with a multi-tonne vehicle, they probably wont win.

    But apparently you can’t say “keep away” from from lorrys etc. at junctions because people can do what they want, when they want, how they want.

    There’s no easy solution apart from having dedicated, physically separated spaces for cyclists and motorised transport, but no-one will pay for that.

    Educating cyclists would be a good start, but you’ll always get the ones that know better, and frankly, if you can’t figure out for yourself that going up the inside of a lorry turning left is a dodgy idea, then all the education in the world isn’t going make a blind bit of difference.

    Free Member

    Contis in Disley used to be very good. Not been for a while though…

    Free Member

    Mods pleas delete my account, I though this was a serious forum, it seems to be populated with 13 year old boys.

    Free Member

    since when did complaining about a shitty product count as trolling

    Complaining doesn’t count as trolling. Asking who you can sue because you can’t take responsibility for yourself arguably is. It certainly sums up the pathetic blame culture in which we live these days.

    You had a front brake, so you crashed because you didn’t have the skills to ride at the speed you were, and control the situation when you discovered your rear brake had failed.

    With the best QA in the world, stuff fails, shimano pads fail, hope pads fail, formula pads fail. People should man up and get on with it when they do Riding a bike is a potentially dangerous activity, if you can’t accept that, then perhaps going back under the bridge from whence you came is the best policy.

    Free Member

    Lady fleas can lay 50 eggs a day, and young fleas can hang about for up to 200 days before coming out as adults to find a host to feed from.

    You need to treat the cat, and treat your house with something that will kill the adults, juveniles and eggs, and do lots of hoovering on all surfaces and under furniture and other dark places.

    Free Member

    Me and the mrs tried them.
    I found she makes brmmm brmmmmmm noises whilst riding her bike

    Doesn’t everyone? :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Aspartame on snopes.

    Free Member

    Sweeteners are really quite bad for you

    They’re not fantastic for you, but aren’t “really quite bad for you”

    Aspartame, the sweetener in diet coke:

    Critical review of all carcinogenicity studies conducted on aspartame found no credible evidence that aspartame is carcinogenic. The data from the extensive investigations into the possibility of neurotoxic effects of aspartame, in general, do not support the hypothesis that aspartame in the human diet will affect nervous system function, learning or behavior. Epidemiological studies on aspartame include several case-control studies and one well-conducted prospective epidemiological study with a large cohort, in which the consumption of aspartame was measured. The studies provide no evidence to support an association between aspartame and cancer in any tissue. The weight of existing evidence is that aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption as a nonnutritive sweetener.

    Free Member

    Look out for your teeth too.
    As children we used to clean coins in coke.

    Last time I checked though, it’s not normal to soak your teeth in coke. Perhaps I’m not drinking it right? 🙂

    It takes 5 minutes of soaking in coke for tooth enamel to begin to show signs of eroding, and if there’s a 50/50 mix of saliva, then it takes up to 30 minutes.

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t tend to keep coke in my mouth for more than a few seconds at a time.

    Free Member

    Start a new niche; hedge your bets by putting one foot in each camp… left foot flattie, right foot SPD…

    That’s so last year…

    Right foot flattie, and left foot SPD is where it’s at for 2012…. 8)

    Free Member

    Having recently done Manchesterish to Ardrossan , on A roads (240 miles) as I’m still on L plates carrying enough kit for a 5 day solo walk around Jura, I can tell you that a CBF125 is all the bike you need 🙂

    Free Member

    If you could, that’d be great, superstar are occasionally a bit slow on the old emails!

    My address is daniel dot O dot sells at gmail dot com

    Free Member

    Cheers, 20 minutes of fighting with the thing and it’s still not budging.

    Bloody thing! either I’ve had to much, or not enough to drink to sort this problem out 🙂

    Free Member

    We have a law that allows abortion, to a certain point during pregnancy. Therefore we, as a society, have imposed a moral consensus on that issue, which takes account of all the many personal morals expressed. We can also impose a moral consensus on tax dodging.

    And indeed, the K2 scheme that Carr was involved with, was not illegal, therefore, as you say, we as a society, have imposed a moral consensus on that issue, which takes account of all the many personal morals expressed.

    Not that I agree with it mind….

    Free Member

    I belive it’s this novatech hub

    And so far, all I’ve managed to do is get part 7 out 😳

    So, I thought that before I can beat the crap delicately remove the bearings (C), I would need to remove parts 2(B) and 3(A), and I’m not sure how to do that…

    Free Member

    I’d booked a trip to Spain, but I was taken ill (pneumonia) a few weeks before a booked holiday and had a sick note covering the period I was supposed to be away. I was actively encouraged by my bosses to still go on the holiday and sit on the beach for the week, and they didn’t take the holidays from my allowance.

    This was about 5-6 years ago, so I’d just assumed that it was the norm.

    Free Member

    Also the X has swappable dropouts so you could run a maxle rear wheel

    Free Member

    The nearest station is Gwersyllt, which is 6 miles away.

    You have to change at Chester, then Wrexham to get there, and it takes around 3 hours.

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