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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • damo2576
    Free Member

    How do you tell when flue is up to temp?

    Free Member

    Pizza Hut, Roller Rink, Yaris, waxing, trainee Beautician?! Obviously made up.

    Free Member

    There are no plug sockets in swimming pools

    Free Member

    Moved from London to Brighton and now moving back to London if that counts?

    Free Member

    Was wondering why they don’t put the energy drink in tablet form?

    Free Member

    Employers always hold the upperhand as it is after all their ball [ bit like mods] so unions certainly help as it gives a formal and “neutral” service to speak up on your behalf rather thn ahave an individual have to do it alone and look like they are the problem as no one else complains.

    Are you mad? Employment law is so heavily weighted in favour of the employee!

    Free Member

    Thanks, will explore, selling the mtb but think I may keep the cx and see whats about.

    Free Member

    I am also a manager as well as union rep

    I had an ex union rep work for me once. PITA with all the same kind of ‘would you pay me if i took a 3 hour lunch break’ bs. Managed him out. I think he’s still unemployed. I have a really enthusiast worker in his place who is progressing well due to his desire to do a little more, learn and not work to rule like some dinosaur from the 80’s.

    You point re lunch breaks is moot – I don’t care how long peoples lunch breaks are as long as they deliver on their objectives. I don’t care if they have to leave early one day for something. What I do care is that of their own volition they do whatever is required to ensure their work does not suffer (take a bit home, come in early next day etc). That kind of trust from an employer and responsibility from an employee may be alien to you with your work to rule mindset. In fact many of my staff don’t take lunch breaks as they’re engaged in their work which I hope they find rewarding. In fact I think you only really get that engagement when work is rewarding.

    Free Member

    HR departments advise management on HR issues – the changing of roles is an HR issue, avoiding things like constructive dismissal and trying to manage out an under performing employee is an HR issue.
    On the points where you say ‘no proof’ etc, correct, as mentioned I’m putting across the other side of the argument. No proof for what the OP is saying, just his opinion.
    If you think everyone gets paid overtime then clearly we’re from different worlds.
    Crikey put it in more simple terms for you.

    Free Member

    And then you’ll realise what life is like in the real world outside of working for a uni…

    If this is true then +1 – get into the real world and you’ll see what half the posters are on about.

    Free Member

    I’m moving to Hampstead though….looks like loops of Heath and Regents Park boredom!

    Free Member

    1. HR will move people to avoid potential situations – easier than confronting. OP probably need to front up to the fact he’s being managed out.
    2. Continuing to train the others – perhaps they were getting returns there and they were performing
    3. Current manager has higher standards?
    4. Man down, I would expect more from everyone
    5. Hours flex to a point, departmental cover is important – perhaps him rolling in at 10 (though he agreed to 9.45) doesn’t fit with operational requirements. Or sets unwanted precedents.
    6. Claiming two hours overtime is petty in any position toward any kind of responsibility. I would not expect a manager to be paid or claim overtime. Shop floor/factory people fine. I’m presuming this isnt a Saturday job in a bike shop.
    7. I’m just putting an employers point across, one eyed or not, it’s clear you’re not exactly in a position to be considering from this angle.

    Free Member

    i started working at my current place 5 years ago…initially things started off well but got worse as my line manager turned out to be a monster who would bully and harrass me constantly…it eventually got to the point where HR got involved and decided that i should no longer work in that role…they couldnt sack me so they offered me another role for a different team within the same division

    So there was an issue in your old role, and now in your new role too.

    while she was off the first time i was given great support by the director and my line manager and was always encouraged to develop myself professionally by taking any courses etc…but since her return this seems to have dried out whilst its still available for other staff members…she seems reluctant to put me on any training courses

    They’ve invested heavily into you…

    she has instructed my line manager that any work that i am asked to do has to go through my manager and not come to me direct…all of a sudden my work has to be monitored but previously it has been fine…now it seems i get given all the crappy jobs..up to the point where other staff members are asked to do things that i should be doing as in its in my job description and my role is defined by this work…

    And are still not happy with the quality of your work…

    my line manager suffered a stroke 2 months ago and will be off for some time so she is now managing me and is being even stricter with what work i am given

    The department is hit by serious illness…

    i made a request for flexible working and she reluctantly agreed…

    And you ask for flexible hours!

    but the thing that really pissed me off was that a few weeks ago we had an event at work, the normal practice is that everyone mucks in and as the event finishes quite late…any extra hours done can then be claimed back as toil…i had 2 hours owing to me so i put the request in to her to claim them

    And then for overtime for two hours!

    To be honest, I’d have been a lot harder on you than she has.

    Sometimes you need to look at yourself before thinking the whole worlds against you.

    Free Member

    Tell him to get a life and tell your husband to punch his lights out?

    Free Member

    Same here – love it – just wondering if Play 5 is worth it over Play 3? I have the 3 currently but considering other room…

    Free Member

    I’ve not read all that but let me guess, she finds your work overly verbose and your reports hard to read?

    Free Member

    I mean a joke on you, you understand how the internet works right?

    Free Member

    As it appears that the Lion of Africa is leaving this life, there will no doubt be retrospectives regarding the struggle against apartheid. So I want to open this debate.

    What did Nelson Mandela actually do?

    So he spent 27 years in prison for activities that most reasonable people wouldn’t consider criminal, but. Did he go on a hunger strike or a dirty protest as the IRA prisoners did? He might have been a figurehead, but it was the young South Africans boycotting the schools and demonstrating in the streets that did far more to galvanise world opinion against apartheid. Even then, it wasn’t the actions of the ANC that lead to the changes in society, but a shift in the geopolitcal situation.

    With the collapse of the communist block there was no longer any risk of a ‘communist’ ANC taking over South Africa, with the risk that South Africa would be used as a base for spreading isurrection throughout the continent, or that Russia would be able to use South African ports to interdict shipping passing around the Horn of Africa.

    Wasn’t it in the end the western corporations seeking to stabilise their access to South Africa’s coal and minerals, who quietly spoke the word that some accomadation needed to be made?

    So where was Mr Mandela?

    Stupid people so entertaining

    Free Member

    a joke right?

    Free Member

    I really need to see you on that!

    Free Member

    The VAT threshold is 79k. if a small business which takes it’s entire income from VAT eligible services is making less than this and is not VAT registered then grows to 79K, i assume it pays 20% of it’s profits straight to the govt?

    so potentially the business makes 20% profit at 75k would then make zero profit at 79k.

    Have I got this right?

    I’ll take it. Short answer no.

    Long answer is once you’re over the threshold you charge VAT on your invoices. So if you would have charged someone £100, you now charge them £100+VAT, i.e £120

    At the end of each quarter HMRC collect all the VAT you have charged your customers. This is output VAT.

    On the flip side, on all the costs you incur from say other suppliers, you can claim back, or offset, the VAT against the output VAT above.

    So the net you pay each month is output VAT – input VAT. This can be negative and a refund.

    Probably the main issue for larger business is the quarterly nature of payments and the impact on cash flow.

    Regarding profit, VAT is profit neutral.

    Free Member

    If you use the flat rate scheme, though, the admin is minimal, and the government gives you free money every quarter.

    Only if input > output vat

    Free Member

    Yes, obviously, but…..there are plenty of soft middle aged nobodies buying stupid expensive carbon lovelyness in the quest for free speed that is making them faster so they can come 255th in a triathlon instead of 265th they would have come with a “compromised” bike.

    Just jealous you can’t afford same eh!

    Free Member

    club wheels? race wheels? i got Enve and i just do a bit of pootling around, sometimes its good to indulge, if he wants to spend £1k let him, dont tell him he would be better off spending 300 quid plus 700 quid on something else, how do you know he’s not got £1m in the bank?


    Spend as much money as you can get away with on wheels. On everything!

    Free Member

    Anyone experience of these? Seem nice in 38 or 50mm

    Free Member

    Anyone know why there seem to be so many CR1’s on sale – was the same last year? Must be a reason for all the surplus?

    Free Member

    To clarify – I am supplying the tiles, my query is labour and materials for fitting!
    Its ontop of an overlay underfloor system (ie right on top of pipes/board).
    Seems like £50m2 and not that far from what you’re suggesting. I’m down South so more expensive I guess.

    Free Member

    i don’t know but it always amuses me to read commercial pilot forums, its a bit like STW but more about how to fly planes
    I love that that go to forums to ask about whats wrong with their 747s

    Free Member

    Interesting, I’m looking for a lens for my Radars for leaving the house in sun and riding through to dusk time (not dark).
    I was thinking the transition but seems clear-black iridium might do it?
    Any other ideas?

    Free Member

    IME most couples with one child had tried for more but it didnt work out.

    Well this is kind of us too – not impossible but due to some prior complications about 50/50.

    So perhaps decision will be made for us in any case…

    Free Member

    Is he tired?
    I have a 4 year that is like that (though not so extreme!) when tired.

    Free Member

    Great name though

    Free Member

    I had this, Marui Samurai, unique or at least unusual I believe in that it was chain drive

    Free Member

    If you want to spend an hour listening to someone who actually knows about this stuff the best thing I can think of is this. It’s the best thing I’ve heard.

    Free Member

    There are heat loss calcs for the room itself (addition of large expanse of glass) though I dont think so for the floor itself.
    Is that something to look into? I couldn’t see many other options than what they are doing tbh.

    Free Member

    No carbs for endurance riding? Does that include 24hr racing? There’s some classic nonsense spouted on here isn’t there?

    Not really, you’re just extending a reasonable statement to include an extreme.

    Free Member

    Whatever I normally would if I wasn’t doing one.

    I find it hard to ride after a full english? Sits heavy in my stomach, esp with a couple of bloody marys.

    Free Member

    Ok so what do you eat before a ride, say 3hrs Z2/3

    Free Member

    Torq Recovery drink is the best

    What makes is better than any other fructose (?) drink? I always wonder whether Coke would do the job just as well.

    Free Member

    Paleo for Athletes?

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