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  • Thomson Elite 35mm Aluminium handlebar review
  • Dales_rider
    Free Member

    BTW someones put in planning permission for a bigger version in the Dales

    Free Member

    juan – Member

    If the entire population did this in the UK we would have a patch 4 x 4 Metres.

    You mean like most of the people in big cities have then?

    May be more maths are probably wrong, something like 242,000 square Km and 61 million people

    Free Member

    somafunk – Member

    i do think it's about time for you to crawl back under your steel reinforced concrete bridges….or return to the ugly cookie cutter artificial housing scheme where you so obviously belong.

    Yank, in England its a Biscuit

    Free Member

    monkeycmonkeydo – Member

    Make sure it,s South facing.

    That would mean knocking it down and starting again as its SW facing.
    Will it make much difference

    Free Member

    Do I leave the doors to the rest of the house open ATP ? Spread the heat about a bit
    Or would it be best to contain the heat in the conservatory ?
    Bit woried it may over heat, do patio heaters have a thermostat ?

    Free Member

    Gas lady G oranges and lemons, saving the planet by growing my own citrus fruits No big trucks delivering them and that nasty Tesco ripping me off plus I wont be getting scurvy. Ecologicaly sound.
    Mind so far I only have 2 lemons and 1 orange

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Its much easier just to bleed the system thru with fresh fluid top down that do as you describe. You still get a complete fluid change. air can get in from the top if fluid levels drop. water gets in thru the top as vapour from the air
    Not true the diaphragm when correctly "Rolled in" does not allow any air in giving a completely air tight seal so therefore no contct with air and no moisture. Next time you decide to change the fluid in your brakes just try my method I can assure you it is a hell of a lot easier than "Bleeding" them.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    ooOOoo – Member

    Dales rider is just….like…sooooooo 20th century

    Correct and you are obviously 21st century.

    glenp – Member

    'I think I've got it. The clue's in the name – Dales_rider – are you James Martin?

    James Martin, banned from my house. Mind every cyclist would hear me coming especialy when I kick down my V8 automatic to pass them.

    Free Member


    Sense at last :D

    Mind I'm going to give it a go.
    So I go get a chainsaw, find a bit of hilly land to buy where no one is overlooking it. Dig a hole into the hill, chop down 30 or so small trees.
    Build a frame, buy a load of straw bales from an intensive farm and stack em around the frame.
    Approach the petrol chemical industry for some of their plastic to wrap it all in and finish of with some mud, glass windows [spome on else bought them so its green] and a door [from a skip] that originaly was part of a rain forest.
    Nobody saw me do it and its fairly well buried so I'll apply for retrospective planning permission, best bit is I'm signing on and claiming benefits so you lot will pay for it. :D

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    One day it will be no more

    I'd rather it was 4 billion years' time tho rather than 2050
    Matters not a jot I probably wont be here for either dates.

    user-removed – Member

    I resemble that remark

    Free Member

    The worlds changing, it always has. One day it will be no more. Just enjoy your brief spell on it.

    End of thread :-)

    Free Member

    mogrim – Member

    It's a nice looking place, be great as a second home in the country – lots of parking for my X5 out front
    Loving it as long as you dont buy anything in my nice Dales village, there is only enough room for my V8 Land Rover

    Free Member

    I had to use matching stone to extend my house, even now trying to get permission to replace a garage. The downside of living in a national park.
    Another is all the tossers on mountain bikes who will invade starting friday. :wink:

    Free Member

    Any way back on track the whole eco concept is a non starter.
    I for one where I live would never ever get planning permission.
    The cost to the environment to demolish all the housing stock and rebuild it just is too much.
    So we are back to one person Living in a house of their design and splendid isolation. A mere Utopia for the many 61 million in this country.

    Free Member

    Lifer – Member

    I think Dales rider's woman must have run away with a Southerner
    Guessing again that I'm married. :o

    Free Member

    ooOOoo – Member

    You Northerns! You're funny when you get upset

    Another assumption, I do love STW everyone assumes they know someone, and they are always right.

    Free Member

    Who's forcing this upon you?

    Some southern W**ker

    Free Member

    How practical are these "eco houses"? Is there enough hills to house everyone in the country. Are they really low impact? What about the wildlife that would be displaced?

    At last some one reading between the lines, all the others who assume that you dont think like them that you are being negative.
    Just being on the internet makes you un green and non eco friendly.
    And if anyone thinks other wise they are fools
    Probably the same people who do as Lady G says "think nothing of carrying a bike in a car"

    Free Member

    Knock a few cyclists over then drive like a **** then take one for a test drive you will then fit in one

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The treetops would be full of squirrels and birds and stuff – cool.

    They'd shit eveery where

    Free Member

    Lovely day outside.
    Proper first day of spring!

    A sensible post :D
    Ive got my onions spuds in tomatoes are coming on nicely as are the cabbages. Asparagus is sprouting already garlics doing well and we have fresh parsley to use. Strawberries are weeded and new runners planted in.
    Hope the weather this week doesnt **** it all up

    Free Member

    Besides ignoring the obvious fact that we would need to chop down every tree in the country to do what the selfish person did by building a house without planning permission.
    and ignoring the man hours put into it
    and having the climate and land to grow all our own food
    How are we to achieve this utopia which is using a housing system from when the UK had a population of less than 1 million, and its now 61 million.

    Free Member

    Dales_rider, what's your problem? Why are you such an angry man?

    You obviously know me :lol:

    Why bleed them – because dot fluid absorbs water and as it does so its boiling point lowers – until you overheat the brakes, the fluid boils and the brakes fail.

    Brakes heat up lots everytime you use them. If it was boiling fluid then it would feel like air in the system and the levers would just come straight back to the bars. so That would be a fluid change not a bleed, in a sealed system how do you get water in ?
    Air in the system at anytime how the **** did it get in ? only way is a leak.
    So what is it ?
    Bleeding brakes is a pointless exercise.
    Pads out
    pistons pushed back and wedged fully in
    caliper off
    brake pipe off
    empty system
    Pipe back on
    Syringe and tube filled with fluid
    fill system from bottom till res full.
    Job done

    Free Member

    Yes, he could, complete with all the carcinogens that are in modern buildings.

    Lady G – I'm glad you've noticed it's the 21st century, what a shame your thinking hasn't caught up. Sustainable living IS the future, sourcing your food locally and living in houses that are require few resources to create, maintain and heat.
    So how are all the city dwellers going to do this ? Get real for FS its the 21st century as Lady G pointed out. If the entire population did this in the UK we would have a patch 4 x 4 Metres.

    The world has only so much energy to offer

    Energy cant be destroyed we will always have the same amount.

    Free Member

    This does remind me to bleed my hopes. D

    Why bleed them have you got air in them ?

    How do you know when all the old fluid is out?

    When you take it all out to start with :roll:

    Free Member

    So the goverment of Australia are not australian or voted for by the Australians ?
    Most are descendants of convicts or ones who couldnt make it in there own country. The Genes will out.

    Free Member

    Male prostitute for the night

    Free Member

    Lot of people posting that know jack about brakes, why you would need to bleed them and how to use them.
    Seems to be a universal answer when brakes dont work as you expect
    "Bleed Them"
    Why FFS ?

    Free Member

    I met some people doing a similar thing in Australia. Their kids were extremely confident, happy and independent, go figure…

    Well as far as trusting an Aussie as to the state of hapiness of anyone and especialy their treatment of people [Aborigines] who just want to live in a natural low energy environment.
    Gobby kids from parents with attitude

    Free Member

    You can get video recorders these days which would be more suitable if you cant handle too much technology.

    Free Member

    Good grief what a stupid idea, building something that wouldnt work for societies needs, probably done by some old hobbit living on mine and yours taxes. Who can claim it's cheap if I had to put in 1500 hours it would take me years of spare time. 1500 hours in fact is more hours than the average persons working year.
    If everyone was to disapear into the hills and dig holes to live in the countryside would soon be ****.

    Free Member

    TGB's when they partake in society as all are expected then give them the benefits.
    Time to get tough on lay about non conformist scrounging bastards. 8O

    Free Member

    All the places I know which are special, and therefore out of bounds to anyone else.
    Why the **** do you want to advertise nice places for everyone to come along and spoil them ?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Just dont get them, preventative prosthetics help if you cant work out comfortable footwear.

    Free Member

    Charge Ladle

    My wife has complained about every saddle she's had before

    But the Ladle she is recommending to friends as the most compfy she's had

    Free Member

    Being the most experienced walker on here [probably]
    I have gone through more footware than most and only once had blisters, that was from a poorly fitting pair.
    I sold them, not worth ruining a walk for the sake of some decent boots.

    Free Member

    I'd like to understand what you think the advantages of welded on dropouts/gear hangers are on frames are though?

    You'd like to understand what I think, are you a **** psychiatrist ?

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