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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day Three Continued
  • Dales_rider
    Free Member

    bigyinn – Member

    If he’s got crackling it going to cause drops in the dsl which causs the speed to drop to try and stabilise the connection. He needs to sort the crackling out first.

    Get away !!
    A lot of faults with noise is caused by internal wiring, 35 years experience tells me to split the fault saves time and money. You wouldnt believe the number of times its a loose connection in a Jcn box or a bit of old internal wiring still connected and going nowhere.

    Free Member

    You dont say who your provider is. Molegrip.
    At 4km from the exchange you should be getting higher speeds, I was 3.5 from the exchange and getting 7.6 Meg.
    You may be able to improve your speed yourself, whats your layout from where it enters the house, what phones and where is your Modem ?

    Free Member

    Buy a VW rack for the back, its the best one. You can open the rear door with it on, well as long as you hold it up 🙂
    Oh and tell her you dont get as good a room with a view as this one 🙂

    Beer store

    Cupboard space

    Free Member

    Me I get 60 ish meg on ADSL mind the DSLAM is only a few yards from the house 🙂

    Free Member

    Less than I need, short of a Crosser and a TT bike

    Free Member

    Done it with an ’08 FSR, I used a Triad. IMHO they are better than an RP23

    Free Member

    Try here, you’ll like it

    Free Member

    It is not always illegal to cross solid white lines, and parking on the pavement is not in itself illegal for most of the UK, not that I’m defending the actions of the motorists that I didn’t witness, of course.

    (2 mile car journey? Shame on you!)

    It is when you are not overtaking anything

    “Rule 218 of the Highway Code says: “Do not park partially or wholly on the pavement unless signs permit it”.

    If there are any restrictions, e.g. yellow line, then you cannot park on the pavement.
    Where there are no other parking restrictions then a sign should say that you are not allowed to park on the pavement/grass verge.
    Within London it is banned everywhere unless there is a sign permitting parking on the pavement or grass verge.

    Vehicles parked on pavements can create a hazard:

    To pedestrians by causing an obstruction that may result in them having to step off the pavement into the carriageway, thus putting themselves in danger.
    By restricting the width of the pavement and making it difficult for someone with a pushchair or wheelchair to pass safely – again this person may have to enter the carriageway to avoid the obstruction.
    Due to the damage caused by driving on and off the pavement – broken flags, potholes, etc.

    Illegally parked vehicles cost the City Council thousands of pounds a year in damaged paving and damaged grass verges. It can also create serious problems for blind, disabled and older people.”

    Finishing work [after 10 hour shift] at 00:40 one does not always fancy the ride home, especially in the rain

    Free Member

    And dont forget, strip your bike right down and give it a thorough cleaning. Thats if you are taking it with you.

    Free Member

    unklehomered – Member

    Given what in my head seems the likely proportion of urban miles driven to urban miles cycled [more than 1000:1], 18 actually seems quite high to me. Also I doubt all cycle incidents were reported. I probably wouldn’t bother unless someone was hospitalised, whereas I would with a car even if everyone was fine.

    Those are Serious injuries/Deaths the dept doesnt give just deaths.

    I drove to work yesterday [2 miles] and saw 0 cyclists and quite a few cars. 5 of which were commiting traffic offences. most serious being going through a red light. Other 4 were crossing double white lines, failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing and 2 parking on pavements.

    Maybe its time to prioritize, maybe take a leaf from Holland or Belgiums traffic policy on bikes and cycling ?

    Free Member

    Cycling campaigners insist the popular perceptions of rampaging cyclists are not supported by statistical evidence. According to the Department for Transport (DfT), in 2009, the most recent year for which figures are available, no pedestrians were killed in Great Britain by cyclists, but 426 died in collisions with motor vehicles out of a total of 2,222 road fatalities.

    Indeed, bike riders insist it is they who are vulnerable. Of the 13,272 collisions between cycles and cars in 2008, 52 cyclists died but no drivers were killed.

    From 2006 to 2010 [from Office for National Statistics] there was an amazing 18 incidents of pedestrians struck by a cyclist on a pavement in the same period there was over a 1000 struck by cars whilst on the pavement.

    Maybe it should be against the law for cars to drive on the pavement ?

    Free Member

    Very interesting story from my village

    Last week

    After many letters from various people across the world of cycling pointing out the stupidity of the article and the damage caused by a typical “Daily Mail” reader.

    This weeks article

    Any one notice the back pedaling ? I’m still waiting for a reply to this letter I sent to the Police Commissioner

    “Dear Ms Mulligan
    As an Embsay resident I am absolutely astounded by the comments made by, and reported in the Craven Herald, which appear to have been made by serving members of the police force. Hopefully evidence of the incidents will be made available as at the moment it just appears to be hearsay from a councillor.
    Are they so ignorant of the damage it can do to a small rural economy when it is reported nationally in papers as far away as the south coast. Are they aware of the economic impact they may have already caused in advance of a world sporting event which will pass through our region. The anti cycling impression it gives and the effect it could have from motorists of a like mind to the Councillor are not tolerable.
    Are just two examples. Your point of view would be welcome.”

    Seems like we are a group that are targeted by certain people, your thoughts ?

    Free Member

    Funny thing to do is stand a t a set of busy city centre traffic lights and count the car drivers jumping the lights, no seat belt on and using their mobile phone. I’d guess thats OK pick on the ones that pose the most danger.

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable
    What do you think the comments box is for ?

    Free Member

    I like my XX X lock revs, thats all 🙂

    Free Member

    I’d be ashamed to post to my Strava stuff only on the descents do I appear in the top 1/3, climbing I support the bottom of the table 🙁

    Free Member

    Certainly do, if I remember right it was filmed over 2 days and someone took all the gear out on the Top Pitch so a big swing was in order, think it was MH who was the culprit.
    The missing boulder on the cromlech as well 🙂

    Free Member

    elliptic – Member

    Bouldering Early 70s stylee

    No chalk let alone mats… EB’s and thick woolly socks ftw!
    Posted 2 minutes ago # Report-Post

    No chalk, well spotted. It was just about the time of chalk introduction. We use to take some blackboard chalk to the Leeds wall and “Scribble” on the window sill then a little bit on the fingers, it had to do for all the problem 🙂

    The 2 in the picture are Al Manson and Pete Livsey [RIP] tother one is a much younger me

    Free Member

    teasel – Member

    A switch to compact on the new build, for me. I know I’ll miss the higher gearing on the long, drawn-out descents – I’ll be spinning like a dervish, no doubt.

    Its not the top speed you’ll notice its the lack of a close ratio, Try an Ultegra triple
    Use this to work out the best options

    Free Member

    Nope best spot would have to be Barden Moor taking in Eastby Deer Gallows Rylstone and crookrise with a few sneaky boulders on rote.

    Free Member

    I run an 11 – 25 with a 52/39 giving me a superb gear choice, the big gear gave me a nice PR for a 4 mile Strava section, touching 30 MPH at times and averaging 22 MPH.
    Then kind Mr Shimano has stuck a 30 tooth granny ring on as well that allows me 3 nice little hill climbing gears for some of the 20% hills we have around the Dales 🙂

    Free Member

    Well at an average of 5.2% a sturmey Archer 3 speed would do 😉

    Free Member

    Bouldering Early 70s stylee,

    Free Member

    very coarse grained grit, Rylstone but to much vegetation I give in

    Free Member

    Always wondered who thhe idiot was who left broken glass at the bottom of crags.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure about bouldering mats, do they give you the incentive to stay on the problem ?
    Sure we use to pad boulders with rucksacs but there was more of an incentive to stay on.

    Free Member

    Fimage, combining MTB and bouldering is a good choice. With friends I’ve stopped many a time middle of the moors to climb on isolated boulders.
    Elliptic yes there when Manson and syrett were around, bouldered with Manson and living in the same village as Fawcett got to see a bit of him, started avoiding being coaxed into bouldering by him after he had me soloing routes on the R wing, he had one thing that stops a lot of climbers becomeing good and thats a cool head.

    Free Member

    For an instuctor to say you are never going to be good before you start, well just proove him wrong.

    Free Member

    Pah 30 years, i started bouldering at Almscliffe some 40 years ago. We had one wall at Leeds Uni, long fingers and all I managed most stuff, still managing to do the odd new route on Grit and Limestone, although the lines I’ve eyed are looking ever increasingly impossible with the years 🙁

    Free Member

    I think he speaks B0110cks, you dont use fingers extended [at 90 degrees to hand] so the length is not an important factor. The extra reach will be beneficial.
    My extra limb length and hand size was always an asset,
    Just enjoy your climbing and do go outdoors, climbing walls are not bouldering.

    Free Member

    A pen and paper are your friends 🙂

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You should really be looking on a conservatory as an extension to your garden than to your house.

    Free Member

    Idea of openstreet maps is you dont pay, but if you want to send me a micro sd card and 15 euros I’ll download them for free and send it back 🙂
    BTW I’ve asked the question a while ago and this was the best answer

    Free Member

    Me I’d be looking at a Turner I think if I was buying new again, current 3 bikes I built myself and have found that the cheapest way to get the setup you want.

    Free Member

    flap_jack – Member

    Turbo trainers set up in ours at this time of year. Perfect whilst watching it snow…
    Ace for bike maintenance, good light levels

    Free Member

    A Conservatory is a great asset to any house if its placed on the right aspect. West facing is probably the best, mine is and how nice it was today when it hit a tad short of 20 degrees in summer it can get too hot if I forget to vent it but in winter and a radiator it never drops lower than 15 degrees in there.
    Allows me to grow these :-0

    Free Member

    Not picking on you Trail Rat, but you’re supposing I suppose ?

    trail_rat – Member

    is she fly weight ?

    fuel EX will encourage hooliganism – the LAST place id put a pair of those wheels……. there delicate SOBs

    I’d have to disagree been using them for 8 months and they have stood a pasting, I’m no lightweight in fact 10kg over the suggested weight for the wheel and they are still running true.

    Free Member

    Did much the same with my FSR last august
    Hope wheels


    And a loveerrly set of forks

    Some more savings coming up t0 drop the weight well under 24lbs, the difference to handling has been well worth the £££s

    Free Member

    Wow so much trouble with such a little thing

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