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  • Making Up The Numbers Fort William World Champs Special
  • dabble
    Free Member

    +1 for grass sledging

    Free Member

    Anyone else ever make zut zuts?
    Plastic milk bottle crate hung from a tree. Set fire to plastic milk bottle crate. Eventually blobs of molten plastic will start to rain down going “ZUT! ZUT!” as they fall. Dare your mate to stick his hand under the falling zuts.

    I have a line of three scar blobs still on my hand from an incident involving plastic bags, a tree branch and fire, n i was holding the bloody thing myself. I was 11 when this happened, i’m now 28 and the scars are still very visible and a constant reminder of my idiocy genius.

    Free Member

    theres no pleasing some folk.

    Free Member

    i had a quality youth, wish i wasn’t so much of a pussy now, thinking bout all the mad shit me n my mates got up to i must be invincible to have survived it to adulthood!

    climbing then purposefully falling out of trees to see if we could stop ourselves on the way down
    jumping off buildings- before parkour and free runing was cool 🙂
    Numerous fires in my bedroom due to candles/ fireworks/ lighter fuel, my carpet was frigged
    bmx/ skatebords/ rollerblades- i used to backflip my blades like a boss
    rope swings with copper wire/ electrical cord
    over a couple of weeks i thieved a full PA system (speakers, amp, mics, numerous speaker and mic stands), from the church i went to sunday school at , not proud of that one 😳
    my mate once made a small hydrogen bomb n set it off in the middle of a field, knocked him off his feet when he was stood 15 foot from it, he was daft though that lad. He’s the only one of us thats maried wi kids now, wierd.

    Free Member

    murder ball

    Free Member

    i liked it. cant see how it took em three years to make it like, was expecting it to be longer for that production schedule. Good riding, nice vistas, some self indulgent bum licking voiceovers but in all a worthwhile way of spending 45 minutes of my time i reckon.

    Free Member

    here we go, whoop!

    Free Member

    cannot express how funny these guys are, t’was a travesty when they stopped em for that colin n edith pish. Raddcliffe n maconie was nearly there but not quite, still a million times better than that wittering bint jo whiley tho.

    Free Member

    cheers for t’links

    i’ll get it ala doovde at some point, but i wanna watch it sooner than that.

    Free Member

    Not in my house. Whens it National Omnivore week?

    Free Member

    i like kids, they’re like little people without all the pretences and bullshit that usually comes with growing up. oh how i miss the good old days when playing with children didnt make people jump to the conclusion you were gonna diddle em as well, good work daily mail et al.

    Free Member

    Nice bike, does what it says on the tin, don’t see the problem with the aesthetics but hey ho, each to their own. I’m currently trying to build up a little town run around as i dont wanna ride my “expensive” bike round town, i’m too paranoid to leave it anywhere, even if it is locked up. I’m building it on an old GT aggressor frame thats been sat in the basement for a few years gathering dust and cobwebs. Currently in need of wheels, drivetrain and brakes, probably just go for V-brakes for ease and cheapness. Where did you get the bits for your bike? I keep looking on forums at the for sale listings but to no avail so far.

    Free Member

    Once farted over dinner in a restaurant and followed through

    this happened to a friend on the first date wi a lass during the starters. He went to the bog n cleaned himself off, stashing his soiled grots in the toilet cistern for reasons that are still unclear. He then went back and continued the date commando. It went well by all accounts.

    Free Member

    Looks like a good one 😀

    Free Member

    ah, the good old days of childish insults

    bint- still a favoutrite of mine
    bum sniff- think it derived from “bum sniffer”
    rem or remford- after remford rejects, crap kids tv football team

    not heard dick splash in a while, this thread is a good one.

    Free Member

    ace video, two wholly likeable characters.

    franksinatra- flamin’ knowz it!

    Free Member

    bono, if your reading this, can i have a million quid to feed the starving mountain bikers of STW? pretty please

    Free Member

    there is a brilliant south park episode that rips bono to bits. the man is a berk of the highest order.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Brightened up a hitherto dull afternoon. Cheers.

    Free Member

    Mighty Boos- Noel Fielding and “him with the tiny eyes” new comedy show is not well received.

    Free Member

    Mighty Boos- Noel Fielding and “him with the tiny eyes” new comedy show is not well recieved.

    Free Member

    Moowalker- Mick Jackson turns into a massive robot cow.


    Mighty Boos- Noel Fielding and “him with the tiny eyes” new comedy show is not well received.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    dammit druidh, beat me by 3 minutes. great minds n all that.

    Free Member

    That looks grand, i have massive riding envy at the minute, especially as it is absolutely peeing down wi rain here in not so sunny Cleckheaton. Great thread, i agree, much better than bitching and bickering.
    More of this sort of stuff please people. 😀

    Free Member

    Thats a good story

    Free Member

    The Silly Party

    Free Member

    Mirfield born n bred, now residing in Liversedge, 5 minutes down the road.
    Hopton Woods and huddersfield areas are my local spots.

    Free Member

    apparently its 11 n a half years n he has to serve at least half before hes eligible for early release, so i reckon 6 years max.

    Free Member

    I caught my reflection in a puddle the other day and, well, i’m kind of a big deal round my end.

    Does that count?

    Free Member

    Report it a hundered thousand times over (maybe a bit OTT). I’d follow it up in a week or so too, especially if your not gonna get owt back for the jacket. Responsible dog owners are all well and good and its a shame that its the minority that spoil it, but thats life.

    Surely this is another argument for Dog Licences.

    Let the “discussions” commence.

    Free Member

    I’m not meant to do owt, i never professed to be christian. Oh and the “they started it” argument doesn’t wash. Who cares who did what to who, its whats going on now that matters n all i see is people arguing. The article promotes love and equality for all, christian, gay, athiest, whoever you are, but it seems like the argument always seems to go back to who did what to who.

    Free Member

    that was something else, quality riding.

    Free Member

    cant be classified as art tho, its not black and white. maybe arse, but not art.

    Free Member

    [/quote] without bottom bracket!

    brilliant. Is that a small crank arm or a big…

    Free Member

    edit fest!
    edit: its more fun this way
    edit edit: 😛

    Free Member

    edit: that makes my last post seem really daft, too quick with the comebacks.

    Free Member

    thanks for clearing that up

    edit: suppose it shows name calling is the tool of choice

    Free Member

    Can’t people refer to christians as christians and not god botheres or other defamatory language? Its just not nice and not in keeping with the feeling of the two artciles posted (which i have read, good work OP). I doin’t see any derogatory terms being used to describe the athiests, why do you feel it big and clever to use it against people with christian beliefs?

    Happy Easter.

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