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  • Canyon MTB Performance Flat Pedal review
  • dabble
    Free Member

    Bollocks to the lot of ’em

    Based on the colour of their skin? Careful now…

    Based on them being doylems, i’m including the police in that statement (even the white ones! 😉 )

    Free Member

    +1 shibboleth
    A white lad was beaten up by a group of Asian lads in the local park where I live, it made the local news, they had called him white trash and white s*hite, stabbed him in the hand with a screwdriver and smashed him in the head with a brick. According to the police this does not constitute a racist attack. If a group of white lads had done this to an Asian lad would it of been classed as racist by the police? You bet your bottom dollar it would. There is an inherent hypocrisy in the whole racism argument in that you can only be racist if your white. Even the black on Asian violence that goes on round here isn’t classed as racist. Bollocks to the lot of ’em.

    Free Member

    its a grand world we live in.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately the gifs I could watch all day long are NSF(ST)W 😉

    Free Member

    Not really fussed either way by her death.

    EDIT: I’ll be fussed if we get a bank holiday.

    Free Member

    +1 for Mort.
    Recently re-read mort and the colour of magic, agree with above, the colour of magic is not a good start, it’s a good book, but not a good start if he’s not used to the genre. Mort is a good stand alone book, it was the first of his I read when I was 13 after borrowing it off a cousin. I’ve just started re-reading Reaper man, then I’ll re-read Soul music. I also love the way he writes Death, and the VOICE as well. Death of Rats too, haha, TP, what a guy.

    Free Member

    Oh man, that advert is quality! 😆

    Free Member

    Superb thread and build, top work.

    Free Member

    Diversity will come with a small tree at some point and loads of pots with various things in near the house

    Will they be doing one of them “street” dances when they come? I reckon a bunch of yoofs jumping around the lawn won’t help relations with the neighbour!

    Free Member

    Garden path, the road, local woods, the road, garden path.

    Free Member

    I agree, I always give my neighbours a cheery “hello” and a smile when I see them, you never know when you might need a helping hand.
    Except the ones that let their dogs turd on the common grass area, they can go swivel.

    Free Member

    laptops direct, got one from there Thursday. they have stores as well, I went in and had a play, they’ve got a good array, much better than the local pc world, and at online prices too.

    Free Member

    That radio programme is interesting, although the panorama docu came out just before the gov’t put VAT on sports supps so I think they over demonised them so the genral public wouldn’t be fussed when they did put the tax on, so I think that professor is a bit of a berk and took his views wi a handfull of salt. They did the same thing with gregs, going on about sausage rolls being “gregs dummys” and they were partly responsible for the obesity epidemic, when they wanted to put on the pasty tax but too many people complained and it was overturned. More recently its been fizzy pop, yeah everyone knows its not the best thing for you but putting a tax on it is ridiculous. Just the gov’t trying to claw money back from folk, rather than actually getting the brass they’re owed off companies and folk who can afford it.
    Rambling rant done.

    Free Member

    glucosamine sulphate, been on it about 3 years, I had bad cartilage in my knees, I reckon this has helped.
    protein shake after gym.
    multi vit, omega 3, vit d and calcium pills in the morning.

    Free Member

    You use a tool for chain splitting? Try a set of pliers, a rock and that bit on a penknife for getting stones out of a horses hoof.

    5 minutes later, one bloody hand.

    edit: as in the hand has blood on it, not, I’ve managed to chop a hand off.

    Free Member

    whats wrong with his voice? like some assvoice or something (naughty language warning)

    Free Member

    hahahahahaha, ping ponged around the box about 20 times, quality goal!!1!!1111

    Free Member

    If I had the time and inclination I’d find the youtube vid of happys happy place from happy gilmore. I have neither, but if someone with more tech skills and time wants to do it, I thought of it first!

    Free Member

    Lymm services on the m6/m56 is turd, some sort of open plan outside courtyard affair that hums as the toilets belch noxious truck driver stenches out into the middle of it. Wooley edge on the m1 is also dog dirt, needs a good revamping. Saying that if im driving somehwere i don’t tend to stop unless its to evacuate my bowels/ bladder, just wanna get to my destination wi out arsing around on the way.

    Free Member

    oof, i bet that stung in the morning.

    Free Member

    Ankle biters bites

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You realise the rules are there to keep everyone safe, not to be broken.

    Free Member

    I rode it at the weekend in glorious sunshine, it was alright for a couple of hours blast, the last descent made up for the boring bits but I’d rather not have to ride 2 hours to get to a decent downy bit.
    Wasn’t impresed wi Penmachno when i did it last october, piss wet through on the trails like riding in a stream.

    Free Member

    I have a Berlingo van- Berlingo FTW!

    Seriously though, its a grand little van that takes some hammer. I’m a mechanical engineer travelling up and down the country wi all me tackle in the van and it runs sound.
    Likewise for getting bikes in its a doddle, 2 full bikes and 1 with is front wheel off wi room for a little mate in the back as well (shh, don’t tell the rozzers!). Pretty decent on the ole diesel as well.

    Free Member

    Marin trail at Betws y Coed yesterday in glorious sunshine, lee quarry today in a mix of sun and cloud. A grand weekends riding.
    Fair jiggered now.

    Free Member

    Nice one, thanks for the heads up. Worked fine just now.

    Free Member

    Filthy gets

    Free Member

    Nice colour, good story, there is hope left for the forum after all.

    Free Member

    Which mincers don’t ride mountain bikes in winter?
    Its the best (not neccesarily true) time of year for riding, getting sideways round corners, getting filthy, throwing mud at your riding pals, the list of jollity is endless, but i’ll stop there cos we’ve all got lives to get on with. I cant see 700cc wheels sliding well round the corner unless you’ve just hit some black ice. I agree there is too much roadie stuff but at least if its advertised in the thread title its easy enough to avoid, its the bloody stealth roadies as have been mentioned before posting roadie stats in an mtb thread. You may not want to leave the MTB site alone but don’t invade what is becoming the last bastion of moutain bikes on a mountiain bike forum and try to usurp the topic that way.

    And relax 🙂

    Free Member

    Q: Where does the king keep his armies?
    A: In his sleevies!

    Free Member

    I am salivating a bit looking at these photos, especially the muddy one- Such potential!
    I think Hope is going to be the way to go for my headset and BB, I have previously heard the Nukeproof own headsets weren’t up to much. Do Hope do a sealed bearing headset?
    Thanks all.

    Free Member

    Quality stuff folks, thanks for taking the time to share.

    Anymore for anymore?

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, very nice looking bikes there.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    dont try open blade on the baws, it can nip…(there should be a teary emoticon)

    Free Member

    This is my rifle,
    this is my gun,
    this is for fighting,
    this is for fun.

    So long as he doesn’t get his gun and rifle mixed up i wouldn’t be too fussed.

    Free Member

    can you fit a bash to the chainset?

    Free Member

    Just lucky i guess.

    Edit: Thousands of miles an hour? are you sure about that?
    Edit Edit: Been doing some research (looking at google), turns out they do travel at thousands of miles an hour. Who’d of thunk it? not me thats for sure.

    Free Member

    blinds and carpets in berkshire review? doubt geoff cox would enjoy this much.

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