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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • dabble
    Free Member

    LOUD NOISES! I can’t even think of a coherent thing to say other than ****! the lot of em, it is quite clear the judiciary in this country couldn’t give two turds about cyclists on the roads. They are somewhat hampered by the pathetic laws and the fact that if you are in a car you must be in the right unless proven otherwise. I’ll say it again, ****!

    Free Member

    I’ll be having a go at this at the bank holiday weekend on my 120mm inbred, looking forward to it. Getting beat up on a bike is the best way to spend a bank holiday.

    Free Member

    “Shift thee sen!”

    Free Member

    -1 acetone, there’s a reason lasses use it to take paint off their nails.

    Free Member

    I’ve listened to all this series, they are brilliant.

    Free Member

    I’m gonna go and watch, currently got a spare seat in my van if anyone wants a lift from Huddersfield way.

    Free Member

    When I was working away with some lads once we went to a nice, somewhat fancy, Italian restaurant where they had paper table coverings instead of cloths and they brought you a packet of crayons and actively encouraged you to draw on the table covering. Cue many drawings of cock and balls, each one of us trying to outdo the other, literal willy waving. The waitress was a bit of a hotty as well, the first glimpse she got of our todgers on the table, you should have seen her face 😆 .

    Free Member

    That head on bee pic is amazing, nice work all round.

    Free Member

    Metabo are good, sturdy bits of kit. We use their 9 inch grinders, half inch socket impact drivers (18v) and we have two of their drills (18v),they have a hammer function but I’ve not used it, plugged in SDS FTW. They’re a German company and you get a years warranty and 3 years warranty on the batteries, which is good.

    Free Member

    The torture museum is a interesting in a bit of a morbid sense, and the cannabis museum is good fun, well, it was on shrooms anyway, me and two friends spent about an hour in there laughing at a display that the card described as “A Bunch of Joints”.
    I didn’t think the sex shows were that good, sitting on hard wooden benches watching two folk go at it isn’t much fun.
    +1 for hiring a bike and riding round for an explore.

    Free Member

    Or are some of you riding around in a state of simmering aggression, waiting for someone to turn up the heat..?

    “Hi, my names Doctor Bannah, and I like to ride bikes.” Would be interesting for the next Avengers movie.

    Free Member

    some shoitehouse child spat on me from an overhead walkway once, didn’t realise till I took my helmet off a bit further along and there was a big greeny on it (vomming emoji needed).

    Free Member

    sounds like they may have found him on the police scanner

    located and secured

    but not yet in custody, so not that secure.

    Free Member

    I would’ve enjoyed Cross Country in PE at school a lot more if I could have done it on me bike 🙂 . I think its really good that other sports get a look in at schools, as opposed to just rugby and football for the lads and hockey and netball for the lasses. Proper bo I tell thee.

    Free Member

    At the end of the day, eggs is eggs, unless its STW when its “my eggs are better than your eggs” 😛

    Free Member

    Specialist Sniffers
    Sniffer Sweeps
    Security Sweepers
    Security Sniffers
    Seat sniffers R Us

    Free Member

    Couple more that I enjoy:

    -Tha can allas tell a Yorkshire man, but tha cannot tell ‘im much.


    -I stand corrected, said the man with the orthopaedic shoe.

    Free Member

    I use an egg poaching pan

    Me too, its a grand tool, no faffing, crack and go. And I can cook 4 in the time it takes others to cook one, pah, who wants 1 egg at a time? I want 4 doses of protein, right now, all in one mouthful, beefcake, BEEFCAKE!

    Free Member

    actual lol, well, more like a yelp of mirth

    Free Member

    there’s a thread up already, in the right forum as well 😉

    but yeah, it sucks balls.

    Free Member

    yeah, its what you make of it, I had a cull on facebook, got rid of all the crap and now just use it for keeping in touch with friends that are living away. No status updates from folk I met once at a friend of a friends party, and i’m not friends with people who are idiotic enough to post pictures of their food #nomnomnom 😉

    Free Member

    pictures on bbc24 news channel are pretty bad

    Free Member

    Breaking News!Edit: too slow

    Free Member

    Pain is only temporary, glory lasts for several seconds.

    Free Member

    Yesterday I stripped the thread out of my brake mount on my fork, one bolt holding my front brake will be fine? Right?

    Free Member

    That’s great raisinhat, your right, I was getting confused and I do need 104mm and I have a decent idea of which one i’ll get.
    Thanks for your help, the link was very useful.

    Free Member

    Sweet looking bikes, I think some sort of garish colour will be in order when I get my frame re-coated.

    Free Member

    Dog nappies. They did it wi the horses that pull the tourist carts in Killarney cos the roads were getting full of horse turds. Then we’ll be able to see who the irresponsible ones are that aren’t using them and can rightly give ’em a mouthful (preferably of their own animals waste).

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Eurasia maybe?

    Free Member

    Does a welding mask count as clothes?

    Free Member

    I’ve slept in the back of my berlingo a few times, on my own and no more than 3 nights in a row though. it was a bit cold the first night but alright if I slept in some sort of clothing. If there is the opportunity to camp I think this would be the preferred option for me now. Though I did camp in a two man tent with a friend who has horrendous feet, the front flap was open more than it was closed. Personal hygiene is tantamount in these situations.

    Free Member

    I knew they’d get you in the end.

    Free Member

    i’ve just been for a wee

    Free Member

    That video never gets old 😆
    Why is it the greatest champions of the white race always turn out to be the worst examples of it?

    Free Member

    Fair enough, he’s entitled to his opinion.

    Free Member

    to claim that race crimes against white people don’t count as racism is quite clearly moronic

    That’s my point! the whole system is moronic.

    Free Member

    they had called him white trash and white s*hite,

    I think he knew why they were braying him.

    It was reported that his family had tried to get it reported as a racist attack but the police were having none of it.

    Free Member

    i don’t see it as any coincidence that the next most moronic post on the thread happened to +1 your comments

    If this is aimed at me maybe the last line was a bit daft, though meant tongue in cheek. I’d like you to explain how the rest of it is moronic? I regaled you with a lovely story that clearly demonstrates how the term racist was applied to one group of people but not others, aren’t the majority of crimes “hate” crimes? If someone attacks someone else its generally because they don’t like them. Why make a definition if it was white on black, black on Asian or Asian on white? I don’t agree with any discrimination, but if its going to be that way then lets have a bit of equality in the matter (I know this is the mother of all oxymorons.)

    Free Member

    Hoho, plyphon, I bet that would make them squirm. It does all seem fairly innocent and the teacher has thrown her own spin on what the lad said.
    I think from what has been said the lad called him a monkey because he was swinging about like a, oh, what’s the word, can’t quite think of it, oh aye…monkey! He’s not gonna be swinging about like a Lion or Peter Stringfellow. Everyone refers to kids as little monkeys when they are acting like little monkeys, my niece thinks she’s called monkey cause we always call her a cheeky monkey. When she’s climbing the tree we call her a monkey. Political Correctness gone mad! (can’t believe that’s not been said yet.)

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