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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • dabble
    Free Member

    Sounds a bit harsh to me, and if she’s only doing it when the partner is out it suggests he’s not on board.


    Edit- I don’t have kids

    Free Member

    I had mine three days before the screen cracked in my pocket 🙁 The gorilla/ shatterproof glass isn’t very good.

    But it was great for those three days.

    Free Member

    Trailer tent FTW, you get to put it up, take it down and tow it. Worst of both worlds!

    Free Member

    Biscuits as bribery, not payment, I reckon.

    In my line of work we come across a few second hand machinery dealers, one (who was a bit of a “rogue”, in fact, he was a stingy, conniving tw@ who’d of sold his mum to get a deal) once asked my uncle to clean up a machine for him that he was selling and said “I’ll sort you out” (This was taken as he would be paying him for the work). My uncle spent half a day vacuuming the sawdust out and giving it a good spit and polish. The dealer gave him a £1 pork pie from the local butchers.
    My uncle gave him it back, at high velocity, in the back of the head.

    Free Member

    what bugs me though the guy would not have even been there if my neighbor was not up to doggy activities


    Free Member

    She has neither blonde hair nor blue eyes and is inferior in my view anyway. Aryans FTW!

    (I would hope it doesn’t need pointing out, but this is STW, and I know some people take everything they read at face value, this is not a serious comment, please don’t flame me as a racist, Ta.

    Free Member

    sons of anarchy

    edit: I need to type faster

    Free Member

    Mine lasted a couple of rides then it started dropping by itself(whilst I was sat on it), i’d do about 10 pedal strokes and then it would drop, i’d have to stand up on the pedals to get it to spring back up then repeat. No amount of stripping, greasing, cable tensioning would make it stay up past a few pedal strokes. It developed a couple of inches side to side play, i think the key it runs on must be made out of cheese. I think it cost me 60 quid with free postage.
    It did make me realise the joys of not having to get off and pop my seat down but my back was frigged after an hour or so riding with it dropping and having to stand back up every 5 seconds or so.

    Free Member

    I’m gonna watch Kes tonight

    Free Member

    words fail me, sooooo fake brah.

    Free Member

    Make neighbour stew

    Free Member

    DJ Hype- Shot in the Dark

    Free Member


    Free Member

    fight club

    Free Member

    sweet, cheers dude.

    Free Member

    puncture his tyres in the wee small hours

    Free Member

    Thought you meant one of the lads from that pish poor boyband.

    Free Member

    R Kelly is a geheenius (maybe), that coming out of the closet “Hip Hopera” had me and my mates in stitches.

    Free Member


    edit, you’ll have to be quick with the shutter like

    Free Member

    seems like some of the posters on here are still

    protozoa in the primordial soup

    Free Member

    I’d rather not go into too many details

    You little tease you.

    Free Member

    My parents are very religious and don’t believe in sex before marriage so my sisters at the time boyfriend (now fiancé) was sleeping in her bed (she was in with my other sister) when he felt someone dragging him out of the double bed he claims to have been sleeping in the middle of. He ended up on the floor, quite shook up.
    There is a plaque in the garden of the house my parents rent as a remembrance type dealy to Granny Pat, the old lady who lived in that room for a few years when ill health took hold and then died in that room too.
    Possibly he just rolled out of bed but why would he insist he was dragged out? I reckon he fell out of bed but it still begs the question why would he make something like that up. Nothing like that ever happened to my sister when she was in there for 4 years.
    *Cue “Eerie Indiana” music*

    Free Member

    I’ve driven past these woods a few times thinking to myself “I bet there’s some decent riding in there.”

    Now I know, I’m off for an explore when I get back from Ireland (working, boo).

    Free Member

    Fat Freddys Drop. Funky as the proverbial gibbon.

    Free Member

    Darn you, those are nice looking bags.

    Must. Resist. No. Brass. Left. 🙁

    Free Member

    A little disappointed at the motorist hating bile on here.

    I think it’s been blown out of all “precaution” 😆

    She is a daft lass, hit and runs are bad enough without boasting about it and then being too stupid to defend yourself properly as is shown in the tv interview, it just compounds her idiocy. Points, fine and a ban at the least.

    Free Member

    Scratch is quality, got that on DVD, gonna watch it again when I get home from work.
    Breaking Bad +1.
    Just got into Sons of Anarchy, I have rinsed the first 4 series in 2 weeks, its like visual crack.
    Some of the Saturday Night Live stuff is good, can be a bit hit and miss at times though.
    Invasion of the Killer Tomatoes for some good old 80s B-movie horror.

    Free Member

    I’m gonna have a go at this now, getting bored with my plain grey giro xc affair. White marker pens and swirls are a must!

    Free Member

    I like it, it shows a thought process and is amusing. The paint will weather off in a few years.

    better than “carly luvz dale 4eva” or “call 0***9723601 for a shaggg” which is what most of the beauty spot rocks round my way have got on.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the replies guys, looked on the map and Ballyhoura should be doable.

    Thanks again,

    Free Member


    Free Member

    cos i’m ‘ard 😉

    (or hamfisted 😳 )

    edit: it’s usually when a bolt is being very stubborn to get out, a bugger to get into and more leverage is required than the ball can handle.

    Free Member

    those plasticine people look almost life like

    Free Member


    Free Member

    the ultimate danger w@nk

    Free Member

    +1 for long handle hex key. With ball end.

    -1 for ball ends, unless your spending 20-30 quid on an allen key set as cheapo ones have a tendency to snap off, in my experience. I am a maintenance engineer and when the balls snap off they are an absolute PITA to get out again, I’ve even had to chop off heads and drill bolts out and re-tap. Granted I may be tightening machine cap heads up tighter than a bike but still, why take the risk? if you can get in with the flat end that would be better IMO.

    Free Member

    Could you do a JLU (Just Like Uncles)?

    Free Member

    As a general rule I think foreigners who commit crimes such as theft, rape, assault, etc, should be deported. Partly because they are likely to re-offend and partly because they are imo taking the piss.


    But apparently a rapist has more right to a family life. I’m not defending this bloke but as has been said, there are a lot worse people walking the streets using their “human rights” as an excuse to commit savage and brutal crimes against other people. What about the rights of everyone else to not have to live in fear? I would quite happily kick them all out personally, off the top of the White cliffs of Dover.

    Free Member

    It’s happened and no one was hung.

    Maybe the horse was? We all know the old adage…

    Free Member


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