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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • dabaldie
    Free Member

    New link to timing with individual lap times.

    Best viewed in Chrome.

    Free Member

    Not a big fan of personalised plates, but best I’ve seen is HU58AND on a wedding car. I did wonder if there was a W1FEE or similar to go with it.

    A friends dad had an nice Audi A9. His name was Nathan L number plate was A9NAL . Guess he didn’t think that one through

    Free Member

    Flat roof should return minimum of 150mm up the vertical face and then be terminated with either a t bar, or brought up under the pitched roof to lap the felt.
    That junction is then sealed so no need for a gutter. Should also be insulated behione to prevent a cold bridge. Personally I’d have considered reducing the insulation against the pitched roof edge to form a gutter and then fall it towards the flat roof edge.
    If you put a gutter on the edge as other have said you’ll be fixing through the flat roof upstand detail.

    Free Member

    And if you are near Plymouth make friends with Allan Bugg, he owns Allans Vehicle Services. One of the best guys out there, he knows his stuff. Problem is that he is a one man band and is too popular, so be patient and you’ll be rewarded.

    Free Member

    Thirsty, great to drive esp the 2.5 l V6. 2.0 Petrol as economical as the diesels. but still 22-25 mpg. Don’t buy a manual gearbox petrol.
    Auto Petrol ones are more reliable and cheaper to service.
    Watch for old overheats, coolant alarm vital, hopefully fitted by a sensible owner, not an after thought.
    Rust on wheel arches is normal as they hold crud/water between the skins. Don’t buy one with spats. Try and get one that was undersealed as soon as it arrived in the UK.

    You’ll know a good one almost as soon as you see it.

    I miss my V6, but not the repair bills after two head gaskets and a replacement engine.

    Parts easy enough to get hold off. The EGR issue is typical, usually a blanking plate solves the problem.

    Free Member

    Ideally the DPC should be 150mm above the outside floor. This is to do with water splashing up the face of the wall and then breaching the DPC line.
    It probably wont be an issue if you are looking at putting a gravel finish on it as the rain will just dissipate. I would however tank the outside of the wall with a tanking fluid, Thoroseal or Vandex to 150mm above the new path, make it a black stripe to not only prevent water ingress, but also to stop the dirty marks from the “splashback”.

    Free Member

    Seen them 3 times, Saw them twice in the last 18 months in Plymouth, a smallish venue and absolutely mental.
    A fight in a kitchen was a good way to describe it, I got pushed to the floor several times but never actually reached the floor as I was picked up on the way down!! Although I did get a warm “beer” poured down my back at the end… (hint: it probably wasn’t beer), but I didn’t care as I was soaked in sweat and buzzing.

    Right to the front both gigs, but best memory was being dragged up onto stage by Keith in Ritzy’s in Swansea whilst at Uni during their Experience Tour. The gig wasn’t even properly advertised and I just queued for a normal night out.. little did I know. Life long fan ever since.
    Some friends met Keith after the last gig and described him as incredibly down to earth and normal. I was gutted I didn’t hang around with them.
    RIP Keef

    Free Member

    My sister is in a wheelchair and managed to roll her electric wheelchair off the kerb (avoiding the bin that had been dumped in the middle of the pavement) and was pinned under it. Its 100kg of leadacid battery etc. I got there after about 30 mins and we ended up waiting over 3 hours for the ambulance to turn up. We were told to call back if her condition worsened and the call would be escalated. She started to go into shock and loose feeling in her lower limbs after about 2 hours. The local press turned up and streamed it all live on Facebook. She did consent.
    She was actually lying in the road and cars were swerving around her. I eventually called the police who closed the road and escalated the call. It still took a further hour.
    The worry was that she had broken her hip/pelvis and any movement could have killed her. The ambulance service acknowledged it was 100% a 999 call, along with the police who did everything they can, but they were stretched due to other emergencies. The police escalated it 3 times. My sister actually knows a Paramedic who saw the live stream and asked to go and assist, but was told no, he was to be tasked to a job 20 miles away. For a broken leg.
    The local press tried destroying the local Ambulance Trust, along with the comments that tried to destroy me for not lifting her and taking her to hospital myself. The vitriol was disgusting.
    My sister wrote to the local Ambulance trust and apologised for the hatred that the paper created and thanked the Trust personally.
    I made a comment during the live stream that she was a vulnerable person, and that the wait was too long and the local paper tried to get me to make it all sound that she was being abandoned an that this was a Tory issue. Its not just one party.
    Both my sister and myself fully appreciate what they do, with the resources that they have, but its now getting a joke, but not the local Trusts fault.
    It transpires that during my sisters fall there were a couple of serious car crashes and a few heart attacks. All of which are a priority and more important than my sister.
    Resources can only go so far.

    Free Member

    He probably did. But they might not have been of him. :-)
    That sounds a bit stalkerish but its an “in” joke.

    Free Member

    Always, or at the very least slow down and ask.
    Best one I had was second lap of 24/12 about 10 years ago. Nearly every rider slowed down and asked if I was ok, needed a tube etc.. Unfortuntaly I’d snapped the rear triangle of my Prestige Kona Kilauea… when I replied that unless they had a welder on them it was ok it raised many a smile.
    The best bit was over the rest of the weekend the number of people who came up to me between laps (pairs) and asked if id managed to sort my bike out, reminded me that Kona had a lifetime warranty etc…
    This was my first race in 10 years so I wasnt known on the scene, I was just another random rider. One of the main reason why I started racing again.

    Free Member

    @Eyepic Ah Swansea Refectory…. the memories of too many cans of Harp..Followed by a stagger up and down Mumbles Mile. (RIP Mumbles Mile)
    Met mine again ahead of the curve online via TELNET and a BBS called Shadow based in the US. from my Engineering Computer lab in 1992
    Saw that she had a domain in the UK actually Lampeter (about 30 miles away) and suggested we move to a UK BBS called Thantos in Manchester. It was much faster as you didn’t have to wait 2 seconds for each character to appear. Guess that was speed dating! :)
    Online dating in the early 90’s was hard work, but at least you had an excuse of lag to blame for not being super witty!.

    Free Member

    Ok, Just to close this out. I didn’t die.

    And yes it was the V7. Rode from Morlaix to Carhaix, and then onto Gourin (didn’t mean to but the Gourin was signposted). 90 miles out and back.

    Ended up squeezing for 28’s on the road bike and it was ok. Squirelly in places as there are the odd patch of dust/sand. The track is just that apart from about 2 miles of tarmac in the middle its stony/trail centre type surface.

    One guy had a hardtail, one a hybrid, I had full carbon with 28’s and one had a Roubaix with 25’s. We all survived but there were a few crashes on very loose corners.

    I wouldn’t do it if it was wet. It would be horrible and muddy. even on a MTB.

    Perfect bike would be a gravel bike with 32s on.

    One other thing.. Man it was boring. Company was great but other than 3 or 4 old stations there is NOTHING to see! and it feels like you are always climbing.

    Thanks for the feedback,

    Free Member

    Thanks Incognito, we have a meeting with the Paediatric Neurologist tomorrow so will raise it tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Hijacking this thread a bit, my son is very likely to be diagnosed with Cataplexy (collapsing during emotion (in his case laughing), and Narcolepy but he is in complete denial. He’s 8. Any attempt at discussion results in massive screaming rages, violence ,and he has even punched my wife during a hospital appointment to take blood. He is adamant that we don’t talk to his school about it. (we will) .He is very bright and it also seems he has done his own research on it via Youtube.

    Just in the process of going through screening via the Paediatrician/Consultant but he hasn’t mentioned CAMHS at all, and nor has our GP.

    Would you expect it to be routinely referred to CAMHS, or does it have to be done by the parent/carer?

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t GDPR prevent then from holding on to any information that wasn’t absolutely required once the person had left.

    I thought one of the key points of GDPR was that information that wasn’t explicitly needed was deleted.

    Free Member

    lesgrandepotato.. yep two climbs.. Clif and then the one at the very back up to paintball.

    You traversed through the roots onto the old fireroad, turned left up the hill which then stepped up a steep bank after the corner before you then climbed gradually across the top before coming out onto the main fireroad at the top. Some people might not call that climb, but after 7 hours of riding it hurt enough to qualify.  :)

    Free Member

    Maybe we are a bit cursed, but its not just that weekend. The year that shall not be mentioned (2012) was actually two weeks earlier and still got hammered by rain. That was the year that came within 20 minutes of being called off on the Friday night.

    Back to sun here in Plymouth today!

    The issue this year wasn’t the rain (which was bad from 6pm onwards) it was the wind bringing large trees down in the woods and then one at 7am on the track by the campsite.

    I’ve done 11 24/12’s now and recall 3 horrendous years (2012, 2017, and 2018), the rest have been fine, with 3 I think that were baking hot!

    Course this year was great in my opinion, only two tough climbs, and even then only Mach Attack/Clif was evil. But it got you to the top quickly. View across to the mine was incredible (and I’m local!)

    Free Member

    Not going to risk quotes!!

    Start Finish Arena is different this year, much more “cosy” with a “pit lane” in for transition.

    Lots of decent food including Thai and Pizza.

    Clif Climb (aka climb up from shooting ground )is in. Tarmac/Concrete Climb is NOT.

    No Grassy Descent into the arena. Its in the Dedicated Demo loop tho.

    Looks like less big climbs (other than Clif), and a few more very gradual ones. Cottage return is in!

    More to follow.

    Free Member

    Its looking dry this year. Might be the odd light shower Friday e day to dampen the dust down, but its looking almost perfect, 22-23 degrees and slightly overcast occasionally.

    Course has a bit more climbing than normal, but nothing horrendous. I’ll be down there tomorrow cutting grass and taping the course so will update you all in the evening.

    There are a lot of travellers in Plymouth at the moment, so without stereotyping, just be careful and use common sense. Security on the gate overnight, and gates locked at 11pm, but there are hundreds of ways out of the park on a bike in the dark. Lock bikes up at night to be 99% sure.

    Best bet if you are solo is just make friends with your neighbours and I guarantee their family/pit bitch/friends will keep an eye out on stuff left lying around, but very unlikely you’ll have issues. We did have beer nicked one year which upset us.

    Martyn isn’t organising this year, but most of the other crew have taken it over so expect a few tweaks, and a lot of the feedback from last year has been taken on board from what I gather.

    Free Member

    I’m a XC rider/poor racer and have only been to BPW twice. Last time I did all the blues and most of the reds happily. the VV drop was the hardest thing I did all day. Took myself and a mate (both on full suss) 10 minutes to psych ourselves up to do it, it was quiet. so 4 or 5 ride up to he edge and slam the brakes on!… He’s more competent than me!… once we did it we were both like wtf was that all about. Its 100% in the head. you can roll off it, just keep pedals level. There is nothing on VV like it, or if there is, I hit it with so much speed I didn’t notice!

    I had more issues with coming into berms too fast on the blues, or the lips on the Tables on Popity P by carrying too much speed!

    In fact I think my biggest issue was the ride down from the centre to the bottom of the uplift with a lip that completely caught me unawares… right where the photographer sits… nearly went OTB.. that’s not even graded!!!

    Free Member

    Slowed down to 30 as the limit dropped from 40 a few years ago. Guy in white van right up my rear bumper shouting and swearing at me. I passed the cars on the inside at about 1mph more than them. Once passed them I pulled into the inner lane, he proceeded to pull along side me shouting and screaming and then sped off at about 50/60 in cloud of black smoke still remonstrating (could see him gesticulating). Shame he was doing so in the rear view mirror and didn’t look forwards,

    Oh hello Mr Camera Van.


    Free Member

    Another vote for USE/Exposure.

    I have a Mk 2 Maxx 5 (2007?) and it has been faultless. Easily get 3 hours on full and 6hrs on medium.

    I also have a Mk 7 Six pack which I bought 18 months ago. Its mental bright and 4hrs on full power.

    I also dropped it and broke the rear display and USE replaced it free of charge. I told them I dropped it and was expecting a bill. nope. Sent it on the Tuesday, had it back on the Thursday Free of charge!.

    Free Member

    I sold a set of Samba de Amigo Maracas on ebay for a guy in france 2 years ago for £150! Still have plenty of Dreamcast stuff, mother in law is always asking me to sell hers too but I’m holding fire for a few years as prices seem to go up and down a fair bit depending on what titles Sega/Nintendo are releasing,

    Ive got an Acorn Electron and tonnes for games inc Elite and Chuckie Egg at my parents.

    Free Member

    Hour 7 of 12/14 a few years ago, I stopped for a quick bit of food and to change brake pads.

    Rode off after 15 minutes thinking, wow my legs have really seized up after stopping for a bit too long. 4 laps later I stopped again for more food, Picking the bike up to carry over the tape I noticed the front wheel didn’t spin. Checked the wheel and front brakes were 50% binding due to a seized piston. Swapped pads back for the old ones for last few laps. Felt like I had rocket up my ar$e!  That was a tough year!

    Free Member

    Peugeot 206 3 door.

    My Medium 29er Epic goes in fine with the front seat folded forward without taking wheels off. My medium road bike also fits easily.

    Free Member

    Stealth Advert?  ;-)

    Seriously do they have your name on them? Whats the gig?

    It will depend on the venue, some are pretty slack and don’t care abut resale, others are pretty hot esp after the Ed Sheran thing the other week, and don’t get me started on BTS (who?? ;-) £700 for a ticket for 13 year old kid after selling out in 5 minutes. We got 3 (at £63), but then watched them sell on stubhub for over £700 every 20 seconds when they sold out!

    I know they’ve been trying to clamp down for years, but some venues are getting strict. Not just concert tickets but even theatre tickets (see Harry Potter and Cursed Child, had to show credit card that matched at least one ticket).

    Free Member


    I gave my daughter grief for using it for almost every other word over dinner with a friend before a trip to BPW.

    That weekend he returned the favour by pointing out that I said it almost as much..this then started a trend of everytime anyone said it we’d jump in and point it out. even to people we hadn’t seen in ages… it became quite annoying!..

    Free Member

    The one I borrow off my father in law does…. Plus I also use an additional ratchet strap over the top 2.99 seems worth the extra!…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Nice little unit. We use these at work and other cheaper similar Leica ones with very similar results.

    Free Member

    Awesome guys.

    Apparently I have a Dell Vostro 460 which uses : 1333MHz (PC3-10600,DDR3 SDRAM, 249pin DIMM’s  and the graphics card is onboard, although looking at the back it has an HDMI output which I don’t think is standard according to Dell.

    Any Help is appreciated,

    Free Member

    I have the Win 7 key, but how does that work to install Win 10? I know it used to be free upgrade, but that stopped 18 months ago.

    Best place to buy RAM?

    Does anyone know if its possible to factory reset in case there is anything dodgy on the pc.

    Software geeks has W10 Pro for £20. Is that the one I want, is there any disadvantage over the home version?

    Thanks for the link!!

    Free Member

    No Spoiler but….

    Dont use slowmo and frame by frame replay on that pitstop…. oowww.. Clean drives over his leg from the side.

    Free Member

    Yep, went in there once with a known less than legal tyre to get changed as it was the only place open.

    They swapped it and then told me both my shocks were leaking and needed replacing,

    ‘ok’ I said. swap them for the same again please. The ‘mechanic’ looked really pleased.

    He didn’t look as pleased when he returned and I showed him the receipt with lifetime warranty on all gas shocks and had to reduce the bill by £185 to £50.

    I got to know a guy who worked in the local one as I managed a local pub. He told me they were all on targets for the number of shocks/discs etc to be sold in a week.

    Free Member

    I had a dog run out of someone’s house and bite me last year during the Taunton flyer. Was mostly pissed off with it having bit through my 3/4 length bib shorts.

    Really wasn’t sure what to do after it, ended up carrying on and finished the event.

    Oh come on.. If you are going to the “I was ravaged by a dog during a 114mile sportive” at least mention it was on a SingleSpeed for the true Chuck Norris effect.

    Free Member

    Hi had a set of Fulcrum Quattros that developed a small grinding noise on the rear wheel, on inspection the bearings were shot, the free hub was also seized when the mechanic tried separating it. In the same week the front wheel decided to start singing (a bit like when you apply a disc brake partially on in the rain)

    I emailed CRC who paid for full replacement of front and rear bearings and new free hub. Over £100.

    This on a set of wheels that were 8 months old and had done 4000 miles.

    This was near perfect except for the slight delay in emails (48hrhrs between replies and there were 3 questions, ie Rear bearing approval, then asking for free hub, then front bearing). I sent the invoice to CRC and it was credited back to my card within 24hrs.

    And everyone hates online suppliers..?

    Free Member

    I have the 105 version and its a great bike for the money. 10% discount with BC too.. I paid £1100 all in which for a carbon 105 hydraulic disc is great. Yours would be £1540!

    Free Member

    Maintenance …which is an issue as I work for a Maintenance and Minor works team and have to type it about 20 times a day. I usually just copy it to the clipboard and Ctrl V it as I need it!

    And THE!!  for some reason every time I type it I type it as “h t e ”

    Free Member

    Fitted a new radio to my car including wiring though the firewall and the following morning realised I’d lost my wedding ring. Turned the house and bed upside down until I remembered about the wiring. It must have come off when I pushed the cables through the bulkhead.

    Queue looking up and down the road in case it had come off and then dropped out of the bottom of the car when I drove off.. Nope, nothing.

    Wife was really upset, and eventually bought me a new one, this time out of titanium.

    Fast forward 4 years and the washing machine broke down. I thought Id have a go at fixing it and realised the main drum bearings had gone. Looked at the price of bearings and thought sod that.

    On gumtee that day, local was exactly the same washing machine for spares as the door catch was faulty. £20. Bargain.

    Went and got it, and stripped the whole drum assembly out of the “new”,one. To drain all the water I checked the lint filter and there was a front door key, and £2.16 in change. Bargain. New drum for 17.84!

    Thought id have a look in the “old” one to see if there was anything. £2.15 and an old 15mm olive. Except it wasn’t an olive. It was my wedding ring. Wife was in tears for about 2 hours! I must have taken it off and put it in my jeans when working on the car.

    Best thing is (sort of), is that since I’ve been married I’ve lost weight and the new titanium ring is fractionally smaller and holds the gold ring on my finger perfectly!

    Always check the fluff/lint filter before disposing of a washing machine!.

    Free Member

    I don’t get why people specify C16 when C24 has much greater capacity and is only pence more. We specify C24 for pretty much everything.

    Also don’t forget your handrail must be designed to take a horizontal loading of 0.25kN , which isn’t a lot.

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