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  • curiousyellow
    Free Member

    I spoke to a guide about the 34mm 15mm QR Kashimas he was running opposed to the Marzocchi 20mm he had the year before and if the 34s made a difference. His first answer was:

    “I don’t know if it makes a difference, but it looks good. That’s what really matters isn’t it?”

    His honest answer? He couldn’t tell much of a difference, but reckoned he’d prefer the 20mm bolt through from the Marzochchis.

    Free Member

    What has been seen cannot be unseen…

    I’m talking about the guy who had his nailbed removed by the way. That just looks strange. The toenail removal just looked cool in an “I didn’t know you could do that!” sort of way.

    Free Member

    I got a call from the police yesterday.

    Asking what they want me to do. No kidding.

    What do they mean “what do you want us to do”? I thought they were the police and should know what to do in these situations? Anyway, they’re going to visit the car at the registered keeper’s address and want me to assist with obtaining witnesses which isn’t a problem. They can’t give me a date by when they’ll take care of it though. Fair enough because I’m sure they’ve got more important things to do, but a lot of this looks like they’re going through the motions of a box ticking exercise really.

    I wonder if there’s a way to find the address myself. Surely must be a way to. Seeing as everything’s for sale these days.

    Free Member

    @scaled Cheers either way mate.

    I’ve not heard any more from the police, but I’ll follow up with them on Monday.

    I had a peek at the copper’s notebook while she was taking down my statement. It had words like “stabbed”, “punched” and so on in it. I’m not hurt, there’s no damage to my property so I count myself lucky. The perpetrator needs an attitude adjustment, but he’ll get what’s coming to him. Hopefully the cops will give him a bit of a scare when they go see him. That’s good enough for me at the moment.

    Wonder if the missus will let me buy a new road bike for safety reasons. You know, the driver may recognise me on my current bike!

    Free Member

    Pedro’s star wrench with 4,5,6mm Allen heads!

    Free Member

    Kudos man.

    How comfy is the TT bike versus a normal road bike over that distance?

    Free Member

    Lots of mental stories around about bike accidents and vehicles. It’s not on really is it?

    Anyway, the police have been to take down particulars. I told them my story and they say they will have a look to find out where the guy lives and if anything can be done. They’ve asked I ring them if I see the chap again. Quite likely because the area I rode through is a residential street.

    I asked if they can let me know if he lives close by so I have the option to ride a different route for a while. They can’t let me know that unfortunately. They’ve also said the “friendly nudge” he gave me can be interpreted as criminal damage.

    Wish I’d asked them what would happen if they did find out the car was registered to him. At least I have some experience of what to do now and it could have been a lot worse.

    It’s sunny and I’m going out for a bit to clear my head. Cheers for all the support guys. I cannot tell you how good it feels to have someone to share this stuff with.

    Free Member

    That’s a hard life you’ve got there binners. Where do you live again?

    Just the commute and the weekly club run takes me to 560km a month. Throw in 100km+ at the weekend and I should have close to 1000km every 4 weeks.

    Free Member

    Are they called rubbish trucks here? I’ve always called it garbage!

    I was definitely in two minds as to whether I should make a break for it, or if I should wait till he left. Sticking around just seemed to make it worse because the guy wasn’t backing down.

    I’ll report back once the police have been. I’ve got some miles to put in this evening, so may take the same route home to see if I chance upon the cyclist who stood with me. I’ll also get in touch with BC to see if there’s anything they can do for me.

    @monksie did you think a driving ban was adequate punishment or deterrent?

    I think the anger people behind the wheel feel is due to other problems, and not just due to being held up by a cyclist. Problems at home and the like. Doesn’t justify violence, but seems like cyclists are a soft target so they take it out on us. Did you gain any insight into why he thought it was ok to do what he did to you? Hope everything worked out ok for you mate.

    Free Member

    Pointers so far:

    – Don’t argue with a driver who’s just given you a firm nudge with his death machine because he’s not the type who’ll be solving Fermat’s last theorem.
    – Not all gingers are nasty (sorry takisawa2)!
    – Wear SPDs for fighting or running away.
    – I am the equivalent of pond scum on the UK’s roads.

    What will the coppers do when they come round? Should I offer them tea and biscuits? Should I prepare a statement? Or am I better off bottling my wee? I will ask them to take their shoes off at the entrance just in case.

    Free Member

    You’re right. No point trying to argue with someone incapable of reason. I wasn’t the happiest of people when I got bumped off my bike by the moron. However, I will be swiftly riding away from these fools in the future. Feeling a bit more settled now. Thanks guys.

    I’m a bit worried the ballbag may live around here and I may run into him again. We’ll see what comes though. I’m not going to let some idiot bully stop me riding my bike.

    @TIRed what happened to you? Fully understand what you mean. You don’t feel best equipped to fight or flee in road cleats! Maybe I’d have felt more of a hard man in my SPDs.

    Free Member

    P44 JBG, dark blue Mercedes E200 round Acton in West London. Driven by a fat ginger man about 5′ 10″ to 6′.

    Free Member

    Never know, they may be paying him a visit shortly. They’re only coming round to see me tomorrow.

    EDIT: No way to ask that guy for anything mate. He was going batpoop insane. I just wanted to get out of there before he made an “executive decision” with his car.

    Free Member

    @jumble why lie about something like that to a teammate? Would have thought there was zero chance a weak rider can set a night lap time up with the quickest on a daytime lap. Inspired or not.

    Free Member

    How do they police the drafting?

    Free Member

    I think njee means a fit person who trained for it would be able to finish it well under 18 hours or within the cutoff despite not having targeted training. Fair play to the guy for doing his Pig-ironman, but perhaps being picked up by the broom wagon would have been the wake up call he needed to realise what training really involves?

    I know someone who trained for 2 years to do an Ironman with the goal of finishing under 10 hours. There’d be blood if he were ribbed by a gloating plodder.

    Free Member

    Here you go:

    From 1:57 should do it.

    Free Member

    Will tri bars make that much of a difference in a draft legal triathlon over 40km?

    Free Member

    Buy the Triathlete’s Bible by Joe Friel.

    Free Member

    Perhaps look at “periodising” your riding? Like some here have suggested.

    I have some low level fatigue in my legs almost all the time these days, but recovery is heaps quicker than it was 6 months ago. Get as much good quality sleep as you can (cut out alcohol before sleep, regular sleep times, naps where you can get them at the weekend) because food only goes so far to repair you.

    Try and listen to your body a little bit more as well. Though this is more an art than science though.

    Free Member

    Join a road cycling club. Sorted.

    Free Member

    Now that it looks like we have to go back to Pickett’s Lock (mate’s kindly offered to drive me there) the route is looking like this:


    The more important problem is how to best pack my Scotch egg in my jersey!

    Free Member

    Cheers buzz! I’ll have to tow Trem back so let’s hope the legs hold up!

    @oldnpastit I have a GPS and have mapped a route back. I’ll bear in mind the comments about Pickett’s Lock. Looks like it’s 75km back, so not as bad as I thought. More concerned about how busy it is on the way back! Any advice?

    Free Member

    **** it, I’ll join ye.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Mitts in summer, full finger for the rest of the year. I spent a lot of time coming off the bike in my early years so I try and be careful these days.

    There is a special place in my heart for that first ride where you forget them but don’t care because it’s so warm though!

    The bike does feel nicer without them on. Purely personal preference though.

    Free Member

    I know a man who learned to swim specifically to complete an Ironman. He swore by his local pool’s classes first and the improvers classes with his tri club afterwards.

    If he could do it at 50 and successfully complete an Ironman then so can you. Just have a chat with whichever coach you choose about their methods so you both know what the expectations are before you start.

    70% of the world is covered in water. Not knowing how to swim means most of this world is off limits to you. That’s how I look at it. I lived by the sea for the first 21 years of my life and cannot imagine what my life would have been without being able to swim in it. I desperately miss it now (can’t afford membership to a swimming pool and there are no council facilities close by and the sea is **** freezing and has a shitload of massive rocks in it in this country as I found out after jumping in it this year).

    Good luck with it. If you learn how to do it then keep doing it. Swimming is one of the few physical activities you can do for the rest of your life. It’s also great physio!

    Free Member

    After all the help people have generously given me without being asked it’d be rude not to.

    Free Member

    Cratoni C-Bolt?

    Free Member

    Blackmail the boss’s husband. Here is a starter:

    Dear boss’s husband, I know your secret. Leave a size medium carbon fibre Ibis with full XTR in the bike shed by 1200 tomorrow or I will expose you. I’ll figure out what tyres to use thanks.

    Free Member

    I never understood how the ratings worked for these things with adult content. My Dad let me watch Delta Force when I was 5 and I turned out alright.

    Though I still secretly want a bicycle that’s capable of firing an anti-aircraft missile.

    Free Member

    I hate candodavid.

    There was the other guy who posted up asking if he should sell his Covert or his Ibis. Bit like asking should I dump Scarlet Johansson or Rachel Weisz. STW should be ashamed of itself.

    …initiating flounce

    Free Member

    My Osprey Momentum is what makes my commute something to enjoy instead of endure. Great for using as hand luggage when on trips abroad to transport your helmet as well!

    Free Member

    Most people get the picture when you explain to them that if having a bike means not having a car then not having to pay insurance, assorted taxes and upkeep for a car soon makes even a 5k carbon fibre beauty cheaper than running a £900 rust-bucket.

    Free Member

    Sneaky dig about doping there. Loving it!

    Free Member

    Quintana looks like he has massive hands.

    Free Member

    Isn’t there a time limit to file a dispute if you’ve used Paypal? When I sell items I always post the item within 3 working days of payment clearing. I’d think over a working week to dispatch would be taking the piss a bit.

    Free Member

    Cheers to STATO and all the other helpful responses.

    To be fair, this is a club I used to ride with regularly but stopped riding with for one reason or another for a year. I went out with the beginners group to get back into the swing of group riding. It’s a good thing I did, because I’ve forgotten a lot of things. Sure, nervous brakers are annoying but we all have to start somewhere. In the faster groups it’s not uncommon to never brake unless it’s for traffic or road signs where the group gives you plenty of notice. With a beginners group you’ve got a lot more unpredictable stuff going on meaning you can never fully switch off and get on the rivet.

    The ride leader was a lady by the way guys! I think her advice was sound. I’d have asked her, but I didn’t get a chance to and I don’t want to wait till the next ride. It does make sense to soft-pedal unless you’re getting a free tow and it probably does make you less prone to yo-yo-ing off the person in the front. There’s an etiquette element too I guess.

    I’m not sure why people are getting worked up by roadie questions on Singletrack. It’s a pretty friendly and knowledgeable place about bikes. You’d be an idiot not to put it to use.

    Those of you who’re saying you’re put off by road riding, please don’t be! Riding in a group and road riding are things I’ve wished I started doing a long time ago. It’s made my mountain biking a hell of a lot more enjoyable and the lack of relative faff means I can ride a bike pretty much anytime I want to. At the end of the day it’s all riding bikes like some wise people keep saying isn’t it?

    I’ve just gotten back from a 15km run. Now that is an activity with absolutely no redeeming qualities.

    Free Member

    Me, a chomper? How mean!

    The ride was 55m of total elevation over 40km. There’s not much gradient really. I try and keep a consistent pace using the GPS speedo.

    I do enjoy group riding. But like most things, I’d enjoy it more if I understood why we did some of the things we did.

    How is freewheeling not sociable? I find myself having to coast if the person in front is a bit slow and I have to sit up to slow myself down without braking. The worst group rides for me are when you have a nervous “braker” in front of you and you’re constantly trying to watch what their hands are doing by moving sideways!

    Free Member

    Ha! No, do Hope do road wheels?

    It’s just a budget Shimano jobbie, no fancy wheels here.

    Not quite convinced on the copy suggestion. The person at the front still has to pedal, and we all get to the front at some point!

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