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  • curiousyellow
    Free Member

    Define significant?

    Fully agree with “migrate rubbish out and it’ll keep being rubbish”!

    A bit disheartened about the sysadmin who lost their job for disagreeing with the a migration. That sounds absolutely nuts. Care to elaborate? Most people I know manage to disagree with company decisions without losing their jobs.

    Either that, or he worked somewhere crap if people couldn’t civilly disagree, in which case he’s probably better off.

    Free Member

    That tells me you haven’t migrated anything big to the magical cloud yet

    Not true! It’s just that I feel like the days of having to purchase and run a shitty Dell chassis with 8 CPU cores or whatever while it took up space and power in your house just so you could fumble around on the GUI are done. You have a range of choices from cheap bare metal boxes for monthly rental, low end boxes and such if you just want to familiarise yourself with the interface. Learning a bit of networking would come in useful here.

    Cloud services definitely have their place, just like owning physical infrastructure does.

    I do understand the AWS model of “you pay for what you use” being a headache if you don’t know what you’re going to use. But there are cloud providers who let you “pay for what you rent” where you just pay a fixed cost for keeping your infra going if that is a concern.

    Free Member

    They shouldn’t scrap it altogether, that’s just asking for trouble, it would also mean the grand tour contenders swapping bikes for major climbs all the time which isn’t something I want to see (it’s bad enough swapping road to TT or vice versa on mountain TT stages).

    A part of me thinks it would be exciting! Purely as a spectator.

    Imagine all the smaller teams knowing they’d have to break just to get ahead of the juggernauts before they change onto their no weight limits bikes! Froome breaks one of his gossamer pedals, thus ruining his stage win/GC chances. Real David and Goliath stuff.

    As a pro it would probably suck monkey balls.

    Free Member

    Well, seeing as there’s a lack of resources on how to learn I’ll put a couple up. There are the LPIC certifications which even if you don’t get certified on will help you learn:

    It looks pretty basic, but it should get you going if you’re an absolute beginner. Check out eBay/Amazon for the certification guides. There are also MOOCs on EdX on Linux admin which are helpful.

    I think once you add some DevOps-ey type skills (e.g: Puppet, Python programming, some networking) then the world is your Oyster. Maybe low 6 figure sums in financial tech firms, and also gets you in the door with the tech giants (e.g: Google, Facebook) who pay quite comfortably in the 60s.

    Depends on your motivation to be honest. If you’re doing it for the money then you’ll probably hate it eventually.

    Free Member

    Do you really need a lab these days with things like AWS and such around?

    Free Member

    Any good online resources/books you can recommend for a novice please? For… errr… research. Not that I’m bored or anything.

    Free Member

    This is one of the many reasons people do cash on collection auctions. Seeing as they’ve got your money you’ve got an uphill battle to fight trying to get your money back without going through eBay (and the interminable back and forth), and even then, without going to small claims court you’ll not be able to get your money back easily.

    In your shoes, I’d give negative feedback, check how much it costs to fix. It may be something that the buggy vendor fixes with a service. If it costs too much just relist and move on. Life’s too short, and as others have said you’ll have bigger things to worry about once the baby gets here.

    Free Member

    The good thing about *NIX skills is you can branch into several different areas relatively easily if you’re of an analytical bent. So many things have them under the hood that it becomes relatively intuitive. You could even look into network engineering type stuff if you’re so inclined. Worst case, you’ll become a better server admin because you can speak to the network guys.

    Prospects are good for server admins, but like any other area of IT, the more strings you add to your bow, the more desirable you’ll be and the better your prospects for career advancement.

    Free Member

    Interesting. I’ve used Confluence, but I don’t rate it much as it seems very clunky.

    WordPress P2 would be my choice.

    Free Member

    I’ve only bought two bikes after riding them.

    One was a road bike. The other was the same as what the missus has, but in SS guise, and rigid, so pretty different in reality. I reckon at my level of crapness, there are no bad modern bikes at a certain price point as long as they fit!

    I’ve even bought two without trying them on for size!

    Free Member

    Baby cheeks… probably because they feel like innocence 🙁

    Free Member

    There are tons of different approaches, but the most important things are to pick a program, do it consistently and to document your results so you can chart your progress/lack of it.

    If something is working for you, and you’re seeing progress then I’d be tempted to stick with it until I plateaued before switching things up. As you’ve stated you’re a beginner then I’d stick with something simple, focus on the main compound lifts (bench, squat and deadlift) with good form, and most importantly, identify what my goals are.

    Youtube has some great resources. I can recommend Alan Thrall, Jonny Candito and Omar Isuf’s channels whole heartedly.

    Free Member

    50% divorce rate.

    Free Member

    Thank you!

    Free Member

    How do you get a properly built skills area sorted out?

    Free Member

    Had to call 999 for pranged folk twice there. I think one was just unlucky, the second was an idiot. Mid, to late forties man, following his 13 year old son down the harder line. Saw him go vertically up, almost comically rotate, and then a scream followed by silence. He’d come down pretty hard on the small of his back, and couldn’t get up.

    His wife didn’t drive, so couldn’t come to get him. He was down from London for the day, so no way to get home short of an ambulance ride. Poor bastard, but he really should have respected the trail.

    I’ll miss the gully. It was a great option for when you didn’t want to do a full Red lap, but wanted to mess about on the bike. I wish there was a way to keep it, and I hope we can either keep it, or get a decent alternative that’s safer, or discourages people from having a go without paying heed to the consequences.

    I wonder if there would be the same number of accidents if there was a mandatory drop at the beginning, like S2A at Aston Hill has? I reckon people look at the jumps, think it’s rollable and either misjudge their entry speed, or completely get their technique wrong and crash. A drop off would hopefully act as a decent filter for those who’ve got no business attempting it? Experienced riders would probably not be inclined to sue if they came a cropper I reckon.

    Free Member

    Yup, the CC.

    2015 model though. Look at Moose Cycles. That was where I looked.

    Free Member

    We’re talking a brand new build here! All up to date kit. Pikes, XT 1×11, Easton finishing kit and probably some decent wheels and tyres too knowing my mate.

    Free Member

    Going to Afan with friend and his girlfriend’s bro who was over to the UK for a holiday. Let’s call him R.

    R has an Orange 5 on top of the car. Asks what Afan is like. I tell him not to worry, it’s all rideable, and there’s nothing to worry about. We’ll always look out for him etc, etc.

    Turns out he used to room with Sam Hill on the junior DH circuit.

    Still remember his let me “wheelie up to the gate and open it with my front wheel one handed on my bike” trick. Shit.

    Free Member

    a shag that turns into babies in 3 months

    I’m not a parent, but I thought it took longer than that to grow a baby?

    No, no, the more people involved the quicker you can grow it. If you have 9 women you can grow baby in one month. OR at least that’s what most project managers seem to think.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys.

    Free Member

    I bought one with the intention of swapping at least the brakes, saddle, wheels and the tyres. Rode it, it felt great, didn’t touch anything.

    Another bike I bought because the spec looked perfect. A few years later, I’ve changed everything except for the brakes, saddle and seatpost!

    Free Member

    Probably would scrounge the money for whatever PP or Stanton make, but not Ti! So, say £500 new?

    Free Member

    Don’t declare it for all the world yet mate!

    Personally, my affinity for road riding ebbs and flows.

    Free Member

    Can you agree with the proviso that any weekends you want off will mean she has to pay for childcare? Not great, but it’s a start.

    Sounds like you are being used a bit here. I don’t think you are being unreasonable in wanting the odd weekend off at all, but at the same time you can’t be a doormat.

    I’m also sticking up for 5thElefant. I think what was meant was you’d have the kids 7 days a week if you’d not split up, so how would that be dealt with. Not a judgement of what happened to your marriage/relationship!

    Good luck. I hope it works out well for you.

    Free Member

    Have you checked out the Strobist blog for lighting ideas?

    Personally, I’d try to use the windows as a diffuser and use either a remote or flash on a cord as fill.

    Lock in a few “must have” shots. Ring exchange, the I-dos,bride walking in, groom + best men. During the ceremony shoot a few candids (parents, friends, front row). If there is a balcony try and get an aerial shot.

    If you can cart a load of stuff and have the time post ceremony, then consider some staged shots with a diffuser, separation light (important for the bride to show off the hair that she’s spent all that time and money doing) and off camera fill if you need it.

    Good luck! Oh, and if you’re a friend of the couples then remember you will want to enjoy the wedding too. Negotiate a time with them by when you will be off duty and can let your own hair down. I was at a wedding where the cameraman was a mate of the couples. Halfway through, he got bored being the photographer. Palmed his camera off on me and buggered off.

    Free Member

    Still nothing.

    Want me to e-mail you instead?

    Free Member

    Hmmmm… Nothing yet, but I’ve had this problem before where it’s been delayed due to being marked as spam.

    If you’re round Reading/Somerset then I could just collect from you?

    Free Member

    I did this recently but it was a ball ache via iTunes.

    They’re fairly reasonable with paid subs. It stops taking the recurring payment out once the paid period ends. Assuming they’ll use the same model for the free trial. It’s not bad for £6.99 a month though. I’m cancelling Sky due to it. Only had Sky because they had a £9.99 per month for a year offer though.

    Free Member

    Suggest away! 🙂

    Free Member

    Thanks piemonster!

    In the spirit of things and some shitty news, I will put some cash towards Wokingham Hospice in your name too. If you’ve got a charity preference then let me know.

    Free Member

    Dibs if it’s not gone already please! My e-mail is mailtocuriousyellow at gmail dot com

    Free Member

    This guy makes some quality videos though.

    Free Member

    You can always get one of those velcro neoprene sleeves and wear it in there while still using the buckle. Wouldn’t want to lose it in the swim leg if it came loose though.

    Free Member

    When I was looking at buying one a while ago it looked like Garmin were the best of a bad lot.

    If she doesn’t mind the chunkiness then the triathlon specific ones like the 9xx series are better, due to the larger display. The FR620 will need some sort of adapter to fit a handlebar.

    There are swim compatible HRMs available these days. Check and see if they do cadence for running too. However, they will only transmit swim data to a “tri” watch.

    Oh, and shame on you for your horrendous consumerist ways. Children starving in Africa and all that.

    Free Member

    Hi the car has been repainted a few years ago..,
    But I don’t know when as I bought it as is.
    The underside should be repainted with black tar a, fit it with a jack holder (not sure about this one) and retouch small bits of paintwork.
    Mechanically it’s perfect, the engine is sound, full MOTs.
    I reckon the car can drive as far as you want, number plates stay with the car not the owner

    Free Member

    You’re going for a night ride and you’re worried about what people will think you look like?

    I ride with a group at night. I can’t even tell you what any of them look like without their bikes.

    Free Member

    No drugs problem.

    You just have to. tren hard, eat clen, anavar give up.

    Free Member

    The one cup filters you can get of super market own brand coffees are palatable.

    At less than £2 for 10 cups it’s not bad value either.

    Free Member

    You can get full built carbon full sussers for the frame cost of a boutique brand. The pros riding them seem to do ok, so I reckon there’s nothing in it for the average enthusiast.

    Granted XTR may “feel” nicer, but once the newer XT comes out there’s nothing to it.

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