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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 6: Madison DTE Clothing Bundle
  • curiousyellow
    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    @coolhandluke I’m guessing it’s the Momentum Wireless you’re talking about? Just checking to understand if there are any non-wireless noise cancelling versions of the Momentum 2.0. John Lewis have multiple versions of them, but I can’t find any on the Sennheiser website in the noise cancelling section.

    Free Member

    Interesting, have you tried any of the other manufacturers’ stuff out before the Bose? I ask because I’ve been disappointed by some other Bose products in the past (home cinema systems).

    Free Member

    I think it’s to cover cases where you go to the dentist, he looks and says “that’s a root canal” and you go “no problem, let me take Denplan out and come back”.

    Free Member

    10 weeks. Something came out of my wife and wouldn’t go back in.

    Free Member

    OP, your feelings definitely need to be considered. After all, when your partner talks to you, she is talking to the father of your children. It does not bode well for the future for children to see their parent treated like a doormat. Same to everyone else advising he batten down the hatches.

    Part of being a parent is setting an example for your kids. This has to start with speaking to your partner about how her treatment of you makes you feel. Before that, reflect on your own behaviour first. Do you let things go when you know she’s lashing out because she’s tired? Are you genuinely doing all you can to help around the house? Are you making an effort to still have some couples time? Sometimes a little ritual like a cuddle before bed, or when you wake up goes a long way. Same for being the person who tidies up unasked, taking care of things like the shopping and making dinner etc.

    My relationship with my partner was quite severely tested once our little one arrived. What kept it going was being honest about how we were feeling and being prepared to listen. This means you’re going to hear some uncomfortable truths about both yourselves.

    Good luck to you both. Keep working at it and you’ll get there, but it won’t happen overnight. It takes time for people to recognise their behavioural patterns and to remedy them. Whatever you do, don’t suffer in silence, because that breeds resentment.

    Free Member

    I’ve used the old TALAS (2012) and DPA Pikes from 2015. Not a fair comparison, but I preferred the Rockshox. Not sure what a 36 Fox to a Pike would be though.

    Free Member

    Always ask for NHS discount everywhere I go.

    If I’m buying one thing plus an additional purchase I always say “I’m going to buy X, but if you give me a discount I will buy Y as well”. Funnily enough, the worst they have said is no. So far.

    Free Member

    Prepare for your nostrils to be assaulted by 100s of smokers who don’t give a toss about the health warnings on the packs.

    Either that, or they can’t read Spanish.

    Free Member

    Watch Entourage.

    It’s exactly the same thing, just with less violence, and more people you recognise. It also has some comedy going for it.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the TRS and they held up fine for a week in Spain and a few around my local trails.

    Free Member

    Btw, check how they’ll calculate your wife’s pay if she’s on maternity leave. Some lenders are better than others for this.

    I tried a broker, but it turned out to be a waste of time. I’m sure there are good ones out there, but I’ve not dealt with any yet.

    Free Member

    A few things I learned:

    – Offer what you think its worth/you can afford and be honest and polite about it. The worst they can do is say no.
    – Buy somewhere you can see yourself living in long term and you won’t regret it.
    – Don’t fall “in love” with a house. It’s just a house. It’s the people you share it with and the life you build in it that makes it a home.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    It’ll be hoverbikes by the time they’re old enough to even ride my unfashionable 26″!

    Free Member

    @jkomo, that is like buying a yacht because you have a sail going spare.

    Actually, no, it’s like buying a Rolls Royce because you’ve got 2L of petrol in that spare jerrycan in the garage. A Rolls Royce that needs constant maintenance for 25 years.

    Free Member

    **** hell. I cannot believe people like teef are looking to put the boot into junior doctors just because they got shafted at their jobs. A race to the bottom benefits noone.

    If it’s so easy to be a doctor, then why not do it yourself?

    All you have to do is:
    – Go to university for 5 years, have little to no social life if you want to pass your exams with a decent chance and take on loads of debt.
    – Work ridiculous hours for a pittance of an hourly wage.
    – Continuously study. Again at the expense of your social life and your family.
    – Deal with a fair amount of idiots if you work in A&E, and see things daily that would break your heart. Terminally ill patients, people with no family slowly dying, people losing their dignity, you know, that sort of cheerful thing.

    But hey, that doesn’t matter. You’re being paid £33k a year for doing all this. You should be glad for that and work weekends on top for an even lower hourly rate right.

    ****. Someone in a very mid level 9-5 IT job could easily be paid that and more. You’re begrudging these people who literally save lives daily a fair working contract? The mind **** boggles.

    Free Member

    Little things?

    Saddle bag on the road bike. No more “forgot my tube/multitool/wallet/BC ID card/money” moments any more.

    Frame mounted pump. One less thing to carry in my jersey. Hardly notice the rattling.

    Free Member

    P-Jay for father/husband of the year! Please stay away from my wife.

    Kids can’t be paused just because it’s your birthday OP. It’s not great, I’d not be too happy if I were in your position, but I’d try and see the positives. Worst case, like some others who’ve been in your position, it’s a chance to spend some quiet time with your family. Your baby won’t be this age again.

    Apologise and make it right with your partner. You’re both probably stressed enough as it is without you having a sulk on, and life’s too short to be hacked off at the mother of your child because of something like this.

    I like to think that part of being a parent is about striving to be a better person. Putting other people first, especially when they’re trying to do something considerate falls in there. Maybe if having a big fuss made of you for your 40th was important to you you could plan an additional celebration!

    Free Member

    These days by 9pm I’m in bed. If I’m still on my bike at 9pm then something has gone horrendously wrong on the commute.

    In the summer, if I’m not in bed by 9pm then I’m home.

    My batteries live in the garage.

    Free Member

    Who else sells quality batteries then?

    My Moon X-Power is still going strong for close to 6 years now. I thought they may not be Li-Ion? The wife’s X-Power is still going strong too, despite not being used for over a year now.

    Free Member

    Was told I would get about 600 cycles with these batteries. Not 1000s. What lights are you using?

    Not sure what most people’s reality is, but most of my riding is on the road. I don’t need a massive 3600 lumen light for that. A 200 lumen is fine for the commute. The 1100 lumen on low is fine for the Wednesday chaingang, or late night training rides. Weekends are on the MTB. I don’t need lights for that.

    2 years ago in the winter, I found myself squeezed for time at the weekends. So I bought some lights to get my MTB fix. I used to go for a quick hour or 2 after work a few times a week. These lights were amazing for that.

    I can easily not use the big light for 9 months.

    Thanks for the link to, I’ll see if they can get me sorted with a battery pack for my Fluxients.

    Free Member

    I must confess to being a newbie to night riding. I honestly didn’t think this would be a problem.

    What do people do? Set a reminder to charge them every 3 months? How do you know they’re at 50% charge short of timing how long it takes to get to full charge? Or can you use a voltmeter to check?

    For some reason I thought a product that can easily not be used for 6 months of the year wouldn’t have this problem. I stand corrected!

    Free Member

    tenacious_doug speaks a lot of sense.

    A lot of the baby trainer books are full of shit.

    Assuming you want to co-sleep but not bed-share, then you may have some luck moving him out of your bed by getting him to go down for his naps on his own during the day time. Try a cot insert like a Sleepyhead. That may help.

    I don’t think there are any magic methods, and good luck.

    Also, out of curiosity, what do you consider a “reasonable routine”?

    Free Member

    Things got better once I realised your salary wasn’t a marker of how good you are at a job, but how good you are at negotiating your pay.

    They got even better when I realised time and not money is the most important resource I have. Time to ride my bike. spend with my friends, family.

    I used to be pretty bad with my money. Once I realised what was valuable to me it became easier to stop spending it, and put it towards what was important. In my case, that was a house for some stability, and savings for some peace of mind. Occasionally it gets spent on things for my family and I. This makes us happy.

    Occasionally I do daydream of earning the big bucks and whatnot, but right now, I’d not trade it for what I have. Things may change later though.

    Free Member

    Don’t need the money yet! I think there is a limit on how much I can get through work, but I’ll have to check on that.

    Free Member

    Cheers, Halfords are coming up with £157 for these:

    Michelin Energy Saver+ GRNX (195/55 R15 85H)
    Michelin Energy Saver+ GRNX (195/55 R15 85H)

    Free Member

    Yeah, definitely less than 20,000 miles on the fronts I think. Owner’s not been very good at keeping an eye on tyre pressures though. Probably a factor. Most of the driving is motorway and B road. Don’t have a heavy foot either!

    Prices are known, just not how much to expect out of them! Thanks for the budget. I’m being told around £200 fitted in total. What sort of tyres could you expect for that much?

    Free Member

    I’m fine with using manual mode, but I want a flash I can fire using a PC sync cord with a wireless trigger. 580EX and the Chinese knockoffs can do this, but just checking if there’s something that can also do E-TTL.

    Free Member

    Do the same thing you do when they try and befriend you on any other social media, don’t acknowledge the request. Eventually they get tired of asking, or they won’t bring it up anyway if you don’t.

    Free Member

    5. Some multicar policies allow the named driver to accumulate no claims discount. You may be a little bit better off with a policy from the same provider for both cars even if your spouse is the main driver/registered keeper.

    Free Member

    Tips for coping with the sleep refusal?

    – Suggest to your partner that they get some rest during the day while you take the baby out.
    – Get some family help so you can get some rest.
    – Is the baby sleeping during the day? Maybe try shortening the naps. They usually don’t want to sleep at night if they have 2 x 90 minute plus sleeps during the day.
    – Sleep regression happens around 6 months. If this is it then it should pass and you should be ok. Don’t form any unsustainable sleep associations during this time like taking them for a drive, or doing handstands until they go to sleep.

    The shouting, I’ve got no idea on how to cope if they are just shouty. I know hearing is tested when they’re born, but some children can get severe “glue ear” that affects their hearing even if they’re all clear on their newborn test. It’s worth getting it done again to rule it out. Trust me. I’ve seen children who’ve gone undiagnosed and the behaviours they learn to cope with it are heartbreaking.

    Baby size/centile doesn’t seem to have much to do with how well they sleep. Centile measurements if done correctly are good to track growth and take action if they start gaining/losing weight at an alarming rate. I’ve seen babies at the 0.4th wake every hour, and the opposite. Same for babies at/above 90th centile. How well your baby sleeps is more to do with their sleep associations, how comfortable they are (hunger, relatively unsoiled/wet nappies, teething, sickness, room warmth).

    And sometimes they just cry. It does get better, as long as you don’t start doing unsustainable things to get them to sleep. Talk things through with your partner, and try to avoid conflict. Even if it means holding your tongue when they lash out at you. This is not them at their best. Always remember that.

    Free Member

    Personally I think it’s a great idea. This is probably what people envisioned when the industrial revolution took place. More work becomes automated leaving us to do what we really wanted.

    I don’t understand why governments don’t trial these measures in a limited capacity (e.g: pick a sample town/city and have a go at implementing it there).

    I doubt it would put people already working off of working, and would provide a bit of breathing space for people in exploitative conditions, or under pressure to look after themselves/their families.

    Also, to those saying child benefit and pensions already cover this are incorrect. Child benefit is means tested. Pensions I believe are linked to your contribution, and pensioners also have additional benefits like wig allowances, bus passes and fuel allowances. Using UBI would be a welcome reduction in administration overhead and may result in a fairer redistribution of this money.

    Free Member

    the guidelines for reporting says they’ll take no action if there isn’t another independent witness.

    Perhaps its time they amend the guidelines so they take action if there’s an admission of guilt. Seems to work fine with a lot of other crimes!

    Good luck though. I hope you get justice. I’d have settled for an apology!

    Free Member

    No CCTV cameras and “word against word” whatever the **** that means.

    Wouldn’t be the end of the matter if I called up and confessed to murder etc etc.

    I actually spent some time digging up the letter and it pisses me right off. I wonder if over two years later it’s worth asking BC to have a look at it.

    Free Member

    Reported a guy for dangerous driving and he admitted “road rage” and running me off the road to the police.

    The police did nothing despite him admitting what he’d done, so I’m not holding out much hope for you. Not saying it’s right, not saying don’t bother reporting it in the future, but it clearly seems like they don’t give a manky shit about this type of thing.

    Free Member

    Thanks. I’ll do another pressure check with the tyres running cold and have another go.

    Free Member

    Bike tyres go up a treat.

    PTFE tape on the gauge and tubing interface so it seems pretty solid.

    I reckon it’s the seal against the valve. Been gouged 50p by the garage, so I’ll let it go for now 🙁

    Free Member

    You were the hero I needed, but didn’t deserve! Anyway, it’s fixed now which is what really matters 🙂

    Will I get to ride again before the month’s out. That’s the real question here.

    Free Member

    Bought mine from xxcycle

    Free Member

    Ah! So it’s not depressing the valve far enough when I pussyfoot around?

    Free Member

    It’s going to feel like a different bike I reckon!

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