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  • Last Coal V4 review
  • cultsdave
    Free Member

    Yes it is brand spanking new.
    It was built by burns construction Aberdeen
    And I think its a scotframe bespoke build.
    We only spoke with the developer not the builder. I have no concerns, it is very solidly built.
    Fully aware of snagging issues, and again not too concerned.

    Free Member

    Anyone got the sizes of split pin required as I have this same issue. The slotted bolt is utter garbage

    Free Member

    Pretty sure Scribe Hubs are not Bitex, they are certainly different from hunt etc

    Free Member

    I have a set of Scribe 40’s on the road bike. Compared to the stock DT wheels that came on the bike there is an obvious difference in the stifness feeling of the wheel. Its really noticable when accelerating out a corner. Despite this they do not feel uncomfortable on the rough roads which is nice. The seam very well made and are easily serviceable. One of my wheels went wrong after less than 2 weeks while I was on holiday in France. Scribe posted out a replacement complete with tyre on a next day delivery. They were surprised by the fault and further googling on my part has not shown up any other reliability issues. The replacement wheel has been faultless too.
    The only negative is the noise of the freehub, it really is loud. Thankfully you don’t do much freewheeling on a roadie!

    Free Member

    Mount Keen is the obvious answer if you live in the east. Best down anti clockwise in my opinion. Beinn A Bhuird from the south is another easy one on a bike.
    Glas Tulaichan is just a Landy Track all the way to the top
    Ben Macduibh is a popular choice too.
    Carn an T-Sagairt Mor is a decent push to the summit but the decent into Glen Callater is good.

    Free Member

    Surely setting out to do all the Munro’s in any way is just as pointless..?

    Well in that way everything is pointless. But to make a it worse by carting a bike around with you on some of the hills is pointless. The Cullin ridge for example is a fantastic route to do in a day. Carrying a bike along it would ruin it.
    For that be better getting a kids balance bike and strap it to your rucksack if you really must “bike” all the munros.

    Free Member

    Just seems entirely pointless. Its been done before but for a large proportion of them you will just be carrying a bike up to the top and back down again just for the sake of it. However, if its what you want to do, go for it.

    Free Member

    Could you not power wash them to remove the dirt and stones then chop them up with your chainsaw?

    Free Member

    The Agressor I have (27.5 2.5 DD) is no better rolling resistance than DHR but with less grip. I will not but another.

    Free Member

    Was thinking lamb, but teeth too worn for that.

    Free Member

    They don’t seem to realise VED is based on Emissions. Electric cars are subject to the same level as cars as it is on a sliding scale from £0

    Free Member

    I replaced mine last winter with Superstar ones. Been faultless since. Would recommend.

    Free Member

    Or do nothing? Bit like JC during the Brexit debate……

    Free Member

    In fact, I doubt that most of the country GAS either way what Labour do! A GE is 4 years away and most people probably pay next to no attention as to what is going on!

    Free Member

    I am the voting public and to me abstaining says both options are crap and we will not support either.

    Free Member

    Abstaining says that the opposition can’t make its mind up, which is exactly how it will be presented by the government.

    I disagree.
    Both options are crap. Why should they enable a crap option?

    Free Member

    So you’re saying it makes no difference? Then why would opposing it matter?

    Opposing it shows support for the 2nd crappy option, and sides you with the ultra right lunatics of the Tory party.
    Voting with screws over business as they haven’t got the support they require.

    Abstaining says both options are crap and shows the split in the Tory party because if they can’t get a policy through with an 80 seat majority there is something wrong.

    If the option was a poop sandwich on brown or white bread would you expect someone to choose?

    Free Member

    Yes, his misgivings are so grave that he’s going to do nothing to stop it happening. I think we all know how this dithering would be viewed if it were the previous leader.

    What choice does he have given the Tories 80 seat majority? When JC was leader there was not a Tory majority so Labour would have been in position to have done something. See Brexit mess as an example of JC’s fence sittign and dithering.

    Free Member

    He has pointed out what he would do.
    1. Continue lockdown with tiers in place
    2. Provide business with the support they need
    3. Fix test and trace

    Free Member

    I am with Binners here, what options does he realistically have? The last election gave the Tories an 80 seat majority, if the cabinet can’t get its policy through with that then there is something very wrong.

    Wonder what will happen if there is a vote on a Brexit deal? Will it be the same carp situation? The problem is we have an inept right wing bunch of fools in charge with a massive majority. Times really are rubbish.

    Free Member

    Shimanos have a powerful feel partly because they are a bit on off, it feels like you don’t have to pull that hard to get maximum power, their modulation window is therefore quite narrow.

    Hopes have a wider window of modulation that causes them to feel a bit squishier than shimanos and it feels like you have to pull harder to get a similar stopping power to shimanos.

    Which you prefer is totally down to personal preference so no one but yourself can decide what is better. The hope reliability and access to spares is much better than shimanos.

    I have both Shimano and Hopes on different bikes, the difference is obvious but I quickly adjust to the bike I am riding.

    Free Member

    1.8 inches is 45.72mm. Imperial sizes should be assigned to history.

    Free Member

    Get a gravel bike……..
    Great for the winter. Yesterday I got the bus to Braemar from Aberdeen and cycled home on a mixture of roads and tracks. Tailwind all the way and pleasant cafe stops on route.

    Free Member

    I did in and out of this thread so apologies if this has been answered.

    When when the AS report came out did Corbyn not show some humility and just say sorry? He could have easily said, I apologise for my failures as Labour leader as are highlighted in this report. I will work with KS to do all we can to rid the Labour party of this cancerous issue.

    If he had done this it would have been a non story and would have helped unite the party and they could have gotten on with the job in hand which is holding this government to account?

    What he has done is turn it around to try and be seen as the victim and has just created a larger mess than needs be, it has helped to widen the factions in the party and has given the Tories more ammunition. Its like he and his supporters would rather keep the Tories in power rather than just let go of some of their ideologies or at the very least water them down which would increase the prospects of a Labour government. Once in power they could help slowly drag the party back to the left once the general voting public realise that most of their policies are not communist nonsense and that they would actually benefit from most of them.
    As it stands it seems to be an all or nothing approach which will inevitably lead to more years or Tory rule which is in no doubt worse than a centrist labour government that with luck could move back to the left.
    I had hope for JC back in 2017 but after that it became clear he was never going to become PM, he should have let go of some of his principles and moved aside, then we might not be in such a crappy place.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    He has declared war on a bunch of incompetents in his party that failed to get elected twice against the worst government we have ever had (until now). I know of a few people who were at a loss on who to vote for in the last election for various reasons despite having voted Labour for years.
    One of which was a teacher in a private school, his take on it (I have not fact checked this) was that he would be signing away his own job with Corbyn’s policy on Private schools.
    Why would repeating Corbyn’s ideology for a 3rd time have any different results?

    Free Member

    I have a small 5kw stove and it burns any size log I manage to wedge in it. 30cm long x 20 x 20 no bother no matter what the type of wood. Unless it is not properly dry. Some of the soft wood I have had has taken longer to season than the birch. I can only think that the large pieces ate just not properly seasoned.

    Free Member

    Ate you sure they are properly dry?

    Free Member

    There you go, I just drew it on Strava routes, have included the descent Master Blaster at Aboyne for you too as this should not be missed.

    Edit, just read your message properly and realise this is the mega version. Well worth doing. I have only gone up from Taner and down Esk, I think the other way would be rubbish.

    Free Member

    With luck he will end up in jail.
    Tax fraud,
    Russian money Laundering
    Whatever Ghislaine Maxwell has on him
    Plenty other things no doubt.

    He is also 74 and obese, the stress of the past while will do him no favours how long has he left to live?

    Free Member

    Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia & North Carolina still to finish counting.
    If Biden wins any of these its in the bag?
    Currently he is ahead only in Nevada. I think Trump has to win all 4 of these for him to take it.
    Too close for comfort.

    Free Member

    Do all the Elctrol votes from the state go to one candidate? Or could Biden win 4 votes from Georgia?

    Free Member

    Has the booting out of JC had a positive effect already?

    FFS look at the dates on when the poll was taken

    Good point, did not look at that.

    Free Member

    Has the booting out of JC had a positive effect already?

    Free Member

    I used the toilet at Corrour bothy earlier this year. The Bothy was not locked either, dunno if people had been staying but it had definitely had people in it.

    Free Member

    Porsche Cayman

    Free Member

    Agreed up until your dropper posts bit. Droppers are ace would forgo rear suspension over a dropper now.
    Baggy clothes, while you have a point, it’s just not the fashion. Knee pads and lycra for example looks really silly. Baggy clothes offer a bit more protection and pockets to put stuff in.
    Shaved legs, can’t be arsed shaving my face very often let alone legs, have done it before, just not worth the hassle.

    Free Member

    I tried smoove. It wasn’t very good, I think these sorts of lubes are for people who can’t be bothered to clean and degrease their chains regularly. The finish line dry is much better.
    For the MTB I just use a wet lube year round.

    Free Member

    Just had a look at his FB profile. He shared of Katie Hopkins, “telling how it is” need we say anymore? His FB profile matches what I have heard about him and what people on here are saying. I have no idea if Danny is also like that.
    Doesn’t take away from the fact Danny is a joy to watch on a bike.

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