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  • BikePark Wales: New 33 year lease to bring many benefits
  • cultsdave
    Free Member

    I can only see the Pixel 4a for £360, there doesn’t seem to be anywhere to add the promotion code?

    Free Member

    Just walked down Banchhigh Street to cheer him on. He is stopped at ride cafe having a bite to eat. He looked absolutely ruined! Hopefully some fuel and coffee will sort him out.

    Free Member

    Decent tyres!
    Had one puncture in 2 years and 12000km on my road bike.

    Conti gp 5000’s TL (I am running tubeless) but the TL ones are much tougher so better puncture protection even with tubes compared to non tl

    Free Member

    The Fidlock fits my AM9 but you have to turn the brackets around so it sits lower, also need the angled bracket.

    Free Member

    Farage is an outright racist who fervently hatred the EU

    Probably, but he did/does have a German wife.
    He was also clever enough to know he was on to an easy thing. Raked in the money while doing very little mostly just spouting his lies and hate.

    Free Member

    Fromage just shouts what he wanted people to hear. How can you not see that?

    Why straight to the insults?

    Free Member

    He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do so. He did not want to do that. He hoped it would win him the election then he could negotiate his own Unicorn version of Brexit. It was nonsense and no one believed him.

    Free Member

    “Corbyn is more pro-Brexit than Nigel Farage”

    I would argue that he was. Fromage never wanted Brexit, he was on an easy winner spouting off nonsense while doing nothing and getting a big fat pay check to do it. If we hadn’t Brexited he would still be there being the gobshite he is milking the system.

    Corbyn on the other hand has been an arch Brexiteer his whole life. The only reason he “backed” remain is because they party members were mostly pro EU. Fromage was so transparent he could have been a window. Corbyn on the other hand was just lying.

    Free Member

    We got 1.29% on a 5 year fixed with a 50% LTV about 4 months ago. Very happy with it. .9% sounds amazing.

    Free Member

    For car camping anything will do? What else will you use it for and go from there would be my advise.
    I have the lightweight version of the Nordisk Halland, which is out with your budget but the normal version is almost there. Plenty space for 2 and a reasonable porch. Goes up inner and fly together so its quick and matters less in the rain.

    Free Member

    Definitely try a broker. We recently re-mortgaged and got a deal .75% better than I could find on line. It was free to as the broker takes a fee from the mortgage company.

    Free Member

    Can’t possibly be worse than 2 & 3????

    Free Member

    Can view it on street view.
    I really liked this episode and while I wouldn’t want to live in that location, I think it was made out to be worse than it is. Fantastic craftsmanship and real passion unlike the annoying rich boy last week.

    Free Member

    For a MTB is electronic/wireless shifting really worthwhile? Given the harsh life of an MTB and the proximity of rocks and the chances of crashing resulting in a broken mech there is no way I personally would go down that route. Possibly understand it for xc racing.
    I have DI2 on the road bike and yes its amazing but then I hope to not crash my road bike!

    Free Member

    It was certainly a Grand Design and something very different, be a cool building to walk past.
    Didn’t take to him in the slightest, no real interest or passion and could clearly just throw all the money at it. £120k on a kitchen? How??
    Felt like it was all done so he could show off to his other rich mates. Said he was 35, if earning that amount of money ages you like that then glad I am poor!

    Free Member

    Grum apologies, I read it incorrectly.
    Let’s see what he says at the conference.

    Free Member

    Yes they do. But unless we end it then we are never going to get anywhere.

    Free Member

    How’s he going to do that when he’s been kicked out of the party?

    By not creating vote splitting factions to weaken the Labour vote. He had his chance and failed, twice.

    Free Member

    Do you think Corbyn and his ilke should swallow some of their principles and work together to try and rid us of this tory government? I certainly do.

    Free Member

    This rant sums up to me what is going on in Labour just now and shows what a difficult job any Labour leader will have unless it was a Corbynite. But then they have a whole host of other problems.

    Free Member

    For me I was hopeful with JC in 2017. By 2019 I was so fed up with his dithering on Brexit and how he could not seem to make a decision on anything. He looked weak and unfit for PM. My hope was that Starmer would come in and hammer the Tories for their Brexit mess. So far he has failed. Part of me hopes he is playing the long game and will turn things around but I just don’t know.

    Free Member

    Gap is closing?

    Free Member

    I didn’t say what the answer was. I want to know what your solution to the issue is. If Labour stand with a left wing leader the same deal with the press will happen again. Meaning we will get the tories again, and there are further to the right than Starmer.

    Free Member

    Looks like both the party and the country? Given our FPTP system it seems unlikely we will get a left wing labour party in power. Labour tried twice and failed, how do you get a left wing labour government in power?

    Free Member

    @bridges, forgive me if this has been discussed earlier, but you got your left wing leader. He then promptly failed to get elected twice. How do you suppose a left wing Labour government would get elected given the past form? To me it looks like the country will not vote in a left wing government and if labour were to stand again with a lefty leader they will lose. To make change you first have to be elected? No point standing on the side-lines shouting. This is not to say Starmer is the correct choice of leader who will win, he clearly isn’t doing very well.

    Free Member

    Can you clarify what you mean by “right wing stooge”.

    To me it reads he is secretly working for the tory party and murdoch is some hair brained scheme to rid us of anything but far right politics. If this is what you believe then fine, but to me it is nonsense. If its as Grum says “right wing of the Labour Party stooge” then fair enough.

    Free Member

    @bridges – your attitude completely puts me off listening to anything you have to say. The concept of him being a right wing stooge is ridiculous, its tin foil hat nonsense.
    I generally read and don’t comment on this thread because its interesting to see what peoples opinions are. There are some comments I go and research because I find it interesting others I don’t.
    What I mean by not knowing enough about centre left/right is its quite hard to pinpoint exactly what that is. If you have some interesting articles for me to read send them through. Or should I do like you say and “do my own research” might find some convincing anti vax stuff while I am there…

    Ranting angrily and being abusive is not generally a good way to get people to come round to your way of thinking.

    Free Member

    That is a reasonable point of view to have and one that I would listen to. I don’t know enough to argue if he is centre left or centre right. One thing for sure though is that he is clearly not doing as well as a lot of people hoped.

    Part of me thinks things are going to have to get really bad before people stop voting for the tories, the disaster of Brexit needs to be really felt and fully pinned on this disaster of a government. I don’t think it would matter who the Labour leader is/was for just now it would be an extremely difficult job to unite the party and move forward. Its a crap state of affairs, and unfortunately one we are going to have to live through.

    Free Member

    except he really isn’t.

    You can have an opinion that he is useless, should be replaced etc and that’s fine.
    Calling him this makes me less likely to listen to your point of view on other points as I am more likely to just assume its nonsense.

    Free Member

    right-wing stooge

    When people write things like this it immediately makes me question the validity of their other points. Don’t like Starmer – fine, especially when reasons are backed with facts. But concluding he is a “right wing stooge” is just nonsense.

    Free Member

    Anyone got an Inversion Diverter? Any good? Easy to install?

    Free Member

    For what its worth, I only use 2 hope products.
    Headset – brilliant fit and forget item.
    Brakes – superb if you like the feel.

    I have used Hope hubs, they are fine often ended up a bit creaky though.

    So I am far from a “Hope Fanboy” their cranks for example seem to be an expensive solution to a non issue, shimano all the way for me on those.

    Free Member

    I would argue there is a 3rd type which is where I put myself. Hope brakes have a different feel to many others, they are probably not as powerful feeling and do require a bit more lever pull but you do get more modulation.
    If you like that feeling great they are good brakes for you, if you don’t then they are not for you.
    The arguement of “they are not powerful enough” doesn’t ring true they are plenty powerful enough, its just you don’t like the feel and thats fine.
    I like them never had any issues and if blead properly they work as they should. Others don’t end of thread!

    Free Member

    While I totally get that Hope’s are not grabby and do require a bit more power to pull them on the difference is nothing like you describe compared to other brakes I have used. The difference tends to be about personal preference, nothing to do with how powerful they are in comparison with each other.

    Free Member

    For those having issues with Hope brakes, are you bleeding them properly? They have a good video online on how to do it. For me whenever I have had an issue it has been air trapped behind the piston which you can remove if you follow their bleed procedure properly.

    Free Member

    amazing when new but always ended up suffering from quite bad fade and lack of power.

    Answer bleed them properly

    weren’t up to the job of stopping or slowing me down over the fairly extreme terrain and rock rolls around Whistler and Tweed Valley

    Strange, as stated above mine lock up with 1 finger, just not as grabby as others, you either like that or don’t its a personal preference thing. Never felt under braked at any of those locations.

    I can actually adjust them unlike the hope which had to be the extremes of bite point at all times.

    The bite point adjustment on the hope tech lever is amazing, actually works so not sure what your issue was here, assume not bleed properly.

    Free Member

    I can only assume there was something wrong with your brakes or they were not blead properly. I have 3 sets of Hope E4’s and they all work properly. I have various friends who all run Hopes too and again they all perform like mine. Definitely nothing to do with tyres or finger strength.

    Free Member

    You either like Hopes lever feel or you don’t. It is entirely a personal preference thing.

    I have Hope E4’s and think they are superb. Nice solid feel because I have them blead properly with plenty power and great modulation. Those saying they are not powerful enough, I can’t understand this, easily lock up either wheel with one finger, how can you need more power than that? Yes they don’t have the instant grab feel of Shimano’s and if that’s what you like then you won’t like the Hopes.

    Where the Hopes excel is they are a quality product that will last years partly because each individual part is replaceable. If you like Hope lever feel and are willing to pay the premium price for a premium product then get them.

    If you don’t like the lever feel then get something else.

    Free Member


    I found the deal on U-Switch and then phoned EE and they offered that deal.

    Free Member

    Cheers folks, have managed to get a deal with EE of Sim only 10gb data & EU roaming for £10 a month which seams pretty decent and I don’t have the hassle of switching providers.

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